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Bruno Ramos

Bisphosphonates and dental implants: A meta-analysis

Bruno Ramos Chrcanovic, DDS, MSc1/Tomas Albrektsson, MD, PhD2/Ann Wennerberg, DDS, PhD3

Objective: To test the null hypothesis of no difference in the 0.023, standard error [SE] 0.004, P < .001). It cannot be
implant failure rates, marginal bone loss, and postoperative suggested that bisphosphonates may affect the marginal bone
infection for patients receiving or not receiving bisphospho- loss of dental implants, due to a limited number of studies
nates, against the alternative hypothesis of a difference. reporting this outcome. Due to a lack of sufficient information,
Method and Materials: An electronic search was undertak- meta-analysis for the outcome “postoperative infection” was
en in October 2015 in PubMed/Medline, Web of Science, and not performed. Conclusion: The results of the present study
Embase, plus hand-searching and databases of clinical trials. cannot suggest that the insertion of dental implants in patients
Eligibility criteria included clinical human studies, either ran- taking BPs affects the implant failure rates, due to a limited
domized or not. Results: A total of 18 publications were number of published studies, all characterized by a low level of
included in the review. Concerning implant failure, the specificity, and most of them dealing with a limited number of
meta-analysis found a risk ratio of 1.73 (95% confidence inter- cases without a proper control group. Therefore, the real effect
val [CI] 1.21–2.48, P = .003) for patients taking bisphospho- of BPs on the osseointegration and survival of dental implants
nates, when compared to patients not taking the medicament. is still not well established. (Quintessence Int 2016;47:329–342;
The probability of an implant failure in patients taking bisphos- doi: 10.3290/j.qi.a35523)
phonates was estimated to be 1.5% (0.015, 95% CI 0.006–

Key words: bisphosphonates, dental implants, implant failure rate, marginal bone loss , meta-analysis, postoperative infection

Dental implants have become common as replace- rates are high, a small percentage of implants still fail,
ments for missing teeth. A recent review evaluated 14 and several studies suggest that the survival of dental
prospective studies with follow-up periods of 10 years implants depends on many local and systemic factors,
or more, and observed survival rates for dental as well as on the intake of some medicaments.2 The
implants averaging 94.6%, with mean marginal bone effects of bisphosphonates (BPs) on the osseointegra-
loss (MBL) values of 1.3 mm.1 Even though the survival tion of titanium implants have drawn the attention of
some clinicians and researchers.
PhD Student, Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Odontology, Malmö BPs are a class of drugs that prevent the loss of bone
University, Malmö, Sweden.
mass, used to treat osteoporosis and malignant dis-
Retired Professor and former Head of the Department of Biomaterials, Göteborg
University, Göteborg, Sweden; Guest Professor of the Department of Prostho- eases involving bone resorption, such as bone lesions of
dontics, Faculty of Odontology, Malmö University, Malmö, Sweden.
multiple myeloma and metastatic bone diseases. BPs
3 Professor and Head of the Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Odontolo-
gy, Malmö University, Malmö, Sweden. inhibit osteoclast-mediated bone resorption and
Correspondence: Dr Bruno Ramos Chrcanovic, Department of Prostho- renewal, therefore retaining existing bone. This
dontics, Faculty of Odontology, Malmö University, Carl Gustafs väg 34, increases mineralization under normal function, result-
SE-205 06, Malmö, Sweden.
Email:; ing in an increase in bone mineral density and theoreti-

VOLUME 47 • NUMBER 4 • APRIL 2016 329

Chrcanovic et al

cally an increased resistance to osteoporosis-related bacterial infection to the microcrack area in peri-im-
fractures.3 However, more recent studies have been plant trabecular bone might contribute to the en bloc
showing that preventing osteoclast-mediated bone sequestration of a BRONJ lesion.10 All the above-men-
resorption/renewal results only in the retention of old tioned mechanisms could presumably interfere with
bone, which lives out its natural life span and becomes the healing process after implant placement, and con-
brittle and thus even more prone to fracture.4 This abil- sequently increase the failure rates.
ity to affect systemic bone remodeling raises natural Several studies showed that BPs may not only cause
questions about the drug’s influence on dental implants’ apoptosis of osteoclast cells, but also inhibit angiogen-
osseointegration. The increase of implant failure rates esis.5,6,11,12 These processes may lead to increased
due to BPs is hypothesized to be related mainly to the amounts of avascular and acellular bone that may be
impairment and cellular death (apoptosis) of not only less tolerant to oral bacterial insult and lead to
adult osteoclasts but osteoclast precursors in the bone increased MBL.13 Moreover, the microdamage accumu-
marrow by BPs.5,6 In the normal bone, in areas of greater lation reduces the mechanical properties of bone,
stress, the osteoblasts/osteocytes reduce their secretion enhancing the effect of occlusal forces and leading to
of osteoprotegerin, which is a decoy receptor for the increased MBL.9 Although animal studies14,15 have
receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand shown that BPs may be useful in minimizing MBL
(RANKL). Osteoprotegerin is also known as osteoclasto- around osseointegrated implants, those implants were
genesis inhibitory factor and inhibits both differentia- placed in rat tibia. Thus, those findings may not be
tion and function of osteoclasts. The osteoblasts/osteo- directly comparable to results of clinical trials since
cytes also increase their secretion of RANKL, so that the occlusal forces and bacterial flora are absent and may
area can resorb and re-form to accommodate this not be directly applicable to humans. These facts raise
greater stress, an adaptive response.7 If the now-stimu- questions about the drug’s influence on the MBL
lated osteoclast attempts to resorb this stressed bone around dental implants and whether patients taking
that contains a BP, it begins to do so but dies off before BPs could develop a higher occurrence of infection
completing the resorption. This disrupts the resorp- after the insertion of dental implants.
tion-renewal cycle. The osteocytes then succumb to the BP drugs have now been in use for more than 15
stress and die before their usual 180-day life span, or years, and the number of patients who have used them
they live out their life span but are not replaced. The or continue to use them is increasing.16 Researchers
bone may first become sclerotic (overmineralized), but have been trying to evaluate whether the insertion of
then it often becomes necrotic and exposed.8 More- implants in patients taking BPs may influence the sur-
over, an animal study demonstrated that alendronate (a vival of dental implants. However, some studies may
type of oral BP) inhibited the repair of normal bone lack statistical power, given the small number of
microdamage, leading to the accumulation of patients per group in the clinical trials comparing the
microdamage and possible osteonecrosis.9 As bone techniques. The ability to anticipate outcomes is an
remodeling is decreased by BPs, an infection into the essential part of risk management in an implant prac-
bone exposure site or microcrack area might lead to a tice. Recognizing conditions that place the patient at a
continuous and deeper progression of the inflamma- higher risk of failure will allow the surgeon to make
tory process and infection, which are not always informed decisions and refine the treatment plan to
observed in peri-implantitis, where bone resorption optimize the outcomes.2 The use of implant therapy in
exists along with the bone–implant interface. Thus, special populations requires consideration of potential
when bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw benefits to be gained from the therapy. To better
(BRONJ) is not triggered by peri-implantitis or surgical appreciate this potential, a systematic review and
trauma but developed at the well-functioning implant, meta-analysis was conducted to compare the survival

