New Travel Management Solution Cliqit Live Event Training QA Feedback 01...

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August 2021

Travel Management The New Travel Management Solution

Solution Cliqit Cliqit

For support and Live Event Training Q&A Feedback

queries, please The New Travel Management Solution Cliqit Training Live Event
contact: Questions were categorised according to the following types:
1. Travel Expense Claims
2. Petty Cash Claims
For queries after
3. VPN Connectivity
working hours (i.e. 4. Trip/ Expense Approvals
before 08:00 and 5. WBS/ Cost Assignment
6. Cliqit System Access
after 17:00), please
7. EMX / KM Reimbursement
contact Travel with 8. Fixed Daily Allowance (FDA)
Flair on 0861 9. B&B Bookings
777 747 or 012 424 10. Amendments / cancelation / deletion of trips
11. Cliqit Training
3300 12. Car hire queries
13. Accommodation queries
14. Flight queries
15. System Attachment upload
16. SARS KM Report
17. Payments of old and new trip claims
18. TWF Response Times
19. Workflow approval structure in Cliqit
20. Expiring of trips
21. International Travel

The detail of the questions and answers are noted below:

1. Travel Expense Claims........................................................................................................... 2
2. Petty cash Claims ................................................................................................................... 3
3. VPN Connectivity .................................................................................................................... 3
4. Trip/ Expense Approvals ........................................................................................................ 4
5. WBS/ Cost Assignment .......................................................................................................... 5
6. Cliqit System Access .............................................................................................................. 5
7. EMX / KM Reimbursement ..................................................................................................... 6
8. Fixed Daily Allowance (FDA) ................................................................................................. 6
9. B&B Bookings ......................................................................................................................... 8
10. Amendments / cancelation / deletion of trips ......................................................................... 9
11. Cliqit Training ....................................................................................................................... 9
12. Car hire queries ................................................................................................................. 10
13. Accommodation queries ................................................................................................... 11
14. Flight queries ..................................................................................................................... 14
15. System Attachment upload .............................................................................................. 15
16. SARS KM Report .............................................................................................................. 15
17. Payments of old and new trip claims ............................................................................... 15
18. TWF Response Times ...................................................................................................... 16
19. Workflow approval structure in Cliqit ............................................................................... 17
20. Expiring of trips .................................................................................................................. 18
21. International Travel ........................................................................................................... 18

1. Travel Expense Claims

No Question Answer
1 How to claim for FDA Option 3? Claiming of FDA option 3 will depend if you
had a service booked that had a SAP trip
number e.g. car hire or flight (claim to be
done on Cliqit, Trip Expense tab), if no
service was booked the claim can be done
on Cliqit, Expense Management on the
Travel Expense tab

2 What if the map on Cliqit does not match An employee can draw their own map using
the route taken for travel? either coordinates or destination addresses,
these can be attached on Cliqit

3 Why are trip expenses not getting paid? There were system issues with payments,
Group IT has resolved these issues as of the
19 July 2021, however travel management
will continue to monitor any errors that may

4 What is a trip expense? Trip expenses are claims on an approved

booked Eskom trip that occur once the trip
as been complete. Receipts must be
in-order to claim for expenses incurred

5 How do we claim for self-paid trip? Self-paid trips can be claimed on Cliqit,
Expense Management, under Travel

6 How to view uploads (attachments)? Uploads can be viewed however this

depends on your network and requires
Adobe Reader to be installed

7 What attachments are required for out of If you have selected a service that is out of
policy items that require attachments? policy you are required to attach a signed
motivation letter (E Band signature), select
motivation letter under document type when
attaching. (expense support attachment)

8 What are the required standard supporting Employees need to attach their divisional
documents and how are the uploaded? policy supporting documents in the
document section when checking out of the
booking EG car booking form

9 How to claim Km’s for a single trip or If there is a complicated trip it is better to
multiple destinations (Trips) split the trip into smaller distances by adding
lines on the day travelled. On a simple trip
an employee can choose whether to do
return KM by multiplying by two or claim
using two lines

