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Minor Test-11

(Nuclear Physics & Atomic/Molecular)


1. From the semi-empirical mass formula, the binding energy is given by

B  a1 A  a2 A2/3  a3 z 2 A1/3  a4 ( A  2 z ) 2 A1  
If a  14.1MeV , a  13.0MeV , a  0.58MeV , a  19.3MeV
1 2 3 4
The value of Z for most stable nuclei for A = 43 is
(a) 18 (b) 19 (c) 20 (d) 21
dB A A 43
0 z     19.7 20
A2/3  2 (0.015) (43)  2 (0.015(43)  2
dz a3
2/3 2/3


2. The single particle energy difference between the d-orbitals (i.e.1 d5/2 &1 d3/2 ) of the nucleus 114
50 Sn
is 5 MeV. The energy difference between the states in its 1f orbitals is
(a) 1 MeV (b)3 Mev (c) 5 MeV (d) 7 MeV
E  (2  1) or E  k (2  1) where k is constant
Now, 5 = k (22+1) ( for d-orbital  2 )
 k  1MeV
E for f-orbital (  3) is E  k (2  1)  1(2  3  1)
 E  7MeV

01-Murtikala Colony, Near Bhandari Hospital, Gopalpura Mode, Jaipur-

3. The 5B10 (α, p) 6C13 reaction shows among others a resonance for an excitation energy of the
compound nucleus of 13.23 MeV. The width of this level as found experimentally is 130 KeV.
The mean life of the nucleus for this excitation is
(a) 3x10-18 sec (b) 5x10-21 sec (c) 2x10-21 sec (d) 4x10-17 sec
B10  2 He4   7 N14  6 C13 1 H1


6.63 10–34
Mean life   3 –19
 5 10 –21 sec
(energy width) 2  3.14 130 10 1.6 10

4. For the reaction, p  p  p  p   0 to where target p is at rest, the threshold momentum of the
incident proton
[Given: mp = 938 MeV/c2, m 0 = 135 MeV/c2] required to initiate the reaction is
(a) 776.5 MeV/c (b) 280 MeV/c (c) 562 MeVc (c)1675 MeV/c
Q   2m p – 2m p – m 0  c 2  –135MeV

K Th 
–Q  4m p  m 0 
 135 
 4  938 135  279.714
2m p 2  938

K 2 Th  2K Th m p c 2  279.714 
 2  279.714  938
 PTh    776.5MeV / c
c c

5. Which of the following reactions is forbidden?

(a) e –  p  n  ve (b)   p  n   (c)  0  p  e –  e (d)  –   0  k –
In reaction,  –   0  k – , m –   m 0  m k – 
Thus, mass/energy is not conserved.

6. If reaction –  p  0  X is governed by strong interaction, then the particle X is

(a)  0 (b) K0 (c) n (d) K 0
X will have Q=0. strangeness S=+1 and Baryon number B=0
7. The   decay reaction is given by: 12 Mg 23 11 Na 23     e . If atomic masses of Mg 23 and
Na23 are 23.0002 and 22.99618 amu respectively, then the end point energy (maximum
energy) of the   particles is
(a) 1.36 MeV (b) 3.74 MeV (c) 3.23 MeV (d) 2.72 MeV
Maximum energy  Q   m Mg – m Na – 2m e  c 2
= (23.0002 –22.99618)931.5 – 2 × 0.51 MeV
= 2.72463 MeV

8. The quark content for  – ,  &  – are respectively

̅  𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑢𝑑𝑠
(a) 𝑑𝑠𝑠, 𝑢𝑑 (b) 𝑑𝑑𝑠, 𝑢𝑑̅  𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑠𝑠𝑑
(c)  𝑠𝑑𝑑, 𝑢𝑠̅  𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑠𝑠𝑑 (d)  𝑑𝑠𝑠, 𝑢𝑠̅ 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑑𝑠𝑠

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 – has S  –1, B  1& Q  –1  dds
 has S  0, Meson & Q  1  ud
 – has S  –2, B  1& Q  –1  ssd

