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The investigation of the syntactic, pragmatic, and cultural characteristics of exclamations in
English with reference to Vietnamese is the goal of the study. The findings from the
preceding chapter allow for the following conclusions to be made. Three factors will be taken
into account while researching exclamations: syntactic, pragmatic, and cultural aspects.
With relation to Vietnamese, there are several different grammatical patterns utilized in
exclamations in English. More precisely, we have identified 16 structures in English that fall
into 4 categories: phrases, so/such, exclamatory questions, and Wh-elements. The four
primary exclamation-forming elements in Vietnamese are particles, adverbs, exclamatory
questions, and interjections and idioms. Vietnamese exclamations, on the other hand, are
created by combining subordinate parts at the start, neutral, or final positions of the phrase,
whereas English exclamations are concretized by specific sentence constructions.
The fourth chapter is what comes next; the first one discusses the syntactic aspects of
exclamation, while the second one looks at its pragmatic purposes. Along with facticity,
excessive degree quantification, and an inability to operate in question-and-answer pairs, the
two also share other criteria for recognizing exclamations in the former. But it's difficult to
prevent disagreements. We concentrate on exclaiming as an illocutionary act in Chapter 4 as
well as speech actions in general.
The roles of exclamations in pragmatic usage are then given in detail. Although people from
diverse origins and identities use exclamations for different pragmatic purposes in different
contexts in English, Vietnamese people use them often. It implies that they are saying more
than they are saying, and that exclamations are the most effective way for them to
communicate their hidden meanings to the recipient. When the functions of exclamations in
both languages are compared, the pragmatics of each exclamation are the same.

Finally, there is worry over the second-year students at People's Police University of
Technology and Logistics University's propensity for employing certain English exclamation
types and errors they make. In relation to a project's successExclamation types are ranked
according to student preference, with a variety of exclamation types being provided. Finding
errors and presenting them with proposed fixes according to the frequency of the most
frequently used metrics. The obtained data will then be used to provide a better understanding
of exclamations in general and specifically, how interlocutors best utilize exclamations in
terms of their syntactic, pragmatic, and cultural characteristics. With the help of these goals,
Vietnamese students will be able to apply exclamations appropriately in a variety of contexts,
improving their competency and self-assurance in doing so. As a result of this thesis, readers
should hopefully have a better grasp of exclamations in English.
Ranking kinds of exclamations to see which one is students‟ favor, giving out a range of
exclamation kinds. according to the frequency of most being used and presenting them via
figures and graphs, discovering mistakes including with suggested solutions. Then from
the data collected, it is hoped to give a better insight of exclamations in general and
specially, exclamations are made best use of by interlocutors in terms of three functions:
syntactic, pragmatics and cultural features of exclamations. Including with these objectives,
Vietnamese students will have an appropriate application to different situations and therefore,
their competence as well as confidence of using exclamations will be better for sure.
Hopefully, this thesis will help readers have a better understanding of exclamations in English
with reference to Vietnamese under the considerations of syntactic, pragmatic and cultural


Exclamation types are ranked according to student preference, with a variety of exclamation
types being provided. Finding errors and presenting them with proposed fixes according to the
frequency of the most frequently used metrics. The obtained data will then be used to provide
a better understanding of exclamations in general and specifically, how interlocutors best
utilize exclamations in terms of their syntactic, pragmatic, and cultural characteristics. With
the help of these goals, Vietnamese students will be able to apply exclamations appropriately
in a variety of contexts, improving their competency and self-assurance in doing so. As a
result of this thesis, readers should hopefully have a better grasp of exclamations in English :
- Linguistic and Cultural features of Exclamations in English with reference to
- Pragmatic features of English exclamation in literary works. Therefore, mistakes and
shortcomings are unavoidable


5.3.1 Suggestions on Language Teaching
The use of exclamation points is a useful technique in everyday communication. First and
foremost, the instructor should provide the students additional opportunity to practice using
adjectival words that indicate personality in conversation. Teachers may simply assist pupils
in using exclamations correctly and responsibly. Not less significant is the fact that, after
students have a firm grasp of the fundamentals, this article may be used as a translation tool to
assist them in rendering their translations more poetically and vividly. When contrasting this
feature of exclamation, this also helps the students alter their writing patterns, improve their
writing abilities, and learn more about these two languages.
Additionally, teachers should be generous and sympathetic to students' errors and limitations
when they are unable to provide the right or perfect responses in order to encourage students
to practice speaking. This is done by encouraging students to talk as much and as exclamation
as they are able to. The students may benefit from expanding their understanding of
exclamations through the use of enlarged structures and examples that are easily understood
by the students as well as more familiar structures that they have already learned. In terms of
syntactic or grammatical patterns, it is likely that certain pupils may continue struggle with
certain issues. As a result, learning such things is always a difficult task for both teachers and
pupils to do. Additionally, given on the students' prior knowledge, teachers can support their
intrinsic approach to English by contrasting the two languages and pointing out their
distinctions for the students to notice. The students will utilize exclamatory phrases more
naturally and correctly as they can distinguish clearly between exclamatory sentences in
English and Vietnamese. The students are intended to learn enough from the parallels and
contrasts shown to solidify their English knowledge, and from there they may motivate
themselves to attain a higher level in both languages. The instructor can benefit students by
teaching exclamations, especially in speaking skill, because exclamations are mostly
represented in spoken forms by speakers' tone and attitudes toward offering complaints or
In conclusion, helping pupils comprehend and utilize English correctly and effectively is the
teachers' final goal. In conclusion, helping pupils comprehend and utilize English correctly
and effectively is the teachers' final goal.
5.3.2 Suggestions on Language Learning
There are several methods to pick an acceptable structure or function when using adjectival
words to convey personality in everyday conversation. Learners should also understand how
to use them successfully and efficiently.
The study report is based on useful materials found in dictionaries, reference books, and
literary works. Exclamations have been studied with regard to syntactic factors. In particular,
a contrastive study of exclamations in Vietnamese and English is done to determine how the
two languages vary and resemble one another in terms of syntax. Additionally, it is concerned
with the types of English exclamation used and the errors that students make while using
5.3.3 Suggestions for further study
It is intended that this research would serve as a quick introduction to a study of exclamations
in Vietnamese and English. If conditions exist to pursue this issue, we aim to look at
exclamations in further real-world speech acts in order to develop a system that is more
Here are some suggestions for further studies:
• A study on exclamatory utterances in a specific literature work or a specific
• A study on exclamations in English and Vietnamese.

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