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Defining Acute Renal Failure:

The RIFLE Criteria
Ramesh Venkataraman, MD
John A. Kellum, MD

used in clinical trials, no consensus exists about

Acute renal failure is common among critically ill patients
and carries significant morbidity and mortality. The what functions of the kidney should be assessed,
reported incidence and the attributed morbidity and mor- what variables should be used to define ARF, and
tality of acute renal failure vary widely, largely owing to how different degrees of renal dysfunction should
the use of a wide variety of definitions for acute renal fail- be described and quantified [2]. The failure to have
ure. Until recently, no consensus existed about how to best
a standard case definition has made it difficult to
define, characterize, and study acute renal failure. This
lack of a standard definition has been a major impediment interpret the results of clinical trials, develop prog-
to the progress of clinical and basic research in this field. nostic scores, and thereby, has significantly hin-
This review outlines some of the physiologic principles dered clinical and scientific progress in this field.
that may help us better understand and define acute renal
failure and describes the RIFLE criteria (an acronym com-
prising Risk, Injury, and Failure; and Loss, and End-stage
kidney disease), a recent consensus method of defining Current Challenges and Limitations
and stratifying acute renal failure. Also discussed are many
of the challenges and controversies associated with achiev- The standard definition of ARF as “an abrupt sus-
ing consensus and developing a classification for acute
tained decline in renal function” is regrettably sub-
renal dysfunction.
jective and unclear about what abrupt (how fast),
Key words: acute renal failure, definitions, RIFLE criteria sustained (how long), or decline (how much) really
mean. It is also unclear which specific functions of
the kidney have to be altered to qualify as ARF. In
general, definitions of ARF need to be based on
Acute Renal Failure:
commonly accepted principles of physiology, clini-
Failure of Definitions cal course, histopathology, and prognosis. One
might argue that although the kidney has numerous
Acute renal failure (ARF) is generally defined as an functions, including fluid and solute excretion,
abrupt and sustained decline in the renal function electrolyte and acid-base regulation, erythropoiesis,
that leads to an accumulation of nitrogenous waste and endocrine functions, only functions that are
products and uremic toxins. More than 35 different very specific to the kidney and are routinely and
definitions have been used in the literature, how- easily measured at the bedside are good candidates
ever, creating much confusion and making compar- for defining variables. Only 2 functions of the kidney
isons difficult [1,2]. Despite the many definitions meet these criteria: urine production and excretion
of nitrogenous wastes. Thus, clinicians and researchers
have loosely defined ARF as an abrupt and sus-
From The CRISMA (Clinical Research, Investigation, and Systems tained decrease in glomerular filtration or urine out-
Modeling of Acute Illness) Laboratory, Department of Critical
put, or both.
Care Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.
Even if agreement exists on what functions of
Received May 8, 2006, and in revised form Aug 29, 2006. the kidney should be used to define ARF, several
Accepted for publication Sep 4, 2006.
terms, including abrupt, sustained, and decrease,
Address correspondence to John A. Kellum, MD, Room 608 still need to be quantified better. The inherent
Scaife Hall, The CRISMA Laboratory, Department of Critical Care problem of quantifying each of these variables is
Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, 3550 Terrace St, Pittsburgh,
that the selection of any arbitrary cutoff value might
PA 15261, or e-mail:
compromise the sensitivity or specificity of the def-
Venkataraman R, Kellum JA. Defining acute renal failure: the inition [1]. In addition, ARF is not a dichotomous
RIFLE criteria. J Intensive Care Med. 2007;22:187-193.
variable; hence, the use of a dichotomous classifi-
DOI: 10.1177/0885066607299510 cation system (ARF present or absent) will always

