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OPINION Epidemiology of eating disorders in Latin America:
a systematic review and meta-analysis
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David R. Kolar a,b, Dania L. Mejı´a Rodriguez b,c, Moises Mebarak Chams b,
and Hans W. Hoek d,e,f
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Purpose of review
Eating disorders are currently not considered to be limited to Western culture. We systematically reviewed
the existing literature on the prevalence of eating disorders in Latin America.
Recent findings
Of 1583 records screened, 17 studies from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Venezuela
were included in the analysis. Most studies reported point-prevalence rates and only three studies provided
lifetime and 12-month prevalence rates. We found a mean point-prevalence rate of 0.1% for anorexia
nervosa, 1.16% for bulimia nervosa, and 3.53% for binge-eating disorder (BED) in the general population.
Heterogeneity for bulimia nervosa and BED was large. This meta-analysis indicates that the prevalence of
anorexia nervosa seems to be lower, whereas the prevalence of bulimia nervosa and especially of BED
seems to be higher in Latin America than in Western countries.
Our findings show that eating disorders are common mental disorders in Latin America. However, some
facets of Latin American culture might be protective for the development of anorexia nervosa and increase
the risk for bulimia nervosa and BED. Further studies investigating the epidemiology of eating disorders and
their relation to culture in Latin America are needed.
Video abstract
Spanish abstract
anorexia nervosa, binge-eating disorder, bulimia nervosa, epidemiology, Latin America

Historically, eating disorders were perceived as a
Department for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy,
culture-bound syndromes [1] restricted to the West- University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz,
ern culture. Eating disorders were first described in Germany, bDepartamento de Psicologı́a, Universidad del Norte, Barran-
quilla, Colombia, cDepartamento de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas,
Caucasian females living in Western Europe and Universidad Simón Bolı́var, Barranquilla, Colombia, dDepartment of
North America, leading to the presumption that Epidemiology, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University,
specific characteristics of their culture must be cru- New York, New York, USA, eParnassia Psychiatric Institute, The Hague,
cial to the development of an eating disorder. Sev- The Netherlands and fDepartment of Psychiatry, University Medical
eral decades after the emergence of eating disorders Center Groningen, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands
in Western culture, cases of eating disorders have Correspondence to David R. Kolar, Department of Child and Adolescent
Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Medical Center, Langen-
been identified in all cultures to a varying extent,
beckstr., 1 55131 Mainz, Germany. Tel: +49 6131 17 3280; fax: +49
mostly with increasing incidence rates but still lower 6131 17 5580; e-mail:
prevalence rates than in Western countries [2,3]. Curr Opin Psychiatry 2016, 29:363–371
Recent evidence suggests that the incidence of
bulimia nervosa is decreasing in Western countries,
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
but remains stable for anorexia nervosa [4,5]. The Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License, where
point-prevalence for anorexia nervosa in Western it is permissible to download and share the work provided it is properly
Europe and North America ranges from 0 to 0.9% cited. The work cannot be changed in any way or used commercially.

0951-7367 Copyright ß 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Eating disorders

