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Perhatikan teks berikut untuk menjawab nomor 1 – 5!

As one of the most common sleep disorders, insomnia has become a significant public health
problem. While the prevalence of insomnia varies considerably across countries, its global prevalence
of insomnia as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition
(DSM-IV) criteria is estimated to be ~6–10%

Insomnia reportedly increases the rate of car accidents, decreases job performance, results in self -
medication with alcohol as well as socio-economic problems, and has been associated with the onset
of cardiovascular diseases. Although a previous (second) edition of the International Classification of
Sleep Disorders (ICSD-2) distinguished psychophysiological insomnia from mental-illness induced
insomnia, there are substantial overlap features between the two: e.g., conditioned arousal, poor
sleep hygiene, and excessive worry about sleep. Also, many subjects with insomnia have psychiatric
comorbidities, rendering the discrimination of insomnia subtypes difficult. Because of these issues
(overlapping primary and secondary insomnia), in the next version, ICSD-3, insomnia was
recategorized according to time course.

Nevertheless, it is still of great value to recognize the most common psychiatric comorbidities such
as anxiety disorders and depression in patients with insomnia. Among patients with insomnia, the
prevalence of anxiety disorder, including generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, post-traumatic
stress disorder, and phobia, is 24–36%, while that of major depression is 14–31%. Conversely, about
90% of patients with depression complain of sleep disturbance. Similarly, sleep problems are much
more common among individuals with anxiety disorders.

Multiple studies have investigated the relationship between sleep disorders and psychiatric
comorbidity. A study that used data collected by the national survey in the United States revealed that
individuals with any comorbid sleep problem (especially non-restorative sleep) are more prone to
impairments of daytime activities. Using data obtained by the same survey, another investigation
reported that the rate of insomnia complaints was highest among individuals with anxiety and mood
disorders (42–63%). However, to date, it remains unclear whether the combination of anxiety and
mood (depression) problems aggravate the severity of insomnia itself and the sleep quality of people
at high risk for insomnia.

This study explored the relationships among insomnia severity, sleep quality and daytime sleepiness,
and comorbidities with anxiety and depression among individuals at high risk for insomnia. In addition,
we used mediation modeling to evaluate whether insomnia severity is mediated by changes in general
sleep quality.

Adapted from:

1. From the passage above we can infer that …

A. insomnia is a sleeping disorder that only people with anxiety disorder can suffer from.
B. anxiety has the capacity to worsen one’s insomnia severity and sleep quality.
C. individuals with any comorbid sleep problems are more prone to impairments of
daytime activities.
D. there might be relationships between insomnia and anxiety as well as depression.
E. insomnia is the main cause of the onset of cardiovascular diseases and car
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2. How does the second sentence relate to the first sentence in paragraph 3? The
second sentence ….
A. explains that insomnia is caused by psychiatric comorbidities
B. argues that psychiatric comorbidities are not the only reason for insomnia
C. elaborates that depression is the major cause of insomnia not the anxiety disorders
D. shows the fact that there is a relationship between insomnia and psychiatric
E. provides the percentages of major depression and panic disorders among patients
with insomnia

3. The word "prevalence" in paragraph 3 sentence 2 is closest in meaning to ….

A. peculiarity
B. extraordinary
C. widespread
D. frailty
E. weakness

4. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. People with comorbid sleep disorders are more likely to be impaired when they
partake in activities during daylight.
B. Each individual with anxiety disorders automatically has sleeping disorders.
C. Changes in general sleep quality is the most effective way to mediate the severity of
D. Onset cardiovascular diseases can be cured by having generally better sleep quality.
E. People with insomnia suffer more from the prevalence of major depression than
anxiety and phobia.

5. The word “prone” in paragraph 4 has the opposite meaning with ….

A. liable
B. susceptible
C. inclined
D. predisposed
E. immune

Perhatikan teks berikut untuk menjawab nomor 6 - 10!

(1) Self-service was first introduced in 1964 in gas pumps in the U.S. In the following two years, the
proliferation of credit cards and advances in technology allowed customers to pay for their gas right
at the pump. At first glance, this trend was assumed as a potential to diminish in-store purchases.
However, sales actually went up because the service was fast, and the queue was shorter. This trend
resulted in a better shopping experience.

(2) Self-service then became popular in the next thirty years. Convenience and local availability are
two priorities for modern customers, and they value ease and efficiency; hence, various retailers,
ranging from small to big sectors, have adopted this service. This service opens a bigger opportunity
for retailers to maximize revenue growth. Modern retailers have expected the self-checkout service.

