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Name : Dewi Sartika

Official Number : A1M221046

Assignment : 2nd assignment

A Sociopath and A Psychopath

Humans are creatures that are susceptible to disease. One of the most
common diseases experienced by humans is mental illness. Mental illness is a
disease that makes the patient unable to control their emotion, thought, and also
behavior. Both sociopaths and psychopaths are kinds of mental illnesses.
However, it is undeniable that both a sosiopath and a psychopath have similarities
and differences that make them similar and different from each other.

A sociopath and a psychopath are similar in some ways. To begin with,

both a sociopath and a psychopath are manipulative. They tend to control
everything or everyone around them. They also want everything to happen how
they would like it to. Both a sociopath and a psychopath are often manipulating
facts to judge others, and also often to be found exploiting others to fulfill their
contentment or for another benefit.

Besides being manipulative, both a sociopath and a psychopath lack

empathy. People who have sociopath or psychopath mental illness will ignore
other people's needs. They will tend to be selfish where they only prioritize their
need above others. They also don’t care about the feeling of other people around
them. Moreover, they tend to see other people as an item or a toy to serve and
fulfill their needs. In other words to get advantages for themselves by using

Despite these similarities, a sociopath and a psychopath have their

differences. A sociopath will make it clear that they do not care about how other
people feel. They will bluntly express how they feel to other people around them.
Meanwhile, a psychopath was a really good actor. They will pretend to care about
how other people around them feel even though they don’t know what is the
meaning of feeling.

Another difference between a sociopath and a psychopath is that a

sociopath still has fear in them, they just pretend that they don’t have fear so they
will act recklessly and tend to take an action without thinking about the
consequences. While a psychopath doesn’t have fear of themselves They tend to
be very clever to the point they will organize their scene or act by calculating all
of the consequences, and they also don’t regret their action.

In brief, both a sociopath and a psychopath were extreme mental illnesses

where it’s hard to predict their action. They tend to act impulsively to the point it
can be dangerous to other. They were also a liar and a pretender. They don’t care
about others nor do they care about the impact of their activities whether it can
harm other or not. Because they only cared about themselves and their world was
only about themselves.

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