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Family is the most important thing for majority of the people. An avarage
family consists of a mother, father and 2 children. We can talk about small and
large families, too. Families in Hungary are quite small. This is a tremendous
problem in Hungary nowadays.
Statistics have shown that a gap has appeared between death rate and the
birth rate. This means the population of the country is decreasing. Although
goverments have tried to encourage young couples with different subsides.
People are afraid of having a child because their financial situations are not
satisfactory enough to bring up children.
As for me I live with my parents and my grandparents under the same roof.
There are adavatages for example, we can take care of each other and my
grandmother can cook, which is a significant help for us. On the other hand
sometimes it’s very frustrating living together, due to the wide generations gap,
we have different prespectives of life.
In my family, both my mother and father work. In my opinion women can
decide whether they want to work or not. I belive that a woman has the same
rights as a man. Husbands can help with the chores, and the upbringing of the
children. It is still a problem nowadays, that husbands just go home and demand
to be served. A fair share of workload would make families healthier.
Most women in Hungary have 2 or 3 jobs. Women are excepted to fulfil their
duties at work, they have to take care of the household and bring up the children,
they are overburdened by all these responsibilities.
There are cases when one of the parents, usually the mother stays at home with
the children. There is a meternity leave they can enjoy for 3 years. In my
prespective working at home and doing all he housework is as difficult as
having a normal job. They are the people who stay at home and keep the family
Every girl deam about their big day, the white dress, the beautiful decoration. In
the 21. century getting married early is not very fasionable. Young people want
to go on higher education instead of starting a family. Although the advantage of
an early marriage is that the generation gap between the parents and the children
would not be so large. I don’t think that there is an ideal age to start a family. It
depends on the person, his/her maturity and way of thinking.
Unfortunately, there are several reasons why people get divorced. Most people
do not know each other at the time of their marriage. It is vital that young
couples cohabit before getting married. This is the only way you get familiar
with your spouse’s habits. I think that cohabitation reduces the risks of bad
marriage and this way the number of divorces will also decrease.
At the same time a reason for getting divorced can be the lack of
communication. There are plenty of issues that are left unanswered. People do
not dare to speak about their problems thinking that they would be a burden on
their partner. However, this leads to further trouble as nuisance piles up and
erupts suddenly.
I would like to have a large family, and be the best mother as I can. It’s
very important to the children, what they see in a family. I hope my children
grow up in a well-balanced, productive and creative family, and the parents
awill be useful members of a team at work and also caring and affectionate, too.

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