American countries in continental South and

KEY POINTS Central America.
 Few cases of anorexia nervosa were found in the
epidemiological studies analyzed in this review, METHODS
indicating that the Latin American culture might be a
The review was conducted in accordance to the
protective factor.
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews
 The prevalence rate of bulimia nervosa might be and Meta-Analyses statement (PRISMA) [18].
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slightly underestimated in our review and is likely to be This review focuses on the prevalence rates of ano-
higher than in Western Europe or North America. rexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and BED in Latin
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 Binge-eating disorder appears to have a high American countries. Latin America is defined as all
prevalence in Latin America. American countries in which Romance languages
are spoken. For a more focused review, only
 The English literature on eating disorders in Latin
continental American countries were considered.
America is scarce as most of the studies reviewed were
published in either Spanish or Portuguese language Therefore, literature on the prevalence of eating
journals, which decreases the international visibility of disorders in the following countries was included:
studies on eating disorders in Latin America. Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa
Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras,
Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uru-
guay, and Venezuela. Suriname, Guyana, and Belize
were excluded, as their official languages are not
with a mean estimate of 0.29% in the high-risk
considered Romance. French Guyana was excluded,
population of young females [6,7]. For bulimia
as it is not a sovereign state.
nervosa, a general point-prevalence of up to 1%
among young females is widely recognized [7–9].
Regarding eating disorders in Asia, the prevalence Literature search
rates in Japan and China are now considered at par A systematic literature search was conducted in
with European levels of eating disorders [10,11], January 2015 and was updated in May 2016 for
whereas eating disorders seem to be at a rise in Arab recently published articles. The following databases
countries, but still have lower prevalence rates com- were screened: Medline (via PubMed and DIMDI),
pared with Western nations [12]. The proceeding Web of Science, SciELO, LILACS, IBECS, INDPSI,
industrialization, globalization and therefore west- HISA, and LIS. The search term was a combination
ernization in these regions are suspected as catalysts of the disorders of interest (eating disorder, anorexia
for increasing incidence rates of eating disorders nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and BED), ‘South Amer-
[2,13 ]. In consideration of the close proximity of ica’ and ‘Latin America’, and all names of the
Latin America to the United States, not only in a countries included. Because of the interest in local
geographical but also economical manner, research literature, SciELO, LILACS, IBECS, INDPSI, HISA,
on the epidemiology of eating disorders in these and LIS were searched in Spanish and Portuguese
countries could further confirm the westernization in addition to English.
theory of rising prevalence rates of eating disorders
in developing countries. Recent research suggests
that prevalence rates of eating disorders in urban- Data extraction and quality assessment
ized regions of Latin America reach similar levels as Records identified in the literature search were
in Europe and the United States [14,15], and Latin evaluated in a two-step approach. A screening of
American immigrants in Western countries did titles and abstracts of all publications found in the
not differ from the Caucasian population regarding databases was conducted by two researchers. Articles
diagnoses of eating disorders [16,17]. However, fulfilling all of the following eligibility criteria were
English language literature on the epidemiology of considered for full-text review: (1) the article was
eating disorders in Latin America is still rare, as most written in English, Spanish, or Portuguese; (2) the
studies are published in Spanish or Portuguese. article was related to eating disorders; and (3)
As a first step to better understanding eating the article was related to the epidemiology of
disorders in Latin America, this study provides these disorders. Articles considered as relevant were
a systematic review of the existing literature reviewed in full-text. Articles meeting at least one
on the epidemiology of eating disorders in the exclusion criterion of the following were excluded
general population in Latin America. Its focus during screening and full-text review: (1) editorials,
is on the prevalence of anorexia nervosa, bulimia newspaper articles, literature reviews, study pro-
nervosa and binge-eating disorder (BED) in Latin tocols, theory articles, unpublished manuscripts,

364 Volume 29  Number 6  November 2016

Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Epidemiology of eating disorders in Latin America Kolar et al.

Table 1. Inclusion criteria for articles

Medline ISI web of
via PubMed: 791 SciELO LILACS
Inclusion criterion Definition via DIMDI: 100 484
328 496

1 Type of eating disorder Only anorexia nervosa, bulimia

investigated nervosa and/or BED
2 Origin of study sample Sample recruited in one of the previous 2199 records
129 records
defined Latin American countriesa identified through
through other
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database searching
3 Sample size More than 200 subjects screened
3 Type of diagnosis Only questionnaires and/or interviews
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assessment based on DSM-IV, DSM-V or ICD-10 1583 records

criteria for anorexia nervosa, bulimia 1361 records
screened after
nervosa and/or BED duplicates removed

