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This document contains mappings of the CIS Critical Security Controls (CIS Controls) and CIS Safeguards t

Last updated January 2023
Contact Information
31 Tech Valley Drive
East Greenbush, NY 12061

Thomas Sager

License for Use

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International Publi

To further clarify the Creative Commons license related to the CIS ControlsTM content, you are authorized to copy a
organization and outside of your organization for non-commercial purposes only, provided that (i) appropriate credit
remix, transform or build upon the CIS Controls, you may not distribute the modified materials. Users of the CIS Con
( when referring to the CIS Controls in order to ensure that users are employing t
the prior approval of CIS® (Center for Internet Security, Inc.).
es 4.0 International Public License (the link can be found at

are authorized to copy and redistribute the content as a framework for use by you, within your
hat (i) appropriate credit is given to CIS, and (ii) a link to the license is provided. Additionally, if you
als. Users of the CIS Controls framework are also required to refer to
at users are employing the most up-to-date guidance. Commercial use of the CIS Controls is subject to
Mapping Methodology
Mapping Methodology

This page describes the methodology used to map the CIS Critical Security Controls to Microsoft Azure Se
Reference link for Azure Security Benchmark v3:

The methodology used to create the mapping can be useful to anyone attempting to understand the relatio
The overall goal for CIS mappings is to be as specific as possible, leaning towards under-mapping versus
It is not enough for two Controls to be related, it must be clear that implementing one Control will contribute
The general strategy used is to identify all of the aspects within a Control and attempt to discern if both item

CIS Control 6.1 - Establish an Access Granting Process

Establish and follow a process, preferably automated, for granting access to enterprise assets upon new h

For a defensive mitigation to map to this CIS Safeguard it must have at least one of the following:
• A clearly documented process, covering both new employees and changes in access.
• All relevant enteprise access control must be covered under this process, there can be no seperation whe
• Automated tools are ideally used, such as a SSO provider or routing access control through a directory s
• The same process is followed every time a user's rights change, so a user never amasses greater rights

If the two concepts are effectively equal, they are mapped with the relationship "equivalent". If they are not
The relationships can be further analyzed to understand how similar or different the two defensive mitigatio
The relationship column will contain one of four possible values:
• Equivalent: The defensive mitigation contains the exact same security concept as the CIS Control.
• Superset: The CIS Control is partially or mostly related to the defensive mitigation in question, but the CIS
• Subset: The CIS Safeguard is partially or mostly related, yet is still subsumed within the defensive mitigat
• Intersects: Although the CIS Control and the defensive mitigation have many similarities, neither is contai
awareness program and another requiring an information governance program.
• No relationship: This will be represented by a blank cell.

The relationships should be read from left to right, like a sentence. CIS Safeguard X is Equivalent to this <
CIS Safeguard 16.8 "Separate Production and Non-Production Systems" is EQUIVALENT to NIST CSF PR
CIS Safeguard 3.5 "Securely Dispose of Data" is a SUBSET of NIST CSF PR.DS-3 "Assets are formally m
The CIS Controls are written with certain principles in mind, such as only having one ask per Safeguard. T
can often be "Subset."
Mappings are available from a variety of sources online, and different individuals may make their own deci
other mapping.

If you have comments, questions, or would like to report an error, please join the CIS Controls Mappings c
Remember to download the CIS Controls Version 8 Guide where you can learn more about:

- This Version of the CIS Controls

- The CIS Controls Ecosystem ("It's not about the list')
- How to Get Started
- Using or Transitioning from Prior Versions of the CIS Controls
- Structure of the CIS Controls
- Implementation Groups
- Why is this Controls critical
- Procedures and tools

A free tool with a dynamic list of the CIS Safeguards that can be filtered by Implemtation Groups and
mappings to multiple frameworks.

Join our community where you can discuss the CIS Controls with our global army of experts and
CIS Security
CIS Safeguard Asset Type
Control Function

1 1.1 Devices Identify

1 1.1 Devices Identify

1 1.2 Devices Respond

1 1.3 Devices Detect

1 1.4 Devices Identify

1 1.5 Devices Detect

2 2.1 Applications Identify

2 2.1 Applications Identify

2 2.2 Applications Identify

2 2.3 Applications Respond

2 2.4 Applications Detect

2 2.5 Applications Protect

2 2.5 Applications Protect

2 2.6 Applications Protect

2 2.6 Applications Protect

2 2.7 Applications Protect

2 2.7 Applications Protect

3 3.1 Data Identify

3 3.2 Data Identify

3 3.3 Data Protect

3 3.3 Data Protect

3 3.3 Data Protect

3 3.4 Data Protect

3 3.5 Data Protect

3 3.6 Devices Protect

3 3.7 Data Identify

3 3.7 Data Identify

3 3.8 Data Identify

3 3.9 Data Protect

3 3.10 Data Protect

3 3.11 Data Protect

3 3.11 Data Protect

3 3.12 Network Protect

3 3.12 Network Protect

3 3.12 Network Protect

3 3.12 Network Protect

3 3.13 Data Protect

3 3.13 Data Protect

3 3.14 Data Detect

4 4.1 Applications Protect

4 4.1 Applications Protect

4 4.1 Applications Protect

4 4.1 Applications Protect

4 4.1 Applications Protect

4 4.2 Network Protect

4 4.2 Network Protect

4 4.2 Network Protect

4 4.3 Users Protect

4 4.4 Devices Protect

4 4.4 Devices Protect

4 4.4 Devices Protect

4 4.4 Devices Protect

4 4.4 Devices Protect

4 4.4 Devices Protect

4 4.5 Devices Protect

4 4.6 Network Protect

4 4.7 Users Protect

4 4.8 Devices Protect

4 4.8 Devices Protect

4 4.8 Devices Protect

4 4.8 Devices Protect

4 4.9 Devices Protect

4 4.10 Devices Respond

4 4.11 Devices Protect

4 4.12 Devices Protect

5 5.1 Users Identify

5 5.2 Users Protect

5 5.3 Users Respond

5 5.4 Users Protect

5 5.4 Users Protect

5 5.5 Users Identify

5 5.5 Users Identify

5 5.6 Users Protect


6 6.1 Users Protect

6 6.1 Users Protect

6 6.2 Users Protect

6 6.2 Users Protect

6 6.3 Users Protect

6 6.4 Users Protect

6 6.4 Users Protect

6 6.5 Users Protect

6 6.5 Users Protect

6 6.6 Users Identify

6 6.7 Users Protect

6 6.7 Users Protect

6 6.7 Users Protect

6 6.8 Data Protect

6 6.8 Data Protect

7 7.1 Applications Protect

7 7.2 Applications Respond

7 7.3 Applications Protect

7 7.4 Applications Protect

7 7.5 Applications Identify

7 7.5 Applications Identify

7 7.6 Applications Identify

7 7.6 Applications Identify

7 7.7 Applications Respond

7 7.7 Applications Respond

8 8.1 Network Protect

8 8.2 Network Detect

8 8.2 Network Detect

8 8.2 Network Detect

8 8.3 Network Protect

8 8.4 Network Protect

8 8.5 Network Detect

8 8.5 Network Detect

8 8.5 Network Detect

8 8.6 Network Detect

8 8.7 Network Detect

8 8.8 Devices Detect

8 8.9 Network Detect

8 8.9 Network Detect

8 8.10 Network Protect

8 8.11 Network Detect

8 8.11 Network Detect

8 8.11 Network Detect

8 8.11 Network Detect

8 8.12 Data Detect

9 9.1 Applications Protect

9 9.2 Network Protect

9 9.3 Network Protect

9 9.4 Applications Protect

9 9.5 Network Protect

9 9.6 Network Protect

9 9.7 Network Protect


10 10.1 Devices Protect

10 10.1 Devices Protect

10 10.2 Devices Protect

10 10.3 Devices Protect

10 10.4 Devices Detect

10 10.5 Devices Protect

10 10.6 Devices Protect

10 10.7 Devices Detect

11 11.1 Data Recover

11 11.2 Data Recover

11 11.3 Data Protect

11 11.3 Data Protect

11 11.4 Data Recover

11 11.5 Data Recover


12 12.1 Network Protect

12 12.2 Network Protect

12 12.3 Network Protect

12 12.4 Network Identify

12 12.5 Network Protect

12 12.5 Network Protect

12 12.5 Network Protect

12 12.6 Network Protect

12 12.7 Devices Protect

12 12.8 Devices Protect


13 13.1 Network Detect

13 13.1 Network Detect

13 13.2 Devices Detect

13 13.3 Network Detect

13 13.4 Network Protect

13 13.5 Devices Protect

13 13.5 Devices Protect

13 13.6 Network Detect

13 13.7 Devices Protect

13 13.7 Devices Protect

13 13.8 Network Protect

13 13.9 Devices Protect

13 13.10 Network Protect

13 13.10 Network Protect

13 13.10 Network Protect

13 13.10 Network Protect

13 13.11 Network Detect


14 14.1 N/A Protect

14 14.2 N/A Protect

14 14.3 N/A Protect

14 14.4 N/A Protect

14 14.5 N/A Protect

14 14.6 N/A Protect

14 14.7 N/A Protect

14 14.8 N/A Protect

14 14.9 N/A Protect


15 15.1 N/A Identify

15 15.2 N/A Identify

15 15.3 N/A Identify

15 15.4 N/A Protect

15 15.5 N/A Identify

15 15.6 Data Detect

15 15.7 Data Protect


16 16.1 Applications Protect

16 16.1 Applications Protect

16 16.2 Applications Protect

16 16.3 Applications Protect

16 16.4 Applications Protect

16 16.5 Applications Protect

16 16.6 Applications Protect

16 16.7 Applications Protect

16 16.7 Applications Protect

16 16.8 Applications Protect

16 16.9 Applications Protect

16 16.10 Applications Protect

16 16.11 Applications Protect

16 16.12 Applications Protect

16 16.12 Applications Protect

16 16.12 Applications Protect

16 16.13 Applications Protect

16 16.14 Applications Protect


17 17.1 N/A Respond

17 17.2 N/A Respond

17 17.3 N/A Respond

17 17.4 N/A Respond

17 17.4 N/A Respond

17 17.4 N/A Respond

17 17.5 N/A Respond

17 17.6 N/A Respond

17 17.7 N/A Recover

17 17.7 N/A Recover

17 17.8 N/A Recover

17 17.9 N/A Recover

17 17.9 N/A Recover


18 18.1 N/A Identify

18 18.2 Network Identify

18 18.3 Network Protect

18 18.4 Network Protect

18 18.5 N/A Identify


Inventory and Control of Enterprise Assets

Actively manage (inventory, track, and correct) all enterprise assets (end-user devices, including p
mobile; network devices; non-computing/Internet of Things (IoT) devices; and servers) connected t
infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments, to accurately kn
totality of assets that need to be monitored and protected within the enterprise. This will also suppo
identifying unauthorized and unmanaged assets to remove or remediate.

Establish and Maintain Detailed

Enterprise Asset Inventory

Establish and Maintain Detailed

Enterprise Asset Inventory

Address Unauthorized Assets

Utilize an Active Discovery Tool

Use Dynamic Host

Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
Logging to Update Enterprise
Asset Inventory
Use a Passive Asset Discovery

Inventory and Control of Software Assets

Actively manage (inventory, track, and correct) all software (operating systems and applications) o
network so that only authorized software is installed and can execute, and that unauthorized and u
software is found and prevented from installation or execution.

Establish and Maintain a

Software Inventory

Establish and Maintain a

Software Inventory

Ensure Authorized Software is

Currently Supported

Address Unauthorized Software

Utilize Automated Software

Inventory Tools

Allowlist Authorized Software

Allowlist Authorized Software

Allowlist Authorized Libraries

Allowlist Authorized Libraries

Allowlist Authorized Scripts

Allowlist Authorized Scripts

Data Protection

Develop processes and technical controls to identify, classify, securely handle, retain, and dispose

Establish and Maintain a Data

Management Process

Establish and Maintain a Data


Configure Data Access Control


Configure Data Access Control


Configure Data Access Control


Enforce Data Retention

Securely Dispose of Data

Encrypt Data on End-User


Establish and Maintain a Data

Classification Scheme
Establish and Maintain a Data
Classification Scheme

Document Data Flows

Encrypt Data on Removable

Encrypt Sensitive Data in

Encrypt Sensitive Data at Rest

Encrypt Sensitive Data at Rest

Segment Data Processing and

Storage Based on Sensitivity
Segment Data Processing and
Storage Based on Sensitivity
Segment Data Processing and
Storage Based on Sensitivity
Segment Data Processing and
Storage Based on Sensitivity

Deploy a Data Loss Prevention


Deploy a Data Loss Prevention


Log Sensitive Data Access

Secure Configuration of Enterprise Assets and Software
Establish and maintain the secure configuration of enterprise assets (end-user devices, including p
mobile; network devices; non-computing/IoT devices; and servers) and software (operating system

Establish and Maintain a

Secure Configuration Process

Establish and Maintain a

Secure Configuration Process

Establish and Maintain a

Secure Configuration Process

Establish and Maintain a

Secure Configuration Process

Establish and Maintain a

Secure Configuration Process

Establish and Maintain a

Secure Configuration Process
for Network Infrastructure

Establish and Maintain a

Secure Configuration Process
for Network Infrastructure

Establish and Maintain a

Secure Configuration Process
for Network Infrastructure

Configure Automatic Session

Locking on Enterprise Assets

Implement and Manage a

Firewall on Servers
Implement and Manage a
Firewall on Servers

Implement and Manage a

Firewall on Servers

Implement and Manage a

Firewall on Servers

Implement and Manage a

Firewall on Servers

Implement and Manage a

Firewall on Servers

Implement and Manage a

Firewall on End-User Devices

Securely Manage Enterprise

Assets and Software

Manage Default Accounts on

Enterprise Assets and Software

Uninstall or Disable
Unnecessary Services on
Enterprise Assets and Software

Uninstall or Disable
Unnecessary Services on
Enterprise Assets and Software

Uninstall or Disable
Unnecessary Services on
Enterprise Assets and Software

Uninstall or Disable
Unnecessary Services on
Enterprise Assets and Software
Configure Trusted DNS Servers
on Enterprise Assets

Enforce Automatic Device

Lockout on Portable End-User

Enforce Remote Wipe

Capability on Portable End-User

Separate Enterprise
Workspaces on Mobile End-
User Devices

Account Management
Use processes and tools to assign and manage authorization to credentials for user accounts, inclu
administrator accounts, as well as service accounts, to enterprise assets and software.