9. A particle of mass M which is at rest in the laboratory, decays into two particles, one of which
has a mass M/2 while the other is massless. The magnitude of the momentum of each of the
particle in the laboratory frame, is
Mc 3Mc Mc 3Mc
(a) (b) (c) (d)
4 4 8 8
Let the decaying parent particle is A which has mass M and decays into particles B and C. The
mass of B is M/2 and C is massless i.e.
A  B C
mass M 0
momentum 0 PB pc
Applying conservation of energy, we get
EA = EB + EC
M 
 Mc =2
P c    c 4  pc c
2 2

 2 
M 2c 4
 Mc  p c  2
 pc c
2 2
B ……..(1)
Applying conservation of momentum, we get
PB = P C ………………..(2)
Putting PB = PC in equation (1), we get
M 2 c4
Mc 2  pc2c 2   Pc c
M 2 c4
Mc 2 – Pc c  pc2c 2 
Squaring on both sides, we get =
M 2c4
M 2 c 4 + pc2 c 2 - 2M pc c3 = pc2c 2 +
3M 2 c 4 3Mc
 2 MpC c 3 =  Pc 
4 8
Henece, momentum of product particles is

10. 6C
decays to 5B11 by positive  -emission. The maximum energy of the neutrino is [the
atomic masses of 6C11 and 5B11 are 11.011433 amu and 11.009305 amu]
(a) 1.98 MeV (b) 0.96 MeV (c) 1.47 MeV (d) 0.51 MeV

01-Murtikala Colony, Near Bhandari Hospital, Gopalpura Mode, Jaipur-

The positive  -emission reaction for this problem is given by

6 C 
 5 B11 1 e0  ve
The Q-value of the above reaction is given by
Q = [Matom (C) - Matom (B) - 2Me] x 931.5 MeV
= (11.011433–11.009305)× 931.5 MeV – 2 x 0.51 MeV
= 1.98 MeV -1.02 MeV = 0.96 MeV
The Q-value of the reaction will be shared as kinetic energy of particles positron and neutrino.
If the kinetic energy of positron becomes zero, then the Q-value will be equal to kinetic energy
of neutriono.
Thus, the maximum kinetic energy of neutrino
= Q-value of the reaction
= 0.96 MeV

11. The dominant interactions underlying the following processes:

A :  –  0   – , B : K –  p  0   are
–  K   K 0 , C : 0 
(a) A: strong, B: electromagnetic, C: weak (b) A: strong. B : weak, C: electromagnetic
(c) A:weak, B : strong. C : electromagnetic (d) A: electromagnetic, B : strong, C: weak
A:   0   
Q:  1 0  1  Q  0
B: 1 1 1  B  0
I:   0 1  I  0
 1
I3 :     0  1  I 3  0
 2
S :  2   1 0  S  1  0
Hence, the reaction is allowed via weak interation.
B: K  P    K  K0
Q:  1  1  1  1 0  Q  0
B  0 1 1 0 0  B  0
1 1 1 1
I:      0        I  0
2 2 2 2
Here  represents vector law of addition
 1 1 1  1
I3      0       I 3  0
 2 2 2  2
S :  1 0  3  1  1  S  0
Here, e represents vector law of addition.
C: 0   0  
In this reaction, a gamma photon is appearing as a product. The gamma photon is the quanta
of electromagnetic radiation. Hence, this reaction is allowed via electromagnetic interaction.