330 VOLUME 47 • NUMBER 4 • APRIL 2016

Chrcanovic et al

rate of dental implants, postoperative infection, and The following terms were used in the search
MBL in patients taking and not taking BPs. strategy on the Cochrane Oral Health Group Trials Reg-
ister: (dental implant OR oral implant AND (bisphos-
phonate OR diphosphonate)).
METHOD AND MATERIALS A manual search of dental implants-related journals,
This study followed the PRISMA Statement guidelines.17 including British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Sur-
A review protocol does not exist. gery, Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research,
Clinical Oral Implants Research, European Journal of
Objective Oral Implantology, Implant Dentistry, International
The purpose of the present review was to test the null Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants, International
hypothesis of no difference in the implant failure rates, Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, International
MBL, and postoperative infection for patients receiving Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry, Inter-
or not receiving BPs, against the alternative hypothesis national Journal of Prosthodontics, Journal of Clinical
of a difference. The focused question was elaborated Periodontology, Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, Journal
by use of the PICO format (Participants, Interventions, of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, Journal of Dental
Comparisons, and Outcomes): In patients treated with Research, Journal of Dentistry, Journal of Maxillofacial
dental implants and taking BPs, compared to those not and Oral Surgery, Journal of Oral Implantology, Journal
taking BPs, what are the outcomes of dental implant of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Journal of Oral Reha-
failure rates, MBL, and postoperative infection? (Partic- bilitation, Journal of Periodontology, Journal of Pros-
ipants = patients taking BPs; Intervention = dental thetic Dentistry, Journal of Prosthodontics, Oral Surgery
implant; Comparator = patients not taking BPs; Out- Oral Medicine Oral Pathology Oral Radiology and
comes = implant failure rates, MBL, postoperative infec- Endodontology, and Quintessence International, was
tion). also performed, without time restriction.
The reference list of the identified studies and the
Search strategies relevant reviews on the subject were also scanned for
A structured electronic systematic search without time possible additional studies. Moreover, other sources
or language restrictions was undertaken in October included online databases providing information about
2015 in the following databases: PubMed/Medline, clinical trials in progress were checked (clinicaltrials.
Web of Science, Embase, and the Cochrane Oral Health gov;; www.clini-
Group Trials Register.
The following terms were used in the search
strategy on PubMed/Medline, refined by selecting the Inclusion and exclusion criteria
term: Subject AND Adjective; (dental implant OR oral Eligibility criteria included clinical human studies com-
implant [all fields]) AND (bisphosphonate OR diphos- paring implant failure rates, MBL, and/or postoperative
phonate [all fields]). infection in any group of patients receiving and not
The following terms were used in the search receiving BPs. Ideally, only randomized clinical trials
strategy on Web of Science, in all databases: Subject (RCTs) were selected. However, observational studies
AND Adjective; (dental implant OR oral implant [topic]) were also selected when the lack of RCTs could not
AND (bisphosphonate OR diphosphonate [topic]). provide enough studies for a possible meta-analysis.
The following terms were used in the search For this review, implant failure represents the complete
strategy on Embase: Subject AND Adjective; (dental loss of the implant. Exclusion criteria were clinical stud-
implant OR oral implant [topic]) AND (bisphosphonate ies of patients taking BPs but reporting only the cases
OR diphosphonate [topic]). with osteonecrosis of the jaws, case reports, technical