Establish and Maintain an

Inventory of Accounts

Use Unique Passwords

Disable Dormant Accounts

Restrict Administrator Privileges

to Dedicated Administrator

Restrict Administrator Privileges

to Dedicated Administrator

Establish and Maintain an

Inventory of Service Accounts
Establish and Maintain an
Inventory of Service Accounts

Centralize Account
Access Control Management
Use processes and tools to create, assign, manage, and revoke access credentials and privileges f
administrator, and service accounts for enterprise assets and software.

Establish an Access Granting

Establish an Access Granting

Establish an Access Revoking


Establish an Access Revoking


Require MFA for Externally-

Exposed Applications

Require MFA for Remote

Network Access
Require MFA for Remote
Network Access
Require MFA for Administrative
Require MFA for Administrative
Establish and Maintain an
Inventory of Authentication and
Authorization Systems

Centralize Access Control

Centralize Access Control

Centralize Access Control

Define and Maintain Role-

Based Access Control

Define and Maintain Role-

Based Access Control

Continuous Vulnerability Management

Develop a plan to continuously assess and track vulnerabilities on all enterprise assets within the e
infrastructure, in order to remediate, and minimize, the window of opportunity for attackers. Monito
private industry sources for new threat and vulnerability information.

Establish and Maintain a

Vulnerability Management
Establish and Maintain a
Remediation Process
Perform Automated Operating
System Patch Management
Perform Automated Application
Patch Management
Perform Automated
Vulnerability Scans of Internal
Enterprise Assets

Perform Automated
Vulnerability Scans of Internal
Enterprise Assets
Perform Automated
Vulnerability Scans of
Externally-Exposed Enterprise
Perform Automated
Vulnerability Scans of
Externally-Exposed Enterprise
Remediate Detected
Remediate Detected
Audit Log Management
Collect, alert, review, and retain audit logs of events that could help detect, understand, or recover

Establish and Maintain an Audit

Log Management Process

Collect Audit Logs

Collect Audit Logs

Collect Audit Logs

Ensure Adequate Audit Log


Standardize Time

Collect Detailed Audit Logs

Collect Detailed Audit Logs

Collect Detailed Audit Logs

Collect DNS Query Audit Logs

Collect URL Request Audit

Collect Command-Line Audit


Centralize Audit Logs

Centralize Audit Logs

Retain Audit Logs

Conduct Audit Log Reviews

Conduct Audit Log Reviews

Conduct Audit Log Reviews

Conduct Audit Log Reviews

Collect Service Provider Logs

Email and Web Browser Protections

Improve protections and detections of threats from email and web vectors, as these are opportuniti
attackers to manipulate human behavior through direct engagement.

Ensure Use of Only Fully

Supported Browsers and Email

Use DNS Filtering Services

Maintain and Enforce Network-
Based URL Filters

Restrict Unnecessary or
Unauthorized Browser and
Email Client Extensions

Implement DMARC

Block Unnecessary File Types

Deploy and Maintain Email
Server Anti-Malware
Malware Defenses

Prevent or control the installation, spread, and execution of malicious applications, code, or scripts
enterprise assets.

Deploy and Maintain Anti-

Malware Software
Deploy and Maintain Anti-
Malware Software
Configure Automatic Anti-
Malware Signature Updates
Disable Autorun and Autoplay
for Removable Media
Configure Automatic Anti-
Malware Scanning of
Removable Media

Enable Anti-Exploitation

Centrally Manage Anti-Malware

Use Behavior-Based Anti-
Malware Software
Data Recovery
Establish and maintain data recovery practices sufficient to restore in-scope enterprise assets to a
and trusted state.
Establish and Maintain a Data
Recovery Process 

Perform Automated Backups 

Protect Recovery Data

Protect Recovery Data

Establish and Maintain an

Isolated Instance of Recovery

Test Data Recovery

Network Infrastructure
Establish, implement, and actively manage (track, report, correct) network devices, in order to prev
attackers from exploiting vulnerable network services and access points.

Ensure Network Infrastructure is


Establish and Maintain a

Secure Network Architecture

Securely Manage Network


Establish and Maintain

Architecture Diagram(s)

Centralize Network
Authentication, Authorization,
and Auditing (AAA)

Centralize Network
Authentication, Authorization,
and Auditing (AAA)
Centralize Network
Authentication, Authorization,
and Auditing (AAA)

Use of Secure Network

Management and
Communication Protocols 
Ensure Remote Devices Utilize
a VPN and are Connecting to
an Enterprise’s AAA
Establish and Maintain
Dedicated Computing
Resources for All Administrative

Network Monitoring and


Operate processes and tooling to establish and maintain comprehensive network monitoring and d
against security threats across the enterprise’s network infrastructure and user base.

Centralize Security Event


Centralize Security Event


Deploy a Host-Based Intrusion

Detection Solution

Deploy a Network Intrusion

Detection Solution

Perform Traffic Filtering

Between Network Segments

Manage Access Control for

Remote Assets
Manage Access Control for
Remote Assets

Collect Network Traffic Flow


Deploy a Host-Based Intrusion

Prevention Solution

Deploy a Host-Based Intrusion

Prevention Solution

Deploy a Network Intrusion

Prevention Solution

Deploy Port-Level Access


Perform Application Layer

Perform Application Layer
Perform Application Layer
Perform Application Layer
Tune Security Event Alerting
Security Awareness and Skills Training
Establish and maintain a security awareness program to influence behavior among the workforce t
conscious and properly skilled to reduce cybersecurity risks to the enterprise.

Establish and Maintain a

Security Awareness Program
Train Workforce Members to
Recognize Social Engineering
Train Workforce Members on
Authentication Best Practices

Train Workforce on Data

Handling Best Practices

Train Workforce Members on

Causes of Unintentional Data

Train Workforce Members on

Recognizing and Reporting
Security Incidents

Train Workforce on How to

Identify and Report if Their
Enterprise Assets are Missing
Security Updates

Train Workforce on the Dangers

of Connecting to and
Transmitting Enterprise Data
Over Insecure Networks

Conduct Role-Specific Security

Awareness and Skills Training

Service Provider Management

Develop a process to evaluate service providers who hold sensitive data, or are responsible for an
critical IT platforms or processes, to ensure these providers are protecting those platforms and dat

Establish and Maintain an

Inventory of Service Providers

Establish and Maintain a

Service Provider Management
Classify Service Providers

Ensure Service Provider

Contracts Include Security

Assess Service Providers

Monitor Service Providers

Securely Decommission
Service Providers

Application Software Security

Manage the security life cycle of in-house developed, hosted, or acquired software to prevent, dete
remediate security weaknesses before they can impact the enterprise.

Establish and Maintain a

Secure Application
Development Process

Establish and Maintain a

Secure Application
Development Process
Establish and Maintain a
Process to Accept and Address
Software Vulnerabilities

Perform Root Cause Analysis

on Security Vulnerabilities

Establish and Manage an

Inventory of Third-Party
Software Components

Use Up-to-Date and Trusted

Third-Party Software
Establish and Maintain a
Severity Rating System and
Process for Application

Use Standard Hardening

Configuration Templates for
Application Infrastructure

Use Standard Hardening

Configuration Templates for
Application Infrastructure

Separate Production and Non-

Production Systems

Train Developers in Application

Security Concepts and Secure
Apply Secure Design Principles
in Application Architectures

Leverage Vetted Modules or

Services for Application
Security Components

Implement Code-Level Security

Implement Code-Level Security
Implement Code-Level Security

Conduct Application Penetration

Conduct Threat Modeling

Incident Response Management

Establish a program to develop and maintain an incident response capability (e.g., policies, plans, p
defined roles, training, and communications) to prepare, detect, and quickly respond to an attack.

Designate Personnel to Manage

Incident Handling

Establish and Maintain Contact

Information for Reporting
Security Incidents

Establish and Maintain an

Enterprise Process for
Reporting Incidents

Establish and Maintain an

Incident Response Process

Establish and Maintain an

Incident Response Process

Establish and Maintain an

Incident Response Process

Assign Key Roles and

Define Mechanisms for
Communicating During Incident

Conduct Routine Incident

Response Exercises

Conduct Routine Incident

Response Exercises

Conduct Post-Incident Reviews

Establish and Maintain Security

Incident Thresholds

Establish and Maintain Security

Incident Thresholds

Penetration Testing

Test the effectiveness and resiliency of enterprise assets through identifying and exploiting weakn
controls (people, processes, and technology), and simulating the objectives and actions of an attac

Establish and Maintain a

Penetration Testing Program

Perform Periodic External

Penetration Tests
Remediate Penetration Test

Validate Security Measures

Perform Periodic Internal

Penetration Tests

l of Enterprise Assets
entory, track, and correct) all enterprise assets (end-user devices, including portable and
ces; non-computing/Internet of Things (IoT) devices; and servers) connected to the
ally, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments, to accurately know the
need to be monitored and protected within the enterprise. This will also support
zed and unmanaged assets to remove or remediate.

Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise
assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices
(including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and
servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware
address, machine name, enterprise asset owner, department for each asset, and
whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user
devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory
includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those
within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected
to the enterprise’s network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the
enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or
more frequently.

Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise
assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices
(including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and
servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware
address, machine name, enterprise asset owner, department for each asset, and
whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user
devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory
includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those
within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected
to the enterprise’s network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the
enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or
more frequently.

Ensure that a process exists to address unauthorized assets on a weekly basis. The
enterprise may choose to remove the asset from the network, deny the asset from
connecting remotely to the network, or quarantine the asset.
Utilize an active discovery tool to identify assets connected to the enterprise’s network.
Configure the active discovery tool to execute daily, or more frequently.

Use DHCP logging on all DHCP servers or Internet Protocol (IP) address management
tools to update the enterprise’s asset inventory. Review and use logs to update the
enterprise’s asset inventory weekly, or more frequently.
Use a passive discovery tool to identify assets connected to the enterprise’s network.
Review and use scans to update the enterprise’s asset inventory at least weekly, or
more frequently.
l of Software Assets
entory, track, and correct) all software (operating systems and applications) on the
authorized software is installed and can execute, and that unauthorized and unmanaged
d prevented from installation or execution.

Establish and maintain a detailed inventory of all licensed software installed on

enterprise assets. The software inventory must document the title, publisher, initial
install/use date, and business purpose for each entry; where appropriate, include the
Uniform Resource Locator (URL), app store(s), version(s), deployment mechanism,
and decommission date. Review and update the software inventory bi-annually, or
more frequently.

Establish and maintain a detailed inventory of all licensed software installed on

enterprise assets. The software inventory must document the title, publisher, initial
install/use date, and business purpose for each entry; where appropriate, include the
Uniform Resource Locator (URL), app store(s), version(s), deployment mechanism,
and decommission date. Review and update the software inventory bi-annually, or
more frequently.

Ensure that only currently supported software is designated as authorized in the

software inventory for enterprise assets. If software is unsupported, yet necessary for
the fulfillment of the enterprise’s mission, document an exception detailing mitigating
controls and residual risk acceptance. For any unsupported software without an
exception documentation, designate as unauthorized. Review the software list to verify
software support at least monthly, or more frequently.

Ensure that unauthorized software is either removed from use on enterprise assets or
receives a documented exception. Review monthly, or more frequently.
Utilize software inventory tools, when possible, throughout the enterprise to automate
the discovery and documentation of installed software.
Use technical controls, such as application allowlisting, to ensure that only authorized
software can execute or be accessed. Reassess bi-annually, or more frequently.
Use technical controls, such as application allowlisting, to ensure that only authorized
software can execute or be accessed. Reassess bi-annually, or more frequently.
Use technical controls to ensure that only authorized software libraries, such as
specific .dll, .ocx, .so, etc., files, are allowed to load into a system process. Block
unauthorized libraries from loading into a system process. Reassess bi-annually, or
more frequently.
Use technical controls to ensure that only authorized software libraries, such as
specific .dll, .ocx, .so, etc., files, are allowed to load into a system process. Block
unauthorized libraries from loading into a system process. Reassess bi-annually, or
more frequently.
Use technical controls, such as digital signatures and version control, to ensure that
only authorized scripts, such as specific .ps1, .py, etc., files, are allowed to execute.
Block unauthorized scripts from executing. Reassess bi-annually, or more frequently.

Use technical controls, such as digital signatures and version control, to ensure that
only authorized scripts, such as specific .ps1, .py, etc., files, are allowed to execute.
Block unauthorized scripts from executing. Reassess bi-annually, or more frequently.

nd technical controls to identify, classify, securely handle, retain, and dispose of data.

Establish and maintain a data management process. In the process, address data
sensitivity, data owner, handling of data, data retention limits, and disposal
requirements, based on sensitivity and retention standards for the enterprise. Review
and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that
could impact this Safeguard.

Establish and maintain a data inventory, based on the enterprise’s data management
process. Inventory sensitive data, at a minimum. Review and update inventory
annually, at a minimum, with a priority on sensitive data.

Configure data access control lists based on a user’s need to know. Apply data access
control lists, also known as access permissions, to local and remote file systems,
databases, and applications.