Copyright © 2007 Sage Publications 187

Venkataraman and Kellum

lead to some milder forms (poor sensitivity) being Table 1. Estimated Baseline Creatinine
missed or some patients being included who never
Men, mg/dL Women, mg/dL
really had the condition at all (poor specificity).
(μmol/L) (μmol/L)
Finally, the natural history of ARF often begins with
mild signs and progresses to more severe. Clinicians Age (years) Black Other Black Other
may be interested in detecting early ARF even when
20-24 1.5 (133) 1.3 (115) 1.2 (106) 1.0 (88)
they are primarily interested in the severe form.
25-29 1.5 (133) 1.2 (106) 1.1 (97) 1.0 (88)
Because of these reasons, the perfect quantitative
30-39 1.4 (124) 1.2 (106) 1.1 (97) 0.9 (80)
definition for ARF is difficult to develop and will 40-54 1.3 (115) 1.1 (97) 1.0 (88) 0.9 (80)
likely never exist. 55-65 1.3 (115) 1.1 (97) 1.0 (88) 0.8 (71)
>65 1.2 (106) 1.0 (88) 0.9 (80) 0.8 (71)
Estimated glomerular filtration rate = 75 mL/(min ⋅ 1.73 m2) =
Patients With Unknown 186 × (serum creatinine) − 1.154 × (age) − 0.203 × (0.742 if
Baseline Renal Function female) × (1.210 if black) = exp(5.228 – 1.154 × In(serum crea-
tinine) − 0.203 × In(Age) − (0.299 if female) + (0.192 if black).
From Bellomo R, Ronco C, Kellum JA, Mehta RL, Palevsky P, Acute
Changes in serum creatinine level from baseline
Dialysis Quality Initiative Workgroup. Acute renal failure⎯
reflect changes in the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) definition, outcome measures, animal models, fluid therapy and
and renal function. However, when baseline GFR is information technology needs: the Second International Consensus
not known, it will be impossible to accurately deter- Conference of the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI) Group.
mine the degree of decline in renal function. One Crit Care. 2004;8:R204-R212. Used with permission.
option is to calculate a theoretic baseline serum cre-
atinine value assuming a normal GFR [3]. A normal
GFR of approximately 75 to 100 mL/(min ⋅ 1.73 m2)
can be assumed by normalizing the GFR to the body Existing Markers to Define Acute Renal
surface area [4], and thus, a change from baseline Failure and Their Limitations
can be estimated for a given patient. Finally, the sim-
plified modification of diet in renal disease (MDRD) Clinically available markers potentially useful in
formula provides a robust estimate of GFR relative to defining ARF include serum blood urea nitrogen
the serum creatinine value based on age, race, and (BUN) and creatinine, urine output, creatinine clear-
sex [5,6] (Table 1). All of these approaches, however, ance (CrCl), and other markers of tubular injury.
assume normal baseline renal function and are Most of these markers, although easily available
bound to misclassify some patients. and clinically relevant, may not be a true reflection
of renal function in critically ill patients.
The excretion of water-soluble solutes and urine
Acute-on-Chronic Renal Failure production are the result of glomerular filtration,
and clinicians have generally equated these func-
If a patient has known or unknown preexisting tions of the kidney to the GFR. As a result, most
renal dysfunction, defining acute-on-chronic renal definitions of ARF use an indirect estimate of GFR
failure becomes a difficult proposition. First, the (serum creatinine), solute clearance (BUN), and/or
MDRD equation cannot be used to predict baseline urine output over time (eg, 500 mL over 24 hours
serum creatinine and GFR. Second, the patient’s [7-9]; however, such a thought process is flawed
starting position in the spectrum and progression of both physiologically and conceptually.
renal dysfunction will be more advanced. Hence,
the relative decrease in renal function required by a
given patient with preexisting renal dysfunction to Glomerular Filtration Rate
reach any given cutoff value of serum creatinine
used to define ARF is smaller. Changes in serum cre- The GFR varies widely as a function of normal
atinine from baseline in these patients thus do not physiology and disease [10], and baseline GFR does
truly reflect the degree, rate, and severity of renal not necessarily correspond to the extent of the
injury. It seems that either a different set of criteria functioning renal mass [11]. Without knowing what
will be needed in patients with preexisting renal the maximal GFR (renal reserve) would be in a
dysfunction or some absolute creatinine criteria will given patient, measurements of GFR will not yield
need to be integrated into the classification system. an accurate estimate of the global renal function

