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Short Test A 7 Short Test B


Lesson 6 Lesson 6

Imię i nazwisko: Klasa: Imię i nazwisko: Klasa:

1 Ponumeruj zdania a–e tak, aby utworzyć dialog. 1 Ponumeruj zdania a–e tak, aby utworzyć dialog.
  a I’ve failed my maths test.   a Why?

  b Poor you!   b What’s up?

  c Why?   c That’s good news!

  d What’s up?   d I’m feeling cheerful.

  e I’m feeling down.   e I’ve passed my exam!

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2 Zakreśl wyrazy, które poprawnie uzupełniają poniższe zdania. 2 Zakreśl wyrazy, które poprawnie uzupełniają poniższe zdania.
1 I’m pleased / worried. I’m not sure I’ve done well in the exam. 1 Tom’s feeling down / pleased. He has failed his exam.
2 I don’t know what to think about this problem. I’m confused / cheerful. 2 My sister has broken my camera. I’m so confused / angry.
3 I’m thirsty / angry. It’s so hot and I need to drink some water. 3 I’m really thirsty / hungry. I have to eat something now.
4 I’ve passed all my tests. I’m down / cheerful. 4 My grandma is in hospital. I’m worried / cheerful.
5 I haven’t eaten anything today. I’m really pleased / hungry. 5 I have no idea what I should do. I’m so pleased / confused.
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Total: / 10 Total: / 10

Photocopiable Brainy klasa 6 © Macmillan Polska 2019 Photocopiable Brainy klasa 6 © Macmillan Polska 2019

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