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The dogma of molecular biology

- explain the relationship between DNA, RNA and proteins

- explain the relationship between proteins and characteristics of an organism

- what are the similarities between DNA and RNA? what are the differences?

- explain what is transcription and what is translation

- be able to use the genetic code table to make proteins from DNA and vice-versa

Traditional Biotechnology
- what is biotechnology
- compare and contrast selective breeding and direct genetic manipulation (transgenic
organisms, explain why BOTH are examples of biotechnology

The “technology” of biotechnology

- what is the difference between a genome and a gene?
- be able to “make” a plasmid
- what are restriction enzymes
- explain how sticky ends work
- why can’t you cut the origin of replication?
- what is the function of the antibiotic resistance?
- explain how a recombinant plasmid is made and used

- what is a clone?
- what is IVF?
- explain the two methods of making a clone
- what are some challenges of cloning (risks)
- compare and contrast therapeutic and reproductive cloning

- in your opinion, when is it OK to clone? explain

- what is gene therapy?

- how is it done?
- explain the pros/cons of gene therapy

For either PCR or gel electrophoresis, explain

a) what does this do?
b) what are the major steps?
c) what are the uses (at least 2 for each technique!)

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