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Fiber Networks Indonesia

Perkantoran Tanjung Mas B1/5 Jl. Raya Tanjung
Barat, Jakarta Selatan12530 T. 02178833478
F.02178846122 W.

Jakarta,02 Mei 2023

Kepada Yth,
Ibu Endiyah
SMP AL - Jannah

Perihal : Internet Dedicated

Dengan hormat,
Bersama ini saya dari PT. Fiber Networks Indonesia ingin memberikan penawaran internet

Product Bandwidth Monthly Installation

(Rp) ( Rp)

Internet Dediceted Access

CIR 1:1 100 Mbps 5.000.000 3.000.000
Media Fiber Optic

What You Get in Packages :

• Pure Guarantee Dedicated Connection Link & Symmetric (Download = Upload)

• Service Level Agreement ( SLA ) 99.5%
• IP Public static /29
• 24 hours non stop internet connection.
• 24 x 7 x 365 Call Center & Network Operation Center (NOC).
• Real time bandwidth monitoring by Multi Router Traffic Grapher (MRTG) full access.
• Connection by RJ-45 (Ethernet Cable), to your router, firewall, proxy or LAN switch
• Free 1 Access Point (menjadi milik client setelah kontrak selsai)

Terms and Conditions :

• Minimum 3 years contract with photocopy SIUP / NPWP enclosed.

• Advance payment for installation of subscription fees.
• All Prices are excluded any applicable taxes
• Installation within max 45 days after signing the contract, receipt payment of deposit, installation & first month of
subscription fees.

Provided By Customers :
1. Local Area Network (LAN).
2. Router and Hub/Switch for connection and internet sharing.
Other Charges :
1. Installation charge is excluded customer premise advance cost such as mini tower, building license and additional
material non standard in customer site.

PT. Fiber Networks Indonesia
Perkantoran Tanjung Mas B1/5 Jl. Raya Tanjung
Barat, Jakarta Selatan12530 T. 02178833478
F.02178846122 W.

Demikian surat penawaran saya ini. Atas perhatian dan minat yang diberikan, saya mengucapkan terima kasih.

Yursulin Ivana
Senior Account Manager


Komp. Perkantoran Tanjung Mas Blok B1 No. 5
Jl.Raya Tanjung Barat , Jakarta Selatan 12530
Telp. 089685877541

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