01-Murtikala Colony, Near Bhandari Hospital, Gopalpura Mode, Jaipur-

12. The first excited state of 182W is 2+ and is 100 keV above the ground state. The energy of third
excited state of 182W is
(a) 583 keV (b) 333 keV (c) 100 keV (d) 700 keV
The expression of energy for the rotational spectrum of nucleus is given by
Ej  j ( j  1) ....(1)
For ground state, j   0 , E0  0
For first excited state
2 2 2
j   2 , E2   2(2  1)  100keV  ....(2)6  
2I 2I 2I 6
For second excited state, the nuclear spin and parity will be 4 +, and energy
E4 
 4(4  1) ....(3)
For third excited state, the nuclear spin and parity will be 4+. The energy of third excited state
2 2
E6   6(6  1)   42   42  700keV
2I 2I 6

13. If a radioactive element P decays to Q. which in turn decays to a stable element R. The decay
constant from P to Q is 1 , and that from Q to R is 2 . If N0 be the number of parent atoms
initially, then the time at which the number of daughter nuclei Q will be maximum, is
       
log  2  log  1  log  1  log  2 
(a)  1  (b)  2  (c)  2  (d)  1 
 2  1   2  1   2  1   2  1 
For P  Q  R( stable)
N1  N 2  N 3
Decay rate is given by
 1 N1
dN 2
 1 N1  2 N 2
dN 3
 2 N 2
The number of P nuclei at t = 0 is N0.
The number of P nuclei at time t is given by
NP  N0 exp  2t  .... (1)
The number of Q-type nuclei at time t is
NQ  1 0 e 1t  e 2t  .... (2)
 2  1 
Let NQ, is maximum at t = tm,then

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dN Q
|t tm  0
d  1 N 0 
 
dt   2  1 
 e  1t  e  2t    0
 t t

1 N 0 

 2  1    1e   t  2 e   t    0
1 2

t t m

 e
   t
 2 e  2tm  1e  1tm  2 1 m

Taking log on both sides, we get
  log  2 / 1 
log  2    2  1  tm  tm 
 1   2  1 
14. For the  -decay nuclear reaction, 1 H 3  2 He3  e  ve the transition is
(a) Allowed both by fermi and Gamow-Teller selection rule
(b) Allowed by fermi and but not by Gamow-Teller selection rule
(c) Not allowed by fermi but allowed by Gamow-Teller selection rule
(d) Not allowed both by fermi and Gamow-Teller selection rule
The nuclear parity of 1H3 : Z = 1, N = 2
According to shell model. 2 neutrons will pair to give no contribution to the spin. One proton will
lie in 1 s1/ 2 shell. Thus, nuclear spin of , 1H3 nucleus is 1/2. The parity of ,1H3 nucleus
  1   1  1 even 

The nuclear spin-parity of 2He3:

Z = 2, N = 1
According to shell model, 2 protons will pair to give no contribution to the spin. One neutron will
lie in 1 s1/ 2 shell. Thus, nuclear spin of 2He3, nucleus is 1/2. The parity of 2He3 nucleus
  1   1  1 even 

In the reaction, 1 H 3 2 H 3  e  ve the nuclear spin-parity

 
1 1 1 1
  I  I i  I f    0, I  I f  0
2 2 2 2
and no change in parity. Therefore, this transition is allowed by both Fermi and Gamow-Teller
selection nule.

15. The uncertainty in the momentum of a nucleon within a nucleus varies with the mass number A
(a) A (b) A2 (c) A-2/3 (d) A-1/3
According to uncertainty principle, xpx 
The maximum uncertainty in position x  2 R  2 A1/3

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 px    px  A1/3
x A1/3

16. The ground state spectroscopic term forn d7 electronic state is :

(a) 4F3/2 (b) 4F9/2 (c) 2D5/2 (d) 2D3/2

1 1 1 3
  m  0  1  2  3 and s =   
2 2 2 2
Since, d-subshell is greater than half filled
Therefore, J-value corresponding to the grand state will be
3 9
J  s  3 
2 2
Therefore, the ground state spectroscopic term for nd7 is
FJ = 4F9/2

17. The magnetic moment (  ) of an electron in 3P1 states is :

3 3 3 3 3
(a) B (b) B (c) B (d) B
2 2 2 2
The magnetic moment,   g J
For 3P1 s = 1, = 1, J = 1
J  J  1    1  s  s  1 1 3
And g = 1+  1 
2J  J  1 2 2
3 3
    B  2  B
2 2