Configure data access control lists based on a user’s need to know. Apply data access
control lists, also known as access permissions, to local and remote file systems,
databases, and applications.

Configure data access control lists based on a user’s need to know. Apply data access
control lists, also known as access permissions, to local and remote file systems,
databases, and applications.
Retain data according to the enterprise’s data management process. Data retention
must include both minimum and maximum timelines.
Securely dispose of data as outlined in the enterprise’s data management process.
Ensure the disposal process and method are commensurate with the data sensitivity.
Encrypt data on end-user devices containing sensitive data. Example implementations
can include: Windows BitLocker®, Apple FileVault®, Linux® dm-crypt.
Establish and maintain an overall data classification scheme for the enterprise.
Enterprises may use labels, such as “Sensitive,” “Confidential,” and “Public,” and
classify their data according to those labels. Review and update the classification
scheme annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this
Establish and maintain an overall data classification scheme for the enterprise.
Enterprises may use labels, such as “Sensitive,” “Confidential,” and “Public,” and
classify their data according to those labels. Review and update the classification
scheme annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this
Document data flows. Data flow documentation includes service provider data flows
and should be based on the enterprise’s data management process. Review and
update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that
could impact this Safeguard.

Encrypt data on removable media.

Encrypt sensitive data in transit. Example implementations can include: Transport

Layer Security (TLS) and Open Secure Shell (OpenSSH).

Encrypt sensitive data at rest on servers, applications, and databases containing

sensitive data. Storage-layer encryption, also known as server-side encryption, meets
the minimum requirement of this Safeguard. Additional encryption methods may
include application-layer encryption, also known as client-side encryption, where
access to the data storage device(s) does not permit access to the plain-text data.

Encrypt sensitive data at rest on servers, applications, and databases containing

sensitive data. Storage-layer encryption, also known as server-side encryption, meets
the minimum requirement of this Safeguard. Additional encryption methods may
include application-layer encryption, also known as client-side encryption, where
access to the data storage device(s) does not permit access to the plain-text data.

Segment data processing and storage based on the sensitivity of the data. Do not
process sensitive data on enterprise assets intended for lower sensitivity data.
Segment data processing and storage based on the sensitivity of the data. Do not
process sensitive data on enterprise assets intended for lower sensitivity data.
Segment data processing and storage based on the sensitivity of the data. Do not
process sensitive data on enterprise assets intended for lower sensitivity data.
Segment data processing and storage based on the sensitivity of the data. Do not
process sensitive data on enterprise assets intended for lower sensitivity data.

Implement an automated tool, such as a host-based Data Loss Prevention (DLP) tool
to identify all sensitive data stored, processed, or transmitted through enterprise
assets, including those located onsite or at a remote service provider, and update the
enterprise's sensitive data inventory.

Implement an automated tool, such as a host-based Data Loss Prevention (DLP) tool
to identify all sensitive data stored, processed, or transmitted through enterprise
assets, including those located onsite or at a remote service provider, and update the
enterprise's sensitive data inventory.
Log sensitive data access, including modification and disposal.
of Enterprise Assets and Software
in the secure configuration of enterprise assets (end-user devices, including portable and
ces; non-computing/IoT devices; and servers) and software (operating systems and

Establish and maintain a secure configuration process for enterprise assets (end-user
devices, including portable and mobile, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers) and
software (operating systems and applications). Review and update documentation
annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this
Establish and maintain a secure configuration process for enterprise assets (end-user
devices, including portable and mobile, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers) and
software (operating systems and applications). Review and update documentation
annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this
Establish and maintain a secure configuration process for enterprise assets (end-user
devices, including portable and mobile, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers) and
software (operating systems and applications). Review and update documentation
annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this
Establish and maintain a secure configuration process for enterprise assets (end-user
devices, including portable and mobile, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers) and
software (operating systems and applications). Review and update documentation
annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this
Establish and maintain a secure configuration process for enterprise assets (end-user
devices, including portable and mobile, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers) and
software (operating systems and applications). Review and update documentation
annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this
Establish and maintain a secure configuration process for network devices. Review
and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that
could impact this Safeguard.

Establish and maintain a secure configuration process for network devices. Review
and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that
could impact this Safeguard.

Establish and maintain a secure configuration process for network devices. Review
and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that
could impact this Safeguard.

Configure automatic session locking on enterprise assets after a defined period of

inactivity. For general purpose operating systems, the period must not exceed 15
minutes. For mobile end-user devices, the period must not exceed 2 minutes.

Implement and manage a firewall on servers, where supported. Example

implementations include a virtual firewall, operating system firewall, or a third-party
firewall agent.
Implement and manage a firewall on servers, where supported. Example
implementations include a virtual firewall, operating system firewall, or a third-party
firewall agent.

Implement and manage a firewall on servers, where supported. Example

implementations include a virtual firewall, operating system firewall, or a third-party
firewall agent.

Implement and manage a firewall on servers, where supported. Example

implementations include a virtual firewall, operating system firewall, or a third-party
firewall agent.

Implement and manage a firewall on servers, where supported. Example

implementations include a virtual firewall, operating system firewall, or a third-party
firewall agent.

Implement and manage a firewall on servers, where supported. Example

implementations include a virtual firewall, operating system firewall, or a third-party
firewall agent.

Implement and manage a host-based firewall or port-filtering tool on end-user devices,

with a default-deny rule that drops all traffic except those services and ports that are
explicitly allowed.
Securely manage enterprise assets and software. Example implementations include
managing configuration through version-controlled-infrastructure-as-code and
accessing administrative interfaces over secure network protocols, such as Secure
Shell (SSH) and Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). Do not use insecure
management protocols, such as Telnet (Teletype Network) and HTTP, unless
operationally essential.
Manage default accounts on enterprise assets and software, such as root,
administrator, and other pre-configured vendor accounts. Example implementations
can include: disabling default accounts or making them unusable.

Uninstall or disable unnecessary services on enterprise assets and software, such as

an unused file sharing service, web application module, or service function.

Uninstall or disable unnecessary services on enterprise assets and software, such as

an unused file sharing service, web application module, or service function.

Uninstall or disable unnecessary services on enterprise assets and software, such as

an unused file sharing service, web application module, or service function.

Uninstall or disable unnecessary services on enterprise assets and software, such as

an unused file sharing service, web application module, or service function.
Configure trusted DNS servers on enterprise assets. Example implementations
include: configuring assets to use enterprise-controlled DNS servers and/or reputable
externally accessible DNS servers.

Enforce automatic device lockout following a predetermined threshold of local failed

authentication attempts on portable end-user devices, where supported. For laptops,
do not allow more than 20 failed authentication attempts; for tablets and smartphones,
no more than 10 failed authentication attempts. Example implementations include
Microsoft® InTune Device Lock and Apple® Configuration Profile maxFailedAttempts.

Remotely wipe enterprise data from enterprise-owned portable end-user devices when
deemed appropriate such as lost or stolen devices, or when an individual no longer
supports the enterprise.

Ensure separate enterprise workspaces are used on mobile end-user devices, where
supported. Example implementations include using an Apple® Configuration Profile or
Android™ Work Profile to separate enterprise applications and data from personal
applications and data.

ools to assign and manage authorization to credentials for user accounts, including
ts, as well as service accounts, to enterprise assets and software.

Establish and maintain an inventory of all accounts managed in the enterprise. The
inventory must include both user and administrator accounts. The inventory, at a
minimum, should contain the person’s name, username, start/stop dates, and
department. Validate that all active accounts are authorized, on a recurring schedule at
a minimum quarterly, or more frequently.

Use unique passwords for all enterprise assets. Best practice implementation includes,
at a minimum, an 8-character password for accounts using MFA and a 14-character
password for accounts not using MFA.
Delete or disable any dormant accounts after a period of 45 days of inactivity, where
Restrict administrator privileges to dedicated administrator accounts on enterprise
assets. Conduct general computing activities, such as internet browsing, email, and
productivity suite use, from the user’s primary, non-privileged account.

Restrict administrator privileges to dedicated administrator accounts on enterprise

assets. Conduct general computing activities, such as internet browsing, email, and
productivity suite use, from the user’s primary, non-privileged account.

Establish and maintain an inventory of service accounts. The inventory, at a minimum,

must contain department owner, review date, and purpose. Perform service account
reviews to validate that all active accounts are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a
minimum quarterly, or more frequently.
Establish and maintain an inventory of service accounts. The inventory, at a minimum,
must contain department owner, review date, and purpose. Perform service account
reviews to validate that all active accounts are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a
minimum quarterly, or more frequently.
Centralize account management through a directory or identity service.

ools to create, assign, manage, and revoke access credentials and privileges for user,
rvice accounts for enterprise assets and software.

Establish and follow a process, preferably automated, for granting access to enterprise
assets upon new hire, rights grant, or role change of a user.
Establish and follow a process, preferably automated, for granting access to enterprise
assets upon new hire, rights grant, or role change of a user.

Establish and follow a process, preferably automated, for revoking access to enterprise
assets, through disabling accounts immediately upon termination, rights revocation, or
role change of a user. Disabling accounts, instead of deleting accounts, may be
necessary to preserve audit trails.

Establish and follow a process, preferably automated, for revoking access to enterprise
assets, through disabling accounts immediately upon termination, rights revocation, or
role change of a user. Disabling accounts, instead of deleting accounts, may be
necessary to preserve audit trails.

Require all externally-exposed enterprise or third-party applications to enforce MFA,

where supported. Enforcing MFA through a directory service or SSO provider is a
satisfactory implementation of this Safeguard.

Require MFA for remote network access.

Require MFA for remote network access.

Require MFA for all administrative access accounts, where supported, on all enterprise
assets, whether managed on-site or through a third-party provider.
Require MFA for all administrative access accounts, where supported, on all enterprise
assets, whether managed on-site or through a third-party provider.
Establish and maintain an inventory of the enterprise’s authentication and authorization
systems, including those hosted on-site or at a remote service provider. Review and
update the inventory, at a minimum, annually, or more frequently.
Centralize access control for all enterprise assets through a directory service or SSO
provider, where supported.
Centralize access control for all enterprise assets through a directory service or SSO
provider, where supported.
Centralize access control for all enterprise assets through a directory service or SSO
provider, where supported.

Define and maintain role-based access control, through determining and documenting
the access rights necessary for each role within the enterprise to successfully carry out
its assigned duties. Perform access control reviews of enterprise assets to validate that
all privileges are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum annually, or more

Define and maintain role-based access control, through determining and documenting
the access rights necessary for each role within the enterprise to successfully carry out
its assigned duties. Perform access control reviews of enterprise assets to validate that
all privileges are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum annually, or more

ility Management

ntinuously assess and track vulnerabilities on all enterprise assets within the enterprise’s
er to remediate, and minimize, the window of opportunity for attackers. Monitor public and
ces for new threat and vulnerability information.

Establish and maintain a documented vulnerability management process for enterprise

assets. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise
changes occur that could impact this Safeguard.
Establish and maintain a risk-based remediation strategy documented in a remediation
process, with monthly, or more frequent, reviews.
Perform operating system updates on enterprise assets through automated patch
management on a monthly, or more frequent, basis.
Perform application updates on enterprise assets through automated patch
management on a monthly, or more frequent, basis.
Perform automated vulnerability scans of internal enterprise assets on a quarterly, or
more frequent, basis. Conduct both authenticated and unauthenticated scans, using a
SCAP-compliant vulnerability scanning tool.

Perform automated vulnerability scans of internal enterprise assets on a quarterly, or

more frequent, basis. Conduct both authenticated and unauthenticated scans, using a
SCAP-compliant vulnerability scanning tool.

Perform automated vulnerability scans of externally-exposed enterprise assets using a

SCAP-compliant vulnerability scanning tool. Perform scans on a monthly, or more
frequent, basis.

Perform automated vulnerability scans of externally-exposed enterprise assets using a

SCAP-compliant vulnerability scanning tool. Perform scans on a monthly, or more
frequent, basis.
Remediate detected vulnerabilities in software through processes and tooling on a
monthly, or more frequent, basis, based on the remediation process.
Remediate detected vulnerabilities in software through processes and tooling on a
monthly, or more frequent, basis, based on the remediation process.

and retain audit logs of events that could help detect, understand, or recover from an

Establish and maintain an audit log management process that defines the enterprise’s
logging requirements. At a minimum, address the collection, review, and retention of
audit logs for enterprise assets. Review and update documentation annually, or when
significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard.

Collect audit logs. Ensure that logging, per the enterprise’s audit log management
process, has been enabled across enterprise assets.

Collect audit logs. Ensure that logging, per the enterprise’s audit log management
process, has been enabled across enterprise assets.

Collect audit logs. Ensure that logging, per the enterprise’s audit log management
process, has been enabled across enterprise assets.

Ensure that logging destinations maintain adequate storage to comply with the
enterprise’s audit log management process.

Standardize time synchronization. Configure at least two synchronized time sources

across enterprise assets, where supported.
Configure detailed audit logging for enterprise assets containing sensitive data. Include
event source, date, username, timestamp, source addresses, destination addresses,
and other useful elements that could assist in a forensic investigation.

Configure detailed audit logging for enterprise assets containing sensitive data. Include
event source, date, username, timestamp, source addresses, destination addresses,
and other useful elements that could assist in a forensic investigation.

Configure detailed audit logging for enterprise assets containing sensitive data. Include
event source, date, username, timestamp, source addresses, destination addresses,
and other useful elements that could assist in a forensic investigation.

Collect DNS query audit logs on enterprise assets, where appropriate and supported.
Collect URL request audit logs on enterprise assets, where appropriate and supported.

Collect command-line audit logs. Example implementations include collecting audit

logs from PowerShell®, BASH™, and remote administrative terminals.
Centralize, to the extent possible, audit log collection and retention across enterprise

Centralize, to the extent possible, audit log collection and retention across enterprise

Retain audit logs across enterprise assets for a minimum of 90 days.

