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Conception et calcul des chaudières R

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P CONCEPTION ET CALCUL DES CHAUDIÈRES _________________________________________________________________________________________________
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Association Française de Normalisation AFNOR British Standards Institution BSI
BS 2885 1974 Code for acceptance tests on stationary steam generators of
NF E 32-100 1-90 Code de construction des générateurs de vapeur. 272 p. the power station type.
comprend 8 parties de E 32-101 à E 32-120, dont E
32-103 : calcul de résistance des éléments soumis à International Organization for Standardization ISO
une pression intérieure.
ISO/R 831 1968 Rules for construction of stationary boilers.
Deutsches Institut für Normung DIN
Codes de construction et d’essais
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee, Boiler and Pressure Vessel
E DIN 1942 6-79 Abnahmeversuche an Dampferzeugern. Code (New York) éd. American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

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Doc. B 1 464 − 2 est strictement interdite. − © Techniques de l’Ingénieur.
_________________________________________________________________________________________________ CONCEPTION ET CALCUL DES CHAUDIÈRES
CODAP 1980. — Code français de construction des appareils à pression. Éd. ASME Performance test codes ; PTC 19.5, Supplements on instruments and
Syndicat de la Chaudronnerie (Paris) 1980.

ASME Steam generating units. ASME Performance test codes PTC 4.1,
apparatus (New York) American Society of Mechanical Engineers, latest
edition. R
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (New York), latest edition.
ASTM Standards, Part 26, Gaseous fuels : coal and coke ; Atmospheric
ASME Steam generating units. Power test codes (Bilan des générateurs de analysis. D 2015, Test for gross calorific value of solid fuel by the adiabatic
vapeur). PTC 4.1, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1964, additifs
1968 et 1969.
bomb calorimeter ; D 2961, Test for total moisture in coal reduced to No. 8 top
sieve size (limited purpose method) ; D 3172, Proximate analysis of coal and
coke ; D 3173, Test for moisture in the analysis sample of coal and coke ;
ASME Perfomance test codes : PTC 1, General instructions. PTC 2, Code on
definitions and values ; PTC 3.1, Diesel and burner fuels ; PTC 3.2, Solid fuels ;
PTC 3.3, Gaseous fuels ; PTC 4.2, Coal pulverizers ; PTC 4.3, Air heaters ;
D 3174 Test for ash in the analysis sample of coal and coke ; D 3177, Test for
total sulfur in the analysis sample of coal and coke ; D 3178, Test for carbon
PTC 11, Fans ; PTC 21, Dust separating apparatus ; PTC 27, Determining dust and hydrogen in the analysis sample of coal and coke ; D 3180, Calculating
concentration in a gas stream (New York) American Society of Mechanical coal and analysis from As-Determined to different bases ; D 3286, Test for
Engineers, latest edition.
gross calorific value of solid fuel by isothermaljacket bomb calorimeter ; D
ASME Performance test codes : PTC 19.3, Temperature measurement (New
York) American Society of Mechanical Engineers, latest edition.
3302, Test for total moisture in coal ; (Philadelphie) American Society for
Testing and Materials, latest edition.
Fabricants. Constructeurs
(listes non exhaustive) V
Le Syndicat National de la Chaudronnerie, de la Tôlerie et de la Tuyauterie Industrielle (SNCT) peut à la demande fournir la liste de ses adhérents. O
Citons toutefois
Babcock & Wilcox : I
Babcock Wanson. :
CNIM Constructions Navales et Industrielles de la Méditerranée. :
Sereys. Thermique
Socomas. :
Stein Fasel.
Stein Heurtey. :

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