18. Consider the Zeeman effect of a single electron system for the 3d  3p electric dipole
transition. The fine structure line having the shortest frequency will split into
(a) 6 components (b) 9 components (c) 10 components (d) 14 components
Given that, 3d  3p transition fine structure transition is given as
For 3d:
1 3 5
 2,s  , J  ,
2 2 2
For 3p:

01-Murtikala Colony, Near Bhandari Hospital, Gopalpura Mode, Jaipur-

1 3 1
 1,s  ,J  ,
2 2 2

Hence, shortest frequency transition is 2D3/2 to 2P3/2 and the weak magnetic field these line
splitted according to mJ value. Which is shown in the following figure,

Hence, total number of lines are 9(including 3/2 to 1/2).

19. The K line of an unlnown material has energy of 66 keV. The atomic number of the unknown
material will be
(a) 47 (b) 63 (c) 77 (d) 82
For k line
1 2 1 1 1 3
 R  z  1      R  z  1

 1 4   4
hc 3
 R  z  1 hc

 4
 66KeV  13.6eV  z  1

 66 103  13.6  z  1

66000  4
   z  1
3 13.6
01-Murtikala Colony, Near Bhandari Hospital, Gopalpura Mode, Jaipur-
 80.4  z 1  81.4  z
Hence, z  82

20. A sample of certain element is placed in a magnetic field of 1T and suitably excited. The
Zeeman shift for the 600 nm spectral line of this element will be:
0 0 0 0
(a) 0.085 A (b) 0.17 A (c) 1 A (d) 0.34 A
The wave number separation between the components of a normal zeeman line is given by
eB 1.6 1019 1
    46.66cm1
4 cm 4  3.14  3 10  9.110
8 31

Now,   1,  +  0 |  |  2  600  600 1018  46.66m1  1680 1014 m

21. The wavelength of a certain transition from excited state, of life time 1.6 ns, is 3000 A . Then
coefficient of stimulated emisiuon (B) is (in m3/J-s2)
(a) 1021 (b) 10-21 (c) 1012 (d) 10-12
A 8 h 3
We know that, 
B c3
c3 c3 1
B A   where  is life-time
8 h 3
8 h 

3 1
 
3 10   1  0.1017 1022 11021
7 3

8 h  8  3.14  6.6 1034 1.6 109

22. The molecule 17O is

(a) Raman active but not NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) active
(b) Infared active and Raman active but not NMR active
(c) Raman active and NMR active
(d) Only NMR active
O2 is homonuclear molecules, due to change in polarizability, homonuclear molecules show
Raman Spectra. Also, the 17O2 molecule has non-zero (finite) nuclear spin. Thus, it will also
show NMR active.

23. If the average life time of an excited state is 10 -8 sec. How many revolutions does an electron
in the n = 2 state of a hydrogen atom make before dropping to the states?
(a) 8.2 × 1014 (b) 8.2 × 106 (c) 8.2 × 1011 (d) 8.2 × 107
The number of revolution of the election in the orbit per second is

01-Murtikala Colony, Near Bhandari Hospital, Gopalpura Mode, Jaipur-

v e2 n 2 h 2 0
f  , where v  and r 
2 r 2nh 0  me 2
me 4 me 4  2c   2c 
f   2 3  3 
 R  3 
4 0 n h
2 3 3
8 0 h c  n  n 

f 
R 2c
 f 
R c

1.097 10 m  3 10 m / sec   8.2 10
7 1 8
per sec
 2
4 4
Number of revolutions of the electron in its life time of 10-8 sec is
= (8.2 × 1014 /sec) (10-8 sec) = 8.2 × 106

24. A monochromatic source of wavelength 1.2  m is used to pick a particular laser cavity mode in
an optical resonator cavity of 24 cm. The output mode number will be (refractive index of
medium = 1)
(a) 2000 (b) 4000 (c) 20000 (d) 400000
mc c mc
Mode frequency vm   
2n0 d  2n0 d
2n0 d 2  1 24  102
 m   4, 00, 000
 1.2  106