Conduct reviews of audit logs to detect anomalies or abnormal events that could
indicate a potential threat. Conduct reviews on a weekly, or more frequent, basis.
Conduct reviews of audit logs to detect anomalies or abnormal events that could
indicate a potential threat. Conduct reviews on a weekly, or more frequent, basis.
Conduct reviews of audit logs to detect anomalies or abnormal events that could
indicate a potential threat. Conduct reviews on a weekly, or more frequent, basis.

Conduct reviews of audit logs to detect anomalies or abnormal events that could
indicate a potential threat. Conduct reviews on a weekly, or more frequent, basis.

Collect service provider logs, where supported. Example implementations include

collecting authentication and authorization events, data creation and disposal events,
and user management events.
ser Protections

and detections of threats from email and web vectors, as these are opportunities for
ate human behavior through direct engagement.

Ensure only fully supported browsers and email clients are allowed to execute in the
enterprise, only using the latest version of browsers and email clients provided through
the vendor.
Use DNS filtering services on all enterprise assets to block access to known malicious
Enforce and update network-based URL filters to limit an enterprise asset from
connecting to potentially malicious or unapproved websites. Example implementations
include category-based filtering, reputation-based filtering, or through the use of block
lists. Enforce filters for all enterprise assets.

Restrict, either through uninstalling or disabling, any unauthorized or unnecessary

browser or email client plugins, extensions, and add-on applications.

To lower the chance of spoofed or modified emails from valid domains, implement
DMARC policy and verification, starting with implementing the Sender Policy
Framework (SPF) and the DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) standards.
Block unnecessary file types attempting to enter the enterprise’s email gateway.
Deploy and maintain email server anti-malware protections, such as attachment
scanning and/or sandboxing.

e installation, spread, and execution of malicious applications, code, or scripts on

Deploy and maintain anti-malware software on all enterprise assets.

Deploy and maintain anti-malware software on all enterprise assets.

Configure automatic updates for anti-malware signature files on all enterprise assets.

Disable autorun and autoplay auto-execute functionality for removable media.

Configure anti-malware software to automatically scan removable media.

Enable anti-exploitation features on enterprise assets and software, where possible,

such as Microsoft® Data Execution Prevention (DEP), Windows® Defender Exploit
Guard (WDEG), or Apple® System Integrity Protection (SIP) and Gatekeeper™.

Centrally manage anti-malware software.

Use behavior-based anti-malware software.

in data recovery practices sufficient to restore in-scope enterprise assets to a pre-incident

Establish and maintain a data recovery process. In the process, address the scope of
data recovery activities, recovery prioritization, and the security of backup data. Review
and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that
could impact this Safeguard.

Perform automated backups of in-scope enterprise assets. Run backups weekly, or

more frequently, based on the sensitivity of the data.
Protect recovery data with equivalent controls to the original data. Reference
encryption or data separation, based on requirements.
Protect recovery data with equivalent controls to the original data. Reference
encryption or data separation, based on requirements.
Establish and maintain an isolated instance of recovery data. Example
implementations include, version controlling backup destinations through offline, cloud,
or off-site systems or services.
Test backup recovery quarterly, or more frequently, for a sampling of in-scope
enterprise assets.

, and actively manage (track, report, correct) network devices, in order to prevent
ting vulnerable network services and access points.

Ensure network infrastructure is kept up-to-date. Example implementations include

running the latest stable release of software and/or using currently supported network-
as-a-service (NaaS) offerings. Review software versions monthly, or more frequently,
to verify software support.

Establish and maintain a secure network architecture. A secure network architecture

must address segmentation, least privilege, and availability, at a minimum.
Securely manage network infrastructure. Example implementations include version-
controlled-infrastructure-as-code, and the use of secure network protocols, such as

Establish and maintain architecture diagram(s) and/or other network system

documentation. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant
enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard.

Centralize network AAA.

Centralize network AAA.

Centralize network AAA.

Use secure network management and communication protocols (e.g., 802.1X, Wi-Fi
Protected Access 2 (WPA2) Enterprise or greater).

Require users to authenticate to enterprise-managed VPN and authentication services

prior to accessing enterprise resources on end-user devices.

Establish and maintain dedicated computing resources, either physically or logically

separated, for all administrative tasks or tasks requiring administrative access. The
computing resources should be segmented from the enterprise's primary network and
not be allowed internet access.

nd tooling to establish and maintain comprehensive network monitoring and defense

ats across the enterprise’s network infrastructure and user base.

Centralize security event alerting across enterprise assets for log correlation and
analysis. Best practice implementation requires the use of a SIEM, which includes
vendor-defined event correlation alerts. A log analytics platform configured with
security-relevant correlation alerts also satisfies this Safeguard.

Centralize security event alerting across enterprise assets for log correlation and
analysis. Best practice implementation requires the use of a SIEM, which includes
vendor-defined event correlation alerts. A log analytics platform configured with
security-relevant correlation alerts also satisfies this Safeguard.

Deploy a host-based intrusion detection solution on enterprise assets, where

appropriate and/or supported.
Deploy a network intrusion detection solution on enterprise assets, where appropriate.
Example implementations include the use of a Network Intrusion Detection System
(NIDS) or equivalent cloud service provider (CSP) service.

Perform traffic filtering between network segments, where appropriate.

Manage access control for assets remotely connecting to enterprise resources.

Determine amount of access to enterprise resources based on: up-to-date anti-
malware software installed, configuration compliance with the enterprise’s secure
configuration process, and ensuring the operating system and applications are up-to-
Manage access control for assets remotely connecting to enterprise resources.
Determine amount of access to enterprise resources based on: up-to-date anti-
malware software installed, configuration compliance with the enterprise’s secure
configuration process, and ensuring the operating system and applications are up-to-

Collect network traffic flow logs and/or network traffic to review and alert upon from
network devices.

Deploy a host-based intrusion prevention solution on enterprise assets, where

appropriate and/or supported. Example implementations include use of an Endpoint
Detection and Response (EDR) client or host-based IPS agent.

Deploy a host-based intrusion prevention solution on enterprise assets, where

appropriate and/or supported. Example implementations include use of an Endpoint
Detection and Response (EDR) client or host-based IPS agent.

Deploy a network intrusion prevention solution, where appropriate. Example

implementations include the use of a Network Intrusion Prevention System (NIPS) or
equivalent CSP service.

Deploy port-level access control. Port-level access control utilizes 802.1x, or similar
network access control protocols, such as certificates, and may incorporate user and/or
device authentication.
Perform application layer filtering. Example implementations include a filtering proxy,
application layer firewall, or gateway.
Perform application layer filtering. Example implementations include a filtering proxy,
application layer firewall, or gateway.
Perform application layer filtering. Example implementations include a filtering proxy,
application layer firewall, or gateway.
Perform application layer filtering. Example implementations include a filtering proxy,
application layer firewall, or gateway.

Tune security event alerting thresholds monthly, or more frequently.

and Skills Training

in a security awareness program to influence behavior among the workforce to be security
rly skilled to reduce cybersecurity risks to the enterprise.

Establish and maintain a security awareness program. The purpose of a security

awareness program is to educate the enterprise’s workforce on how to interact with
enterprise assets and data in a secure manner. Conduct training at hire and, at a
minimum, annually. Review and update content annually, or when significant
enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard.
Train workforce members to recognize social engineering attacks, such as phishing,
pre-texting, and tailgating. 

Train workforce members on authentication best practices. Example topics include

MFA, password composition, and credential management.

Train workforce members on how to identify and properly store, transfer, archive, and
destroy sensitive data. This also includes training workforce members on clear screen
and desk best practices, such as locking their screen when they step away from their
enterprise asset, erasing physical and virtual whiteboards at the end of meetings, and
storing data and assets securely.

Train workforce members to be aware of causes for unintentional data exposure.

Example topics include mis-delivery of sensitive data, losing a portable end-user
device, or publishing data to unintended audiences.

Train workforce members to be able to recognize a potential incident and be able to

report such an incident. 

Train workforce to understand how to verify and report out-of-date software patches or
any failures in automated processes and tools. Part of this training should include
notifying IT personnel of any failures in automated processes and tools.

Train workforce members on the dangers of connecting to, and transmitting data over,
insecure networks for enterprise activities. If the enterprise has remote workers,
training must include guidance to ensure that all users securely configure their home
network infrastructure.

Conduct role-specific security awareness and skills training. Example implementations

include secure system administration courses for IT professionals, (OWASP® Top 10
vulnerability awareness and prevention training for web application developers, and
advanced social engineering awareness training for high-profile roles.

evaluate service providers who hold sensitive data, or are responsible for an enterprise’s
r processes, to ensure these providers are protecting those platforms and data

Establish and maintain an inventory of service providers. The inventory is to list all
known service providers, include classification(s), and designate an enterprise contact
for each service provider. Review and update the inventory annually, or when
significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard.

Establish and maintain a service provider management policy. Ensure the policy
addresses the classification, inventory, assessment, monitoring, and decommissioning
of service providers. Review and update the policy annually, or when significant
enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard.
Classify service providers. Classification consideration may include one or more
characteristics, such as data sensitivity, data volume, availability requirements,
applicable regulations, inherent risk, and mitigated risk. Update and review
classifications annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact
this Safeguard.

Ensure service provider contracts include security requirements. Example

requirements may include minimum security program requirements, security incident
and/or data breach notification and response, data encryption requirements, and data
disposal commitments. These security requirements must be consistent with the
enterprise’s service provider management policy. Review service provider contracts
annually to ensure contracts are not missing security requirements.

Assess service providers consistent with the enterprise’s service provider management
policy. Assessment scope may vary based on classification(s), and may include review
of standardized assessment reports, such as Service Organization Control 2 (SOC 2)
and Payment Card Industry (PCI) Attestation of Compliance (AoC), customized
questionnaires, or other appropriately rigorous processes. Reassess service providers
annually, at a minimum, or with new and renewed contracts.

Monitor service providers consistent with the enterprise’s service provider management
policy. Monitoring may include periodic reassessment of service provider compliance,
monitoring service provider release notes, and dark web monitoring.

Securely decommission service providers. Example considerations include user and

service account deactivation, termination of data flows, and secure disposal of
enterprise data within service provider systems.
ife cycle of in-house developed, hosted, or acquired software to prevent, detect, and
eaknesses before they can impact the enterprise.

Establish and maintain a secure application development process. In the process,

address such items as: secure application design standards, secure coding practices,
developer training, vulnerability management, security of third-party code, and
application security testing procedures. Review and update documentation annually, or
when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard.

Establish and maintain a secure application development process. In the process,

address such items as: secure application design standards, secure coding practices,
developer training, vulnerability management, security of third-party code, and
application security testing procedures. Review and update documentation annually, or
when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard.
Establish and maintain a process to accept and address reports of software
vulnerabilities, including providing a means for external entities to report. The process
is to include such items as: a vulnerability handling policy that identifies reporting
process, responsible party for handling vulnerability reports, and a process for intake,
assignment, remediation, and remediation testing. As part of the process, use a
vulnerability tracking system that includes severity ratings, and metrics for measuring
timing for identification, analysis, and remediation of vulnerabilities. Review and update
documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could
impact this Safeguard.

Third-party application developers need to consider this an externally-facing policy that

helps to set expectations for outside stakeholders.

Perform root cause analysis on security vulnerabilities. When reviewing vulnerabilities,

root cause analysis is the task of evaluating underlying issues that create
vulnerabilities in code, and allows development teams to move beyond just fixing
individual vulnerabilities as they arise.

Establish and manage an updated inventory of third-party components used in

development, often referred to as a “bill of materials,” as well as components slated for
future use. This inventory is to include any risks that each third-party component could
pose. Evaluate the list at least monthly to identify any changes or updates to these
components, and validate that the component is still supported. 

Use up-to-date and trusted third-party software components. When possible, choose
established and proven frameworks and libraries that provide adequate
security. Acquire these components from trusted sources or evaluate the software for
vulnerabilities before use.
Establish and maintain a severity rating system and process for application
vulnerabilities that facilitates prioritizing the order in which discovered vulnerabilities
are fixed. This process includes setting a minimum level of security acceptability for
releasing code or applications. Severity ratings bring a systematic way of triaging
vulnerabilities that improves risk management and helps ensure the most severe bugs
are fixed first. Review and update the system and process annually.

Use standard, industry-recommended hardening configuration templates for

application infrastructure components. This includes underlying servers, databases,
and web servers, and applies to cloud containers, Platform as a Service (PaaS)
components, and SaaS components. Do not allow in-house developed software to
weaken configuration hardening.

Use standard, industry-recommended hardening configuration templates for

application infrastructure components. This includes underlying servers, databases,
and web servers, and applies to cloud containers, Platform as a Service (PaaS)
components, and SaaS components. Do not allow in-house developed software to
weaken configuration hardening.

Maintain separate environments for production and non-production systems.

Ensure that all software development personnel receive training in writing secure code
for their specific development environment and responsibilities. Training can include
general security principles and application security standard practices. Conduct
training at least annually and design in a way to promote security within the
development team, and build a culture of security among the developers.
Apply secure design principles in application architectures. Secure design principles
include the concept of least privilege and enforcing mediation to validate every
operation that the user makes, promoting the concept of "never trust user input."
Examples include ensuring that explicit error checking is performed and documented
for all input, including for size, data type, and acceptable ranges or formats. Secure
design also means minimizing the application infrastructure attack surface, such as
turning off unprotected ports and services, removing unnecessary programs and files,
and renaming or removing default accounts.

Leverage vetted modules or services for application security components, such as

identity management, encryption, and auditing and logging. Using platform features in
critical security functions will reduce developers’ workload and minimize the likelihood
of design or implementation errors. Modern operating systems provide effective
mechanisms for identification, authentication, and authorization and make those
mechanisms available to applications. Use only standardized, currently accepted, and
extensively reviewed encryption algorithms. Operating systems also provide
mechanisms to create and maintain secure audit logs.