4 Reporting of Prevalence rates for at least one of the

prevalence diagnoses of interest must be reported 222 full-text articles 205 records excluded:
assessed for 98 only subclinical
eligibility disordered eating
BED, binge-eating disorder. studied
a 28 clinical population
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El
18 missing prevalence
Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, 13 sample age or size
Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela. 17 studies included in 13 sample selection biased
qualitative synthesis 10 no valid instrument
9 other disorders studied
5 no Latin American
dissertations, government reports, books and book sample
4 no peer-review
chapters, conference proceedings, meeting 15 studies included in 3 same population
quantitative syntheses 3 study protocol
abstracts, and lectures; (2) the article was published (meta-analyses) 1 Editorial
in a journal without peer review; (3) samples with
overall sample age under 10; (4) studies with biased
FIGURE 1. Study flow diagram. IBECS, INDPSI, HISA, and
sample selection; or (5) the article studied a clinical
LIS were searched in combination with LILACS.
population. Articles fulfilling the inclusion criteria
as provided in Table 1 were included in a
qualitative analysis. people at risk for having an eating disorder. Sub-
The screening and full-text review was con- sequently, the final diagnosis of an eating disorder
ducted online using Covidence (, is established in a personal interview to which only
Alfred Health, Melbourne, Australia). Two research- the high-risk group is invited. The prevalence rates
ers decided on the inclusion of each article at each of these so-called two-stage studies included in the
stage of the review. If disagreement occurred, resolv- meta-analysis were recalculated and based on
ing was conducted by the principal investigator. The participants screened at first stage, as not all studies
first three authors speak fluent English and Spanish, provided response rates for the second stage. If,
and the first author speaks Portuguese as well. In for example, 2770 patients were included, 2756
the case of difficulties understanding Portuguese participants filled in the screening instrument and
language articles, a translation was given by the first 23 cases were detected at the second stage, the preva-
author. lence rate would be p ¼ 23/2756. Meta-analyses were
Quality assessment of the articles was conducted conducted with MetaXL 3.0 (, which
with the Strengthening the Reporting of Observa- allows analyzing a quality effects model accounting
tional Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) checklist for heterogeneous prevalence studies, by taking the
[19]. Additionally, a methodological scoring system overall quality scores of the studies into account [21].
to rate studies adapted from Loney et al. [20] This model was calculated for each disorder separ-
was used. ately. As recommended by Barendregt et al. [22],
prevalence values were normalized and double arc-
sine transformed to stabilize variance of prevalence
Statistical analyses estimates near 0. Finally, forest plots presenting the
As three disorders were analyzed in this review, overall and study-specific prevalence, 95% confi-
separate meta-analyses were conducted for each dence intervals and the study weight were computed.
disorder. Only two studies reported 12-month
and lifetime prevalence rates, hence quantitative
analyses were conducted for point-prevalence rates RESULTS
only. In many epidemiological studies, prevalence In our literature search, 2199 articles were ident-
rates are assessed by first screening a larger popu- ified as shown in the study flow diagram (Fig. 1).
lation with a screening questionnaire to identify After removal of duplicates, 1583 articles were

0951-7367 Copyright ß 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. 365

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Eating disorders

Table 2. Sample characteristics, measures, prevalences and quality scores of all studies included

Prevalence rates Score

Study and Sampling Sample Sample Response Anorexia Bulimia

b c
setting frame designa (age) size (n) Measures rate nervosac nervosac BED

Angel 2008 [23] Municipal educational Whole population of high school 2770 2-phase design: 1. 33.5% response 0.11% 0.83% n/a 4
Colombia – urban census students (mean age 14.2 years) ECA; 2. SCAN in phase 2
Baader 2014 [24] Census of the Universidad University students (mean age 21 804 EDDS 97.4% 0.13% 6.13% 2.55% 6
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Chile – Valdivia Autónoma de Chile; years)