25. The spin orbit interaction splitting of an energy level is

R 2 Z 4
T  cm 1
n3   1
The fine structure splitting of a level corresponding to the 2p state of the hydrogen atomis (
R 2  5.84cm 1 , where  is the fine structure constant).
(a) 0.185 cm-1 (b) 0.365 cm-1 (c) 0.984 cm-1 (c) 0.584 cm-1
The spin orbit interaction splitting ofan energy level is given by
R 2 Z 4
T  cm 1
n3   1
n  2,  1, Z  1; R 2  5.84cm 1
T   0.365
2  2 1

26. If a nucleus has spin j  , the shape of the nucleus will be

(a) (b) (c)

01-Murtikala Colony, Near Bhandari Hospital, Gopalpura Mode, Jaipur-

(d) Shape can not be predicted with the value of + j
Electric quadrupole (Q) moment is related with deviation in shape of nuclear from spherical
If Q=0, shape is spherical.
Q is also related with the nuclear spin 1,
3  2 j 1 2
Q  R
5  2 j  1 
with R  R0 A1/13 fm, radius of nucleus.
 1 
 2  1 
1 3 2
For j  , Q    R 0

2 1
5  2  2
 2 

27. A -photon of energy 1.25 MeV is emitted from 12Mg25 nucleus in excited state initially at rest.
The recoiled kinetic energy of the nucleus is
[Given: 1 amu=931.5 MeV/c2]
(a) 3.35 × 10-5 MeV (b) 1.25 MeV (c) 5.25 × 10-9 MeV (d) 3.35 × 10-8 MeV
Mg nucleus in excited state come to ground state by emitting photon
Mg *  Mg  
Excited Ground
state state

From momentum conservation: initially Mg* was at rest

pi  pMg  p  0
 pMg   p  p (let)
Kinetic energy of the recoiled nucleus is K.E =
2 M mg
E 2 
Momentum of photon is related with p  E p 2c 2   M , c 2  
c  
p2 E2
 K .E.    p j   pMg 
2M Mg 2M Mg c 2
Putting MMg = 25 amu, E = 1.25 MeV

 K .E   3.35  105 Mev

2.  25  931.5 

28. A radioactive substance has initially 3 mole with half life time T = 5 hour. How many moles of
nuclei get decayed in time 10 hours? [Use: e–1.386 0.25]
(a) 2.77 mole (b) 1.5 mole (c) 0.75 mole (d) 2.25 mole

01-Murtikala Colony, Near Bhandari Hospital, Gopalpura Mode, Jaipur-

Using N = N 0 e  t
N = Number of nuclei present in sample at any time t.
N0 = Number of nuclei present at t = 0.
 t
 0.693 
N  N0e T1/2  T 
 
 10 hr
 N0e 5 hr

 N0 e   0.6932
 0.25N0
Number of nuclei decayed.
N '  N0  N  N0  0.25N0  0.75N0  2.25 mole

29. The  0 -hyperon, decays to  0   with a mean life time of 7.4 x 10-20 sec. The decay with of
 0 -hyperon, in keV is
(a) 9.85 (b) 4.96 (c) 4.45 (d) 8.87
For  0 -hyperon, the decay width is given by
 , where  is the mean-life time of  0 -hyperon

The mean life time of  0 -hyperon is  = 7.4 x 10-20 sec
6.6 1034
  20 19
 8.87 103 eV  8.87keV
2  3.14  7.4 10 1.6 10

30. The spin and parity JP for the nuclei 3Li7 and 11Na23 in ground state are respectively
3 3 3– 5 3– 5– 3 3–
(a) and (b) and (c) and (d) and
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
   
2 1 1
3 Li 7
: z  3; 1
S1/2 P3/2  J P

S P  P d 
2 4 2 3
For 11 Na 23 : z  11; 1

5 3
Shell Model gives J P  but experiment value is
2 2

01-Murtikala Colony, Near Bhandari Hospital, Gopalpura Mode, Jaipur-


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