VOLUME 47 • NUMBER 4 • APRIL 2016 331

Chrcanovic et al

reports, biomechanical studies, finite element analysis modification, type of prosthetic rehabilitation, jaws
(FEA) studies, animal studies, in vitro studies, and receiving implants (maxilla and/or mandible), opposing
review papers. dentition. Contact with authors for possible missing
data was performed.
Study selection Implant failure and postoperative infection were the
The titles and abstracts of all reports identified through dichotomous outcome measures evaluated. Weighted
the electronic searches were read independently by the mean differences were used to construct forest plots of
three authors. For studies appearing to meet the inclu- MBL, a continuous outcome. The statistical unit for all
sion criteria, or for which there were insufficient data in outcomes (implant failure, MBL, postoperative infec-
the title and abstract to make a clear decision, the full tion) was the implant. Whenever outcomes of interest
report was obtained. Disagreements were resolved by were not clearly stated, the data were not used for
discussion between the authors. analysis. The I2 statistic was used to express the percent-
age of the total variation across studies due to hetero-
Quality assessment geneity, with 25% corresponding to low heterogeneity,
Quality assessment of the studies was executed accord- 50% to moderate, and 75% to high. The inverse variance
ing to the Newcastle-Ottawa scale (NOS).18 The NOS method was used for random-effects or fixed-effects
was developed to assess the quality of nonrandomized model. Where statistically significant (P < .10) heteroge-
studies with its design, content, and ease of use neity was detected, a random-effects model was used
directed to the task of incorporating the quality assess- to assess the significance of treatment effects. Where no
ments in the interpretation of meta-analytic results. The statistically significant heterogeneity was found,
NOS calculates the study quality on the basis of three analysis was performed using a fixed-effects model.20
major components: selection, comparability, and out- The estimates of relative effect for dichotomous out-
come for cohort studies. It assigns a maximum of four comes were expressed in risk ratio (RR) and in mean
stars for selection, a maximum of two stars for compa- difference (MD) in millimeters for continuous outcomes,
rability, and a maximum of three stars for outcome. both with a 95% confidence interval (CI). Only if there
According to that quality scale, a maximum of nine were studies with similar comparisons reporting the
stars/points can be given to a study, and this score rep- same outcome measures was meta-analysis to be
resents the highest quality, where six or more points attempted. In the case where no events (or all events)
were considered high quality. were observed in both groups the study provided no
For the component “outcome-follow-up long information about relative probability of the event and
enough”, 5 years of follow-up was chosen to be enough was automatically omitted from the meta-analysis. In
for the outcome “implant failure” to occur, as this is the this (these) case(s), the term “not estimable” is shown
minimum time to allow the survival and success of under the column of RR of the forest plot table. The
implants to be analyzed appropriately.19 software used here automatically checks for problem-
atic zero counts, and adds a fixed value of 0.5 to all cells
Data extraction and meta-analysis of study results tables where the problems occur.
From the studies included in the final analysis, the fol- A funnel plot (plot of effect size versus standard
lowing data were extracted (when available): year of error [SE]) was drawn. Asymmetry of the funnel plot
publication, study design, single-center or multicenter may indicate publication bias and other biases related
study, number of patients, patients’ age, follow-up, to sample size, although the asymmetry may also repre-
days of antibiotic prophylaxis, mouth rinse, implant sent a true relationship between trial size and effect size.
healing period, failed and placed implants, postopera- The data were analyzed using the statistical soft-
tive infection, MBL, BP therapy details, implant surface ware Review Manager (version 5.3.3, The Nordic

332 VOLUME 47 • NUMBER 4 • APRIL 2016

Chrcanovic et al

836 records identified; 293 in PubMed/Medline, 266

5 additional records identified through other sources
in Web of Science, 277 in Embase

412 records after duplicates removed

272 records excluded

140 full-text articles selected

1 record identified through


141 full-text articles assessed for eligibility

123 full-text articles excluded:

42 animal studies, 32 reviews,

28 case reports, 9 papers not
18 studies included qualitative synthesis evaluating implant failures, 7
papers evaluating only patients
with osteonecrosis, 2 papers
evaluating only patients with
failures, 2 histologic studies, 1
letter to the editor
18 studies included quantitative synthesis (meta-analysis)

Fig 1 Study screening process.

Cochrane Centre, The Cochrane Collaboration, Copen- excluded for not being related to the topic, resulting in
hagen, Denmark, 2014). 140 entries. Additional hand-searching of the reference
lists of selected studies yielded one additional paper.
The full-text reports of the remaining 141 articles led to
RESULTS the exclusion of 123 because they did not meet the
Literature search inclusion criteria (42 animal studies, 32 review articles,
The study selection process is summarized in Fig 1. The 28 case reports, 9 clinical studies not evaluating
search strategy resulted in 836 papers. Five additional implant failures, 7 papers evaluating only the patients
sources were identified through other sources. A total with osteonecrosis of the jaws, 2 papers evaluating only
of 429 articles were cited in more than one research of patients with implant failures, 2 histologic studies, 1
terms (duplicates). The three reviewers independently letter to the editor; Appendix 1, available in the online
screened the abstracts for those articles related to the version at Thus, a total of 18
focus question. Of the resultant 412 studies, 272 were publications were included in the review.