Apply static and dynamic analysis tools within the application life cycle to verify that
secure coding practices are being followed.
Apply static and dynamic analysis tools within the application life cycle to verify that
secure coding practices are being followed.
Apply static and dynamic analysis tools within the application life cycle to verify that
secure coding practices are being followed.

Conduct application penetration testing. For critical applications, authenticated

penetration testing is better suited to finding business logic vulnerabilities than code
scanning and automated security testing. Penetration testing relies on the skill of the
tester to manually manipulate an application as an authenticated and unauthenticated
Conduct threat modeling. Threat modeling is the process of identifying and addressing
application security design flaws within a design, before code is created. It is
conducted through specially trained individuals who evaluate the application design
and gauge security risks for each entry point and access level. The goal is to map out
the application, architecture, and infrastructure in a structured way to understand its

o develop and maintain an incident response capability (e.g., policies, plans, procedures,
g, and communications) to prepare, detect, and quickly respond to an attack.

Designate one key person, and at least one backup, who will manage the enterprise’s
incident handling process. Management personnel are responsible for the coordination
and documentation of incident response and recovery efforts and can consist of
employees internal to the enterprise, third-party vendors, or a hybrid approach. If using
a third-party vendor, designate at least one person internal to the enterprise to oversee
any third-party work. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur
that could impact this Safeguard.

Establish and maintain contact information for parties that need to be informed of
security incidents. Contacts may include internal staff, third-party vendors, law
enforcement, cyber insurance providers, relevant government agencies, Information
Sharing and Analysis Center (ISAC) partners, or other stakeholders. Verify contacts
annually to ensure that information is up-to-date.

Establish and maintain an enterprise process for the workforce to report security
incidents. The process includes reporting timeframe, personnel to report to,
mechanism for reporting, and the minimum information to be reported. Ensure the
process is publicly available to all of the workforce. Review annually, or when
significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard.
Establish and maintain an incident response process that addresses roles and
responsibilities, compliance requirements, and a communication plan. Review
annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this
Establish and maintain an incident response process that addresses roles and
responsibilities, compliance requirements, and a communication plan. Review
annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this
Establish and maintain an incident response process that addresses roles and
responsibilities, compliance requirements, and a communication plan. Review
annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this
Assign key roles and responsibilities for incident response, including staff from legal,
IT, information security, facilities, public relations, human resources, incident
responders, and analysts, as applicable. Review annually, or when significant
enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard.
Determine which primary and secondary mechanisms will be used to communicate and
report during a security incident. Mechanisms can include phone calls, emails, or
letters. Keep in mind that certain mechanisms, such as emails, can be affected during
a security incident. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that
could impact this Safeguard.

Plan and conduct routine incident response exercises and scenarios for key personnel
involved in the incident response process to prepare for responding to real-world
incidents. Exercises need to test communication channels, decision making, and
workflows. Conduct testing on an annual basis, at a minimum.

Plan and conduct routine incident response exercises and scenarios for key personnel
involved in the incident response process to prepare for responding to real-world
incidents. Exercises need to test communication channels, decision making, and
workflows. Conduct testing on an annual basis, at a minimum.

Conduct post-incident reviews. Post-incident reviews help prevent incident recurrence

through identifying lessons learned and follow-up action.

Establish and maintain security incident thresholds, including, at a minimum,

differentiating between an incident and an event. Examples can include: abnormal
activity, security vulnerability, security weakness, data breach, privacy incident, etc.
Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this

Establish and maintain security incident thresholds, including, at a minimum,

differentiating between an incident and an event. Examples can include: abnormal
activity, security vulnerability, security weakness, data breach, privacy incident, etc.
Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this

s and resiliency of enterprise assets through identifying and exploiting weaknesses in

cesses, and technology), and simulating the objectives and actions of an attacker.

Establish and maintain a penetration testing program appropriate to the size,

complexity, and maturity of the enterprise. Penetration testing program characteristics
include scope, such as network, web application, Application Programming Interface
(API), hosted services, and physical premise controls; frequency; limitations, such as
acceptable hours, and excluded attack types; point of contact information; remediation,
such as how findings will be routed internally; and retrospective requirements.

Perform periodic external penetration tests based on program requirements, no less

than annually. External penetration testing must include enterprise and environmental
reconnaissance to detect exploitable information. Penetration testing requires
specialized skills and experience and must be conducted through a qualified party. The
testing may be clear box or opaque box.
Remediate penetration test findings based on the enterprise’s policy for remediation
scope and prioritization.
Validate security measures after each penetration test. If deemed necessary, modify
rulesets and capabilities to detect the techniques used during testing.
Perform periodic internal penetration tests based on program requirements, no less
than annually. The testing may be clear box or opaque box.
IG1 IG2 IG3 Relationship ASB #

X X X Superset AM-1

X X X Superset AM-3



X Subset AM-1

X X X Superset AM-1

X X X Superset AM-3



X X Superset AM-1

X X Superset AM-2

X X Superset AM-5

X X Superset AM-2

X X Superset AM-5
X Superset AM-2

X Superset AM-5

X X X Equivalent GS-3

X X X Subset DP-1

X X X Subset IM-7

X X X Superset PA-7

X X X Superset AM-4




X X Subset GS-3
X X Subset DP-1



X X Equivalent DP-3

X X Equivalent DP-4

X X Superset DP-5

X X Equivalent NS-1

X X Superset NS-2

X X Subset GS-2

X X Subset GS-3

X Superset DP-1

X Subset DP-2

X Superset NS-1
X X X Superset PV-1

X X X Superset PV-2

X X X Superset PV-3

X X X Superset PV-4

X X X Subset GS-5

X X X Subset PV-1

X X X Subset PV-2

X X X Subset GS-5


X X X Subset NS-1
X X X Subset NS-2

X X X Subset NS-3

X X X Subset NS-7

X X X Superset NS-8

X X X Subset GS-9




X X Subset NS-3

X X Subset NS-8

X X Subset AM-2

X X Superset AM-5
X X Equivalent NS-10



X X X Subset PA-4


X X X Subset PA-4

X X X Subset IM-2

X X X Superset PA-1

X X Subset PA-4
X X Subset PV-5

X X Superset GS-6

X X X Subset PA-3

X X X Superset PA-8

X X X Subset PA-3

X X X Superset PA-8

X X X Subset IM-6

X X X Subset IM-6

X X X Subset IM-7

X X X Superset IM-2

X X X Subset GS-6


X X Equivalent IM-1

X X Subset IM-9
X X Subset GS-6

X Superset PA-1

X Superset PA-7

X X X Superset PV-5

X X X Subset PV-6

X X X Subset PV-6

X X X Subset PV-6

X X Superset DS-6

X X Subset PV-5

X X Subset PV-5

X X Superset DS-6

X X Equivalent PV-6
X X Subset DS-6

X X X Subset GS-7

X X X Superset LT-3

X X X Superset LT-4

X X X Superset DS-7

X X X Subset LT-6

X X Equivalent LT-7

X X Superset LT-3

X X Superset LT-4

X X Superset DS-7

X X Superset LT-4
X X Superset LT-4


X X Equivalent LT-5

X X Superset DS-7

X X Equivalent LT-6

X X Subset LT-1

X X Subset LT-2

X X Subset LT-5

X X Subset DS-7

X Superset LT-3


X X X Subset NS-10




X X X Equivalent ES-2

X X X Subset GS-9

X X X Equivalent ES-3





X X X Equivalent GS-8

X X X Equivalent BR-1

X X X Equivalent BR-2

X X X Superset BR-3


X X Equivalent BR-4


X X Subset GS-4


X X Subset GS-4

X X Equivalent IM-1

X X Superset IM-5
X X Subset IM-9


X X Superset NS-9

X Equivalent PA-6

X X Equivalent LT-5

X X Subset GS-7

X X Subset NS-4

X X Subset NS-4


X X Subset IM-7
X X Superset PA-6

X X Subset LT-4

X Subset NS-4

X Equivalent ES-1

X Subset NS-4

X Subset NS-3

X Subset NS-4

X Subset NS-5

X Subset NS-6








X X Subset GS-1




X X Superset DS-6

X X Equivalent GS-10
X X Subset GS-10


X X Subset DS-2

X X Subset DS-2

X X Subset DS-3

X X Subset DS-6


X X Subset IM-8
X X Subset DS-1

X X Subset DS-2

X Subset IM-8

X Superset DS-4

X Superset DS-5

X Equivalent DS-1

X X X Subset IR-2

X X X Subset GS-7

X X X Superset IR-2

X X Superset IR-1

X X Superset IR-5

X X Subset GS-7

X X Subset IR-2

X X Subset IR-1

X X Subset GS-7

X X Equivalent IR-7

X Subset IR-3

X Subset IR-5

X X Subset PV-7

X X Subset PV-7
X X Subset PV-7

X Subset PV-7

X Subset PV-7

Track asset inventory and their

Ensure security of asset lifecycle management

Track asset inventory and their

Track asset inventory and their

Ensure security of asset lifecycle management

Track asset inventory and their

Use only approved services

Use only approved applications

Use only approved services

Use only approved applications

Use only approved services

Use only approved applications

Define and implement data pro

Discover, classify, and label sensitive data

Restrict resource access

based on conditions

Follow just enough

administration (least
privilege) principle

Limit access to asset


Define and implement data pro

Discover, classify, and label sensitive data

Encrypt sensitive data in transi

Enable data at rest encryption

Use customer-managed key opti

Establish network segmentati

Secure cloud services with net

Define and implement enterpri

Define and implement data pro

Discover, classify, and label sensitive data

Monitor anomalies and threats

Establish network segmentati

Define and establish secure co

Audit and enforce secure conf

Define and establish secure c

Audit and enforce secure conf

Define and implement securi

Define and establish secure co

Audit and enforce secure conf

Define and implement securi

Establish network segmentati

Secure cloud services with net

Deploy firewall at the edge of

Simplify network security conf

Detect and disable insecure se

Define and implement endpoin

Deploy firewall at the edge of

Detect and disable insecure se

Use only approved services

Use only approved applications

Ensure Domain Name System

Review and reconcile user acc

Review and reconcile user acc

Protect identity and authentic

Separate and limit highly privi

Review and reconcile user acc

Perform vulnerability assessm

Define and implement identity

Manage identity and access lif

Choose approval process for third-party support

Manage identity and access lif

Choose approval process for third-party support

Use strong authentication cont

Use strong authentication cont

Restrict resource access base

Protect identity and authentic

Define and implement identity

Use centralized identity and a

Secure user access to existin

Define and implement identity

Separate and limit highly privi

Follow just enough administrati

Perform vulnerability assessm

Rapidly and automatically reme

Rapidly and automatically reme

Rapidly and automatically reme

Enforce security of workload

Perform vulnerability assessm

Perform vulnerability assessm

Enforce security of workload

Rapidly and automatically reme

Enforce security of workload

Define and implement logging,

Enable logging for security


Enable network logging for

security investigation

Enable logging and

monitoring in DevOps

Configure log storage


Use approved time synchroniz

Enable logging for security


Enable network logging for

security investigation

Enable logging and

monitoring in DevOps

Enable network logging for

security investigation
Enable network logging for
security investigation

Centralize security log manag

Enable logging and

monitoring in DevOps

Configure log storage


Enable threat detection capabil

Enable threat detection for

Centralize security log manag

Enable logging and

monitoring in DevOps

Enable logging for security


Ensure Domain Name System

Use modern anti-malware sof

Define and implement endpoin

ure anti-malware software and signatures are updated

Define and implement backup

Ensure regular automated ba

Protect backup and recovery d

Monitor backups

Regularly test backup

Define and implement

network security strategy

Define and implement

network security strategy

Use centralized identity and a

Use single sign-on (SSO) for a

Secure user access to existin

Connect on-premises or
cloud network privately

Use privileged access


Centralize security log manag

Define and implement logging,

Deploy intrusion detection/int

Deploy intrusion detection/int

Restrict resource access

based on conditions
Use privileged access

Enable network logging for

security investigation

Deploy intrusion detection/int

Use Endpoint Detection and

Deploy intrusion detection/int

Deploy firewall at the edge of

Deploy intrusion detection/int

Deploy DDOS protection

Deploy web application firewal

Align organization roles, respon
Enforce security of workload

Define and implement DevOps

Define and implement DevOps

Ensure software supply chain

Ensure software supply chain

Secure DevOps infrastructure

Enforce security of workload

Restrict the exposure of crede

Conduct threat modeling

Ensure software supply chain


Restrict the exposure of crede

Integrate static application se

Integrate dynamic application

Conduct threat modeling

Preparation - setup incident not

Define and implement logging,

Preparation - setup incident not

Preparation - update incident

Detection and analysis - priorit

Define and implement logging,

Preparation - setup incident not

Preparation - update incident

Define and implement logging,

Post-incident activity - condu

Detection and analysis - create

Detection and analysis - priorit

Conduct regular red team oper

Conduct regular red team oper

Conduct regular red team oper

Conduct regular red team oper

Conduct regular red team oper

Security Principle

Track your asset inventory by query and discover all your cloud resources. Logically organize your assets

Ensure your security organization can monitor the risks of the cloud assets by which security insights and r

Ensure security attributes or configurations of the assets are always updated during the asset lifecycle.
Track your asset inventory by query and discover all your cloud resources. Logically organize your assets

Ensure your security organization can monitor the risks of the cloud assets by which security insights and r

Track your asset inventory by query and discover all your cloud resources. Logically organize your assets

Ensure your security organization can monitor the risks of the cloud assets by which security insights and r

Ensure security attributes or configurations of the assets are always updated during the asset lifecycle.

