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SNC4M Unit 3 Biotechnology Issues Project


Topic presentation : Wed., Dec. 16 – Thurs., Dec. 17 Paper due: By the last day of classes!

Introduction to project

For this project, you will choose one of the following topics and you will choose one side – either
pro or con. You will have to research your topic and your side, keep track and document your
sources. You will have two periods to research information. The rest of your research will have
to be done on your own time.

Topics to choose from (please sign up for one topic and pro or con of that topic):

Gene therapy (pro or con)

Human cloning (pro or con)

Genetically Modified Food (pro or con)

Animal Cloning (pro or con)

Bioremediation (pro or con)

Biofuel (pro or con)

Genomics (pro or con)

Xenotransplantation (pro or con)

Genetic testing (pro or con)

Stem cell research (pro or con)

Genetically engineered seafood (pro or con)

Farming animals for pharmaceuticals (pro or con)

SNC4M Unit 3 Biotechnology Issues Project

Paper to be submitted:

You will have to submit a paper that briefly describes the topic, lays out the side that you chose
(supported by facts) and provide a conclusion that includes your opinion on the topic. The paper
should be between 2 to 4 pages. Please use essay style; that means you should have an
introduction (to the topic and to your side of the topic), the main body of the essay (three to
four paragraphs about the side of the topic that you have chosen) with facts supporting your
statements and a conclusion (summarize the paper and your opinion).

Papers will be checked for plagiarism. Plagiarized papers have to be resubmitted and that would
ruin your holidays!


You will take 5-10 key points from your paper and present these to the group along with the
other person working on the other side of the topic. You do not have to make a powerpoint; all
you will need is to write your key points on the board or a flipchart (which will be provided). You
will have a chance to discuss your topic, your research on it and your opinion about it on

Project evaluation:

One mark will be assigned for completing and submitting your evaluation rubric. You will be
marked on both your paper and the presentation as indicated on the rubric.
SNC4M Unit 3 Biotechnology Issues Project

Biotechnology Unit Project RUBRIC

You will be evaluated based on the criteria below. You will submit this rubric and your research
information in point-form format together with your finished project.


* note: if you plagiarize (copy word-for-word) in your submission you will receive a zero (0)
for that section; if you plagiarize more than 1/3 of the content of your presentation you
will receive a zero (0) for the ENTIRE submission

do not fill in shaded areas

defines key terms and concepts used in the paper

information makes sense and is correct

key words and ideas are correctly used

complicated vocabulary is explained/ defined

mark*: 4 3 2 1 R
mark: 4 3 2 1 R


do not fill in shaded areas

the hypothesis formulated is specific, based on observed issues and research, and focuses
further inquiries (How to Write a Thesis Statement)
the rubric was used to evaluate own work

the references are presented in an appropriate format (Bibliography Worksheet)

body of project addresses the following:

- analyze arguments on chosen side of the topic
- analysis is unbiased and scientific in the main body of the paper
- conclusions are drawn based on research finding and justified with reference
to scientific knowledge with limited reference to your own opinion

mark*: 4 3 2 1 R
mark: 4 3 2 1 R
SNC4M Unit 3 Biotechnology Issues Project

do not fill in shaded areas

analyse, on the basis of research, the issues surrounding the topic chosen and the
particular side of the topic chosen

evaluate the impact of those positive or negative effects on society, health, environment,
and other applicable areas

Evaluate any ethical or legal issues that may exist

key words and ideas are correctly used

complicated vocabulary is explained/defined

mark*: 4 3 2 1 R
mark: 4 3 2 1 R

do not fill in shaded areas

Introduction to the paper outlines the topic and side chosen well

addresses the following questions:

- clearly expresses personal stance on issues
- logically organizes argument
- uses a variety of formats to present information: data tables, maps, graphs,
models, charts, diagrams (at least two)
Oral presentation is well-organized and key points of paper are addressed

Worked well with topic partner to make a good presentation

key words and ideas are correctly used

complicated vocabulary is explained/defined

mark*: 4 3 2 1 R
mark: 4 3 2 1 R
*4 (excellent), 3(good), 2(satisfactory), (needs improvement), R(incomplete, please resubmit)
SNC4M Unit 3 Biotechnology Issues Project

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