Maize Phoreousennnn

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First and for most, we would like to thank God for protecting us. We acknowledge our
Research report writing advisor amare G. for shaping of our senior research report writing.
Finally, we would like to thank our families, lab technical, friends and relative for their
advice and continuous financial support in our ups and downs to achieve our heart burn


ADP ………………... adenine di phosphate

ANOVA ………..…. analysis of variance

ATP ………………. adenine triphosphate

DAP ………………. di ammonium

ED …………………emergency date
K ……………….…. potassium
LL…………………..leaf length
LL……………….….leaf area
LSD ……….………. least significance difference
MS…………………mean square
N …………………. nitrogen
NL/P………………number of leaf per plant
PH………….………plant height
RCBD ……………. randomly complete block design
SAS ………………statistical analysis software
SD…………….….steam diameter
SS………….…….sum of square
SV…………….…source of variation

Table page
Table: 1 ANOVA for effect of phosphorous fertilizer level mean of each parameter..........11
Table: 2 Mean performance of each parameter…………......………………………………11

Table page

Table: 1 Analysis of variance on date of emergency (ED) of argene maize variety…..…….16

Table: 2 Analysis of variance on plant height (PH) of argene maize variety………….…….16

Table: 3 Analysis of variance on stem diameter (SD) of argene maize variety…………..…16

Table: 4 Analysis of variance on number of leaf per plant (NL/P) of argene maize

Table: 5 Analysis of variance on leaf length (LL) of argene maize variety………………….17

Table: 6Analysis of variance on leaf area (LA) of argene maize variety..........................…...17

Maize (zea mays L.) is one of the most versatile emerging crops having wider adaptability
under varied agro-climatic condition and successful cultivation in diverse seasons and
ecologies for various purposes. Globally, maize is known as “Queen’’ of cereals because the
highest genetic yield potential among the cereals. It is very important item of human
consumption and is also used as cattle and poultry feed besides being grown to horses and
sheep. Fertilizer has been a major component of improved maize production technologies
being promoted by the extension package. Different application rate of phosphorous
fertilizers significantly improved maize growth and yield. Phosphorous encourages plant
growth which enhances early leaf initiation and development. In order to assess the effect of
P on growth the experiment was carried out by using randomize complete block design
(RCBD)with five treatments and three replications. Therefore the experiment showed that
growth was mostly supported with application rate of 100kg P/ha which results in better
growth performance of maize. The increased growth performance of maize was attributed
with increased application of P fertilizer. Therefore, the proper amount of P fertilizer should
be applied at the critical stage and time of growth of maize in order ensure the desirable
characteristics and to increase yield of maize. According to this expermerment stem diameter
and number of leaf per plant was significantly difference but no significance on other

Key words: Growth components, Phosphorous, Maize

Maize (Zea mays L.) is the world’s most cultivated crops after wheat and rice in the
production of cereal crop. It is also one of the major cereal crops grown in Ethiopia. The crop
has wide adaptability. It can be grown in tropical, subtropical as well as in temperate zone.
But the best growth is obtained in the temperature range of 21-27 oC.It is grown from 58 0N
to 40 0S from below sea level to altitudes higher than 3000m, and in areas with 250 mm to
more than 5000 mm of rainfall per year, (Dowswel let al., 1996).

In Ethiopia maize is the major staple food and one of the main sources of calorie (Getahun,
2001; Tolessaet al., 2001) being cultivated on about 1.75 million ha and accounts for 20% of
the 8.5 million ha (79.98%) of land allocated on for cereals. It ranks second after tiffin area
coverage, first in total national production and yield per ha.
Fertilizer has been a major component of improved maize production technologies being
promoted by the extension package (Fufa and Hassen, 2006). Some of the major causes of
low maize yield are declining of soil fertility and insufficient use of fertilizer resulting in
severe nutrient depletion of soil (Bureshet al., 1997). It belongs to the group of crops which
have high growth rate, producing large biomas and in turn require more nutrients including
nitrogen and phosphorus (Mangel and Kirkby, 2001).

