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Lack of communication skills and team spirit is a major crisis that can bring down any business or
organization. In areas of management, different departments should always support each other to help
organization achieve both its short-term and long-term goal

n the other hand, young managers should be ready to exercise their leadership skills and they should
take full charge in whatever capacity they are working or exercising their duties. In addition to this, all
experienced managers should advice such young managers and help them grow or develop their
management skills (team spirit).

In the workplace, there is a need to emphasize on development of communication skills and team
building so that employees can work effectively. Such skills are also necessary in ensuring that both
managers and employees are able to share ideas and hence work as a team towards one common goal.
The company especially the top management should prioritize company’s goals.

Similarly, all subordinates should be dedicated and respectful to their seniors so that they can work
towards achieving positive goals for the organization. To create equilibrium, the management should
distribute human resource in a manner that promotes company’s objectives.

In any work environment, both the employees and managers should work as team to ensure that
company’s goals are meet. Teambuilding combined with good communication skills are success
ingredients, which are basic in the workplace (Proctor and Doukakis, 2003).

It is therefore important for managers to create a workable environment so that all stakeholders can
work effectively towards one goal. However, in a situation where some employees are reluctant to
cooperate, company’s goals are rarely meet. This paper evaluates and discusses a number of skills
required for success in a work place.


Core skills

Three most important skills at play in this case are teambuilding, resource allocation, and leadership

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Team building is the ability to organization and brings team members together so that all stakeholders
can work towards a common goal (Mackin, 2007). Managers should create a workable or favorable work
environment to accommodate all members in a team. Team building is not just an issue of one
department; several departments should work together to enhance team spirit.

Project members lacked team spirit and commitment to the program. They were not ready to attend
meetings when scheduled by the project manager. They always came up with excuses not to participate
in project planning and implementation. The top management was not supportive either. This is a sign
of poor team spirit as a result of poor team building skills.

Good leaders are able to plan appropriately and influence others. Tim Aston was inadequate in this area
since he was not able to influence his subordinates. On the other hand, Tim decision to present team’s
problem to the higher management showed that Tim clearly understood his roles and duties as a
manager. Looking for a solution from the higher management is a good decision.

On the other hand, the top management lacked leadership qualities and that is why it did no support
Tim. Good leaders are able to assist others in problem solving. Thus, it is important for the executives’
staff to participate and support the project management team for company’s success (Proctor and
Doukakis, 2003). As a new employee, Tim Aston needed adequate support from the company especially
from top managers.

It is clear that top executive did not accord him the right support to solve the crisis. The project director
was not ready to assist Tim in instilling discipline to reluctant employees. This is a sign of poor
leadership. Good leaders offer support to junior staff or managers.

The ability to control personnel assignment is a key resource allocation skill. From the case study, there
was a crisis in areas of resource allocation. The project manager and the accountant manager could not
agree on allocation of human resource. Tim was committed to make the program successful and he even
looked for human resource with desired skills to be part of the program.

He identified a dedicated and interested employee from the accounts department who could be
appointed to the project management team, but the accounts manager refused to release this particular
employee. The accounts manager cared about his interests rather than the wellbeing of the company.

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The accounts manager should have provided Tim adequate support considering that the employee in
question had a special interest in project management.

Tim Aston’s effectiveness

Tim Aston was conscious about communication and team spirit. He always emphasized on the
importance of communication requesting team members to open up and share ideas for development
and progress of the project.

Although, Tim understood on the power of team spirit and communication at the work place, he was
not effective in team building since he was not able to influence team members to be committed to the

As a new employee and a young project manager, Tim Aston worked hard to make project management
successful. Tim had resource allocation skills since he was ready to source for other employees to join
the project management team.

He identified an employee from the accounts department who was interested in joining the project
management team. This clearly shows that Tim Aston was an energetic manager because he was looking
for opportunities to improve on his team for the good of the company.

However, Tim lacked effective leadership skills since he was not able to take charge and influence his
subordinates. In addition, Tim Aston did not make firm and tough decision as a leader. A good leader
takes charge and influences others (Proctor and Doukakis, 2003).

Management’s support

Tim Aston was not accorded the necessary support needed to manage the project and the entire team.
Instead of providing Tim with support and advice on how to manage and organize his team, the project
director gave excuses why other employees were reluctant to cooperate.

It appeared that the top management supported employees’ behaviors by arguing that it was part of the
company’s culture since most employees had worked in the company for many years. The management
did not support him in terms of human resource either. When Tim indentified a talented and dedicated
accountant who was interested in the project management, the management did not support him.
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The top management did not provide Tim the necessary support. Employees’ attitude towards work and
attainment of the organization goal were negative. To address this issue, the higher management had a
role to play. The management should have supported Tim by talking to employees reminding them of
company’s objectives and their roles as well (Mackin, 2007).

This way, employees would dedicate themselves and take managers’ (Tim’s) directives. Lastly, the
management should have taken an appropriate action against all employees who violated company’s
policy. Leaving work early before time and failing to appear for meetings is a violation of work policy.


To make all employees work towards achieving company’s goals effectively, the management should
motivate them. The management should create leaves or time off (Lauby, 2005). This should act as a
reward. The company should set targets for all employees. Once employees have achieved set goals,
they should be rewarded time off.

This will motivate employees to achieve company’s goals with minimal supervision (Lauby, 2005). For
instance, to avoid cases where employees walk out of meetings, as a manager, Tim Aston should create
a policy that says if workers come to meetings early, they get to leave early. The company should
embrace team spirit.

In addition to this, Tim Aston should act and take stand as leader. A project manager is a leader in his
capacity and therefore Tim should practice his leadership skills and take full charge as required of a
manager (Keezener, 2009).

In terms resource allocation, there is need to allocate resources according to priority. Human resource
should be distributed according to qualifications and interests. This way, employees will have a positive
attitude towards work. In addition, there should be delegation of duties for all employees. This will
ensure that all employees become responsible in their respective areas hence meeting all set targets or
In general, managers should create a workable environment and they should always encourage or
emphasize on the importance of developing communication and teamwork skills. This is because these
elements are very essential for success.

To reduce cases of reluctant workers, the management has a big role in outlining and structuring a clear
work policy so that employees can avoid violating work policy, which slows achievements of
organization goals.

The recommendation supports the following conclusions, a supportive environment is of the highest
importance to the performance of the project manager’s critical skills. Without it, performing these skills
in attaining personnel drive, resource allocation and other goals would be a movement towards
ineffectiveness. The practice of organizational and leadership skills by the project manager and the
organization will influence the self-esteem and the drive of workers touching productivity.

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