10 How to split trips within a day of travel? If there is a complicated trip it is better to
split the trip into smaller distances by adding

lines on the day travelled. On a simple trip
an employee can choose on whether to
return KM by multiplying by two or claim
using two lines

11 How to upload receipts and what is the PDF attachments are recommended
correct format to attach?
12 How do we upload multiple attachments? If there are more than one attachment for
one line, please put it all in one PDF
13 How to change cost assignment for On cost assignment drop down menu click
expenses? and select the cost object required, on the
pop up screen search for your cost object
and assign the percentage allocation. Once
this is done exit the trip cost allocation
screen, the cost assignment field will update
with the cost object category name. User
friendly screen to be developed.
14 What does ready status mean on SAP The ready status in the SAP inbox should be
inbox? ignored, a bug fix to be implemented
15 How to make amendments to approved Cancelations are possible on approved trips
trips? before the trip start date. Once trip has
started TWF should be contacted for

2. Petty cash Claims

No Question Answer
1 How do we claim for petty cash on Cliqit? Old Zenzele system has been
opened for Petty Cash and
other expense claims

2 Advance’s on old system for a trip, where should this If a trip was approved in the old
be claimed or settled? Zenzele system, receipts
uploads and related claims
need to be done on Zenzele
i.e. all trips booked and
approved in old Zenzele up to
30 June 2021. Shared Service,
Travel Management accounting
will assist on trips that were
incomplete during the period of
transition that is from 25 June
to 30 June 2021

3. VPN Connectivity
No Question Answer
1 How to make Cliqit a favourite? Noddy guide to be developed and loaded on
Cliqit under Mini guides in future

2 Where to find the Cliqit link? The link is available on the intranet under
online services

3 How to book International travel? International travel requests should be

created as an offline request. Please refer to
Cliqit Eskom manual: International Travel
section 9

4. Trip/ Expense Approvals

No Question Answer
1 What does the retrieving details error mean? This error occurs when trying
to approve or verify a trip,
usually means the trip was not
loaded with values, so TWF
must cancel the trip,
employees to contact TWF on
012 424 3300

2 Why does the system in some instances not give the The traveller/ user should
verifiers an option to approve or reject a trip that is check in their dashboard for
showing in their approver inbox? the status of the trip and open
the trip to check any
messages to assist in
understanding the issue.
Usually there are errors on
these type of trips

3 Will the approver receive a pop-up screen notifying them An email is received notifying
of the items that needs to be approved? the verifier or approver of
travel request/ expenses in
their inbox A verifier can
select the approver to approve
the trip
4 How to create a Proxy for approval Proxy is explained in the
approver's guide in case an
approver is on leave

5 Why are verifiers not able to open some attachments? This is usually an Eskom
network problem, try switching
on or off your VPN Also insure
that Adobe Reader is

6 What is difference between Trip Expense and Travel Trip expenses are claims on
Expense? an approved booked Eskom
trip that occur once the trip as
been complete.
Self-paid trips can be claimed
on Cliqit, Expense
Management, under Travel

5. WBS/ Cost Assignment
No Question Answer
1 What is the progress on WBS? Verified WBSs have been
2 What do I do if my cost centre is incorrect? The booker can change the
cost centre to the correct one
at the time of booking
and log a request to ITCARE to
correct the cost centre

6. Cliqit System Access

No Question Answer
1 What to do when unable to log into Log a call with
2 How to login to Cliqit? Access the Cliqit Self Service Travel Portal
using any of the options below with your Eskom
Network ID and Password: 1. CLIQIT Portal
or 2. Click on the CLIQIT banner on the Intranet
Home Page
3 Can we use SAP for Cliqit Access No, Cliqit is an independent tool from SAP
4 What to do when booker is unable to find Log a call with
their traveller?
5 Can Admin Clerk or Assistant book trips If the admin clerk/Assistant has been assigned
on behalf of others? booker rights. Access for Booker rights can be
requested via
6 How to change names of travellers You can change a travellers name only of you
have Booker rights. Access for Booker rights
can be requested via