Maize is a short day plant, that is, flowering is tended and vegetative growth related by long
nights. The most likely center of origin of maize is Mexico or Central America (mangelsdorf,
Nitrogen and phosphorous are very essential for vegetative growth grain development as well
as yield. The quantity required of these nutrients, particularly nitrogen depends on pre
clearing vegetation, organic matter, content, tillage method and light intensity. The response
of maize plant to application of nitrogen and phosphorous fertilizers varies from variety to
variety, location to location and also depends on the availability of the nutrients in the soil.
Research results have shown that various maize cultivars differ markedly in gram yield
response to nitrogen fertilizer. The application of phosphorous influences plant growth
behavior. It is needed for growth, utilization of sugar and starch, photosynthesis, nucleus
formation and cell division, fat and albumin formation. Energy from photosynthesis and the
metabolism of carbohydrates is stored in phosphate compounds for later use in growth and
reproduction (Ayubet al., 2002).
It is readily translocated within the plants, moving from older to younger tissues as the plant
forms cells and develops roots, stems and leaves (Ali et al., 2002). Adequate phosphorous
results in rapid growth and earlier maturity and improves the quality of vegetative growth.
Phosphorous efficiency is responsible for crooked and missing rows as kernel twist and
produce small ears cubbies in maize.
Phosphorus hastens the ripening of fruits thus counteracting the effect of excess nitrogen
applied to the soil. It helps to strengthen the skeletal structure of the plant thereby preventing
lodging. It also affects the quality of the grains and it may increase the plant resistance to
diseases. However, the requirement and utilization of the nutrient (phosphorus) in maize
depends on environmental factors like, rainfall, varieties and expected yield (Adeptu, 1993).
According to Rehman et al. (2011) nutrient P affects leaf growth and senescence dynamics in
maize. Phosphorous is essential for cell division because it is a constituent element of
nucleoproteins, which are involved in the cell reproduction processes. It is important for seed
and fruit formation and crop maturation. (haque et al,2001).

1.1 Statement of the problem

In Ethiopia maize play a major role in the reduction of famine of human and animals and in
factories but there are many obstacles that reduce its production. This obstacle includes
inappropriate supply of water, short supply of fertilizer, weed infestation, pest, improper seed
rate, etc. due to thus different limiting factor especially inappropriate supply of fertilizer in
the farmer. Based on this information we will conduct a highland maize variety to evaluate
its phosphorous requirement at highland. During this experiment there were serious of
disease, inappropriate seed, climatic problem was occurred.

1.2 Objective of the study

1.2.1 General objective
 To verity specific level of phosphorus requirement of maize variety under irrigation
condition at highland of Ethiopia.

1.2.2 Specific objective

 To evaluate the effect of different level of phosphorous fertilizer on
growth parameters of maize and growth component of maize.

2.1. Origin and distribution of maize
The major production areas in the world in terms of cultivated area and yields are the
temperate regions of the western hemisphere and china Brazil and several countries in Europe
as well are important production as well. Overall, maize production I the world dominated by
relatively few countries with the top five USA,China, Brazil, Mexico and Argentina
accounting for nearly 75% of the world production(mangelsdorf et al.,2004).

2.2. Effect of different levels of phosphorous on the yield components of

Maize, like many cereal crops, requires certain quantities of some elements, like nitrogen (N),
phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K) for maintaining good yield levels. In the tropics, high
yields of maize mainly have been obtained by using improved genotypes, fertilizers and good
cultural practices (Sahaet al., 1994).

Nitrogen and phosphorus are the most yield limiting nutrients in Ethiopia. The use of
chemical fertilizer to overcome these nutrient deficiencies is a practice that is receiving a
wide acceptance in the country. The favorable effects of fertilization have been demonstrated
under a different set of climatic and soil conditions.

DAP (N and P) deficiency is invariable common crop growth and yield limiting factor in
unfertilized soils, especially in soils high in calcium carbonate, which reduces the
phosphorous solubility.

Phosphorous is important to promote vigorous start (cell division) to plants (Gungulaet al.,
2003). One environmentally friendly and economically feasible strategy to maintain high
crop productivity without increasing Phosphorous fertilization rates in the integration of
organic and inorganic phosphorous sources.