(3) A 2015 Consumer Reports survey revealed that three-quarters of consumers utilized the self-
checkout service at the grocery store within the past year, and most of them reckoned it as a time-
saver. A more recent poll indicates that the preference for self-checkout is a steadily growing trend:
73 percent of shoppers surveyed indicated they would rather use self-service technology like the self-
checkout than engage with store associates — a 10.6 percent increase from the previous year.
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(4) Food manufacturers grow fast, and self-checkout service becomes a significant competition
between c-stores and food stores, since market leaders experiment their assets with technology. One
of the food merchants that apply this trend is McDonald’s. This merchant has invented various
features using technology. This was supported by a claim from CEO Steve Easterbrook that said
kiosks tended to result in higher average checks, for consumers preferred to select their orders on
digital displays, rather than at the counter.

(5) Self-checkout service has become a feature that leaves positive impressions to retailers and even
customers. Market leaders can benefit from this trend, for they can elevate their revenue growth.
Besides, self-checkout service can improve efficiency as well as evolve to serve customers with
convenience and ease.

(Adapted from

6. The passage mainly discusses ...

A. Concerns from the merchants about self-checkout service.
B. Names of stores providing self-checkout service.
C. Failure of self-checkout service in big and small stores.
D. Difficulties of self-checkout service to the elders.
E. Self-checkout service as a newly invented shopping experience.

7. What does the word 'value' in paragraph 2 mean?

A. Consider something important.
B. Disregard something.
C. Improve particular features.
D. Create a convenient nuance.
E. Make a business strategy.

8. The author’s tone towards self-checkout service can be described as ....

A. Persuasive
B. Sentimental
C. Informal
D. Objective
E. Pessimistic

9. According to the passage, how does self-checkout service benefit various merchants?
A. The revenue growth of stores skyrockets because of self-checkout service.
B. The popularity of self-checkout service makes enterprises famous as well.
C. Self-checkout service has successfully beaten the old-fashioned transaction method.
D. Merchants gain more profit from self-checkout service because they cut off several
E. The self-checkout service persuades more customers by offering big sales.

10. In which paragraph does the author mention the data of the self-checkout service
A. Paragraph 1.
B. Paragraph 2.
C. Paragraph 3.
D. Paragraph 4.
E. Paragraph 5.
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Perhatikan teks berikut untuk menjawab nomor 11 - 13!

Poor nutrition in school years may have created 20 cm height gap across nations
(1) A new global analysis led by Imperial College London, and published in journal The Lancet, has
assessed the height and weight of school-aged children and adolescents across the world.
(2) The study, which used data from 65 million children aged five to 19 years old in 193 countries,
revealed that school-aged children's height and weight, which are indicators of their health and quality
of their diet, vary enormously around the world.
(3) There was a 20 cm difference between 19-year-olds in the tallest and shortest nations -- this
represented an eight-year growth gap for girls, and a six-year growth gap for boys. For instance, the
study revealed that the average 19-year-old girl in Bangladesh and Guatemala (the nations with the
world's shortest girls) is the same height as an average 11-year-old girl in the Netherlands, the nation
with the tallest boys and girls.
(4) The international team behind the study warn that highly variable childhood nutrition, especially a
lack of quality food, may lead to stunted growth and a rise in childhood obesity -- affecting a child's
health and wellbeing for their entire life.
(5) The largest improvements in average height of children over the 35-year period were seen in
emerging economies such as China, South Korea and some parts of southeast Asia. For example,
19-year old boys in China in 2019 were 8 cm taller than in 1985, with their global rank changing from
150th tallest in 1985 to 65th in 2019. In contrast the height of children, especially boys, in many Sub-
Saharan African nations has stagnated or reduced over these decades.
(6) Dr Andrea Rodriguez Martinez, the lead author of the study from Imperial's School of Public Health,
added: "Our findings should motivate policies that increase the availability and reduce the cost of
nutritious foods, as this will help children grow taller without gaining excessive weight for their height.
These initiatives include food vouchers towards nutritious foods for low-income families, and free
healthy school meal programmes which are particularly under threat during the pandemic. These
actions would enable children to grow taller without gaining excessive weight, with lifelong benefits
for their health and wellbeing."
(adapted from

11. What can be inferred from Dr Andrea Martinez who mentioned “Our findings should
motivate policies that increase the availability and reduce the cost of nutritious foods,
as this will help children grow taller without gaining excessive weight for their height”?
A. The booming economy of China and some southeast Asian countries contribute
positively to children’s health and physical development.
B. Many Sub-Saharan African nations show no progress or even negative trend in regard
to children’s health and physical development.
C. The research suggests that some countries managed to close the gap in children’s
D. There has been a wide gap of the children’s access to healthy foods among nations.
E. There has been a significant decline in the hindrance of children development between
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12. The primary focus of this passage is on which of the following?