188 Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 22(4); 2007

Definitions for ARF

[12]. However, GFR and estimates thereof, such as Creatinine Clearance

CrCl and serum creatinine level, remain useful mea-
sures for assessing renal function. For example, a The 24-hour CrCl is used in clinical practice as a sur-
GFR of less than 30 mL/(min ⋅ 1.73 m2) will denote rogate marker of renal function; however, a 24-hour
severe renal dysfunction in most patients, corre- urine collection period delays the availability of the
sponding to stage 4 in chronic kidney disease. result and increases the potential for collection errors.
A GFR of less than 10 to 15 mL/(min ⋅ 1.73 m2) usu- Recent studies have compared 12-hour CrCl [19] and
ally requires dialysis, again in patients with chronic 2 × 2-hour CrCl [20] and have found them to be just
disease [13]. as accurate as the standard 24-hour CrCl to assess
renal function. Once validated in larger studies, 2-hour
CrCls may serve as a good bedside estimate of renal
Blood Urea Nitrogen function. However, like serum creatinine, CrCl does
not reflect the true GFR in nonsteady states such
and Serum Creatinine as ARF; in fact, CrCl usually overestimates the GFR.
As the GFR decreases, tubular creatinine secretion
Blood urea nitrogen is a nonspecific indicator of
increases, resulting in a smaller rise in serum creati-
renal function and a poor surrogate for GFR [14]
nine [3]. Creatinine excretion is consequently greater
and will not be discussed further in this review. In
than the filtered load, leading to an overestimation of
a critically ill patient, BUN can vary independently
GFR [21]. For this reason, serum creatinine will under-
of the renal function for a multitude of reasons,
estimate GFR during the evolution of ARF. Other
including gastrointestinal bleeding, steroid adminis-
accurate methods of determining GFR, such as inulin
tration, and nutritional status. Thus, changes in
clearance, are generally not practical or feasible for
BUN do not reliably convey the degree of uremia
the bedside clinician.
in any given patient.
Serum creatinine, however, is much more spe-
cific at assessing renal function than BUN, and most
ARF definitions use some cutoff value of serum cre- Urine Output
atinine. Several noteworthy studies have found an
inverse relationship between serum creatinine Urine output is the most commonly measured and
levels and outcomes in ARF [9,15-17]. The expla- monitored parameter for renal function in the critical
nation for this finding may be because several care setting. Patients with oliguric ARF have a poorer
extrarenal factors such as muscle mass, volume of prognosis compared with nonoliguric ARF. Although
distribution for creatinine, creatinine production, urine output is very sensitive to renal hemodynam-
and liver function can significantly alter serum cre- ics, and changes in urine output often occur before
atinine in critically ill patients, and caution must be other biochemical changes are seen, severe renal
used in interpreting serum creatinine values alone failure can occur despite adequate or even excess
as a marker for ARF. urine output (so-called nonoliguric renal failure). In
Furthermore, as GFR decreases, tubular secre- a critically ill but volume-repleted and hemodynam-
tion of creatinine increases, leading to relatively ically stable patient, low urine output can serve as a
smaller rises in serum creatinine [3]. Serum creati- sensitive clinical marker for the development of ARF
nine levels can thus underestimate the degree of and has a good positive predictive value. However,
renal dysfunction⎯or overestimate the GFR⎯during because urine output can be nonspecifically increased
the evolution of ARF. by interventions in the intensive care unit (ICU) and
Finally, although changes in serum creatinine because renal failure can occur despite good urine
reflect changes in GFR [18], an estimate of GFR output, its negative predictive value is rather poor
based on the serum creatinine value is valid only at (ie, the presence of good urine output does not
steady state, and no single creatinine value corre- exclude renal dysfunction).
sponds to a given GFR across all patients. Because by Several important caveats thus have to be con-
definition ARF is not a steady state, GFR estimates sidered and understood when urine output is used
based on serum creatinine values are not accurate as a clinical marker for ARF in the ICU:
and lead to falsely high GFR estimations. For the
purposes of determining if renal function is stable, 1. Although decreased urine output may point
or getting worse or better, monitoring serum creati- toward the onset of renal dysfunction in an
nine alone is very adequate. adequately resuscitated patient, the degree of

Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 22(4); 2007 189

Venkataraman and Kellum

oliguria does not necessarily correlate with the preceded that of creatinine [35]. Moreover, according
severity of renal injury. to the R, I, and F criteria of RIFLE, cystatin C detected
2. The urine output in many circumstances contin- renal dysfunction 2 days earlier than did creatinine.
ues to be adequate despite onset and progression It also predicted the long-term need for renal
of renal dysfunction (ie, nonoliguric renal failure).
replacement therapy (RRT) for ARF moderately well.
3. Multiple interventions in the ICU, including
A subsequent study evaluated serum cystatin C as
diuretics, dopamine, and solute diuresis with
mannitol, can lead to a disproportionately a marker of renal function in ARF and its power in
higher urine output compared with the severity predicting the survival rate of ARF patients [29]. Serum
of renal failure. cystatin C, plasma creatinine, and plasma urea levels
4. Initiation of dialysis can lead to decreases in were measured in 202 patients on admission to the
urine output without necessarily implying ICU, daily during the first 3 days, and 5 to 7 times a
worsening renal function. week during the rest of their ICU stay. This study
5. Nonoliguric renal failure has a better prognosis found that serum cystatin C showed excellent positive
than oliguric renal failure, but the use of diuret- predictive value for ARF in critical illness; however, it
ics to increase urine output does not seem to was not clinically useful in predicting mortality.
alter the prognosis [22] and might even result in
Investigators using a genome-wide interrogation
harm [23,24].
strategy have identified NAGL, which over-expresses
proteins in the kidney after ischemia [36,37], as 1 of
the most strikingly up-regulated genes. Mishra et al
Markers of Renal Tubular Injury [25] conducted a small clinical study of 71 children
undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass. Serial urine and
Several serum and urinary markers, such as neu- blood samples were analyzed by Western blots and
trophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) [25], enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for NGAL expres-
kidney injury molecule-1 (KIM-1) [26], cysteine- sion. Multivariate analysis showed that the amount of
rich protein 61 [27], spermidine/spermine N(1)- NGAL in urine at 2 hours after cardiopulmonary
acetyltransferase [28], cystatin C [29], and urine bypass was the most powerful independent predictor
interleukin-18 (IL-18) [30,31], have been identified of acute renal injury. The study also revealed that for
as potential markers of early tubular injury. the concentration of NGAL in the urine at 2 hours, the
Of these markers, cystatin C has been evaluated area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve
most extensively. Cystatin C is a nonglycosylated was 0.998, sensitivity was 1.00, and specificity was
protein that is produced at a constant rate by nucle- 0.98 for a cutoff value of 50 μg/L.
ated cells. It is found in relatively high concentra- The type 1 transmembrane protein KIM-1 has an
tions in many body fluids, and its low molecular immunoglobulin and mucin domain, and its
weight (13.3 kDa) and positive charge at physio- expression is markedly up-regulated in the proxi-
logic pH levels facilitate its glomerular filtration. It mal tubule in the postischemic kidney in rat mod-
is later reabsorbed and almost completely catabo- els. Han et al [26] evaluated the expression of KIM-1
lized in the proximal renal tubule. Because of its in a pilot study of 6 patients with biopsy-proven
constant rate of production, its serum concentration acute tubular necrosis. They found extensive
is therefore determined by glomerular filtration. expression of KIM-1 in proximal tubule cells in
Corticosteroids [32] and thyroid dysfunction [33] can biopsy specimens from all patients with confirmed
affect cystatin C levels, but its concentration is unaf- acute tubular necrosis. Moreover, when adjusted
fected by infections, liver disease, and inflammatory for age, gender, length of time delay between the
disease. For these reasons, cystatin C has the poten- initial insult, and sampling of the urine, a 1-unit
tial to be a useful marker in detecting ARF. increase in normalized KIM-1 was associated with a
Villa et al [34] conducted an evaluation of serum greater than 12-fold (odds ratio, 12.4; 95% CI, 1.2-119)
cystatin C concentration as a real-time marker of risk for the presence of acute tubular necrosis.
ARF in critically ill patients and demonstrated that Interleukin-18 has been shown to be an important
cystatin C correlated better with GFR than creati- mediator of inflammation. Urine IL-18 levels have been
nine and was diagnostically superior to creatinine shown to increase in patients with acute tubular
(area under the curve [AUC] for cystatin C, 0.927; necrosis, both in animal models and human studies
95% confidence interval [CI], 86.1-99.4; AUC for cre- [30,31]. In humans, IL-18 was shown to have a sen-
atinine, 0.694; 95% CI, 54.1-84.6) [34]. sitivity and specificity of more than 90% for the diag-
Herget-Rosenthal et al [35] evaluated early detec- nosis of established kidney injury [31]. In this study, on
tion of ARF by cystatin C and showed that the multivariable analysis, the urine IL-18 concentration
increase in blood levels of this marker significantly was an independent predictor of mortality.