7 How to have access to other traveller’s Booker rights were given to specific users to
trips? book on behalf of other travellers. If required,
request access from the
8 How to create a profile on Cliqit? Profiles are automatically created when an
Eskom employee is registered on the SAP HR
9 How do I change contact details on my Employees can update their contact details on
Cliqit profile? Zenzele, My Processes ,form number ZH11
10 How to have access to reports? Admin rights with access to workflow reports
have been assigned to dedicated Eskom users.
Monthly reports will be sent by Shared Services
Travel Management
11 Can Admin support have more Rights are assigned per user's area of
functionality? responsibility
12 Can a Verifier book for a traveller Yes, if the booker roles have been assigned to
the Verifier
13 What if traveller does not have an email The centralized email address of Eskom Shared
address or access to it Services Travel Management will be used to get
in contact with the traveller

7. EMX / KM Reimbursement
No Question Answer
1 Can employees attach their own maps on Cliqit? The system now allows
travellers to attach their own

2 Who is meant to use that EMX tab? The EMX tab should be used
by X-scheme and managerial
employees to claim KM’s.

3 How to split trips? If there is a complicated trip it

is better to split the trip into
smaller distances by adding
lines on the day travelled. On a
simple trip an employee can
choose on whether to do
returned KM by multiplying by
two or claim using two lines

4 Will the system deduct home /work km? Work from home KM’s should
still be deducted from the KM’s
being claimed
5 Why were automatic KM’s where disabled? Automatic KM ‘s option was
disabled as GPS co-ordinates
could not be entered for ‘rural’

8. Fixed Daily Allowance (FDA)

No Question Answer
1 How to claim for FDA for old trips done on Zenzele? Zenzele system has been
opened to settle old trips until
the end of July, and will be
reassessed at the end of July if
it still needs to be open

If a trip was approved in the old

Zenzele system, receipts
uploads and related claims
need to be done on Zenzele
i.e. all trips booked and
approved in old Zenzele up to
30 June 2021

2 How do we claim FDA on the new system? FDA is currently paid upfront as
an advance, the requirement is
that it should be settled under
expense management (trip
expense) when the trip has
been completed. Note that
should the trip get cancelled
the advance will be due and
payable back to Eskom within

30 or it will be deducted from
your salary if not settled on
time. The paying of FDA as an
advance is under review.

3 Can you request for FDA when hiring a car It should be noted that there is
a category called "stand by"
this category is meant for car
hire which does not involve
employees working away from

4 How to claim FDA option 3 Claiming of FDA option 3 will

depend on whether a service
was booked that had a SAP trip
number EG car hire or flight
(claim to be done on trip
expense tab), if no service was
booked you can use the travel
expense tab in expense

5 Can we claim FDA for learners/ or trips training Employees who are on training/
Learners do not qualify for FDA

6 How to recover FDA for cancelled trips FDA is currently paid upfront as
an advance, the requirement is
that it should be settled under
expense management (trip
expense) when the trip has
been completed. Note that
should the trip get cancelled
the advance will be due and
payable back to Eskom within
30 or it will be deducted from
your salary if not settled on
time. The paying of FDA as an
advance is under review.

7 FDA option 1 explanation FDA option 1 allows the

employee to claim for incidental
costs, when travelling on
Eskom business

8 FDA option 2 explanation FDA option 2 allows the

employee to claim for incidental
costs and meals, when
travelling on Eskom business

9 FDA option 3 explanation FDA option 3 allows the

employee to claim for incidental
costs, meals and own
accommodation, when
travelling on Eskom business

10 What to do when trip is cancelled (FDA received)? FDA is currently paid upfront as
an advance, the requirement is
that it should be settled under
expense management (trip
expense) when the trip has

been completed. Note that
should the trip get cancelled
the advance will be due and
payable back to Eskom within
30 or it will be deducted from
your salary if not settled on
time. The paying of FDA as an
advance is under review.