stratified by subjects and
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Benjet 2012 [25,26] National Census; stratified Adolescents (12–17 years) 3005 WMH-CIDI 71% 0.5%d; 1%d; 0.7%e 1.4%d; 0.7%e8
Mexico – rural/ for seventeen districts 0.1%e
urban of Mexico
Compte 2015 [27 ] Randomized selection of 12 All male students (18–28 years) of 475 2-phase design: 1. 99.4% in first 0% 0% 0% 7
Argentina – urban universities in Buenos Aires; participating classes EAT-26; 2. EDE interview phase, 77.8%
six universities participated in second
Freitas 2008 [28] Census (Brazilian Institute of Female individuals 35 years 1500 SCID-I/P questions 86.5% n/a n/a 9.78% 6
Brazil – Rio de Geography and Statistics)
Herscovici 2005 Pediatric primary care Children and adolescents (10–19 1971 2-Phase design: 1. 42% response 0% 0.05% 6.60% 5
[29,30] Argentina – distributed accordingly to years) EDE-Q4; 2. EDE rate in
rural and urban national census interview second phase
Kessler 2013 [14] WHO World Mental Health Adults (18 years) 1217 WMH-CIDI (DSM-V Response rates n/a 0.4%d; 0.2%e0.9%d; 0.3%e5
Colombia – urban (WMH) Survey Initiative; criteria for BED) range from
community sample representative for 45.9 to
urbanized areas 87.7% and
(Colombia/Mexico) or one average at
specific urbanized area 68.8%.
(São Paulo, Brazil)
Brazil – São Paulo 2942 n/a 2%d; 0.9%e 4.7%d; 1.8%e
Mexico – urban 1236 n/a 0.8%d; 0.3%e1.6%d; 0.5%e
community [31]
Mancilla-Diaz 2007 Probabilistic and stratified Female university students 1995 522 2-phase design: 32.9% 0 1.15% n/a 3
[32] Mexico – sample based on all female sample: (mean age 19.49 years) 1.EAT-40, BULIT
Mexico city university students in 2002; screening; 2.
university students not further explained IDED – IV
2002 sample: (mean age 19.53 880 40.3% 0 1.14% n/a
Mascarenhas 2007 Randomized sample, stratified Adults (20–59 years) 2506 PHQ (2 binges per n/a n/a 1.00% 5.03% 4
[33,34] Brazil – for subdistricts of Feira da week for 3 months
Feira da Santana, Santana criterion)
Morales 2015 [35 ] Census of all enrolled medical Randomized sample of medicine 497 Questionnaire n/a 3.20% 5
Venezuela – students at the local students (18–28 years) based on DSM-V
urban university (UCLA) criteria for BED
Piñeros-Ortiz Randomized selection of Adolescents (12–20 years) 937 2-phase design: 1. 85.18% in first 0% 0.21% n/a 3
2010 [36] education institutes in the EAT-26; 2. phase; 38.3%
Colombia – region. telephone in second
urban community interview phase
Pivetta 2010 [37] Randomized selection of Adolescents (14–19 years) 1209 QEWP-R 93.3% n/a 1.90% 1.82% 4
Brazil – high school registered education
students institutes, stratified for
public and private.
Quintero-Párraga Educational population Middle and high school Students (12– 1363 The A.B.A checklist 80.86% 0% 1.54% 0.66%; 4
2003 [38] reported. Official State 18 years)
Venezuela – Census
Maracaibo city
Rueda-Jaimes 2005a Three schools selected at All female school students (10–19 247 WMH-CIDI 98.4% 1.65% 5.35% n/a 6
[39] Colombia – convenience from different years)
Bucaramanga socio-economic districts of
Rueda-Jaimes 2005b Six faculties with Female students in 2nd semester 241 2-phase design: 62.6% 0% 2.08% n/a 5
[40] Colombia – predominantly female 1. SCOFF; 2.
Bucaramanga students of the Universidad WMH-CIDI
Autónoma de Bucaramanga
Rueda-Jaimes 2008 Private Bucaramanga University students (16–35 years) 261 WMH-CIDI 99.61% n/a 1.15% 4.21% 6
[41] Colombia – University
Vázquez 2005 [42] Six schools in Mexico City School students (mean age 15.25 525 2-phase design: n/a 0.38% 0.95% n/a 3
Mexico – Mexico years) 1. EAT-40;
City Bulit; 2. IDED

BED, binge-eating disorder; BULIT, bulimia Test; EAT, Eating Attitudes Test; ECA, Encuesta de Comportamento Alimenticio; EDDS, Eating Disorder Diagnostic
Scale; EDE, Eating Disorder Examination; IDED, Interview for Diagnosis of Eating Disorders; PHQ, Patient Health Questionnaire; QEWP-R, Questionário sobre
Padrões de Alimentação e Peso – Revisado; SCAN, Cuestionarios para la Evaluación Clı́nica en Neuropsiquiatrı́a; WMH-CIDI, World Mental Health Composite
International Diagnostic Interview.
Random sample, if not specified.
Measurements based on DSM-IV, if not specified.
Prevalences are reported as point prevalence, if not specified.
Lifetime prevalence.
12-month prevalence.

