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" Articles are a challenging part of speaking English but they're a really important part. They
give information about the noun that they come before. "

Articles are used with English nouns. So, nouns play an important part in your decision to
use an article. The type of noun is important.
Some linguists consider Article the 9th part of speech, but due to its role of an adjective
,it is considered a semi-Adjective sort of thing comprising only of three words.



With common Singular UNSPECIFIED With common singular/plural SPECIFIED

Talking in General Talking in Particular
A An The

Indefinite Articles :

They refer to something not specifically known to the person you are communicating
with. They are used before nouns that introduce something or someone you have not
mentioned before.

A / AN NOT Used :

With PLURAL NOUNS . ( Ahmad has a book ; Ahmad has many books )
With UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS . ( Sugar is made up of glucose )
Names of meals without adjective . ( We took breakfast at 7 am )
Material and Abstract nouns . ( Plastic is used to make foils ; Honesty is best policy )

A / AN Is Used :

Before a singular noun complement . ( He is a boy ; What a nice book )

Before a singular countable when it is mentioned for the first time and represents no
particular person or thing . ( I needed a visa ; He bought a chair )
With common singular UNSPECIFIED noun ( A dog was running in the street )
If two nouns refer to the same person , article is used only with first noun . ( Ali is a better
poet than novelist )
A / An + the class of things ( A car is useful invention )
A / An + adjective + Meals ( We took a delicious breakfast )
With NAMES OF DAYS when we mean ' one out of many ' ( Robinson crusoe found his
servant on a Friday ; Seeing the hours of school stretching ahead was a dismal
experience on a Monday )
Degrees and designations which start with a vowel sound take "an" before them .( Saad
is an MA english and is serving as an SP )
General truths : society in general sense ( Money and success don't change a society ,
they merely amplify what is already there )
Definite Article 'THE' :

1. Linguistic Reference :
I study in a school . The school is very big .
I saw a lion in the zoo . The lion was very feral .
2. Uniqueness :
The earth is a beautiful planet .
3. Physical Context :
The fans are not working well.
Open the doors please .

The + Noun 1 + Of + Noun 2

The Nation of Pakistan

The + Noun + that clause

The idea that I conceived yesterday

The + Noun + who clause

The man who met me at the Gourmet

The + Noun + which clause

The cow which was grazing in the park

The + Noun + Verb 3rd form

The life spent in a seminary


1. The universe ; The cosmos ; The world . But when these words are used as singular
complements , we use a/an ,
This is a universe with trillions of stars.
We live in a world full of imagination.
2. The + Phases of the day
The morning ; The evening ; The afternoon
3. The + Names of Allah
The knowing ; The wise
4. The + Holybooks
The Quran ; The Bible
5. The + Followers of the religion
The muslims ; The Hindus ; The Jews
6. The + Magazine / International organization / Names of ships
The UNO is conciliatory body .
The post is published from Multan .
The Titanic sank in 1912 .
7. The + Titles
The Quaid-e-Azam ; The president
8. The + Names of centuries / ages
The Twentieth century ; The dark ages
The tenth person ; The second
Titanic is one of the best movies
11. The + Adjective (adjective referring the whole class ) + Plural verb
The poor need help ; The blind want our attention .
12. The + language name + Plural verb
The English are diligent people ; The Dutch have proved their skills .
13. The + Family name + Plural verb
The Ahmads are visiting us today .
14. The + Abstract noun / Seasons ( talking in particular )
The wisdom he has is finite . ; I recollect the monday we met .
The Education of women is essential for any society .
15. The + School , College , University , Hospital , Church , Mosque , Prison , Temple (specific
purpose )
If you don't do what the doctor says , you'll have to go to the hospital.
16. The is used after 'by' if it is followed by the units of weight and measurement .
He was selling eggs by the dozen .
17. The is used before comparative degree for selection between two .
Singapore was the better place of the two places we visited last year .
18. English speakers often use THE plus a singular noun when they talk about or make
generalizations about certain topics , including :
Musical instruments : ( The piano ; The guitar )
Plants : ( The coconut palm ; The saguaro )
Animals : ( The leopord ; The elephant )
Inventions : ( The steam engine ; The plane )
Body parts : ( The dollar ; The euro )

THE NOT Used :

With names of other PLANETS ( SATURN ; JUPITER ) as they are proper names .
With MOUNTAIN NAMES ( K-2 is the second highest mountain in the world )
With RELIGION ( Islam is a religion of peace )
With TITLE / PROPER NAME ( President Ayub Khan )
With ABSTRACT NOUN / SEASONS ( Talking in general ) ; Wisdom is a blessing .
With NATIONS ending in 'ans' ( Americans ; Germans ; Indians )
Before HISTORICAL TOWNS ; The TAJ MAHAL in AGRA is the backbone of tourism in india
Before NOUN + NUMBER The benefit of exercise has been detailed in chapter 7 .
After ELECT or DECLARE ; Imran Khan was elected Prime minister of Pakistan .

1. Main Verb + Direction ( The is NOT USED at all )

He travelled north with his family .
2. Preposition + the + direction
He travelled towards the north with his family .

1. The is ESSENTIALY USED when direction refers to an AREA

The EAST is cradle of civilizations .
I don't like the machined life of the west .
This is the faith with which I return to the south .

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