9. B&B Bookings

No Question Answer
1 What is a trip? A trip is a travel task that is
done in consecutive dates i.e. it
cannot be split into different

2 What does "EFT, float card, agent to settle" mean? EFT means TWF is paying /
float card means the division is
paying and agent to settle
means TWF is paying.

3 What to do when B&B around required location, are not A vendor list received from
loaded? Eskom Shared Services for
smaller locations has been
added onto Cliqit. Should the
desired vendor is not displaying
under the request tab, please
log with
4 Can I book different B&B’s in various locations on one Yes, provided the dates do not
trip? overlap and the booking relates
to the same task
5 Are Eskom preferred rates loaded in the system? Yes, where applicable and
6 How to cancel or change my booking? Any booking can be cancelled
or changed before departure.
Open the trip on the Dashboard.
Once opened you will find a
cancel button per service.
Select the cancel button and
provide a reason for cancelling
& submit. If the service was
booked with the assistance of a
consultant, the status of that
service will be pending
cancellation. Upon the
consultant confirming the
cancellation at the back end the
status will update to “cancelled”.
Changes are allowed within
original dates. Select the
change button to follow the
process to change your dates. A

new supplier constitutes a new
booking. Ensure that the
original booking is cancelled
before booking the new supplier
to avoid duplication error. An
extension constitutes a new
booking. Before travel only.
Live inventory can be cancelled
on line and rebooked. Offline
request you can send to Agency
to cancel. After trip has
commenced you cannot

10. Amendments / cancelation / deletion of trips

No Question Answer
1 How do I change my booking? Changes can only be
accepted before Travel
Live inventory can be cancelled
and rebooked on line,

If the trip is already in approval

workflow, you need to contact
the approver to reject the trip
for you to restart the booking

Offline request are send to

Agency to cancel.
After trip has commenced no
changes can be done,

2 How to cancel my trip? User rights were given to allow

all travel bookers to cancel a
reservation prior to the trip
having commenced.
Cancellations after the trip
commenced will require the
involvement of the TWF
consultant team and a
cancellation request should
be submitted via the offline
request functionality.

3 Who do I contact to change my trip? The Cliqit solution is available


11. Cliqit Training

No Question Answer
1 Are bookers able to book multiple travellers and make Each traveller must be booked
multiple bookings at once? separately from other travellers

and separately for each trip.
Please note that different trips
cannot be combined in one

2 What happens if there is a change of service providers, It is correct that if the service
will new training be required? provider changes, new training
will be required. However
lessons learned from this
experience will be

12. Car hire queries

No Question Answer
1 Can I keep the same car after extension requested? No. Contract is valid for the
dates on voucher. A new
booking and contract has to be
2 How do I extend my car rental? Create a new booking and
submit for approval.
3 Can I add an additional driver? Yes, The ‘full’ booking must be
done via an offline request
and to include the additional

4 Can we book out of policy cars? Specific vehicle types that are
not allowed in policy can be
ordered by submitting an offline
booking request. The following
out of policy vehicles are
loaded which is bookable on
the system with an approved
motivation that will be
requested at time of adding the
vehicle to your basket:
Automatic vehicle, Bakkies,
SUV's & H1. Refer to Eskom
Cliqit manual point 5: Car
bookings. A specific vehicle or
supplier will not display if it's
not available. The user can
then request the consultant’s
assistance for that specific
booking under the request tab -
please refer to Eskom Cliqit
manual 8.2 Car rental.
5 What if my pick up point is not reflected? Pick up/ Drop-off locations are
loaded based on the Car
Rental Depots, Select the
nearest major City to pick
up/drop-off locations available
on the search page