VOLUME 47 • NUMBER 4 • APRIL 2016 333

Chrcanovic et al

Table 1 Detailed data of the included studies (part 1)

Year Patients’ age range

Study published Study design Patients (n) (average; years) Follow-up visits (or range)
Jeffcoat21 2006 CCT (single-center) 50 (25, G1: 25, G2) NM > 3 years
Wagenberg and
2006 RA (single-center) 891 (NM) 14–94 (57.9) Mean 71 months (range 12–193)
Fugazzotto et al26 2007 RA (multicenter) 61 (61, G1; 0, G2) 51–83 (NM) 2 years
Mean 3 years 1 month
Bell and Bell27 2008 RA (single-center) NM (42, G1; NM, G2) NM
(range 4 months – 7 years 5 months)
Grant et al28 2008 RA (single-center) 458 (115, G1; 343, G2) > 40 (67.4) NM
Kasai et al 2009 RA (single-center) 51 (11, G1; 40, G2) 52–73 (NM) Mean 84 months (range 64–146)
Koka et al30 2010 RA (single-center) 137 (55, G1; 82, G2) > 50 NM
Shabestari et al16 2010 RA (multicenter) 21 (21, G1; 0, G2) 42–79 (53) 8 years
Bell et al 2011 RA (single-center) 655 (NM) NM Mean 20 months (range 3–93)
Famili et al32 2011 RA (single-center) 120 (22, G1; 98, G2) > 50 30 months
Zahid et al13 2011 RA (single-center) 300 (26, G1; 274, G2) 17–87 (56) Mean 26 months (range 2–78)
Leonida et al22 2012 PS (single-center) 9 (9, G1; 0, G2) 45–68 (NM) 2 years
Memon et al33 2012 RA (single-center) 200 (100, G1; 100, G2) 47–90 (63) 4–6 months
Yip et al34 2012 RA (multicenter) 337 (20, G1; 317, G2) > 40 Mean 6 years (range 0.33–11.89)
Wagenberg et al35 2013 RA (single-center) 541 (NM) 12–88 (58) Mean 10 years (range 1–22)
Al-Sabbagh et al 36 2015 RA (single-center) 203 (20, G1; 183, G2) 21–90 (55.5) Mean 7 years (range 0.84–10)
Mozzati et al23 2015 PS (single-center) 235 (235, G1; 0, G2) 48–79 (60.7) > 24 months
Tallarico et al24 2015 PS (multicenter) 32 (32, G1; 0, G2) 46–80 (64.6) Mean 47.6 months (range 36–72)
*Unpublished information was obtained by personal communication with one of the authors.
†This study evaluated only patients taking bisphosphonates.

‡Wagenberg et al35 did not provide the number of implant failures in each group.

CCT, controlled clinical trial; G1, group bisphosphonate; G2, group non-bisphosphonate;
NA, not applicable; NM, not mentioned; PS, prospective study; RA, retrospective analysis.

Description of the studies Meta-analysis

One controlled clinical study (CCT), three prospective In this study, a random-effects model was used to eval-
studies,22-24 and 14 retrospective studies13,16,25-36 were uate the implant failure between groups because of
included in the meta-analysis. Detailed data of the 18 variability of the included studies, even though statis-
included studies are listed in Tables 1 and 2. tical heterogeneity was not found (I2 = 9%; P = .36). The
Of the 12 studies comparing the procedures (five statistical heterogeneity stands for the variability in the
studies16,22-24,26 evaluated only patients taking BP, and intervention effects being evaluated in the different
one study35 only reported information about MBL), a studies, and is a consequence of clinical or method-
total of 1,284 dental implants were placed in patients ologic diversity, or both, among the studies. The low
taking BP, with 47 failures (3.66%), and 7,997 implants level of heterogeneity observed when the outcome
in patients not taking BP, with 307 failures (3.84%). “implant failure” was analyzed is surprising, given the
variability of the included studies (varying lengths of
Quality assessment follow-up, patient ages, number of implants, classifica-
Six studies were of high quality, ten were of moderate tion of severity of periodontitis, etc.). For this reason, a
quality, and two studies were of low quality. The scores random-effects model was used to incorporate hetero-
are summarized in Table 3. geneity among studies. Some argue that, since clinical

334 VOLUME 47 • NUMBER 4 • APRIL 2016

Chrcanovic et al

Antibiotics / Postoperative
mouth rinse (days) Healing period / loading Failed / placed implants (n) Implant failure rate (%) infection
NM NM 0/102 (G1); 0/108 (G2) 0 (G1); 0 (G2) NM
6 months (maxilla); 3 months (mandible);
12 / NM 0/35 (G1); 77/1,890 (G2) 0 (G1); 4.07 (G2) NM
(64 immediately loaded)
10 / 21 6 weeks 0/169 (G1); (G2)† 0 (G1); (G2) † 0 (G1); NA (G2)

NM NM 5/100 (G1); 26/734 (G2) 5.00 (G1); 3.54 (G2) NM

NM NM 2/468 (G1); 14/1,450 (G2) 0.43 (G1); 0.97 (G2) NM

3–5 / NM NM 5/35 (G1); 7/161 (G2) 14.29 (G1); 4.35 (G2) NM
NM NM 1/121 (G1); 3/166 (G2) 0.83 (G1); 1.81 (G2) NM
NM 3–5 months 0/46 (G1); (G2)† 0 (G1); (G2)† NM
1/1 3 months 0/24 (G1); 15/898 (G2) 0 (G1); 1.67 (G2) NM
NM NM 1/75 (G1); 0/272 (G2) 1.33 (G1); 0 (G2) NM
NM NM 3/51 (G1); 16/610 (G2) 5.88 (G1); 2.62 (G2) NM
7/7 Immediate 0/54 (G1); (G2)† 0 (G1); (G2)† 0 (G1); NA (G2)
NM 4–6 months 10/153 (G1); 6/132 (G2) 6.54 (G1); 4.55 (G2) NM
NM NM 20/74 (G1); 143/1,107 (G2)* 27.03 (G1); 12.92 (G2) NM
NM Immediate (n = 42); Delayed (n = 1,145) NM‡/35 (G1); NM‡/1,151 (G2) ‡
NM NM 0/46 (G1); 0/469 (G2) 0 (G1); 0 (G2) NM
6 / NM Immediate (36%); Delayed (64%) 16/1,267 (G1); (G2)† 1.26 (G1); (G2)† 0 (G1); NA (G2)
14/14 3 months 1/98 (G1); (G2)† 1.02 (G1); (G2)† 0 (G1); NA (G2)

