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In his 1995 book, David Crystal explores the numerous layers and subgenres of

the English language, giving life to this vast and intricate subject. Rarely has a book
been read and praised by so many people and been so full of accurate and well-
researched factual material. Statements, questions, demands, and exclamations are the
four categories of sentence functions that David Crystal is aware of. Exclamations are
mostly studied in terms of their syntactic form and can either be considered minor or
major sentences.

Current syntactic theory is introduced in a condensed, understandable, and

approachable manner by Andrew Radford (1997). In English syntax, the term
"exclamative" is mostly limited to sentences beginning with wh-exclamative words like
what! or how!, according to Radford, who defines it as "a form of construction
employed to express surprise, happiness, annoyance, etc." The word "structure"
suggests that he views the exclamative as a syntactic phenomenon.
Nguyen Thin Giáp, Oàn Thin Thut, and Nguyen Minh Thuyt must be
mentioned in Vietnamese (1998). These scholars claim that the exclamative theory
underwent significant development during the 18th and 20th centuries. Humbon,
Stundan, and Russo were proponents of the idea that human language originated from
the sounds of rage, joy, sadness, and anguished sobs that were made when we were
moved. Sometimes, interjections serve as indicators of our feelings and thoughts. In
the second, it is thought that there is a connection between the sounds of words and
human emotion, with the combination of sounds leaving an impression on our souls
that is comparable to that left by things.

The analysis of Vietnamese exclamations is taken carefully in the thesis of Hà Th Hi

Yn (2000). However, this thesis truly discusses the parameters of a study of
conversational exchanges. Although exclamation is an illocutionary act in speech
actions, she concentrates on the exclamative function of each action

Besides that there have been some publications on sentence types including
exclamations such as Câu trong tiếng Việt (Cao Xuân Hạo, 1998); Ngữ pháp Việt
Nam – phần câu (Diệp Quang Ban, 2004); Giáo trình ngôn ngữ học (Nguyễn Thiện
Giáp, 2008); Nghiên cứu ngữ pháp tiếng Việt (Nguyễn Kim Thản, 1963); Câu trong
tiếng Việt (Nguyễn Thị Lương, 2005); etc.
A study on the syntactic characteristics of exclamations in Vietnamese and
English has not yet been conducted. Therefore, research on this topic is important to
have a fuller knowledge of exclamations in the two languages..

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