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My initial concept for my “Pitch” is to bring motivation to athletes or people who has

suffered a bad loss that he or she went through. The project was basically about a runner who is

running, training, but he is deeply unmotivated due to the loss he took a race in the past. This

makes him hate himself and wants to get better by over pushing but fails. The thing is, theres a

thing that holds him back but actually its himself that holds him back. As he realizes and thinks

differently he trains perfectly and then on his next race he wins it and celebrates. In the project

you can see that the only thing that is stopping himself is himself. This basically means that its a

more you focused project and you don't need to rely on other people but all you need is just

yourself. I stayed with my course, even though there was a little changes on some parts, it all

stayed the same.

The activities that took place during the Pre-Production is first we took a trip to Garret

Mountain, there I filmed most of my clips which was the training scene. After that I already had

clips from the past from races. Everything went pretty well and the obstacles that occurred was

audio issues. How I overcame them is by asking for assistance in fixing the situation. What I

could have possibly done is re filmed the scene, and listen back to the audio. I could've also

filmed at a different area in the location to where the audio sounds better. I could have also

gotten a different mic that helps track the audio better.

What activities should take place during the Production Phase is the script should be

already finished and the film should be in action in the making. The people in charge, cameras,

and location should be available and on board. What I did to complete my own for my project, is

have my script reviewed, planned the date to film, and made sure I have all my materials. For

example, I checked to see the camera work, I check to see if I have the bag for the tripod. I

mostly overcame these obstacles and had a success in filming my film at Garret.
The Post Production Phase is a phase after all the raw filming. You also begin the editing

process and start adding music, effects, and other clips to each other. What I did to complete my

project is once I had all my clips, I each review them and start putting each clip in piece. I also

try to make each shot perfectly aligned with the other, to make a good transition from switching

shot ot shot. What went well is that I had a good shot list and types when filming the film. What

went wrong is the audio and clarity of some clips I was reviewing in my film were odd.

Modifying some of my clips to help fix the audio or clarity, but there was other clips that was

cleaner. What I could have done is film multiple clips of the same scene incase one has bad audio

or one has bad quality. I could also maybe have someone with higher knowledge of me help me

maybe find a way to fix this obstacle.

I believe I did meet my program objective. My program objective was to show that even

though you had a bad moment you shouldn't let that stop you from being greater than what you

can be. Also it also shows that most people biggest challenges is themselves. What that means is

your mentality plays a big part in how you want to be. My genre was motivation and my target

audience was for those unmotivated and those who went through a bad moment in their game or

maybe something in life. My video did translate it the way I envisioned it because it showed how

its not anyone but you that decides how you wanna be. For example it shows that theres a person

talking, we’ve come to figure out that it was him talking to himself. This means that it was all in

the mind and the only thing that needed help becoming better was no one else but him.

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