Phosphorus, similar to nitrogen play a vital role in the life cycle of plants and is important
for both the vegetative and reproductive growth of maize; which is evident in the
Contribution of P to yield increases (35%) when N and Pare simultaneously applied
(Bennett, 1993). Phosphorus is also vital in various biological processes and best known for
processes of energy transfer and storage via ADP and ATP compounds (Steward, 1990).

2.3. Effect of different levels of phosphorous fertilizer on the growth of
Phosphorus availability is equally critical during the early stages of plant growth because the
movement of Phosphorous to plant roots is reduced with cold soil temperature. Thus,
Phosphorous differences are most often observed during the early part of the growing season.
However, Phosphorous moves very little in soils, and thus, available soil Phosphorous can
build with Phosphorous applications. High plant available P as identified by soil testing,
indicates that no crop yield response can be expected from an additional P fertilizer
application (Sharpley, 1992).
The different NP combinations significantly affects plant height, cob bearing plants, number
of grains/cob, 1000-grain weight and grain yield (Haque et al., 2001). Therefore, the proper
management of these two nutrient elements is very important for good crop production. The
phosphorous use efficiency (PUE) is often very low and varies from 8-33%, depending on
crops and soils (Tittonell, 2007).
The maize plant requires N and P soon after germination to initiate the growth of stems,
leaves and ear structures. Side dress N fertilizer applications ensure that N is available during
this period of highest need. Also, the potential for leaching losses is greatly reduced with side
dress N applications because of high water uptake and transpiration by the maize plant during
this period of rapid growth. The maize plant grows and accumulates its dry weight with the
use of available nutrient (Hanway, 1999). The maize seedling can be expected to develop two
fully expanded leaves and primary root system that obtains needed nutrients from the soil
within seven days after emergence (Aldrich et al., 1986).

2.4. Effect of different levels of phosphorous fertilizer on the growth

components of maize
Nitrogen and phosphorous uptake follow the same general trend as plant growth. The
maximum N uptake occurs during the month prior to tasseling and silking. Significant
amounts of N are transferred from leaf tissue to grain during the grain-fill process.
Phosphorus uptake is more constant throughout the season and generally parallels dry weight
increases. The major objective of an efficient fertilization program is to be certain that
adequate N and P are available during the growing season so that nutrient supplies do not
limit plant growth and yields.

Nitrogen and Phosphorous is very essential for good vegetative growth and grain
development in maize production. Crops grown on soils with higher yield potentials can

efficiently utilize higher N fertilizer applications than crops grown on soils with lower yield
potential (Marvin et al., 2009). Phosphorus improves the root growth, which has a great
effect on the overall plant growth performance; therefore, the regimes of P at the rate of 0
kg/ha resulted in the shortest stature or height of plants.

2.5. Effect of different levels of phosphorus fertilizer on the plant height of

Phosphorus plays a key role in energy transfer and is essential for photosynthesis and other
chemical-physiological process in plant phosphorus is one of the most important nutrient for
higher yield in larger quantity and controls mainly the reproductive growth of plants
generally, P is the second most crops limiting nutrient in most soils. Factors that restrict the
availability of P to crops are soil pH, soil texture, and the amount of P applied to soil, the
presence of other elements like iron, aluminum, manganese and calcium in the soil, microbial
activity and time of P application (Yash, 1992). Among this factor, time of P application is
much important in soils with either low or high pH.

2.6. Ecological requirement of maize

Maize is one of the most important food crops worldwide. It is the highest average yield per
hectare and it is grown in most part of the world over a wide range of environmental
condition. Maize is a crop of sub-tropical origin and through is has been altered by selection
for adaptation indifferent environment the threshold temperature seed germination is about
100c.The crop requires an average daily temperature of at least 20 0c adequate growth and
development range between 25-30 temperatures above 30 reduce yield (Brink and Belay,

The most suitable soil for maize is one with good effective depth, Favorable morphological
properties, good internal drainage and optimum moisture regimes sufficient and balanced
quantities plant nutrient and chemical properties that are favorable for maize production.
Although large scale maize production takes placed in soil with a clay content of less than
10% (sandy soil) or in excess of 30% (clay and clay loam soil), the textural class between 10
and 30% (clay) have our and moisture regions that are optimum for healthy maize production
and productivity (moesisa et al.,2001).