A. The research findings prompts nations to create social programs related to the
children’s health issues.
B. The research findings offer profound insight into the contribution of one nation’s
economic development to children’s health.
C. The research pushes developed nations to offer help to under-developed ones.
D. A few years gap between boys’ and girls’ physical growth can be tolerated.
E. Children’s height is one of some common predictors of their physical well-being.

13. Which of the following information has not been cited within the passage?
A. Height and weight of the children indicate their overall health and well-being.
B. The research shows a vast variety of the height and weight in children of a certain age
in among countries.
C. The lack of height and weight of children can be compensated when they are aging.
D. China and some southeast Asia countries show significant improvement in leveraging
their economic boom for the younger generations.
E. Some sub-saharan African countries indicate negative trends and concern in their
children's development.

Perhatikan teks berikut untuk menjawab nomor 14 - 16!

Traditions of Pencak Silat

(1) In addition to their sporting element, Traditions of Pencak Silat also encompass mental-spiritual,
self-defence and artistic aspects. The moves and styles of Pencak Silat are strongly influenced by
various elements of art, involving a unity of body and movement fitting the accompanying music.

(2) The term ‘pencak’ is better known in Java, while the term ‘silat’ is better known in West Sumatra,
describing a group of martial arts with many similarities. In addition to local terms, each region has its
own moves, styles, accompaniments, music, and supporting equipment, which includes costumes,
musical instruments, and traditional weapons.

(3) Pencak Silat practitioners are taught to maintain their relationship with God, human beings, and
nature, and are trained in various techniques to deal with attacks or other dangerous situations based
on principles to protect themselves as well as others, avoid harming the offender and build
comradeship. The practice strengthens comradeship, maintains social order, and provides
entertainment for ritual ceremonies.

(4) Related knowledge and skills are commonly taught in non-formal schools and include oral
traditions and expressions such as greetings, philosophical phrases, rhymed poems, advice, as well
as songs and techniques to play the instruments.

(adapted from

14. What can be inferred when the author states “In addition to their sporting element,
Traditions of Pencak Silat also encompass mental-spiritual, self-defence and artistic
A. Pencak Silat is one of the traditional heritage sites to be preserved.
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B. Pencak Silat is a popular traditional martial art.

C. Many people often confuse pencak silat and other forms of martial arts.
D. Many people are not familiar with different dimensions of Pencak Silat.
E. Many people are interested in Pencak Silat

15. The primary focus of this passage is about which of the following?
A. Pencak Silat consists of some elements, such as, mental-spiritual, self-defence and
artistic aspects.
B. The traditions of Pencak Silat can be found in some areas in Indonesia.
C. The traditions of Pencak Silat have been taught from one generation to another.
D. The traditions of Pencak Silat are often taught in non-formal schools.
E. The traditions of Pencak Silat cover some basic life skills one will need in the future.

16. Which oral tradition has not been mentioned as a part of the Pencak Silat traditions?
A. greetings.
B. philosophical phrases.
C. a folktale.
D. songs.
E. playing musical instruments.

Perhatikan teks berikut untuk menjawab nomor 17 - 18!

Millennials in the workplace

(1) Background
Millennials (those born between the early 1980s and the early 1990s) make up a huge part of our
workforce but they seem to lack loyalty to the companies and the leaders they work for. Multinational
companies are noticing larger turnover rates of millennials as employee retention rates fall. This report
looks at the findings of two large-scale surveys on the mindset of the millennial generation and
explores how organisations can strive to address these needs, increase employee engagement and
encourage retention.

(2) Research
In a global survey conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), more than 40,000 millennial (born
between 1983 and 1993) and non-millennial responses were collected on the topics of workplace
culture, communication and working styles, pay structure, career development, work–life balance, etc.
In a separate global survey conducted by Deloitte, more than 10,000 millennials participated in a
study about their perceptions of the threats and opportunities in the complex world of work.

(3) Key findings

 Millennials are as committed to their work as their more senior colleagues.
 Millennials value interesting work and a good work–life balance. They do not believe that
excessive work demands are worth sacrifices in their personal lives.
 Millennials want flexibility in their working hours and are willing to give up pay increases and
promotions for a flexible working schedule. They believe that success should be measured by
productivity and not by the number of hours they are seen in an office.
 Millennials want to feel supported and appreciated by their company and their superiors.
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 Millennials want more opportunities to develop their skills. These include technological skills,
teamwork and interpersonal skills.
 Millennials believe that businesses and business leaders should contribute to the
improvement of society and they are more likely to be loyal to a company with strong ethics.