Table 2 Detailed data of the included studies (part 2)

Marginal Region / pros-

bone loss thetic rehabilita-
(mean ± SD; Implant surface modi- tion / opposing
Study mm) Bisphosphonate therapy fication (brand) dentition Observations
All patients were postmenopausal
Jeff- Maxilla, mandible women with BMD scores indicative
NM Mean 3 years NM
coat21 / NM / NM of osteoporosis, 2 smokers, no cases
of osteonecrosis
All implants placed in fresh
Turned (Brånemark, extraction sockets, bone grafts were
Wagen- Maxilla, mandible
Nobel Biocare; utilized in all cases in which there
berg / SC (n = 383), FPP
NM Alendronate n = 1,398), acid-etched was a residual space around the
and (1,471 implants) /
(Osseotite, 3i Implant implant, 13 implants in sinus-lifts,
Froum25 NM
Innovations; n = 527) 323 implants in smokers, no cases of
Fugaz- Alendronate or risedronate, 39 implants inserted in fresh
Maxilla, mandible
zotto NM 35 or 70 mg/week, SLA (Straumann) extraction sockets, GBR in some
/ NM / NM
et al26 mean 3.3 years cases, no cases of osteonecrosis
Grafting procedures in 30 patients of
Alendronate (34 patients),
Bell and Maxilla, mandible G1. Smokers were also included, but
NM risedronate (6 patients), NM
Bell27 / NM / NM the exact number was not informed.
ibandronate (2 patients)
No cases of osteonecrosis
Alendronate, risedronate, iban-
Grant dronate. Mean 38 months. Maxilla, mandible All female patients, no cases of
et al28 Before implant: 89 patients. / NM / NM osteonecrosis, 2 diabetic patients
After implant: 26 patients
continued on next page

VOLUME 47 • NUMBER 4 • APRIL 2016 335

Chrcanovic et al

continuation from previous page

Kasai “All implants were from Maxilla, mandible All female patients, no smokers, no
NM Alendronate
et al29 only one manufacturer” / NM / NM cases of osteonecrosis
Koka Maxilla, mandible All female patients/postmenopausal
et al30 / NM / NM women, no cases of osteonecrosis
Maxilla, mandible
Alendronate 35–70 mg/week,
Shabe- / FPP (12 patients), All female patients, grafting proced-
mean 20.5 months. Before
stari NM SLA (Straumann) overdenture (9 ures in 5 patients, no cases of osteo-
implant: 7 patients. After
et al16 patients) / natural, necrosis
implant: 14 patients
fixed, removable
All implants placed in fresh
Bell Maxilla, mandible extraction sockets, 83 implants in
NM NM SLA (Straumann)
et al31 / SC, FPP / NM diabetic patients, 123 implants in
smokers, no cases of osteonecrosis
Alendronate (16 patients),
risedronate (4 patients),
ibandronate (2 patient).
Famili Duration of use: > 6 months – 1 All female patients, no cases of
et al32 year (6 patients), > 1 year osteonecrosis
(9 patients), > 5 years
(5 patients), unknown
(2 patients)
Turned (Brånemark,
Nobel Biocare; n = 389),
“Presence of
unknown (Zimmer;
implant Grafting procedures in 173 implant
Zahid n = 158), SLA (Strau- Maxilla, mandible
thread expo- 35–70 mg/week, 6–192 months sites, 56 implants in smokers, no
et al13 mann; n = 111), / NM / NM
sure” was cases of osteonecrosis
unknown (ADI, Ameri-
used instead
can Dental Implant;
n = 3)
Risedronate (5 patients), alen-
All patients had residual teeth with
dronate (4 patients), for less Laser-modified (Way
Leonida Mandible/ FAP / severe periodontal disease, 19
NM than 3 years. Suspension of bis- implant, Syntegra sur-
et al22 NM implants in fresh extraction sockets,
phosphonate therapy 1 month face, Geass)
no cases of osteonecrosis
after the surgery
Turned (Brånemark,
Risedronate (23 patients), iban-
Nobel Biocare; n = 119), Maxilla, mandible
0.81 ± 1.02 dronate (5 patients), alendro-
SLA (Straumann; n = 66), / SC (235 All female patients, 8 smokers, 7 dia-
(G1, n = 145); nate (72 patients). Duration of
Memon unknown (Biomet 3i; implants), FPP (10 betic patients, grafting procedures in
0.78 ± 0.71 use: < 1 year (20 patients), 1–3
et al33 n = 55), unknown implants), 88 implant sites, 60 nonsubmerged
(G2, n = 130) years (19 patients), > 3 years (15
(Thommen; n = 28), overdenture implants, no cases of osteonecrosis
(4–6 months) patients), unknown (46
unknown (AstraTech; (n = 40) / NM
n = 17)
“Machined” (n = 85); All female patients, 52 smokers, 20
Yip Maxilla, mandible
NM Alendronate, risedronate “moderately rough- diabetic patients, no cases of osteo-
et al34 / NM / NM
ened” (n = 1,096) necrosis
0.61 ± 0.87
Maxilla, mandible
Wagen- (G1, n = 35); All implants in fresh extraction sock-
“Machined” (n = 873); / SC (n = 217),
berg 0.53 ± 0.83 NM ets, 184 implants in smokers, no
“roughened” (n = 314) “splinted”
et al35 (G2, n = 1151) cases of osteonecrosis
(n = 970) / NM
Maxilla, mandible
History of oral bisphosphonate / SC (n = 393), 1 male and 19 females, no cases of
bagh NM SLA (Straumann)
therapy for 3 years or more overdenture osteonecrosis
et al36
(n = 122) / NM
Oral BP: alendronate (141
Sinus lift for 54 implants, no cases of
Mozzati patients), ibandronate (68 Maxilla, mandible
NM NM osteonecrosis, 51 smokers, 21 dia-
et al23 patients), risedronate (45 / NM / NM
betic patients
Alendronate 70 mg/week or or
Tallarico 1.35 ± 0.21 Oxidized (NobelReplace, Maxilla, mandible All implants in healed sites, no cases
5–10 mg/day, for at least 3
et al24 (G1) (3 years) Nobel Biocare) / NM / NM of osteonecrosis
years before implant placement
BMD, bone mineral density; FAP, full-arch prosthesis; FPP, fixed partial prosthesis; G1, group bisphosphonate; G2, group non-bisphosphonate; GBR, guided bone regeneration; NM, not
mentioned; SC, single crown; SLA, sand-blasted, large-grit, acid-etched.