190 Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 22(4); 2007

Definitions for ARF

Large trials evaluating the usefulness of various renal disease in RIFLE criteria are separated to
biomarkers for early detection of ARF in patients acknowledge the important adaptations that occur
are lacking; however, biomarkers theoretically could in end-state renal disease that are not seen in
be important in the diagnosis and management of patients with ARF. Persistent ARF is defined as a
ARF. Currently available serum markers for other need for RRT for more than 4 weeks, whereas end-
disease processes such as troponin-I and brain stage renal disease is defined as the need for RRT
natriuretic peptide have correlated fairly well with for more than 3 months.
the degree of the underlying disease. Serum brain Although RIFLE criteria use both creatinine and
natriuretic peptide levels also trend down with ade- urine output, differences between oliguric and nono-
quate response to therapy. Theoretically, serial liguric ARF likely exist. Moreover, oliguria in ARF can
measurement of a biomarker could potentially help occur independent of the degree of renal dysfunc-
clinicians pick up early disease and follow the tion, multiple mechanisms lead to oliguria, and more
response to treatment once disease is advanced. than 1 mechanism may exist in any given patient.
With ongoing research, such a biomarker for ARF is One limitation of the RIFLE criteria is that it
perhaps not too far off in the future. Further purely denotes the different severities of ARF without
research exploring the value of biomarkers in terms providing any insight into the pathophysiology of
of prognosticating in patients with ARF (both sur- increased serum creatine or oliguria, or both. Patients
vival and renal recovery) will also be necessary. with similar ARF severities according to RIFLE crite-
ria but with different pathophysiologic mechanisms
could have different outcomes. For example, patients
RIFLE Criteria with decreased urine output and increased serum
creatinine caused by urinary obstruction have a
Based on these principles, in an effort to encom- much better outcome compared with patients with
pass the entire range of acute abnormalities in renal similar levels of derangement caused by septic shock.
function, the term acute renal dysfunction (ARD) The RIFLE classification also uses urine output as 1
was used by the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative of its variables to classify the degree of ARF.
(ADQI) group, an international, interdisciplinary
collaboration ( Later, the term acute
kidney injury (AKI) was proposed by the Acute
Validating RIFLE Criteria
Kidney Injury Network (AKIN) as an alternative.
The ADQI workgroup considered the definition of
Several investigators have already applied the
ARD/AKI to require the following features:
RIFLE criteria to the clinical evaluation of ARF.
Cystatin C has recently been shown to presage var-
• ease of use and clinical applicability;
• high sensitivity and specificity for different pop-
ious stages of renal dysfunction defined by the
ulations and research questions; RIFLE criteria [35]. Hoste et al [38] prospectively
• consideration of creatinine change from baseline; analyzed data from 5313 patients and found the
and clinical severity of the RIFLE criteria to correlate
• implementation of classifications for acute-on- well with increasing mortality. A recent single-center
chronic renal disease. study evaluated the RIFLE criteria in 183 patients
and concluded that RIFLE classification can improve
This group then formulated a multilevel classifi- the ability of established ICU scoring systems such
cation system (RIFLE), in which a wide range of dis- as Acute Physiology And Chronic Health Evaluation
ease spectra can be included [12]. The RIFLE defines (APACHE)–II and Simplified Acute Physiology Score
3 grades of increasing severity of ARD as risk (R), (SAPS)–II in predicting the outcome of ICU patients
injury (I), and failure (F) as well as the 2 outcome with ARF [39].
variables of loss (L) and end-stage kidney disease (E). Recently, Kuitunen et al [40] used RIFLE criteria
A unique feature of the RIFLE classification is that it to determine the incidence of postoperative renal
provides for 3 grades of severity of ARD based on dysfunction in 813 patients after cardiac surgery
urine output or changes in the serum creatinine and its association with mortality. They demon-
value from the baseline condition, whichever is strated that RIFLE criteria were comparable with the
more severe (Figure 1). For example, a patient who change in plasma creatinine and change in esti-
has no urine output for 12 hours will be classified as mated GFR in discriminating 90-day mortality (AUC
RIFLE-F, irrespective of what the serum creatinine for RIFLE criteria, 0.824). In this study, multivariate
is. The 2 clinical outcomes of loss and end-stage logistic regression analysis showed the RIFLE criteria

Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 22(4); 2007 191

Venkataraman and Kellum

GFR Criteria Urine Output Criteria

Increased SCreat x 1.5 or UO < 0.5 mL/kg/h
GFR decrease > 25% x6h
Increased SCreat x 2
UO < 0.5 mL/kg/h
or GFR decrease > 50%
Injury x 12 h

Increased SCreat x 3 UO < 0.3 mL/kg/h

GFR decrease 75%, x 24 h or

Failure or SCreat? 4 mg/dL Anuria x 12 h
Acute rise ≥ 0.5 mg/dL
Persistent ARF = complete loss
of kidney function > 4 weeks
End-Stage Kidney Disease
ESKD (> 3 months)

Fig 1. The RIFLE classification (risk, injury, failure, loss, end-stage kidney disease [EKSD]) scheme for acute renal fail-
ure (ARF). The classification system includes separate criteria for serum creatinine (SCreat) and urine output (UO). The
criteria that lead to the worst possible classification should be used. Note that RIFLE-F is present even if the increase in
serum creatinine is less than 3-fold so long as the new serum creatinine value is ≥4.0 mg/dL (350 μmol/L) in the setting
of an acute increase of at least 0.5 mg/dL (44 μmol/L). The shape of the figure denotes the fact that more patients (high
sensitivity) will be included in the mild category, including some without actually having renal failure (less specificity).
In contrast, at the bottom, the criteria are strict and therefore specific, but some patients will be missed. GFR = glomeru-
lar filtration rate. From Bellomo R, Ronco C, Kellum JA, Mehta RL, Palevsky P, Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative Workgroup.
Acute renal failure⎯definition, outcome measures, animal models, fluid therapy and information technology needs: the
Second International Consensus Conference of the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI) Group. Crit Care. 2004;8:
R204-R212. Used with permission.

were also effective in discriminating 90-day mortality,

whereas changes in plasma creatinine and/or esti-
mated GFR were not. It is clear that lack of a standardized classification
Two recent studies have also sought to deter- system has hindered advancement of clinical
mine whether RIFLE criteria can aid in risk predic- research in the prevention and treatment of ARF.
tion among patients receiving RRT. Bell et al [41] Existing definitions of ARF have major limitations.
evaluated the association between mortality and There is currently no accurate, easily available mea-
RIFLE classification in 207 patients receiving con- sure of GFR (renal function) in ARF. Traditional sur-
tinuous RRT at a university hospital in Sweden [41]. rogate measures such as serum creatinine have
They demonstrated that when continuous RRT was shown limited correlation with GFR. No good
started in patients with a more severe RIFLE cate- method to differentiate mild from moderate or
gory (RIFLE-F and RIFLE-L), their 30-day mortality severe renal dysfunction currently exists. Several
was significantly higher (>50%) compared with serum and urine markers of tubular injury are being
those stated at a RIFLE-I or RIFLE-R (<25%). Abosaif studied; although promising, they are not yet ready
et al [39] showed that the use of RIFLE improved for clinical use.
calibration and discrimination of scores for APACHE Underlying pathophysiologic principles of ARF
and SAPS-II for 183 patients with AKI on ICU admis- should be used to guide the development of defin-
sion. Thus, the application of RIFLE criteria has itions of ARF. The RIFLE criteria are the first inter-
been demonstrated to be a valuable prognostic tool national, interdisciplinary criteria for the classification
in a number of different settings. of ARF. The criteria have now been prospectively

192 Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 22(4); 2007

Definitions for ARF

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