Track your asset inventory by query and discover all your cloud resources. Logically organize your assets

Ensure your security organization can monitor the risks of the cloud assets by which security insights and r
Ensure that only approved cloud services can be used by auditing and restricting which services users can

Ensure that only authorized software executes by creating an allow list and block the unauthorized softwar

Ensure that only approved cloud services can be used by auditing and restricting which services users can

Ensure that only authorized software executes by creating an allow list and block the unauthorized softwar
Ensure that only approved cloud services can be used by auditing and restricting which services users can

Ensure that only authorized software executes by creating an allow list and block the unauthorized softwar


Establish and maintain an inventory of the sensitive data based on the defined sensitive data scope. Use t

Explicitly validate trusted signals to allow or deny user access to resources as part of a zero-trust
access model. Signals to validate should include strong authentication of user account, behavioral
analytics of user account, device trustworthiness, user or group membership, locations and so on.

Follow the just enough administration (least privilege) principle to manage the permission at fine-
grained level. Use features such as role-based access control (RBAC) to manage resource
access through role assignments.

Limit users' access to asset management features such to avoid accidental or malicious
modification of the assets in your cloud.

Establish and maintain an inventory of the sensitive data based on the defined sensitive data scope. Use t

To complement access controls, data in transit should be protected against 'out of band' attacks (such as t

Set the network boundary and service scope where data in transit encryption is mandatory within and outs

To complement access controls, data at rest should be protected against 'out of band' attacks (such as acc

When required due to regulatory compliance reason, define the use case and service scope where custom

- An application storing or processing highly sensitive data.

- An external network facing application accessible by public or users outside of your organization.
- An application using insecure architecture or containing vulnerabilities that cannot be easily remediated.
Secure cloud services by establish a private access point for the resources. You should also disable or res



Establish and maintain an inventory of the sensitive data based on the defined sensitive data scope. Use t

Monitor for anomalies around sensitive data, such as unauthorized transfer of data to locations outside of e

- An application storing or processing highly sensitive data.

- An external network facing application accessible by public or users outside of your organization.
- An application using insecure architecture or containing vulnerabilities that cannot be easily remediated.
Define the secure configuration baselines for different resource types in the cloud. Alternatively, use config

Continuously monitor and alert when there is a deviation from the defined configuration baseline. Enforce t

Define the secure configuration baselines for your compute resources, such as VMs and containers. Use c

Continuously monitor and alert when there is a deviation from the defined configuration baseline in your co


Define the secure configuration baselines for different resource types in the cloud. Alternatively, use config

Continuously monitor and alert when there is a deviation from the defined configuration baseline. Enforce t


Example of high-risk workload can be one of the following natures:

- An application storing or processing highly sensitive data.
- An external network facing application accessible by public or users outside of your organization.
- An application using insecure architecture or containing vulnerabilities that cannot be easily remediated.
Secure cloud services by establish a private access point for the resources. You should also disable or res

Deploy firewall to perform advanced filtering on network traffic to and from external networks. You can also

At minimum, block known bad IP addresses and high-risk protocols like remote management (like RDP an

When managing a complex network environment, use tools to simplify, centralize and enhance the networ

Detect and disable insecure services and protocols at the OS, application, or software package layer. Dep


Deploy firewall to perform advanced filtering on network traffic to and from external networks. You can also

At minimum, block known bad IP addresses and high-risk protocols like remote management (like RDP an

Detect and disable insecure services and protocols at the OS, application, or software package layer. Dep

Ensure that only approved cloud services can be used by auditing and restricting which services users can

Ensure that only authorized software executes by creating an allow list and block the unauthorized softwar
Ensure Domain Name System (DNS) security configuration protects against known risks:
- Use trusted authoritative and recursive DNS services across your cloud environment to ensure the client
- Separate the public and private DNS resolution so the DNS resolution process for the private network can
- Ensure your DNS security strategy also includes mitigations against common attacks like dangling DNS,

Perform periodic review of privileged accounts and entitlements at the different resource tiers regularly. En

Perform periodic review of privileged accounts and entitlements at the different resource tiers regularly. En
Secure your identity and authentication system as a high priority in your organization's cloud security pract
- Restrict privileged roles and accounts
- Require strong authentication for all privileged access
- Monitor and audit high risk activities
Ensure you are identifying all high business impact accounts in your cloud's control plane, management pl

Ensure to assign privileged accounts with different roles based on the job functions and distinguish these p

Perform periodic review of privileged accounts and entitlements at the different resource tiers regularly. En
Perform vulnerabilities assessment for your cloud resources at all tiers in a fixed schedule or when on dem

Be aware of the potential risks associated with the privileged access used by the vulnerability scanners. Fo

Use an automated process or technical control to manage the identity and access lifecycle including the re

Establish an approval process and access path for requesting and approving vendor support request and t

Use an automated process or technical control to manage the identity and access lifecycle including the re

Establish an approval process and access path for requesting and approving vendor support request and t

Enforce strong authentication controls (strong passwordless authentication or multi-factor authentication) w

When deploying strong authentication, configure administrators and privileged users first to ensure the hig

Note: If legacy password-based authentication is required for legacy applications and scenarios, ensure pa
When deploying strong authentication, configure administrators and privileged users first to ensure the hig

Explicitly validate trusted signals to allow or deny user access to resources as part of a zero-trust access m
Secure your identity and authentication system as a high priority in your organization's cloud security pract
- Restrict privileged roles and accounts
- Require strong authentication for all privileged access
- Monitor and audit high risk activities

Use a centralized identity and authentication system to govern organization's identities and authentications

- Enforce a centralized strong authentication

- Monitor and control risky end-user activities
- Monitor and remediate risky legacy applications activities

Ensure you are identifying all high business impact accounts in your cloud's control plane, management pl

Ensure to assign privileged accounts with different roles based on the job functions and distinguish these p

Follow the just enough administration (least privilege) principle to manage the permission at fine-grained le

Perform vulnerabilities assessment for your cloud resources at all tiers in a fixed schedule or when on dem

Be aware of the potential risks associated with the privileged access used by the vulnerability scanners. Fo

Rapidly and automatically deploy patches and updates to remediate vulnerabilities in your cloud resources

Rapidly and automatically deploy patches and updates to remediate vulnerabilities in your cloud resources

Rapidly and automatically deploy patches and updates to remediate vulnerabilities in your cloud resources
Ensure the workload is secured throughout the entire lifecycle in development, testing, and deployment sta
- Automate the deployment by using Azure or third-party tooling in the CI/CD workflow, infrastructure mana
- Ensure VM, container images and other artifacts are secure from malicious manipulation.
- Scan the workload artifacts (i.e., container image, dependencies, SAST and DAST scan) prior to the dep
- Deploy vulnerability assessment and threat detection capability into the production environment and cont
Perform vulnerabilities assessment for your cloud resources at all tiers in a fixed schedule or when on dem

Be aware of the potential risks associated with the privileged access used by the vulnerability scanners. Fo

Perform vulnerabilities assessment for your cloud resources at all tiers in a fixed schedule or when on dem

Be aware of the potential risks associated with the privileged access used by the vulnerability scanners. Fo
Ensure the workload is secured throughout the entire lifecycle in development, testing, and deployment sta
- Automate the deployment by using Azure or third-party tooling in the CI/CD workflow, infrastructure mana
- Ensure VM, container images and other artifacts are secure from malicious manipulation.
- Scan the workload artifacts (i.e., container image, dependencies, SAST and DAST scan) prior to the dep
- Deploy vulnerability assessment and threat detection capability into the production environment and cont
Rapidly and automatically deploy patches and updates to remediate vulnerabilities in your cloud resources
- Automate the deployment by using Azure or third-party tooling in the CI/CD workflow, infrastructure mana
- Ensure VM, container images and other artifacts are secure from malicious manipulation.
- Scan the workload artifacts (i.e., container image, dependencies, SAST and DAST scan) prior to the dep


Enable logging for your cloud resources to meet the requirements for security incident
investigations and security response and compliance purposes.
Enable logging for your network services to support network-related incident investigations, threat
hunting, and security alert generation. The network logs may include logs from network services
such as IP filtering, network and application firewall, DNS, flow monitoring and so on.
Ensure your logging and monitoring scope includes non-production environments and CI/CD
workflow elements used in DevOps (and any other development processes). The vulnerabilities
and threats targeting these environments can introduce significant risks to your production
environment if they are not monitored properly. The events from the CI/CD build, test and
deployment workflow should also be monitored to identify any deviations in the CI/CD workflow
Plan your log retention strategy according to your compliance, regulation, and business
requirements. Configure the log retention policy at the individual logging services to ensure the
logs are archived appropriately.

Ensure approved time synchronization sources are used for your logging time stamp which should include

Enable logging for your cloud resources to meet the requirements for security incident
investigations and security response and compliance purposes.

Enable logging for your network services to support network-related incident investigations, threat
hunting, and security alert generation. The network logs may include logs from network services
such as IP filtering, network and application firewall, DNS, flow monitoring and so on.
Ensure your logging and monitoring scope includes non-production environments and CI/CD
workflow elements used in DevOps (and any other development processes). The vulnerabilities
and threats targeting these environments can introduce significant risks to your production
environment if they are not monitored properly. The events from the CI/CD build, test and
deployment workflow should also be monitored to identify any deviations in the CI/CD workflow
Enable logging for your network services to support network-related incident investigations, threat
hunting, and security alert generation. The network logs may include logs from network services
such as IP filtering, network and application firewall, DNS, flow monitoring and so on.
Enable logging for your network services to support network-related incident investigations, threat
hunting, and security alert generation. The network logs may include logs from network services
such as IP filtering, network and application firewall, DNS, flow monitoring and so on.

Centralize logging storage and analysis to enable correlation across log data. For each log source, ensure

Ensure your logging and monitoring scope includes non-production environments and CI/CD
workflow elements used in DevOps (and any other development processes). The vulnerabilities
and threats targeting these environments can introduce significant risks to your production
environment if they are not monitored properly. The events from the CI/CD build, test and
deployment workflow should also be monitored to identify any deviations in the CI/CD workflow
Plan your log retention strategy according to your compliance, regulation, and business
requirements. Configure the log retention policy at the individual logging services to ensure the
logs are archived appropriately.

Monitor different types of threats and anomalies against different resource types in cloud. Configure your a

Detect threats for identities and access management by monitoring the user and application sign-in and ac

Centralize logging storage and analysis to enable correlation across log data. For each log source, ensure

Ensure your logging and monitoring scope includes non-production environments and CI/CD
workflow elements used in DevOps (and any other development processes). The vulnerabilities
and threats targeting these environments can introduce significant risks to your production
environment if they are not monitored properly. The events from the CI/CD build, test and
deployment workflow should also be monitored to identify any deviations in the CI/CD workflow

Enable logging for your cloud resources to meet the requirements for security incident
investigations and security response and compliance purposes.

Ensure Domain Name System (DNS) security configuration protects against known risks:
- Use trusted authoritative and recursive DNS services across your cloud environment to ensure the client
- Separate the public and private DNS resolution so the DNS resolution process for the private network can
- Ensure your DNS security strategy also includes mitigations against common attacks like dangling DNS,
Use anti-malware solutions capable of real-time protection and periodic scanning.


Ensure anti-malware signatures are updated rapidly and consistently for the anti-malware solution.

Ensure backup of business-critical resources either during resource creation or enforced through policy for

Ensure backup data and operations are protected from data exfiltration, data compromise, ransomware/ma

Ensure all business-critical protectable resources are backup compliant.

Periodically perform data recovery test of your backup to verify that the backup configurations and
availability of the backup data meets the recovery needs as per defined in the RTO and RPO.



Use a centralized identity and authentication system to govern organization's identities and authentications

Use single sign-on (SSO) to simplify the user experience for authenticating to resources including applicati
In a hybrid environment where you have on-premises applications or non-native cloud applications using le
- Enforce a centralized strong authentication
- Monitor and control risky end-user activities
- Monitor and remediate risky legacy applications activities
- Detect and prevent sensitive data transmission

Use private connections for secure communication between different networks such as cloud
service provider datacenters and on-premises infrastructure in a colocation environment.

Secured, isolated workstations are critically important for the security of sensitive roles like
administrator, developer, and critical service operator.

Centralize logging storage and analysis to enable correlation across log data. For each log source, ensure


Use network intrusion detection/intrusion prevention systems (IDS/IPS) to inspect the network and/or paylo

For more in-depth host level detection and prevention capability, use host-based IDS/IPS or a host-based
Use network intrusion detection/intrusion prevention systems (IDS/IPS) to inspect the network and/or paylo

For more in-depth host level detection and prevention capability, use host-based IDS/IPS or a host-based

Explicitly validate trusted signals to allow or deny user access to resources as part of a zero-trust
access model. Signals to validate should include strong authentication of user account, behavioral
analytics of user account, device trustworthiness, user or group membership, locations and so on.
Secured, isolated workstations are critically important for the security of sensitive roles like
administrator, developer, and critical service operator.

Enable logging for your network services to support network-related incident investigations, threat
hunting, and security alert generation. The network logs may include logs from network services
such as IP filtering, network and application firewall, DNS, flow monitoring and so on.

