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1. Who was commissioned by Andres Bonifacio to go to Dapitan and ask Rizal's opinion
regarding the launching of the 1896 revolution? Did Rizal favor the revolution? Why?

- Pio Valenzuela's is the one who was commissioned by Andres Bonifacio, Rizal
repudiated the revolution because he thought that reforms to be successful
should come from above. It could be understandable that the hero thought of
such because it was the belief of the prevailing class to which Rizal belonged

2. Compare the experiences of Jose Rizal being a student in Ateneo, University of

Santo Tomas and University of Madrid.

- During a stopover in Madrid from their studies at Universidad International

Menendez Pelayo (UIMP) in Santander, 24 Filipino scholars, including this writer,
were toured by UIMP administration and Agencia Española de Cooperacion
International (AECI), in cooperation with the Philippine Embassy in Madrid, to
retrace Jose Rizal’s footsteps as a young student and later as an expatriate in the
Spanish capital in the late 19th century.

After his medical studies at University of Santo Tomas, Rizal left the Philippines
on May 3, 1882, and arrived in Madrid in September 1882. He took courses in
medicine at Universidad Central de Madrid as well as painting at Real Academia
de Bellas Artes de San Fernando in Calle Alcala.

Rizal mentioned that he enrolled at Facultad de Derecho, but shifted to Filosofia y

Letras, which he finished with highest honors on June 19, 1885.

Universidad Central de Madrid, now Universidad de Complutense de Madrid, has

since moved to its new location at the outskirts of Madrid known as Ciudad
Universitaria. It is a city within a city.

However, the old brick-and-plaster building where our national hero finished his
medicine course still stands in its old location, and few classes are still being
held there.

I visited the old university site during my first sojourn in Spain in 1962-63 while
on a nine-month scholarship grant from Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores in
Madrid for my postgraduate studies in Spanish.

Returning to Madrid this time was sheer pleasure and an exhilarating experience
as it gave me the opportunity to research and retrace more historical and cultural
landmarks associated with Rizal.

Boarding houses
According to Gregorio Brilliantes, “from 1882 to 1885 and during his second
shortest stay in Madrid, in 1890-91, he lived in at least nine boarding houses,
hostels or residences.”

He continues: “One of the reasons for Rizal’s frequent transfer from one boarding
house to another and the search for the best possible rooming house was due to
the fact that he wanted to look for a cheaper place in order to save, also the
proximity of the place to his school, the tranquility of its neighborhood, for nights
of study and writing; the state of the house itself and the composition of its

3. Write the short biography of Jose Rizal by giving emphasis on his family, childhood,
and early education.
- José Rizal, in full José Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda, (born June
19, 1861, Calamba, Philippines, The Rizal’s is considered one of the biggest
families during their time. Domingo Lam-co, the family's paternal ascendant was
a full-blooded Chinese who came to the Philippines from Amoy, China in the
closing years of the 17th century and married a Chinese half-breed by the name
of Ines de la Rosa. In Calamba, Laguna
19 June 1861JOSE RIZAL, the seventh child of Francisco Mercado Rizal and
Teodora Alonso y Quintos, was born in Calamba, Laguna.22 June 1861He was
baptized JOSE RIZAL MERCADO at the Catholic of Calamba by the parish priest
Rev. Rufino Collantes with Rev. Pedro Casañas as the sponsor. Early Education
in Calamba and Biñan
Rizal had his early education in Calamba and Biñan. It was a typical schooling
that a son of an ilustrado family received during his time, characterized by the
four R’s- reading, writing, arithmetic, and religion. Instruction was rigid and strict.
Knowledge was forced into the minds of the pupils by means of the tedious
memory method aided by the teacher’s whip.

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