(4) Recommendations
Organisations and managers wanting to retain millennials should consider:
 monitoring their workload and satisfaction levels with their work–life balance
 creating a flexible work culture where employees have more control over their working hours
and their work location
 providing meaningful work and interesting opportunities
 offering help and support in continuing professional development
 changing the organisation's goals from being mainly about profit-making to motives that
address social concerns and solve wider societal problems.

(adapted from


17. In the passage, the author used the word “societal” (paragraph 5). What’s the antonym
of the term?
A. social.
B. individual.
C. collective.
D. organisational.
E. group.

18. Which of the following is not recommended to do for the company whose majority of
employees are millennial?
A. constantly monitors the employee job’s satisfaction rate.
B. create new challenge and innovative project.
C. create rigid goal and working hour.
D. offers help and supports in dealing with challenges.
E. pay close attention to the employee’s voice.

Perhatikan teks berikut untuk menjawab nomor 19 - 20!

A paranormal experience?

Ghosts, haunted houses, the spirit world or the communication with the dead have fascinated humans
since the beginning of their existence. Most people, whether believers or sceptics like myself, find
paranormal experiences captivating; you could go on and on listening to these kinds of stories. But
the debate lies on whether the allegedly paranormal events that witnesses claim to have experienced
are real or not. I personally don’t doubt that many of those people really believe that what they have
experienced is a paranormal event –real is what you believe to be real after all.

I myself experienced an event that might be considered paranormal by some. A long time ago, my
cousin died unexpectedly and her husband, who is a great ghost sceptic, couldn’t find my cousin’s
life insurance policy. One night, my cousin appeared in my dreams. “You smell really bad,” I told her.
“Of course I smell bad, I’m dead,” she said. “Anyway, I’m here to tell you where the document my
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husband is looking for is.” And she told me. The following day, I told my cousin’s husband that I might
know where the policy was –I didn’t tell him how I knew, because that would have prevented him
looking for it. The thing is that we went to his home and the document was exactly where my dead
cousin had told me it would be. Paranormal?

No doubt, it’s very tempting to believe that I actually talked to my dead cousin, and that I have some
kind of psychic abilities. That would mean that when we die, we go somewhere in the form of a spirit,
which is a nice thing to think, because that means that our soul never dies. But maybe I already knew
where that document was, from one of my numerous visits to my cousin’s home, and my mind just
reminded me where it was through one of my daily dreams. That’s more likely, and it’s what I am
inclined to think happened.

The truth is that there has been so much fraud in the history of the paranormal that it’s difficult to give
any validity to the high number of paranormal claims that populate the Internet and the different media.
Actually, fraud played a key role in the very foundation of spiritualism, a religious movement based
on the belief that the spirits of the dead exist and have both the ability and the inclination to
communicate with the living.

The first mediums known in recent history, the Fox sisters, convinced a good part of the American
and European society of the 19th century that they could talk with the spirits. They made lots of public
demonstrations held before paying audiences and that gave birth to spiritualism, and attracted lots of
imitators who also claimed to have the ability to communicate with spirits. But surprisingly, in 1888
Margaret Fox confessed that her abilities were just a fabrication, and showed which tricks she had
been using to pretend to be talking to the spirits.

Now, can I really talk with the dead? Well, if you put enough money on the table, I might say ‘yes’,
and I might even show you how I do it.


19. What was the author’s purpose in writing this passage?

A. to tell readers about the writer’s personal paranormal experience.
B. to complain about the passing of writer’s relative.
C. to entertain readers with a spooky story.
D. to persuade readers to hire the writer’s paranormal ability.
E. to explain the trickery within paranormal phenomena.

20. The following extract (as mentioned in paragraph 4), "The truth is that there has been
so much fraud in the history of the paranormal that it’s difficult to give any validity to
the high number of paranormal claims that populate the Internet and the different
media." can be paraphrased as ...
A. Paranormal experience can be definitely classified as fraud and misleading.
B. Paranormal claims and experience are among the most popular topics in the internet
and different media.
C. It is hard to determine the reliability of the paranormal experience since there it has
been tarnished with lies and deceitfulness.
D. It is easy to tell if certain paranormal claims are fraught or not since there has been a
strong record on it.
E. It is particularly intriguing to determine the accuracy of paranormal claims since it is
beyond our logic.
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1. D
2. D
3. C
4. A
5. E
6. E
7. A
8. D
9. A
10. C
11. D
12. A
13. C
14. D
15. A
16. C
17. B
18. C
19. E
20. C

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