6 What if my pick up point and drop off point is not the Select the applicable major
same? City locations on your search
7 What to do when there is not availability? Submit an offline booking
request with ‘fully’ signed a
DK33 form attached TWF
8 How to change the car rental booking? Any booking can be changed
before departure. Car rental
bookings can be changed
online within Eskom’s change
rules. If the change is with a
different supplier and outside
the dates of the original
booking, the original booking
must be cancelled and a new
booking must be generated. If
the booking was generated
with consultant assistance, by
following the change workflow
the new dates will be sent to
the consultant to update and
confirm the updated booking.
9 Does the rate include delivery fee? Within a 50km radius the
delivery is included. Distance
over 50km a charge will apply
as an extra.
10 Where do I book a transfer? Select the 'Transfers' tab once
the traveller and cost centre
has been selected.
11 Where do I book Chauffeur drive? Chauffer drive options are not
allowed in terms of the Eskom
Travel policy. If required the
request must be submitted
under the request tab for agent

12 How do I book rental vehicle if my car is in for repairs? A correct car rental reason
must be selected, when your
vehicle is in for repairs

13. Accommodation queries

No Question Answer
1 What are the current accommodation limits? Accommodation limits are set
as per the Eskom travel policy
EG R1100 maximum allowed
for Bed only, R1200 maximum
allowed for Bed and Breakfast
and R1400 maximum allowed
for Bed, breakfast and dinner

2 How to split trips on Cliqit? Each trip must be booked

separately EG you should not
book 19-20 July

accommodation and 22-23 July
2021 in the same trip (This will
block the dates 20-22 July
2021 and amendments to one
leg of the trip will be difficult)

3 How do we book Bnbs that are not available under the Live inventory and costing for
Bnb’s tab? establishments are found under
the hotel & BnB tab. If your
specific establishment is not
found under these tabs, you
refer to the request tab. Under
accommodation tab submit your
dates & location, the system will
present options you can select
requesting the assistance from
the consultant to book your
selected property manually.
4 How do we view a voucher on approved trips? The voucher can be found in the
dashboard by clicking the "I"
icon next to the service booked,
it appears as a pdf attachment.
Please refer to Cliqit Eskom
Manual: Dashboard section
12.1 on how to access
documents on the dashboard.

5 How to book using the a mobile phone Noddy guide on how to save the
link as favourites will be
uploaded on Cliqit
6 How to make amendments and cancellations on All rejected trips are cancelled.
rejected trip? No amendments can be made.
The booking needs to be
rebooked and submitted for
7 Can we create a travel request and request an advance An advance can only be
for accommodation? created were a service has
been requested on Cliqit.
Stand-alone advance is not
possible at this point.
8 If it says "in policy" by the establishment, does that In Policy indicates that the
mean the terms and conditions are also consistent with supplier and costing is within
Eskom's travel policy Eskom’s Travel policy. Out of
policy options can be booked
but a mandatory reason &
attached motivational letter will
be required and will be subject
to approval.

9 What does Booking Err:R211 UNSUCCESSFUL LINK Employees to book an offline

SELL- mean? request for TWF to assist with
booking, when encountering
this error.
10 What to do when Cliqit does not reflect any Employees to book an offline
accommodation that is around required location request for TWF to assist with
11 Can multiple vendors be booked on one trip? Yes, only if the booking relates
to the same task. If booking
does not relate to the same

task, a separate booking should
be made.
12 Could an approver reject just the accommodation No, the entire trip has to be
element of the trip? rejected. The entire trip has to
be re-booked and resubmitted.
13 How can accommodation be cancelled or changed? Any booking can be cancelled
or changed before departure.
Open the trip on the Dashboard.
Once opened you will find a
cancel button per service.
Select the cancel button and
provide a reason for cancelling
& submit. If the service was
booked with the assistance of a
consultant, the status of that
service will be pending
cancellation. Upon the
consultant confirming the
cancellation at the back end the
status will update to “cancelled”.
Changes are allowed within
original dates. Select the
change button to follow the
process to change your dates. A
new supplier constitutes a new
booking. Ensure that the
original booking is cancelled
before booking the new supplier
to avoid duplication error. An
extension constitutes a new
booking. Refer to separate
Cliqit guide: How to change a
booking. Before travel only. Live
inventory can be cancelled and
rebooked on line.
Offline request can be send to
Agency to cancel.