2.7. Production requirement of maize
2.7.1. Fertilizer application
The yield of maize grain or silage is related of the level of soil fertility. The amount of
nitrogen phosphorous, potassium required in fertilizer application depend on previous
cropping and fertilizer history, years of cultivation, fallow condition and yield target. The
need for adequate and balanced nutrition of maize is important because of its fast growing
nature, relatively high demand for nutrients particularly N.P and K for obtaining high yield
Maize crop production 5 and 6 t/ha of gran will remove about 100-150 kgN, 40-60
kgP2O5and 100-150K2O per hectare (Prasd, 1978).

2.7.2. Weed management

Maize is very sensitive to weed competition during the first 4-6 weeks after emergency, and
weed control is very important. Weeding is mostly done by hand, crop potation, and by other
such as chemical application biological method and the like. Weed management program will
be developing by taking in to account the soil type, kind of weed present, crop rotation and
cost of implementation. chemical application may be pre-plant or post emergency herbicide
approved for use in maize field including Atrazine 2,4, D and datagram Atrazine for used for
per emergency to control broad leaved weeds and germinating weedy grass. 2, 4, D is use full
for controlling late emerging weeds (George, 2011).

3.1 Description of the Study Area

The field experiment was conducted at Debre BerhanUniversity Research site North Shoa
zone, Amhara National Regional State. Debre Berhan town is located at 130 Km from the
capital city of Addis Ababa at an elevation of 2,840 m.a.s.l. The area has a latitude and
longitude of 9°41'N 39°32’E and 9.683°N 39.533°E, respectively. The average rain fall is
964mm with the average annual of 17.8°C and 8.83°C during day and night hour
respectively. The total land coverage has temperature 14.71km2. The area receives about
1045.5mm of precipitation and the mean relative humidity is estimated to be 70.9%. The
area is characterized by two seasons, the wet season from June to September and dry season
from October to May. The area is located in an elevation ranging between 2800 and 2845m
above sea level (Haymanot et al., 2015).

3.2. Material
The study was conducted by using the following material such as, fertilizer (nitrogen,
phosphorous and potassium), highland maize seed variety.

3.3. Experimental design, treatment and procedure

Afield experiment was conducted during the 2018 season using irrigation condition to
evaluate the specific level of phosphorous fertilizer for growth of maize variety (Argene).
The study was conducted on agriculture work demonstration of Debre Berhan University
under irrigation condition using the most preferred high land maize variety. There were 15
treatment found from one high land maize variety and five level of phosphorous (0,
50,100,150, and 200 kg/ha). The design was used randomized complete block design
(RCBD) with three replications. The total experimental area were 136m 2(17mx8m) the space
between block was 1m and space between plot was 0.5m and a plot size of 2x3 plot size and
the area of each plot was 6m2(2x3) the number of plant per row were11 and between row
space were 0.8m and the spacing between plant in row were 0.25m. The crop was planted by
drilling the seed weeding and irrigation were used after seeding throughout the experimental
period needed.

3.3.1. Data analysis
The experimental data was analyzed and summarized based on analysis of variance
(ANOVA). The collected data were analyzed by using the statistical analysis software (SAS)
the different between treatment mean were determined by using LSD

3.3.2. Data to be collected

Data collection was started twenty days after sowing of maize. For all parameters the data
was collected from seven randomly selected maize plants in each plot by leaving two rows as
a boarder effect.So, those two middle rows were used for data collection at the vegetative
stage of maize. The following parameters were recorded by using their respective
measurements: Days to 50 % emergence (days)

Days to 50% emergence was counted from the date of sowing till 50% of the seedlings emerged in
each plot. Plant height (cm)

The plant height was taken from a sample of five randomly selected plants marked within
each plot in two middle rows at their vegetative stage. Meter tape was used for measuring the
height from the ground level to the top-most leaf. Leaf length per plant (cm)

The leaf length per plant was measured from seven randomly selected plants at vegetative
stage starting from stalk or sheath of maize to the tip of leaf by using meter. .Number of leaves per plant

Total numbers of green leaves per plant were counted from seven randomly selected plants
and the average was taken as the number of green leaves per plant at vegetative stage of
maize. Leaf area (cm2)

The leaf area of the maize plant was determined from seven randomly selected plants by measuring
leaf length and maximum leaf width.