336 VOLUME 47 • NUMBER 4 • APRIL 2016

Chrcanovic et al

Table 3 Quality assessment of the studies by NOS

Selection Comparability of cohorts Outcome

Represen- Selec- Ascer- Outcome
tativeness tion of tain- of inter-
of the exter- ment of est not Addi- Assess- Follow-up Adequacy
exposed nal expo- present Main fac- tional fac- ment of long of fol- Total
Study cohort control sure at start tor tor outcome enough* low-up (9/9)
Jeffcoat21 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 5/9
Wagenberg and
0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 6/9
Fugazzotto et al26 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 2/9
Bell and Bell27 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 6/9
Grant et al28 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 3/9
Kasai et al 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 5/9
Koka et al30 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 5/9
Shabestari et al 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 3/9
Bell et al31 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 5/9
Famili et al32 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 4/9
Zahid et al 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 6/9
Leonida et al22 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 2/9
Memon et al 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 6/9
Yip et al34 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 6/9
Wagenberg et al35 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 6/9
Al-Sabbagh et al 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 4/9
Mozzati et al23 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 3/9
Tallarico et al 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 3/9
*5 years of follow-up was chosen to be enough for the outcome “implant failure” to occur.

and methodologic diversity always occur in a was 1.5% (0.015, 95% CI 0.006–0.023, SE 0.004, P < .001).
meta-analysis, statistical heterogeneity is inevitable.37 It is the probability of implant failure in patients taking
The insertion of dental implants in patients taking BPs.
BPs statistically affected the implant failure rates (RR
1.73, 95% CI 1.21–2.48, P = .003; Fig 2). There were no Publication bias
apparent significant effects of dental implants inserted The funnel plot showed asymmetry when the studies
in patients taking BPs on the occurrence of MBL (MD reporting the outcome “implant failure” were analyzed
0.05, 95% CI −0.12–0.22; P = .59; heterogeneity: (Fig 5), indicating possible presence of publication bias.
fixed-effects model, I2 = 0%; P = .78, Fig 3). Due to lack
of enough information, meta-analysis for the outcome
“postoperative infection” was not performed.
The overall proportion from studies reporting a sin- The purpose of this systematic review was to compare
gle proportion was calculated (Fig 4). Since a statisti- the implant failure rates, MBL, and postoperative infec-
cally significant heterogeneity was detected (τ2 = 0.000, tion for patients receiving or not receiving BPs. The
χ2 = 51.137, df = 16, I2 = 68.712%, P < .001) a random-ef- results of the present study cannot suggest that BPs
fects method was performed, according to the DerSi- may affect the MBL of dental implants, due to the lim-
monian-Laird estimator38). The estimate of an event ited number of studies33,35 reporting this outcome. Due

VOLUME 47 • NUMBER 4 • APRIL 2016 337

Chrcanovic et al

Risk ratio (IV, Risk Ratio IV,
Study or subgroup Events Total Events Total Weight Random, 95% CI) Year Random, 95% Cl
Jeffcoat21 0 102 0 108 Not estimable 2006
Wagernberg and Froum25 0 35 77 1,890 1.7% 0.34 [0.02–5.36] 2006
Bell and Bell 5 100 26 734 12.9% 1.41 [0.55–3.59] 2008
Grant et al28 2 468 14 1,450 5.6% 0.44 [0.10–1.94] 2008
Kasai et al29 5 35 7 161 9.9% 3.29 [1.1–9.75] 2009
Koka et al30 1 121 3 166 2.5% 0.46 [0.05–4.34] 2010
Famili et al 1 75 0 272 1.3% 10.78 [0.44–261.87] 2011
Bell et al31 0 24 15 898 1.6% 1.16 [0.07–18.85] 2011
Zahid et al13 3 51 16 610 8.2% 2.24 [0.68–7.44] 2011
Yip et al34 20 74 143 1,107 44.6% 2.09 [1.40–3.14] 2012
Memon et al33 10 153 6 132 11.8% 1.44 [0.54–3.85] 2012
Al-Sabbagh et al 36 0 46 0 469 Not estimable 2015
Total (95% CI) 1,284 7,997 100.0% 1.73 [1.21–2.48]
Total events 47 307
Heterogeneity: Tau = 0.03, χ = 9.89, df = 9 (P = .36); I2 = 9%
2 2 0.02 0.1 1 10 50
Test for overall effect: Z = 3.00 (P = .003) Favors BP Favors non-BP

Fig 2 Forest plot for the event “implant failure”.