366 Volume 29  Number 6  November 2016

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Epidemiology of eating disorders in Latin America Kolar et al.

Study Prev LCL UCL Weight %

Angel 20080.11 0.01 0.28 17.71
Baader 2014 0.13 0.00 0.55 10.96
Compte 2015 0.00 0.00 0.36 9.92
Herscovici 2005 0.00 0.00 0.09 16.96
Mancilla-Diaz 2007a 0.00 0.00 0.33 4.45
Mancilla-Diaz 2007b 0.00 0.00 0.20 5.87
Piñeros-Ortiz 2010 0.00 0.00 0.18 6.09
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Quintero-Párraga 2003 0.00 0.00 0.13 10.37

Rueda-Jaimes 2005a 1.65 0.35 3.71 6.69
Rueda-Jaimes 2005b 0.00 0.00 0.45 6.51
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Vázquez 2005 0.38 0.01 1.15 4.46

Overall 0.10 0.02 0.23 100.00

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

FIGURE 2. Forest plot of the meta-analysis of the anorexia nervosa point-prevalence rates. LCL, lower confidence level; Prev:
prevalence rate; UCL, upper confidence level.

screened and 1361 articles removed as irrelevant. Mean point-prevalence and heterogeneity
A total of 222 studies were reviewed in full-text, testing for anorexia nervosa
resulting in an inclusion of 17 studies. Reasons for In 10 studies providing 11 distinct samples
the exclusion of studies are given in Fig. 1. Fifteen (N ¼ 10 840) assessing anorexia nervosa, there was
of the studies provided point-prevalence rates of a weighed mean prevalence rate of 0.1%, 95% CI
eating disorders and were therefore included in the (0.02, 0.23) for the general population in Latin
meta-analyses. America (Fig. 2). The included studies varied
Table 2 provides sample characteristics, regarding their quality index from three to seven
measures and reported prevalence values of each points. Heterogeneity of the studies was moderate
study included. Of the studies included, five (I2 ¼ 51.50). By exclusion of the most extreme
were conducted in Colombia, three in Brazil, three outlier Rueda-Jaimes et al. [39], the heterogeneity
in Mexico, two in Venezuela and one each in can be reduced to almost 0. There was no real
Argentina and Chile. One additional study pro- difference between the mean prevalence in the
vided data from Colombia, Brazil, and Mexico. general population and that of a meta-analysis with
Due to the small number of studies, an inter- the female subsample only (0.1%, 95% CI [0.02,
national comparison of the results was not 0.35]; N ¼ 6 334). Prevalence rates were comparable
conducted. amongst the different countries included.

Lifetime and 12-month prevalence rates Mean point-prevalence and heterogeneity

Only two of the included studies reported lifetime testing for bulimia nervosa
and 12-month prevalence rates for bulimia nervosa Regarding bulimia nervosa, 14 distinct samples in
and BED [14,25], and only one study for anorexia 13 studies were identified, with an overall sample
nervosa [25]. Regarding Mexico, lifetime prevalence size of N ¼ 14 816 participants assessed at first stage.
rates for adolescents aged 12–17 years were 0.5% In the meta-analysis, a weighed mean prevalence
(12 months: 0.1%) for anorexia nervosa, 1.0% rate of 1.16% (95% CI [0.55, 1.98]) was calculated for
(0.7%) for bulimia nervosa, and 1.4% (0.7%) for Latin America (Fig. 3). Heterogeneity was large
BED [25]. In a study on adults, lifetime prevalence (I2 ¼ 92.28), reflecting the different sample settings
rates of bulimia nervosa were identified as 0.8% (12 and countries included. The highest prevalence rate
months: 0.3%) in Mexico, 0.4% (0.2%) in Colom- was found for Chile, and the lowest for Argentina,
bia, and 2.0% (0.9%) in Brazil [14]. Regarding BED, especially in a male sample [27 ]. The prevalence
the same study identified the lifetime prevalence rates for Colombia, Brazil, Venezuela, and Mexico
rates as 1.6% (12 months: 0.5%) for Mexico, 0.9% seem comparable. As the Chilean study was
(0.3%) for Colombia, and 4.7% (1.8%) for Brazil conducted as a self-report screening, the high preva-
[14]. Lifetime prevalence rates were highest for lence rate might be due to the study design. How-
bulimia nervosa and BED in Brazil, and lowest in ever, no study could be determined as a main source
Colombia [14]. of heterogeneity. In consideration of the small