3.2.2..6. Stalk diameter (cm)

The stalk diameter of seven randomly selected plants was measured at 5cm from the ground
level and the average was taken as the stalk diameter of each plant at the vegetative stage of

Table: 1ANOVA for effect of phosphorous fertilizer level mean of each parameter

Source of DF ED PH SD NL/P LL LA
Treatment 4 30.5ns 36.85ns 1.93* 0.53* 20.96ns 3285.3ns
Replicatio 2 73.4 221.1 3.75 0.75 43.9 11394.8
Error 6 100.4 26.5 0.46 0.2 26.8 4451.5
Total 14
DF=degree of freedom, ED=Emergence date, PH=plant height, SD=stem diameter,
NL=number of leaf per plant, LL=leaf length, LA=Leaf area. *=significance level at5%,
ns=non significance.

Table: 2 Mean performance of each parameter

Treatment mean comparisons for each parameter

Treatment ED PH SD NL/P LL LA
A(0kg) 40a 45a 6.88b 9.85bc 42.7a 248.2a
B(50kg) 43.66a 43.3a 7.1b 9.8c 40.8a 223.3a
C(100kg) 43.67a 48.1a 7.76ab 10.7a 44.47a 242.6a
D(150kg) 41.66a 48.4a 8.56a 10.56ab 47.27a 304.2a
E(200kg) 36a 52.47a 8.64a 10.47abc 46.4a 285.4a
CV 24.43 10.84 8.73 3.86 11.68 25.58
LSD 18.86 9.69 1.28 0.74 9.75 125.6

Means with the same letters in the column were non-significance while means with different
letters were significantly different. ED=Emergence date, PH=plant height, SD=stem
diameter, NL=number of leaf per plant, LL=leaf length, LA=Leaf area, CV=coefficient of
variation, LSD=least significance difference at 5% level of significance

4.1 Day of 50% emergency
This study showed that the emergency percentage was not significance difference at (p>0.05)
for each phosphorous level. There was no a significant difference obtained on the 50%
emergency of maize irrespective of the different levels of phosphorous fertilizer application.
Thus, all the seedlings in each treatment almost emerged on 20 days after maize was sown.

4.2. Plant height

The ANOVA result indicated that the application of the different levels of phosphorus
fertilizer showed not a significant effect on maize plant height. Plant height was recorded at
27 days after emergency .The data present in (table 4) revealed that there were no significant
effects when phosphorus was applied with different rate. The interaction between
phosphorous level and maize was found to be non-significance .similar result was reported by

4.3 .Number of leaves per plant

The leaf number of argene maize verity indicated that there is significance difference
between treatments due to application of different level of phosphorous fertilizer. The highest
number of leaf per plant were recorded on treatment three (10.7) which is 100kg among all
treatment, treatment four (150kg) have significantly greater than control treatment. (Table 6).

4.4. Leaf length

The ANOVA result indicated that the application of the different levels of phosphorus
fertilizer showed that not a significant effect on leaf length of maize.

4.5. Stalk diameter

The ANOVA result indicated that the applications of the different levels of phosphorus
fertilizer application have showed a significant effect on stalk diameter of maize. The
increased application of phosphorous fertilizer level from 0kg/ha to 200kg/ha does show the
significant difference in the stalk diameter of maize (Table5). The highest stem diameter were
recorded on treatment five which is 200kg among all treatment, treatment one (0kg) have
smallest diameter was recorded. When the amount of phosphorous increase, the stalk
diameter also increase.