Mean difference Mean Difference IV,
Study or subgroup Mean SD Total Mean SD Total Weight IV, Fixed, 95% CI Year Fixed, 95% Cl
Memon et al33 0.81 1.02 145 0.78 0.71 130 66.8% 0.03 [−0.18–0.24] 2012
Wagernberg et al35 0.61 0.87 35 0.53 0.83 1,151 33.2% 0.08 [−0.21–0.37] 2013
Total 95% CI 180 1,281 100.0% 0.05 [−0.12–0.22]
Heterogeneity: χ2 = 0.08; df = 1 (P = .78); I2 = 0% – 0.2 – 0.1 0 0.1 0.2
Test for overall effect: Z = 0.54 (P = .59) Favors BP Favors non-BP

Fig 3 Forest plot for the event “marginal bone loss”.

to lack of sufficient information, meta-analysis for the lost in several different conditions. The use of grafting
outcome “postoperative infection” was not performed. in some studies is a confounding risk factor, as well as
Even though the meta-analysis may suggest that BP the insertion of some or all implants in fresh extraction
affects the implant failure rates, this must be inter- sockets, the insertion of implants in different locations,
preted with extreme caution, due to the limitations of different healing periods, different prosthetic configu-
the present study. rations, type of opposing dentition, different implant
Firstly, confounding factors may have affected the angulation ranges, splinting of the implants, the pres-
long-term outcomes and not just the fact that patients ence of smokers, and the use of implants with different
were receiving or not receiving BPs, and the impact of designs and surfaces. It is known that the surface prop-
these variables on the implant survival rate, postopera- erties of dental implants such as topography and
tive infection, and MBL39-48 is difficult to estimate if chemistry are relevant for the osseointegration process,
these factors are not identified separately between the influencing ionic interaction, protein adsorption, and
two different procedures in order to perform a meta-re- cellular activity at the surface.49
gression analysis. Most of the studies, if not all, did not The studies included here made use of implants
report how many implants were inserted and survived/ with different brands and surface treatments. Titanium

338 VOLUME 47 • NUMBER 4 • APRIL 2016

Chrcanovic et al

Study Estimate (95% CI) Events/Total 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35
Jeffcoat21 0.005 (0.000–0.018) 0/102
Wagernberg and Froum25 0.014 (0.000–0.052) 0/35
Fugazzotto et al26 0.003 (0.000–0.011) 0/169
Bell and Bell 0.050 (0.007–0.093) 5/100
Grant et al28 0.004 (0.000–0.010) 2/468
Kasai et al 0.143 (0.027–0.259) 5/35
Koka et al30 0.008 (0.000–0.024) 1/121
Shabesteri et al 0.011 (0.000–0.040) 0/46
Bell et al31 0.020 (0.000–0.075) 0/24
Zahid et al13 0.059 (0.000–0.123) 3/51
Famili et al 0.013 (0.000–0.039) 1/75
Leonida et al22 0.009 (0.000–0.034) 0/54
Memon et al 0.065 (0.026–0.105) 10/153
Yip et al34 0.270 (0.169–0.371) 20/74
Al-Sabbagh et al36 0.011 (0.000–0.040) 0/46
Mozzati et al 0.013 (0.006–0.019) 16/1,267
Tallarico et al24 0.010 (0.000–0.030) 1/98
Overall (I = 69%, P < .001) 0.015 (0.006–0.023) 64/2,918

Fig 4 Forest plot of proportion for the event “implant failure”.

with different surface modifications shows a wide

range of chemical and physical properties, and surface
topographies or morphologies, depending on how Yip et al
they are prepared and handled,50-52 and it is not clear
whether, in general, one surface modification is better Bell and Bell
than another.49 It is important to stress that differences 0.5
Memon et al Kasai et al
in the BPs therapy also interferes with the occurrence of Zahid et al
Grant et al
osteonecrosis, which may directly influence the implant

survival rates.
The different methods of BP administration should 1
also be considered; for example, osteonecrosis caused Koka et al
by intravenous BPs is more prevalent and more severe
than osteonecrosis induced by oral BPs,28 being a result
Bell et al
of the immediate uptake and binding of BPs to bone 1.5 Wagenberg
and Froum
via the intravenous route, as compared to the oral Famili
route, where less than 0.7% is absorbed through the et al

gastrointestinal mucosa before it circulates and binds

to bone.53 Thus, it can be said that intravenous BPs load 2
and accumulate in bone at a rate 142.8 times higher 0.02 0.1 1 10 50
than oral BP.8 As none of the studies included here that Risk ratio (RR)
provided information about the BP therapy evaluated Fig 5 Funnel plot for the studies reporting the outcome event
patients taking intravenous BPs, an underestimation of “implant failure”.