0951-7367 Copyright ß 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. 367

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Eating disorders

Study Prev LCL UCL Weight %

Angel 2008 0.83 0.53 1.21 13.14
Baader 2014 6.13 4.55 7.93 8.29
Compte 2015 0.00 0.00 0.36 7.58
Herscovici 2005 0.05 0.00 0.22 12.64
Mancilla-Diaz 2007a 1.15 0.38 2.28 3.39
Mancilla-Diaz 2007b 1.14 0.53 1.96 4.43
Mascarenhas 2007 1.00 0.64 1.43 12.17
Piñeros-Ortiz 2010 0.21 0.00 0.64 4.59
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Pivetta 2010 1.90 1.20 2.76 7.17

Quintero-Párraga 2003 1.54 0.95 2.27 7.77
Rueda-Jaimes 2005a 5.35
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2.83 8.58 5.17

Rueda-Jaimes 2005b 2.08 0.85 3.78 4.99
Rueda-Jaimes 2008 1.15 0.14 2.89 5.27
Vázquez 2005 0.95 0.27 2.00 3.40

Overall 1.16 0.55 1.98 100.00

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

FIGURE 3. Forest plot of the meta-analysis of the bulimia nervosa point-prevalence rates. LCL, lower confidence level; Prev,
prevalence rate; UCL, upper confidence level.

number of studies included, no moderator analysis differed notably regarding age ranges. Due to the
for heterogeneity was conducted. restricted number of studies included, no moderator
analysis was conducted. Regarding country differ-
ences, no conclusion could be drawn as the preva-
Mean point-prevalence and heterogeneity lence rates varied strongly depending on the study.
testing for binge-eating disorder
Within nine studies analyzing point-prevalence
rates for BED, N ¼ 10 363 persons were screened at DISCUSSION
first stage. A weighed mean prevalence rate of 3.53% The present systematic review and meta-analysis
(95% CI [1.60, 6.13]) was identified (Fig. 4). Hetero- evaluated the epidemiology of anorexia nervosa,
geneity was large (I2 ¼ 97.00). Regarding potential bulimia nervosa, and BED in Latin America, by
sources of heterogeneity, one study was identified assessing not only English literature published
assessing the occurrence of two binges per week for in international journals, but also by considering
the shorter time range of 3 instead of 6 months as high-quality studies published in Spanish or Portu-
proposed by the DSM-IV criteria for this disorder [33]. guese in Latin American journals. We computed
However, exclusion of this study did not reduce mean point-prevalence rates for the specific
heterogeneity meaningfully. Possible moderator vari- disorders and compared the prevalence rates of
ables for heterogeneity were age and sex, as studies the different countries.

Study Prev LCL UCL Weight %

Baader 2014 2.55 1.55 3.79 10.44
Compte 2015 0.00 0.00 0.36 9.18
Freitas 2008 9.78 8.23 11.46 14.70
Herscovici 2005 6.60 5.54 7.74 16.89
Mascarenhas 2007 5.03 4.21 5.92 16.46
Morales 2015 3.22 1.83 4.97 6.73
Pivetta 2010 1.82 1.13 2.66 9.31
Quintero-Párraga 2003 0.66 0.29 1.17 10.16
Rueda-Jaimes 2008 4.21 2.07 7.04 6.13

Overall 3.53 1.60 6.13 100.00

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

FIGURE 4. Forest plot of the meta-analysis of the binge-eating disorder point-prevalence rates. LCL, lower confidence level;
Prev, prevalence rate; UCL, upper confidence level.