After trip has commenced

you cannot change.
14 Can a vendor be booked directly and loaded for Please refer to Cliqit Eskom
approval? manual: Request tab section
8.1.2 Offline requests are
managed by TWF consultants.
15 Can a Group booking be booked on Cliqit? No, each traveller requires their
own trip. Alternatively, It can be
captured as an Offline element.
Please refer to Cliqit Eskom
manual: Request tab section
8.1.2 Offline requests are
managed by TWF consultants.
16 How to print a confirmation? Open desired trip on the
dashboard. Open the itinerary
under the travel orders tab and
print the itinerary from there.
17 Are all vendors loaded in policy? No, accommodation reflecting
includes in and out of policy
options to cater for situations
where in policy options may not
be available. The system will

indicate to the user if the option
is in or out of policy
18 Who do I contact for emergency booking? The SSTM(Travel self-service
booking tool Cliqit) solution is
available 24/7/365 and
emergency travel related
service support is available from
the TWF Emergency Contact
19 How do I booking long stay that excludes weekends? Each work week (working days)
must be booked separately as a
separate trip.
It is advisable to create
separate weekly trips to
manage potential changes.
Refer to Cliqit Eskom manual:
Hotel bookings section 4.
20 How do I add additional meals not included in rate? Meal plans cannot be changed
after the booking has been
done. For lunch to be included
please select “full board” on the
meal selection.

14. Flight queries

No Question Answer
1 How to add connection flights? Please refer to Eskom Cliqit
manual : Multi-leg trips section
2 How to change a flight after approval? The change can be made
online before departure. The
traveller will select the change
button for that service and the
system will present the options
available for the same supplier.
The traveller will submit the
change for approval. Upon
approval the new ticket will be
issued. New supplier
constitutes new booking.
Please refer to separate Cliqit
guide: How to generate a
3 How do I change my return flight after first sector is The change can be made
used? online before departure. The
traveller will select the change
button for that service and the
system will present the options
available for the same supplier.
The traveller will submit the
change for approval. Upon
approval the new ticket will be
issued. New supplier
constitutes new booking.
Please refer to separate Cliqit

guide: How to generate a
4 Is a reason required when no flights are booked? Yes, to ensure you are booking
all your required services in
one instance.
5 Can Flight, accommodation and car be booked on one Yes. All required services must
trip? be booked in one instance

15. System Attachment upload

No Question Answer
1 Will attachments uploaded on Cliqit also be available on Attachments will also be
SAP? available in SAP in the near

2 Which format should attachments be in when uploading PDF attachments are

to Cliqit? recommended.

3 How do we upload KM for reimbursement? For X scheme and managerial

use the EMX tab to claim and
for other travellers use the
travel expense tab.
4 How to attach more than one km for reimbursements? For multiple distances travelled
lines can be added for each
distance. Each line will have its
own attachment.
5 How to attach Etoll slips? A scanned version or clear
photo of the receipt can be
uploaded and submitted.
6 Do attachments pull through to SAP? Yes, attachments will be
available in the near future.
7 Does the original slips still be required to be sent to Yes

16. SARS KM Report

No Question Answer
1 Where do we download KM report for SARS purposes? Zenzele system has been
opened to for petty cash and
other expense

17. Payments of old and new trip claims

No Question Answer
1 Can employees backdate their trips which were not . To back date trips, an offline
loaded on Zenzele? request can be created and
attach a signed DK33 form to
the request.

2 What is the trip number you have to put in if you want to Trip number for booking is the
settle a trip-3 digit number? order number and for expenses
is the SAP trip number. These
numbers appear on the