Use network intrusion detection/intrusion prevention systems (IDS/IPS) to inspect the network and/or paylo

For more in-depth host level detection and prevention capability, use host-based IDS/IPS or a host-based

Enable Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) capabilities for VMs and integrate with SIEM and security

Use network intrusion detection/intrusion prevention systems (IDS/IPS) to inspect the network and/or paylo

For more in-depth host level detection and prevention capability, use host-based IDS/IPS or a host-based

Deploy firewall to perform advanced filtering on network traffic to and from external networks. You can also

At minimum, block known bad IP addresses and high-risk protocols like remote management (like RDP an
Use network intrusion detection/intrusion prevention systems (IDS/IPS) to inspect the network and/or paylo

For more in-depth host level detection and prevention capability, use host-based IDS/IPS or a host-based
Deploy distributed denial of service (DDoS) protection to protect your network and applications from attack

Deploy web application firewall (WAF) and configure the appropriate rules to protect your web applications
Ensure the workload is secured throughout the entire lifecycle in development, testing, and deployment sta
- Automate the deployment by using Azure or third-party tooling in the CI/CD workflow, infrastructure mana
- Ensure VM, container images and other artifacts are secure from malicious manipulation.
- Scan the workload artifacts (i.e., container image, dependencies, SAST and DAST scan) prior to the dep
- Deploy vulnerability assessment and threat detection capability into the production environment and cont


Ensure your enterprise’s SDLC (Software Development Lifecycle) or process include a set of
security controls to govern the in-house and third-party software components (including both
proprietary and open-source software) where your applications have dependencies. Define gating
criteria to prevent vulnerable or malicious components being integrated and deployed into the

The software supply chain security controls at least should include following aspects:
- Identify the upstream dependencies required at the development, build, integration and
deployment phase.
- Inventory and track the in-house and third-party software components for known vulnerability
when there is a fix available in the upstream.
- Assess the vulnerabilities and malware in the software components using static and dynamic
application testing for unknown vulnerabilities.
- Ensure the vulnerabilities and malware are mitigated using the appropriate approach. This may
include source code local or upstream fix, feature exclusion and/or applying compensating controls
if the direct mitigation is not available.

Note: If closed source third-party components are used in your production environment where you
may have limited visibility to its security posture. You should consider additional controls such as
access control, network isolation and endpoint security to minimize the impact if there is a
malicious activity or vulnerability associated with the component.
Ensure your enterprise’s SDLC (Software Development Lifecycle) or process include a set of
security controls to govern the in-house and third-party software components (including both
proprietary and open-source software) where your applications have dependencies. Define gating
criteria to prevent vulnerable or malicious components being integrated and deployed into the

The software supply chain security controls at least should include following aspects:
- Identify the upstream dependencies required at the development, build, integration and
deployment phase.
- Inventory and track the in-house and third-party software components for known vulnerability
when there is a fix available in the upstream.
- Assess the vulnerabilities and malware in the software components using static and dynamic
application testing for unknown vulnerabilities.
- Ensure the vulnerabilities and malware are mitigated using the appropriate approach. This may
include source code local or upstream fix, feature exclusion and/or applying compensating controls
if the direct mitigation is not available.

Note: If closed source third-party components are used in your production environment where you
may have limited visibility to its security posture. You should consider additional controls such as
access control, network isolation and endpoint security to minimize the impact if there is a
malicious activity or vulnerability associated with the component.

Ensure the DevOps infrastructure and pipeline follow security best practices across environments including
- Artifact repositories that store source code, built packages and images, project artifacts and business dat
- Servers, services, and tooling that hosting CI/CD pipelines.
- CI/CD pipeline configuration.

Ensure the workload is secured throughout the entire lifecycle in development, testing, and deployment sta
- Automate the deployment by using Azure or third-party tooling in the CI/CD workflow, infrastructure mana
- Ensure VM, container images and other artifacts are secure from malicious manipulation.
- Scan the workload artifacts (i.e., container image, dependencies, SAST and DAST scan) prior to the dep
- Deploy vulnerability assessment and threat detection capability into the production environment and cont

Ensure that applications developers securely handles credentials and secrets:

- Avoid embedding the credentials and secrets into the code and configuration files
- Use key vault or a secure key store service to store the credentials and secrets
- Scan for credentials in source code.

Note: This is often governed and enforced through a secure software development lifecycle (SDLC) and D
Perform threat modeling to identify the potential threats and enumerate the mitigating controls. Ensure you
- Secure your applications and services in the production run-time stage.
- Secure the artifacts, underlying CI/CD pipeline and other tooling environment used for build, test, and dep
The threat modeling at least should include the following aspects:
- Define the security requirements of the application. Ensure these requirements are adequately addressed
- Analyze application components, data connections and their relationship. Ensure this analysis also includ
- List the potential threats and attack vectors that your application components, data connections and upst
- Identify the applicable security controls that can be used to mitigate the threats enumerated and identify a
- Enumerate and design the controls that can mitigate the vulnerabilities identified.

Ensure your enterprise’s SDLC (Software Development Lifecycle) or process include a set of
security controls to govern the in-house and third-party software components (including both
proprietary and open-source software) where your applications have dependencies. Define gating
criteria to prevent vulnerable or malicious components being integrated and deployed into the

The software supply chain security controls at least should include following aspects:
- Identify the upstream dependencies required at the development, build, integration and
deployment phase.
- Inventory and track the in-house and third-party software components for known vulnerability
when there is a fix available in the upstream.
- Assess the vulnerabilities and malware in the software components using static and dynamic
application testing for unknown vulnerabilities.
- Ensure the vulnerabilities and malware are mitigated using the appropriate approach. This may
include source code local or upstream fix, feature exclusion and/or applying compensating controls
if the direct mitigation is not available.

Note: If closed source third-party components are used in your production environment where you
may have limited visibility to its security posture. You should consider additional controls such as
access control, network isolation and endpoint security to minimize the impact if there is a
malicious activity or vulnerability associated with the component.

- Avoid embedding the credentials and secrets into the code and configuration files
- Use key vault or a secure key store service to store the credentials and secrets
- Scan for credentials in source code.

Ensure static application security testing (SAST) are part of the gating controls in the CI/CD workflow. The

Ensure dynamic application security testing (DAST) are part of the gating controls in the CI/CD workflow. T
Perform threat modeling to identify the potential threats and enumerate the mitigating controls. Ensure you
- Secure your applications and services in the production run-time stage.
- Secure the artifacts, underlying CI/CD pipeline and other tooling environment used for build, test, and dep
The threat modeling at least should include the following aspects:
- Define the security requirements of the application. Ensure these requirements are adequately addressed
- Analyze application components, data connections and their relationship. Ensure this analysis also includ
- List the potential threats and attack vectors that your application components, data connections and upst
- Identify the applicable security controls that can be used to mitigate the threats enumerated and identify a
- Enumerate and design the controls that can mitigate the vulnerabilities identified.

Ensure the security alerts and incident notification from the cloud service provider's platform and your envi


Ensure the security alerts and incident notification from the cloud service provider's platform and your envi

Ensure your organization follows industry best practice to develop processes and plans to respond to secu

Regularly test the incident response plan and handling process to ensure they're up to date.

Provide context to security operations team on which incidents to focus on first based on alert severity and

Ensure the security alerts and incident notification from the cloud service provider's platform and your envi

Ensure your organization follows industry best practice to develop processes and plans to respond to secu

Regularly test the incident response plan and handling process to ensure they're up to date.


Conduct lesson learned in your organization periodically and/or for major incidents to improve your future c

Based on the nature of the incident, retain of the evidence related to the incident for the period defined in t

Ensure you have a process to create high-quality alerts and measure the quality of alerts. This allows you

High-quality alerts can be built based on experience from past incidents, validated community sources, and

Provide context to security operations team on which incidents to focus on first based on alert severity and

Red team operations such as penetration testing should be conducted to simulate the real-world attacks to

Follow the other industry best practices to design, prepare and conduct such kind of testing.

Red team operations such as penetration testing should be conducted to simulate the real-world attacks to

Follow the other industry best practices to design, prepare and conduct such kind of testing.
Red team operations such as penetration testing should be conducted to simulate the real-world attacks to

Follow the other industry best practices to design, prepare and conduct such kind of testing.
Red team operations such as penetration testing should be conducted to simulate the real-world attacks to

Follow the other industry best practices to design, prepare and conduct such kind of testing.
Red team operations such as penetration testing should be conducted to simulate the real-world attacks to

Follow the other industry best practices to design, prepare and conduct such kind of testing.
nize your assets by tagging and grouping your assets based on their service nature, location, or other characteristics

rity insights and risks are always aggregated centrally.

sset lifecycle.
nize your assets by tagging and grouping your assets based on their service nature, location, or other characteristics

rity insights and risks are always aggregated centrally.

nize your assets by tagging and grouping your assets based on their service nature, location, or other characteristics

rity insights and risks are always aggregated centrally.

sset lifecycle.

nize your assets by tagging and grouping your assets based on their service nature, location, or other characteristics

rity insights and risks are always aggregated centrally.

ervices users can provision in the environment.

uthorized software from executing in your environment.

ervices users can provision in the environment.

uthorized software from executing in your environment.

ervices users can provision in the environment.

uthorized software from executing in your environment.

ata scope. Use tools to discover, classify and label the in scope sensitive data.
ata scope. Use tools to discover, classify and label the in scope sensitive data.

ttacks (such as traffic capture) using encryption to ensure that attackers cannot easily read or modify the data.

y within and outside of the network. While this is optional for traffic on private networks, this is critical for traffic on ext

cks (such as accessing underlying storage) using encryption. This helps ensure that attackers cannot easily read or

pe where customer-managed key option is needed. Enable and implement data at rest encryption using customer-ma

sily remediated.
so disable or restrict access from public network when possible.

ata scope. Use tools to discover, classify and label the in scope sensitive data.

tions outside of enterprise visibility and control. This typically involves monitoring for anomalous activities (large or un

sily remediated.
tively, use configuration management tools to establish the configuration baseline automatically before or during reso

seline. Enforce the desired configuration according to the baseline configuration by denying the non-compliant config

ontainers. Use custom image to build the desired configuration baseline into the compute resource image template.

seline in your compute resources. Enforce the desired configuration according to the baseline configuration by deny

tively, use configuration management tools to establish the configuration baseline automatically before or during reso

seline. Enforce the desired configuration according to the baseline configuration by denying the non-compliant config

sily remediated.
so disable or restrict access from public network when possible.

ks. You can also use firewalls between internal segments to support a segmentation strategy. If required, use custom

ent (like RDP and SSH) and intranet protocols like SMB and Kerberos.

ance the network security management.

kage layer. Deploy compensating controls if disabling insecure services and protocols are not possible.

ks. You can also use firewalls between internal segments to support a segmentation strategy. If required, use custom

ent (like RDP and SSH) and intranet protocols like SMB and Kerberos.

kage layer. Deploy compensating controls if disabling insecure services and protocols are not possible.

ervices users can provision in the environment.

uthorized software from executing in your environment.

ensure the client (such as operating systems and applications) receive the correct resolution result.
vate network can be isolated from the public network.
e dangling DNS, DNS amplifications attacks, DNS poisoning and spoofing, etc.

ers regularly. Ensure the accounts and their level of access are valid.

ers regularly. Ensure the accounts and their level of access are valid.
ud security practice. Common security controls include the follow aspects:

management plane, and data/workload plane. Limit the number of privileged/administrative accounts.

stinguish these privileged accounts from the regular accounts used for non-privileged tasks.

ers regularly. Ensure the accounts and their level of access are valid.
or when on demand. Track and compare the scan results to verify the vulnerabilities are remediated. The assessme

ility scanners. Follow the privileged access security best practice to secure any administrative accounts used for the

e including the request, review, approval, provision, and provision.

ort request and temporary access to your data through a secure channel.

e including the request, review, approval, provision, and provision.

ort request and temporary access to your data through a secure channel.

authentication) with your centralized identity and authentication management system for all access to resources. Aut

o ensure the highest level of the strong authentication method, quickly followed by rolling out the appropriate strong a

narios, ensure password security best practices such as complexity requirements, are followed.
o ensure the highest level of the strong authentication method, quickly followed by rolling out the appropriate strong a

ro-trust access model. Signals to validate should include strong authentication of user account, behavioral analytics o
ud security practice. Common security controls include the follow aspects:

d authentications for cloud and non-cloud resources.

management plane, and data/workload plane. Limit the number of privileged/administrative accounts.

stinguish these privileged accounts from the regular accounts used for non-privileged tasks.

at fine-grained level. Use features such as role-based access control (RBAC) to manage resource access through ro

or when on demand. Track and compare the scan results to verify the vulnerabilities are remediated. The assessme

ility scanners. Follow the privileged access security best practice to secure any administrative accounts used for the

cloud resources. Use the appropriate risk-based approach to prioritize the remediation of the vulnerabilities, e.g., mo

cloud resources. Use the appropriate risk-based approach to prioritize the remediation of the vulnerabilities, e.g., mo

cloud resources. Use the appropriate risk-based approach to prioritize the remediation of the vulnerabilities, e.g., mo
d deployment stage. Use Azure Security Benchmark to evaluate the controls (such as network security, identity mana
rastructure management (infrastructure as code), and testing to reduce human error and attack surface.
prior to the deployment in the CI/CD workflow
onment and continuously use these capabilities in the run-time.
or when on demand. Track and compare the scan results to verify the vulnerabilities are remediated. The assessme

ility scanners. Follow the privileged access security best practice to secure any administrative accounts used for the

or when on demand. Track and compare the scan results to verify the vulnerabilities are remediated. The assessme

ility scanners. Follow the privileged access security best practice to secure any administrative accounts used for the
d deployment stage. Use Azure Security Benchmark to evaluate the controls (such as network security, identity mana
rastructure management (infrastructure as code), and testing to reduce human error and attack surface.
prior to the deployment in the CI/CD workflow
onment and continuously use these capabilities in the run-time.
cloud resources. Use the appropriate risk-based approach to prioritize the remediation of the vulnerabilities, e.g., mo
rastructure management (infrastructure as code), and testing to reduce human error and attack surface.
prior to the deployment in the CI/CD workflow

ch should include date, time and time zone information.

g source, ensure that you have assigned a data owner, access guidance, storage location, what tools are used to pro

Configure your alert filtering and analytics rules to extract high-quality alerts from log data, agents, or other data sour

on sign-in and access anomalies. Behavioral patterns such as excessive number of failed login attempts, and deprec

g source, ensure that you have assigned a data owner, access guidance, storage location, what tools are used to pro

ensure the client (such as operating systems and applications) receive the correct resolution result.
vate network can be isolated from the public network.
e dangling DNS, DNS amplifications attacks, DNS poisoning and spoofing, etc.
hrough policy for existing resources.

ransomware/malware and malicious insiders. The security controls that should be applied include user and network

d authentications for cloud and non-cloud resources.

ncluding applications and data across cloud services and on-premises environments.
plications using legacy authentication, consider solutions such as cloud access security broker (CASB), application pr

g source, ensure that you have assigned a data owner, access guidance, storage location, what tools are used to pro

work and/or payload traffic to or from your workload. Ensure that IDS/IPS is always tuned to provide high-quality alert

or a host-based endpoint detection and response (EDR) solution in conjunction with the network IDS/IPS.
work and/or payload traffic to or from your workload. Ensure that IDS/IPS is always tuned to provide high-quality alert

or a host-based endpoint detection and response (EDR) solution in conjunction with the network IDS/IPS.
work and/or payload traffic to or from your workload. Ensure that IDS/IPS is always tuned to provide high-quality alert

or a host-based endpoint detection and response (EDR) solution in conjunction with the network IDS/IPS.