368 Volume 29  Number 6  November 2016

Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Epidemiology of eating disorders in Latin America Kolar et al.

Epidemiology of anorexia nervosa in Latin full belly is a pleased heart), and addressing the
America cultural assumptions regarding food is of importance

Our findings demonstrate that the prevalence rates in nutritional interventions for Latinas [53 ].
for anorexia nervosa are comparable among the Additionally, BED occurs more often in overweight
different countries in Latin America, and signifi- and obese individuals [54,55]. As most of the Latin
cantly lower compared to European or North Amer- American countries have higher prevalence rates of
ican samples [4,6–9]. Similar prevalence rates were obesity and overweight than Western European
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found in Hispanic immigrants in the United States countries especially in females [56], a high prevalence
[43]. This might be due to the different body ideal of of BED might be a concomitant phenomenon of the
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Latinas and Latinos compared to other ethnicities, obesity epidemic in these countries.
which idealizes a ‘curvier’ shape and higher weight
of the body than in Western countries [44 ,45,46],
and might be a protective factor in adolescence. As Limitations of the study
recent research highlights the influence of other One of the main difficulties in reviewing the liter-
etiological factors besides culture contributing to ature regarding Latin American studies on eating
the development and maintenance of anorexia disorders is the wide range of instruments used to
nervosa, genetic variations [47], or emotion dysre- assess the prevalence rates. The studies included
gulation [48] might play an important part in the varied heavily regarding the study design (self-
observed cases of anorexia nervosa in Latin America. administered questionnaire to two-phase designs)
and the instruments used. Hence, heterogeneity was
large and the mean prevalence rates of the meta-
Epidemiology of bulimia nervosa in Latin analyses remain difficult to interpret. Furthermore,
America the studies included were conducted during a time
The point-prevalence of bulimia nervosa is mostly span of 13 years. Because only few studies were from
reported as 1% in two-stage studies of young females Argentina, Chile, and Venezuela, we did not con-
[7]. In this meta-analysis, the heterogeneity of the duct cultural comparisons within Latin America and
studies was large. However, most of the studies the influence of specific countries on the prevalence
found prevalence rates of at least the same range rates remains unexplored.
or higher than in Western Europe, but assessed
eating disorders of both genders. Additionally, half
of the samples were younger than 20 years of age. As CONCLUSION
the peak incidence rate of bulimia nervosa is slightly Eating disorders are common in Latin America, with
later than that of anorexia nervosa and females are a lower prevalence rate for anorexia nervosa and a
at a higher risk for developing any eating disorder, higher rate for bulimia nervosa and BED, when
this indicates that the general point-prevalence rate compared to Western Europe or the United States.
in Latin America is most likely underestimated in These findings might reflect a stronger cultural bond
our study. This is in line with cross-cultural studies of anorexia nervosa to a Western lifestyle than of
conducted in the United States, indicating that the bulimia nervosa and BED. However, we could not
prevalence rate of bulimia nervosa is at least in the analyze cultural differences within Latin America as
same range or even slightly higher in Hispanic most of the studies included were conducted either
immigrants than in Caucasian residents [43,49]. in Brazil, Mexico, or Colombia. Therefore, further
research assessing the epidemiology and cultural
factors of eating disorders in developing countries
Epidemiology of binge-eating disorder in
Latin America such as Ecuador, Suriname, or Guyana are needed to
draw conclusions regarding the cultural factors of
We identified a higher BED point-prevalence in Latin eating disorders in Latin America.
America than previous studies in Western popu-
lations [50,51]. Recent studies comparing eating
disorder prevalence rates of ethnic minorities with
Caucasian habitants identified higher prevalence We are thankful to Jochem König and Ekkehart Jenetzky
rates of Hispanic females in the United States for their valuable comments on the methodology of this
[43,49,52]. A possible explanation might be that food study. Patricia Meinhardt conducted proof-reading of the
has a high emotional value in many Latin American manuscript.
cultures which reflects in the language (e.g., ‘Las
penas con pan duelen menos’, – the sorrows with Financial support and sponsorship
bread hurt less, ‘barriga llena, corazón contento’ – a None.

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Eating disorders

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