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How comes before the indefinite article, but they demand that the noun phrase
comprise a gradable adjective and have a singular countable noun as its head. They
make the adjective move in front of the article in this use.
3.1 Research-governing orientations
3.1.1 Research approaches
Linguistic orientation is based on to deliver anticipated study findings with the
aim of determining the similarities and differences of linguistic aspects of
exclamations in English with reference to Vietnamese. The author had to compile a
significant amount of exclamation in English with reference to Vietnamese since
exclamation occurs less frequently than narrative. Multiple methodologies will be
employed in a flexible mix to conduct an inquiry that is effective.
First, using Vietnamese as a comparison, the descriptive technique describes
the syntactic, pragmatic, and cultural characteristics of exclamations in English.
Additionally, contrastive analysis is used to determine the syntactic, pragmatic,
and cultural similarities and differences between English and Vietnamese
Moreover, error analysis is used to find out the particular mistakes made by
students at People‟s Public Security of Technology and Logistics when using
exclamations in English.
In order to determine the errors produced by Vietnamese students when
utilizing and interpreting English exclamations, a questionnaire is employed.
This enables the research to offer a number of recommendations for improving
English exclamation translation and instruction.
3.1.2 Research questions
In order to achieve the objectives of the research, chapter four of this thesis
would be conducted to find answer to the following questions.
(i) What are the syntactic, pragmatic and cultural features of English
(ii) What are the similarities and differences between English and
Vietnamese exclamations from syntactic, pragmatic and cultural perspectives?
(iii) What should be done to help teachers and learners of English at
People‟s Police university of Technology and Logistics learn and translate English
exclamations effectively?
3.1.3 Research setting
With the goal of assisting language learners in mastering English and
Vietnamese exclamations from syntactic, pragmatic, and cultural perfectives, the
study is carried out in an educational setting. The topic-related materials are gathered
from academic publications, course texts, dictionaries, survey questions, and websites.
The best candidates are then selected for the study's theoretical framework.
In each research project, the data setup is the most crucial phase. Three primary
steps make up this process. To start, the writer compiled 173 examples of English
exclamations with references to Vietnamese from various English and Vietnamese
publications, research papers, and online sources to create the corpus for this thesis.
Second, the Chapter II was supported by a collection of grammar books and
associated literature. For the requirement to provide the theoretical foundation for this
thesis to be completed, books on grammar, syntactic, pragmatic, and stylistic means as
well as culture and language are employed. In order to investigate some proposals for
teaching, learning, and interpreting English exclamations at People's Public Security
of Technology and Logistics, a survey questionnaire is utilized to discover and gather
errors made by Vietnamese students when using English exclamations. As a result, the
data are probably going to give a thorough explanation of how exclamations are
utilized in various settings.
3.1.4 Principles for data collection and data analysis
This investigation of English exclamations with reference to Vietnamese is being
done. Regarding the goals of the research, the criteria for data collection and data
analysis are extensively explained. The study will compare and contrast exclamations
in Vietnamese and English from a syntactic, pragmatic, and cultural standpoint.
In this study, the author gets the materials from different linguistic books and
literary works ; stories, novels, songs and other sources in both English and
Vietnamese from the internet, grammar books, course book. After reading the
materials collected, the study focuses on 173 samples both in English and
Vietnamese. Exclamatory sentences make up each sample. Since each sample was
chosen from well-known short stories, novels, poetry, and linguistic texts, the research
findings may be trusted.
Find out and analyze the syntactic theories; Definition and classification of the
sentence; Pragmatic theories; Speech act theories; Language and culture; the concepts
of exclamation.
- Investigating the syntactic, pragmatic and cultural features of English
exclamations with reference to Vietnamese.
- Discover and examine the syntactic theories, sentence definition and
categorization, pragmatic theories, theories of speech acts, language and culture, and
exclamation notions.
- Giving some suggestions for teaching and learning English exclamations at
People‟s Police university of Technology and Logistics.
- Making suggestions for further research.
In order to gather and evaluate the data, both qualitative and quantitative data
types will be used. The next step is to discuss the grammatical, pragmatic, and cultural
aspects of English and Vietnamese exclamations in order to compare and contrast
their similarities and differences with Vietnamese.
In order to have additional sources of information to finish my thesis, I will use both
primary and secondary data in it. These facts are gathered from a range of materials,
including English and Vietnamese songs as well as grammar and course books,
novels, and even songs. Additionally, it will be gathered online using the Google
search method and the key terms listed below: Exclamations, grammatical, pragmatic,
cultural, features.