18. TWF Response Times

No Question Answer
1 How Long does it take to process pre payments? A minimum time of 48 hours
required after approval
2 How do traveller access vouchers? Bookers have access to all
documents on the Dashboard.
Travellers will receive an auto
generated email with all
documents. Please refer to
Cliqit Eskom manual
Dashboard 12.1 on how to
access documents on the
3 How to do offline requests? Please refer to Cliqit Eskom
Manual: Request tab Section 8
4 Where to insert special notes? Please refer to Cliqit Eskom
manual: Shopping Basket 11.1
on how to add comments to a
5 How to view T & C before accepting? Select the T & C line next to
the tick box to open the T&C
6 How do we guarantee meal rates are correct? If the room rate selected by
booker does not include free
meals, the treasury agreed
meal rates will be stipulated on
the voucher.
7 How do we open receipts? Please refer to Cliqit Eskom
Manual: Expense Management
section 15
8 How do we upload bookings made direct? Please refer to Cliqit Eskom
manual: Request tab section
8.1 booked by me
9 How do we choose dinner or breakfast? For available hotel bookings
(click view details), the room
rate will show a “tick” on the
applicable meal plan included,
scroll down and select the meal
plan required. For offline
requests and “on request”
properties meal plans will not
be indicated and must be
requested under the “notes
10 What is the timeline to book a new vendor? This depends on the supplier’s
response in supplying the
relevant documentation.
11 Please define various roles in Cliqit? Traveller (can only generate
bookings for themselves),

booker (can generate bookings
on behalf of other travellers),
approver (this includes verifiers
and managers/ supervisor
12 How to ensure payment process are accepted by Travellers should ensure that
supplier on voucher? they book accommodation at
least 48 hours in advance.
Where there are issues upon
arrival at the establishment,
travellers can contact TWF on
012 424 3300
13 Why can’t I not see all claims on dashboard? Please refer to Cliqit Eskom
Manual: Expense Management
section 15. Log with FSS if
booker role is required.
14 How to ensure that supplier accepts TWF voucher and Travellers should ensure that
rate? they book accommodation at
least 48 hours in advance.
Where there are issues upon
arrival at the establishment,
travellers can contact TWF on
012 424 3300

19. Workflow approval structure in Cliqit

No Question Answer
1 How to track my Status / workflow on a booking? Please refer to Eskom Cliqit
guide section 12 Dashboard
2 How to change verifier or approver? SAP approval workflow should
be corrected in line with
business unit finance support
processes, updated cost
centres should be sent to FSS
for updating on Cliqit.
3 What happens when approver has no access to Cliqit? A fault should be logged with
4 How do booker retrieve trips, 3 approved trips does not Only trips booked by yourself
appear on dashboard? will display on the Dashboard.
5 Must a trip have a trip number before verification? Upon submitting the trip, the
trip is automatically generated
to the approvers in the
workflow. Approvers are
alerted by SMS and email.
Only upon approval will Cliqit
receive the SAP order number.
6 How do I know if my booking has been rejected? Please refer to Cliqit Eskom
manual Dashboard section
12.1 on the statuses of
bookings and the approval
workflow tab.
7 How do I track my approval process? Please refer to Eskom Cliqit
guide Dashboard section 12.1
to see the approval workflow
under the approval transaction

8 What happens if I didn't select approver The approval structure as per
SAP is auto generated at the
back end, no need to select an
approver. If no approval
workflow is loaded in SAP for
the specific cost centre or the
approval workflow is incorrect,
please log with FSS to update.
9 How to change verifier? Refer to Eskom Shared
Services Refer to answer

20. Expiring of trips

No Question Answer
1 What is the Timeline for approval to approve Timeline is dependent upon the
time of booking, the closer a
service is booked to the trip
start date the shorter the
approval time except for
flights which must be
approved before end of the
2 Can there be no timeline for approval? Expiry is needed to manage
availability of services.
3 Can we have more time to approve? Availability of services need to
be managed. Delays may
mean the service may no
longer be available. Approval
workflow can be followed on
the Dashboard when you open
your trip under the approval
transactions tab. Please refer
to Cliqit Eskom manual:
Dashboard section 12.1
4 What happens if not approved in time? The booking will be cancelled
(expired) The booking will have
to be rebooked at the risk that
the supplier might not be
available anymore.

21. International Travel

1 How to book International travel? International travel requests
should be created as an offline
request. Please refer to Cliqit
Eskom manual: International
Travel section 9


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