VOLUME 47 • NUMBER 4 • APRIL 2016 339

Chrcanovic et al

the implant failure rates can exist. Still, the present retrospective chart review do not usually provide infor-
meta-analysis suggests that BPs affect the implant fail- mation regarding the duration of BP usage. This would
ure rates. have been an important variable to examine, as the
Another point concerning the BP therapy is that absorbed nitrogen-containing BPs remain bound to
variations in the chemical molecular structure of the their bone targets until they are released when the
BPs confer different degrees of potency, with zolendro- bone is resorbed.58 This limitation prevented us from
nate being the most potent of the intravenous BPs and stratifying the population of oral BPs users by duration
alendronate being the most potent of the oral BPs, to analyze the effect of increasing duration on implant
therefore causing the majority of the cases of osteo- failure rate.
necrosis of the jaws for intravenous54 and oral types,55 Thirdly, much of the research in the field is limited
respectively. by small cohort size and short follow-up periods. It is
A final point is the fact that the effect of patient important to stress that some publications included in
compliance and adherence to their medication regi- this review have a short-term follow-up period. A lon-
mens is unknown. Evidence indicates that adherence to ger follow-up period can lead to an increase in the fail-
BP therapy at 6 months may be less than 50% for both ure rate, especially if it extended beyond functional
once-weekly and daily dosing regiments.56 The real fact loading, because other prosthetic factors can influence
is that individual patients sometimes present with implant failure from that point onward. This might have
more than one risk factor, and groups of patients are led to an underestimation of actual failures in some
typically heterogenous with respect to risk factors and studies. Moreover, the occurrence of osteonecrosis can
susceptibilities so the specific effect of an individual risk also exert some influence on the implant survival
factor could be isolated neither for individual studies rates.10 Some studies show that effects of BPs persist for
nor for the present review. This is understandable and extended periods, which could explain why osteo-
expected because study populations are typically rep- necrosis appears after long-term treatment and even in
resentative of normal populations with various risk cases in which BP treatment was discontinued.59,60 This
factors.57 To precisely assess the effect of a risk factor on is concerning because oral BPs are intended for ongo-
implant outcomes, it would be ideal to eliminate all ing use over several years in, for example, postmeno-
other risk factors from the study population. Not only pausal women. However, it is hard to define what
does the coexistence of multiple risk factors within a would be considered a short follow-up period to evalu-
study population create an inability to assess the spe- ate implant failures in patients taking BPs.
cific effect of one individual risk factor, but there is a Fourth, some of included studies are characterized
possibility that certain risk factors together may be by a low level of specificity, where the assessment of
more detrimental than the individual risk factors BPs as a complicating factor for dental implants was
alone.57 The lack of control of the confounding factors seldom the main focus of the investigation.
limited the potential to draw robust conclusions. The authors of the present study believe that future
As well as these confounding factors, a second lim- controlled studies with a larger number of patients in
itation is that most of the included studies had a retro- the BP group (several studies included far fewer
spective design, and the nature of a retrospective study patients taking BPs than patients not taking BPs) are
inherently results in flaws. These problems were mani- required to determine the real effect of this medica-
fested by the gaps in information and incomplete ment on the dental implant outcome. Given the large
records. Furthermore, all data rely on the accuracy of number of postmenopausal women, and an increasing
the original examination and documentation. Items number of elderly men, who are being treated for
may have been excluded in the initial examination or osteopenia or osteoporosis with BPs medications,
not recorded in the medical chart. Studies involving a whether dental implant therapy leads to lower survival

340 VOLUME 47 • NUMBER 4 • APRIL 2016

Chrcanovic et al

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342 VOLUME 47 • NUMBER 4 • APRIL 2016

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Appendix 1 List of the publications not included in the study and reasons for exclusion

Reason for
exclusion Article
Chatterjee M, Hatori K, Duyck J, Sasaki K, Naert I, Vandamme K. High-frequency loading positively impacts titanium implant osse-
Animal study
ointegration in impaired bone. Osteoporos Int 2015;26:281–290.
Alghamdi HS, Bosco R, Both SK, et al. Synergistic effects of bisphosphonate and calcium phosphate nanoparticles on peri-implant
Animal study
bone responses in osteoporotic rats. Biomaterials 2014;35:5482–5490.
Cuairán C, Campbell PM, Kontogiorgos E, Taylor RW, Melo AC, Buschang PH. Local application of zoledronate enhances miniscrew
Animal study
implant stability in dogs. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2014;145:737–749.
Animal study Oh KC, Moon HS, Lee JH, Park YB, Kim JH. Effects of alendronate on the peri-implant bone in rats. Oral Dis 2015;21:248–256.
Pyo SW, Kim YM, Kim CS, Lee IS, Park JU. Bone formation on biomimetic calcium phosphate-coated and zoledronate-immobilized
Animal study
titanium implants in osteoporotic rat tibiae. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2014;29:478–484.
de Oliveira MA, Asahi DA, Silveira CA, Lima LA, Glick M, Gallottini M. The effects of zoledronic acid and dexamethasone on osseointe-
Animal study
gration of endosseous implants: histological and histomorphometrical evaluation in rats. Clin Oral Implants Res 2015;26:e17–e21.
Hazzaa HH, Amin G, Abo Hager EA, El Shiekh MA. Influence of alendronate administration regimen on the final outcome of implant
Animal study
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VOLUME 47 • NUMBER 4 • APRIL 2016 e5

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