I'll utilize the survey questionnaire in addition to the information and examples I've
gathered from other sources because I want to know if my students have a firm grasp
on exclamation knowledge and whether they can use and translate exclamations
correctly in various settings. 100 students in People's Public Security of Technology
and Logistics' second academic year will participate in it. These 100 pupils are
between the ages of 20 and 22.
At the People's Public Security of Technology and Logistics, they will speak for
all students.
In reality, it is obvious that English majors at the faculties of English, People's
Public Security of Technology, and Logistics. However, they scored average or higher
on English in the entry tests. Their English has significantly improved over their time
at People's Police of Technology and Logistics, and they are now more proficient in
both spoken and written English. They acquire reading, writing, speaking, listening,
and translation abilities in school. Students are also taught to English phonetics and
grammar, however there are just a few credits available for these two topics. Students
only receive rudimentary instruction in phonetics and grammar as a result. English
exclamations appear to be rather foreign to students at People's Police University of
Technology and Logistics in terms of elements of speech. This highly unique portion
of speech also appears to be ignored by the English education curriculum at People's
Police University of Technology and Logistics.
The pupils are described as having a vibrant, passionate, vivacious, and open
disposition. They always try their best to meet the standards set by the teacher and are
ready to learn new things.
Teaching English as a main topic at People's Police Institution of Technology and
Logistics may be a serious worry that requires a lot of care from the management
board and from the professors. This is because the university focuses in information
technology. The English faculty has been in existence for years, yet there is still much
room for improvement in the curriculum. Other important topics include translation,
information technology correspondence, Vietnamese culture, and the like in addition
to the four abilities (reading, writing, listening, and speaking). As a teacher, I've come
to understand that my pupils struggle with grammar and have little familiarity with
English culture. To develop these crucial facets of language, students require a lot of
assistance from teachers.
I make the decision to include 100 second-year students at my institution in my study
since, after one year of majoring in English, they have wonderfully grasped the
subject. Additionally, students at my university appear to find English interjections to
be a strange and challenging feature of the language. Therefore, the ideal volunteers in
my research will be second-year students who have a certain level of familiarity with
the English language and culture.
3.2 Research methods
3.2.1 Data collection techniques
The author of this study selected the 173 exclamations from both languages that
caught her attention the most in order to highlight the syntactic, pragmatic, and
cultural issues we are examining. All samples are separated out and categorized in this
procedure according to the functionalities they convey in various settings. The facts
are then examined from a syntactic, pragmatic, and cultural standpoint, and their
similarities and differences are then compared and contrasted. Additionally, a
questionnaire is used to identify the errors made by students at the People's Police
University of Technology and Logistics when using English exclamation, which
enables the researcher to make numerous recommendations for effectively learning,
teaching, and translating English exclamation.
Data are gathered, divided into types across all instances under investigation, and then
classed and evaluated based on their meanings and functions in various situations. The
following would be the precise procedures employed in the study:
First, a collection of exclamations from diverse utterances in both languages is made.
Additionally, the information is divided into categories according to the linguistic
characteristics of exclamations in each language. Additionally, we examine the
grammatical, pragmatic, and cultural aspects of both languages to determine the
parallels and discrepancies between exclamations in English and Vietnamese, which
are then listed. Last but not least, some advice for interpreting, teaching, and learning
English exclamations
After the conclusion, more reading and research are advised for those interested in
public security of technology and logistics.
3.3. Summary
Syntactic and pragmatic techniques predominate in order to accomplish the
study's goals and objectives, and qualitative research is employed. Descriptive
research and contrastive analysis are also chosen as the study's primary
methodologies. They are used to characterize the characteristics of English
exclamation with reference to Vietnamese and to conduct a contrastive study on the
topic. Exclamations in both English and Vietnamese are used in the data collection,
which was done using linguistic texts and literary works as the source. To determine
the similarities and differences between the two languages, they are categorized and
examined in terms of syntactic perfectives. The study's reliability and validity are
guaranteed since all of the samples were taken from well-known literary works and
the majority of its conclusions came from an examination of the available data.
Additionally, I will do a questionnaire survey using experimental methodology, error
analysis, and statistical techniques so that I may provide ideas or recommendations for
English exclamation learning. 100 students in their second year of study at People‟s
Police university of Technology and Logistics. The information is gathered from
academic publications, textbooks, and novels written in both English and Vietnamese.
Additionally, the internet and Google search methods are excellent resources for
acquiring information for the thesis.

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