4.6. Leaf area

The ANOVA result indicated that the application of the different levels of phosphorus fertilizer
application didn’t show a significant effect on the leaf area of maize. The increased
application of phosphorus level from 0 to 200 kg/ha resulted almost the same leaf area of
maize (Table5). This result was in contrary with the result of Alias et al. (2003) who reported
that with increased rate of phosphorus fertilizer resulted in increased leaf area of maize; this
may be due to genetic characteristics of maize itself and the time that experiment was carried

5.1. Conclusion

Fertilization needs to be rationally used in order to avoid a negative ecological impact

and undesirable effects on the sustainability of agricultural production system. Excessive
use of fertilizer also affects farmers’ economy. Hence, identifying the appropriate levels
of Phosphorous fertilizer is the most important concern to maximize crop yields.

The experiment with five levels of phosphorous fertilizer (0kg/ha, 50kg/ha, 100kg/ha,
150kg/ha, 200kg/ha) were used in Randomized Complete Block Design with three
replications using DAP as phosphorous source in order know the appropriate P level for
growth of maize. According to this experiment the optimum level of phosphorous fertilizer
for growth components of maize was 100kg/ha, which showed the increased stem diameter,
number of leaves per plant. The experiment was affected by different factors such as
inappropriate seedling material, disease (leaf blight), environmental condition due to this
reasons other parameter was no significantly different. The controlled method that was taken
during disease incidence is chemical control. The chemical name of mancozin with its
amount of 29g/0.0136 ha, solvent amount of 16L/0.0136ha and method of application is
broad spectrum. Application of correct level of fertilizer with careful management is
necessary to achieve yield of crop.

5.2. Recommendation
According to this experiment the society should apply 100kg/ha of phosphorous fertilizer in
order to ensure the maximum growth of maize. But our work were done only from growth
components of maize in one location due to shortage of time, Therefore, The experiment
should be done up to yield in different locations at different time for the future to assess the
detailed effects of phosphorous fertilizer on maize further.


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Table: 1 Analysis of variance on date of emergency (ED) of argene maize variety

Source of DF Ss Ms F value Pr>F

Treatment 4 122 30.5 0.3 0.86ns
Replication 2 146 73.4 0.73 0.51
Error 8 803 100.4
Total 14 1072
DF=degree of freedom, Ss=sum of square, Ms=mean square

Table: 2 Analysis of variance on plant height (PH) of argene maize variety

Source of DF Ss Ms F value Pr>F

Treatment 4 147.4 36.86 1.39 0.31ns
Replication 2 442.2 221.1 8.34 0.01
Error 8 212 26.5
Total 14
DF=degree of freedom, Ss=sum of square, Ms=mean square

Table: 3 Analysis of variance on stem diameter (SD) of argene maize variety

Source of DF Ss Ms F value Pr>F

Treatment 4 7.73 1.93 4.18 0.64ns
Replication 2 7.49 3.73 8.08 0.01
Error 8 3.7 0.46
Total 14 18.94
DF=degree of freedom, Ss=sum of square, Ms=mean square

Table: 4 Analysis of variance on number of leaf per plant (NL/P) of argene maize variety

Source of DF Ss Ms F value Pr>F

Treatment 4 2.1 0.56 3.36 0.06ns
Replication 2 1.5 0.75 4.8 0.04
Error 8 1.26 0.2
Total 14 4.89
DF=degree of freedom, Ss=sum of square, Ms=mean square

Table: 5 Analysis of variance on leaf length (LL) of argene maize variety

Source of DF Ss Ms F value Pr>F

Treatment 4 83.8 20.96 0.78 0.56ns
Replication 2 87.89 43.9 1.64 0.25
Error 8 214.6 26.8
Total 14 386.3
DF=degree of freedom, Ss=sum of square, Ms=mean square

Table: 6 Analysis of variance on leaf area (LA) of argene maize variety

Source of DF Ss Ms F value Pr>F

Treatment 4 13141.2 3285.2 0.74 0.59ns
Replication 2 22787.6 11394.8 2.56 0.13
Error 8 35612.3 4451.5
Total 14 71543.2
DF=degree of freedom, Ss=sum of square, Ms=mean square


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