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Athens College News English Magazine 2023

Dear Athens College Students,

The Athens College News English Magazine invites you to express yourself by submitting your
work on any of the following topics:
 Current affairs such as sports, pop culture, environmental issues etc.
 School Life
 Literature [in the form of poems or short stories]
 Teenage/social issues
 Fun section: quizzes, riddles, crossword puzzles [with their key]
You will need to carefully proofread and correct your work before submitting it to your
teachers. Teachers will not make any changes or corrections in order to maintain the authenticity
of your work.
Please, make sure you haven't plagiarized and what you submit is your own original work.
Texts can take the form of:
 a poem
 a short story/prose
 an article
 an opinion/argumentative essay/speech
 comic strip[s]/part of a graphic novel
Your work will be shortlisted by the magazine committee. This does not mean that it will
necessarily be selected for publication.
Submission procedure is as follows:
1. All work to be written in Century Gothic font, size 12
2. All pieces of writing should have:
 a centered title
and at the bottom of your work in bold
 your full name
 English class section (e.g., Maria Papadopoulou a_LA4_E4)
3. No submission can be longer than 2 pages.


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