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Good morning ladies and gentlemen my name is Patrick. Im from junior high school one Parepare.

I am
twelve years old. first off all we have to say thanks to the lord because we are given health and strength
until now. Today I want to do speech about the internet and millennial generation.

Ladies and gentlemen Technology helps the students to communicate with more people even with
those who live outside Indonesia. This will assist the student to make a networking which will be
beneficial for their future careers. Technology increases the student engagement and motivation in
learning process, teachers use technological devices such as in-focus screen in the classroom to make
the learning process becomes less boring. They can access or download e-books or journal in the
website so the lesson will be more attractive and varied. BUT, there are some buts. Not all of the
impacts caused by technology are positive, technology could be very dangerous if you cannot manage it.
Moreover nowadays students are equipped with a mobile phone. Mobile phone is very personal so
sometimes it is quite hard for the parents to supervise the children. Instead of waiting for the adults to
supervise you, I want to warn you because I am sure you are mature enough to see what is right or
wrong for you. The technological developments offer you many applications to download which are
compatible with your mobile phone. Let us say, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp,
Telegram, Path, and so on and so forth, they are all available for you.

For educational institutions, internet has some following advantages, such as :

- To introduce the people about the mother institution with institutes by making the internet.

- To save time and cost in the recruitment of new employees.

- Make it easier to attract students and new students.

For all educators or lecturers, internet has some following advantages, such as :

- To search for teaching material and the materials will be given to students.

- To seek access to information sources.

- Internet in the set as a means to discuss with students so that the knowledge of students is increasingly

- To facilitate the protégés in collecting duties given

for all students, internet may be very useful, such as :

- The Internet can be used to affect the increases motivation and strengthen instruction and improve
environmental psychology at protégé.

- To stimulate and motivate students in developing intellectual property so that it can develop the
research and development of theoretical and apply good science.

- As a medium of information exchange with experts questioning or made using the Internet.
- To save time in doing tasks and research in command.

- Science and technology development process is faster because the results of his research in
universities and research institutions can be used together.

The Internet is expected to help accelerate the development of education. The more advanced the
education is, hopefully it can provide benefits.

There are positive and negative impact from the internet. the positive impact is the student can do their
work by using internet .and they can speed up their work. because everything we can find I the
internet. The negative impact from the internet is the student will forgot to do their homework ,forgot
time ,forgot to take a bath, and more.

In conclusion, namely, the internet has greatly impacts depend on the users. If the Internet is used with
good, God willing, we will get a good benefit. But, if we do not use the Internet properly, we are likely to
fall into the negative impact that certainly endanger our lives. Let us use the internet as well as possible,
according to our needs. Do not let the Internet entered into our lives, especially the lives of teenagers
and students. So that I can say, may be useful for us, especially the youth and students to use the
internet as well as possible.

I think That’s all about my speech today thank you for your attention, and always put on your mask keep
the distance each other bye bye

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