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My friend, Justo, and I wanted to buy new clothes for de

Summer season. The only problem was that we had a
budget of fifty euros, and the clothes we wanted cost, in
total, 75 euros. We were desperate because we could not
afford paying it, just when we realized that there was a
purse on the floor. Justo took it and… it had 25 euros
inside! We couldn’t believe it. Well, actually there were 25
euros and a ID of a person called ‘Charles Davies’. Justo
was happy about finding the money because we had 75
euros now, but I thought the best idea was to return the
wallet to its owner; Charles Davies. After some minutes of
discussion, we went to the ID adress. We knocked the door.
There he was. I told him that we had found a purse, and
that maybe it was his. It wasn’t. Apparently it was his
brother’s. He died in the war, and that wallet was the only
memory he had about him. Because of that, he told us we
could keep the money, and because we brought the purse
to him, he gave us 100 euros as a way of thanking us for
what we did. That’s why honesty is always the best policy.

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