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“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”

In my experience in my On-the-Job training at GFI- Human Resource Office, I

experience several emotion first is curiosity, second excitement and third fear. I
experience curiosity caused by the new environment and people I will encounter and
the job that I will take over. For the second emotion I felt the excitement for finally
having to experience working in a productive and inclined with my course office. And
third fear of having to scolded for a not doing a great job in my assigned work.

The emotions I felt lead me to learning experience that I will never forget. Some
of the work that assigned to me is to tally the evaluation of the teachers. And to encode
important files. By doing the OJT I observed how a Human Resource Officer interview
and orient applicants and new employees. It affects in my growth by learning to observe
the people around me that is very diligent in guiding me in doing my work, they let me
learn by observing and teaching. They made experience different work for me to learn
what their works are and to understand the flow of work in the company.

All the experience I gathered and the learning’s I learned are worth it for I know that it is
a key point in my career someday. All the hard work and sweat are paid off for I know I
learned something, and it will be in me forever in the journey I will take.

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