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Nama : Zahwa Abelia Putri

Kelas : M

NPM : 221010600

Task 1

Match the worlds below with the synoym provide in the other box.

1. Hired a. Assign

2. Dispute b. Defandant

3. Appoint c. Managed

4. Trouble d. Disagreement

5. Accused e. Be able to

6. Handled f. Employed

7. Afford g. Rejected

8. Guilty h. Problem

i. Sorry

Task 2

Mention the type of law completing the following chart. One has been done for you.

Type of law :

1. Coporate law : Law dealing with bussines matters.

2. Divorce law : The law that legitimizes and regulates divorce between 2 parties in a marriage. Like child
custody, Gono's property is like this.

3. Real estate law : governing law is any rule that tells you who can use a property but also how it can be
used; it isn’t reserved for just finance contracts or the actual sale of a property.

4. Maritime law : Is a body of laws, conventions, and treaties that govern private maritime business and
other nautical matters, such as shipping or offenses occurring on open water.
5. Criminal law : Laws dealing with crimes that can harm other people, such as murder, robbery, and

Task 3

Decide if the following statements about the reading are True (T), False (F), or Not Given (NG) if it is
not stated in the text. If you check (✓) False (F), correct the statements to make it true.

1. Enviromental law is managed by a lawyer.

Correction : (Not Given) The legal environment is indeed managed by advocates, but not just advocates.
There are also police, prosecutors, judges, and professionals who deal with law professionally and

2. To be a lawyer one has to be a graduate of law departement.

Correction : (True) Yes, because the mandatory requirement to become an advocate is to have a law
school diploma.

3. Real estate law deals with transaction of belonging.

Correction: (True) Because property law regulates control over land or buildings in Indonesia. relating to
rent and buying and selling, in the form of buildings, houses, buildings, rice fields, shop houses, land, all
of that must have an ownership transaction. For example person A sells the house, and person B buys
the house, then from here comes the transfer of ownership of the house. From what originally belonged
to A to belong to B.

4. A lawyer cannot come to client's house for any cares.

Correction: (False) An advocate can go to the client's house for some business while this is also the
agreement of the client and the agreement between the client and the advocate. Such as a client asking
for legal advice from an advocate, or asking for an advocate's assistance in the legal process to resolve
the client's case. Because a lawyer is also not based on just one meeting point, but also has many affairs,
so meeting can be outside the office of the advocate.

5. Lawyer need to be a capable in using their knowledge of the law to help client.

Correction: (True) Because an advocate must be able to defend clients, and help clients in any case with
their knowledge and opinions in the legal sphere. If you don't have legal knowledge, then how does the
advocate defend his client.

6. All lawyers are paid by the government.

Correction: (False) Because not all lawyers are paid by the government. Lawyers paid by the government
are Legal Aid Institutions, getting paid from the APBN. While a lawyer who opens his own office, a paid
by the client, and agreed nominal payment is an agreement between the lawyer and the client.

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