IEM and security operations processes.

work and/or payload traffic to or from your workload. Ensure that IDS/IPS is always tuned to provide high-quality alert

or a host-based endpoint detection and response (EDR) solution in conjunction with the network IDS/IPS.

ks. You can also use firewalls between internal segments to support a segmentation strategy. If required, use custom

ent (like RDP and SSH) and intranet protocols like SMB and Kerberos.
work and/or payload traffic to or from your workload. Ensure that IDS/IPS is always tuned to provide high-quality alert

or a host-based endpoint detection and response (EDR) solution in conjunction with the network IDS/IPS.
tions from attacks.

web applications and APIs from application-specific attacks.

d deployment stage. Use Azure Security Benchmark to evaluate the controls (such as network security, identity mana
rastructure management (infrastructure as code), and testing to reduce human error and attack surface.
prior to the deployment in the CI/CD workflow
onment and continuously use these capabilities in the run-time.
nments including your build, test, and production stages. This typically includes the security controls for following sco
and business data.

d deployment stage. Use Azure Security Benchmark to evaluate the controls (such as network security, identity mana
rastructure management (infrastructure as code), and testing to reduce human error and attack surface.
prior to the deployment in the CI/CD workflow
onment and continuously use these capabilities in the run-time.

e (SDLC) and DevOps security process

rols. Ensure your threat modeling serves the following purposes:

uild, test, and deployment.

uately addressed in the threat modeling.

alysis also includes the upstream and downstream connections outside of your application scope.
ections and upstream and downstream services may be exposed to.
ted and identify any controls gaps (i.e., security vulnerabilities) that may require additional treatment plan.

D workflow. The gating can be set based on the testing results to prevent vulnerable packages from committing into

I/CD workflow. The gating can be set based on the testing results to prevent vulnerable packages from building into
rols. Ensure your threat modeling serves the following purposes:

uild, test, and deployment.

uately addressed in the threat modeling.

alysis also includes the upstream and downstream connections outside of your application scope.
ections and upstream and downstream services may be exposed to.
ted and identify any controls gaps (i.e., security vulnerabilities) that may require additional treatment plan.

m and your environments can be received by correct contact in your incident response organization.

m and your environments can be received by correct contact in your incident response organization.

respond to security incidents on the cloud platforms. Be mindful about the shared responsibility model and the varia


alert severity and asset sensitivity defined in your organization's incident response plan.
m and your environments can be received by correct contact in your incident response organization.

respond to security incidents on the cloud platforms. Be mindful about the shared responsibility model and the varia


ove your future capability in incident response and handling.

eriod defined in the incident handling standard for further analysis or legal actions.

This allows you to learn lessons from past incidents and prioritize alerts for analysts, so they don't waste time on fals

nity sources, and tools designed to generate and clean up alerts by fusing and correlating diverse signal sources.

alert severity and asset sensitivity defined in your organization's incident response plan.

-world attacks to complement the traditional vulnerability assessment approach. The stakeholder and relevant resou


-world attacks to complement the traditional vulnerability assessment approach. The stakeholder and relevant resou

-world attacks to complement the traditional vulnerability assessment approach. The stakeholder and relevant resou

-world attacks to complement the traditional vulnerability assessment approach. The stakeholder and relevant resou

-world attacks to complement the traditional vulnerability assessment approach. The stakeholder and relevant resou

or other characteristics. Ensure your security organization have access to a continuously updated inventory of asset
or other characteristics. Ensure your security organization have access to a continuously updated inventory of asset

or other characteristics. Ensure your security organization have access to a continuously updated inventory of asset

or other characteristics. Ensure your security organization have access to a continuously updated inventory of asset
modify the data.

critical for traffic on external and public networks.

s cannot easily read or modify the data.

tion using customer-managed key in services.

us activities (large or unusual transfers) that could indicate unauthorized data exfiltration.
ly before or during resource deployment so the environment can be compliant by default after the deployment.

he non-compliant configuration or deploy a configuration.

ource image template. Alternatively, use configuration management tools to establish the configuration baseline auto

e configuration by denying the non-compliant configuration or deploy a configuration in compute resources.

ly before or during resource deployment so the environment can be compliant by default after the deployment.

he non-compliant configuration or deploy a configuration.

. If required, use custom routes for your subnet to override the system route when you need to force the network traff

t possible.

. If required, use custom routes for your subnet to override the system route when you need to force the network traff

t possible.
ediated. The assessment should include all type of vulnerabilities such as vulnerabilities in Azure services, network, w

accounts used for the scanning.

ccess to resources. Authentication based on password credentials alone is considered legacy as it is insecure and do

the appropriate strong authentication policy to all users.

the appropriate strong authentication policy to all users.

t, behavioral analytics of user account, device trustworthiness, user or group membership, locations and so on.
ource access through role assignments.

ediated. The assessment should include all type of vulnerabilities such as vulnerabilities in Azure services, network, w

accounts used for the scanning.

vulnerabilities, e.g., more severe vulnerabilities in a higher value asset should be addressed as a higher priority.

vulnerabilities, e.g., more severe vulnerabilities in a higher value asset should be addressed as a higher priority.

vulnerabilities, e.g., more severe vulnerabilities in a higher value asset should be addressed as a higher priority.
k security, identity management, privileged access and so on) that can be set as guardrails by default or shift left prio
k surface.

ediated. The assessment should include all type of vulnerabilities such as vulnerabilities in Azure services, network, w

accounts used for the scanning.

ediated. The assessment should include all type of vulnerabilities such as vulnerabilities in Azure services, network, w

accounts used for the scanning.

k security, identity management, privileged access and so on) that can be set as guardrails by default or shift left prio
k surface.

vulnerabilities, e.g., more severe vulnerabilities in a higher value asset should be addressed as a higher priority.
k surface.
at tools are used to process and access the data, and data retention requirements.

ents, or other data sources to reduce false positives.

n attempts, and deprecated accounts in the subscription should be alerted.

at tools are used to process and access the data, and data retention requirements.
clude user and network access control, data encryption at-rest and in-transit.
(CASB), application proxy, single sign-on (SSO) to govern the access to these applications for the following benefit

at tools are used to process and access the data, and data retention requirements.

ovide high-quality alerts to your SIEM solution.

ork IDS/IPS.
ovide high-quality alerts to your SIEM solution.

ork IDS/IPS.
ovide high-quality alerts to your SIEM solution.

ork IDS/IPS.

ovide high-quality alerts to your SIEM solution.

ork IDS/IPS.

. If required, use custom routes for your subnet to override the system route when you need to force the network traff

ovide high-quality alerts to your SIEM solution.

ork IDS/IPS.
k security, identity management, privileged access and so on) that can be set as guardrails by default or shift left prio
k surface.
ontrols for following scope:

k security, identity management, privileged access and so on) that can be set as guardrails by default or shift left prio
k surface.

atment plan.

s from committing into the repository, building into the packages, or deploying into the production.

ages from building into the packages or deploying into the production.

atment plan.

ity model and the variances across IaaS, PaaS and SaaS services. This will have a direct impact to how you will colla
ity model and the variances across IaaS, PaaS and SaaS services. This will have a direct impact to how you will colla

don't waste time on false positives.

erse signal sources.

der and relevant resource owners should be informed to discuss the testing constrains and to ensure the testing will

der and relevant resource owners should be informed to discuss the testing constrains and to ensure the testing will
der and relevant resource owners should be informed to discuss the testing constrains and to ensure the testing will

der and relevant resource owners should be informed to discuss the testing constrains and to ensure the testing will

der and relevant resource owners should be informed to discuss the testing constrains and to ensure the testing will
dated inventory of assets.
dated inventory of assets.

dated inventory of assets.

dated inventory of assets.

r the deployment.

nfiguration baseline automatically before or during the compute resource deployment so the environment can be com

ute resources.

r the deployment.
o force the network traffic to go through a network appliance for security control purpose.

o force the network traffic to go through a network appliance for security control purpose.
zure services, network, web, operating systems, misconfigurations, and so on.

y as it is insecure and does not stand up to popular attack methods.

cations and so on.

zure services, network, web, operating systems, misconfigurations, and so on.

as a higher priority.

as a higher priority.

as a higher priority.
y default or shift left prior to the deployment stage. In particular, ensure the following controls are in place in your Dev

zure services, network, web, operating systems, misconfigurations, and so on.

zure services, network, web, operating systems, misconfigurations, and so on.

y default or shift left prior to the deployment stage. In particular, ensure the following controls are in place in your Dev

as a higher priority.
for the following benefits:
o force the network traffic to go through a network appliance for security control purpose.
y default or shift left prior to the deployment stage. In particular, ensure the following controls are in place in your Dev
y default or shift left prior to the deployment stage. In particular, ensure the following controls are in place in your Dev
pact to how you will collaborate with your cloud provider in incident response and handling activities such as incident
pact to how you will collaborate with your cloud provider in incident response and handling activities such as incident

o ensure the testing will not cause damages to the production environment.

o ensure the testing will not cause damages to the production environment.
o ensure the testing will not cause damages to the production environment.

o ensure the testing will not cause damages to the production environment.

o ensure the testing will not cause damages to the production environment.
nvironment can be compliant by default after the deployment.
are in place in your DevOps process:

are in place in your DevOps process:

are in place in your DevOps process:
are in place in your DevOps process:
tivities such as incident notification and triage, evidence collection, investigation, eradication and recovery.
tivities such as incident notification and triage, evidence collection, investigation, eradication and recovery.
and recovery.
and recovery.
The following ASBv3 Recommendations are not mapped to the CIS Controls

DP-6 Use a secure key management process

DP-7 Use a secure certificate management process

DP-8 Ensure security of key and certificate repository

IM-3 Manage application identities securely and automatically

IM-4 Authenticate server and services

PA-2 Avoid standing access for accounts and permissions

PA-5 Set up emergency access

IR-4 Detection and analysis - investigate an incident

IR-6 Containment, eradication and recovery - automate the incident handling

Document and implement an enterprise cryptographic key management standard, processes, and procedures to co
customer-managed key in the services, use a secured key vault service for key generation, distribution, and storage
schedule and when there is a key retirement or compromise.
Document and implement an enterprise certificate management standard, processes and procedures which includes
public key infrastructure is needed).

Ensure certificates used by the critical services in your organization are inventoried, tracked, monitored, and renewe

Ensure the security of the key vault service used for the cryptographic key and certificate lifecycle management. Ha
security, logging and monitoring and backup to ensure keys and certificates are always protected using the maximum
Use managed application identities instead of creating human accounts for applications to access resources and ex
such as reducing the exposure of credentials, and automated credential rotation to ensure the security of the identiti
Authenticate remote servers and services from your client side to ensure you are connecting to trusted server and s
Transport Layer Security (TLS) where the client-side (often a browser or client device) verifies the server by verifying

Note: Mutual authentication is when both the server and the client authenticate one-another.
Instead of creating standing privileges, use just-in-time (JIT) mechanism to assign privileged access to the different

Set up emergency access to ensure that you are not accidentally locked out of your critical cloud infrastructure (such
emergency situation.

Emergency access accounts rarely used and highly damaging to the organization if compromised, but their availabil
scenarios when they are required.
Ensure security operation team can query and use diverse data sources as they investigate potential incidents, to bu
collected to track the activities of a potential attacker across the kill chain to avoid blind spots. You should also ensu
analysts and for future historical reference.
Automate the manual repetitive tasks to speed up response time and reduce the burden on analysts. Manual tasks t
how many incidents an analyst can handle. Manual tasks also increase analyst fatigue, which increases the risk of h
analysts to focus effectively on complex tasks.



































Address Unauthorized Assets
Utilize an Active Discovery Tool

Use Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Logging to Update Enterprise Asset Inventory

Ensure Authorized Software is Currently Supported

Address Unauthorized Software
Enforce Data Retention
Securely Dispose of Data
Encrypt Data on End-User Devices

Document Data Flows

Encrypt Data on Removable Media

Configure Automatic Session Locking on Enterprise Assets

Implement and Manage a Firewall on End-User Devices

Securely Manage Enterprise Assets and Software

Manage Default Accounts on Enterprise Assets and Software

Enforce Automatic Device Lockout on Portable End-User Devices

Enforce Remote Wipe Capability on Portable End-User Devices

Separate Enterprise Workspaces on Mobile End-User Devices

Use Unique Passwords

Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Authentication and Authorization Systems

Collect Command-Line Audit Logs

Ensure Use of Only Fully Supported Browsers and Email Clients

Maintain and Enforce Network-Based URL Filters

Restrict Unnecessary or Unauthorized Browser and Email Client Extensions

Implement DMARC
Block Unnecessary File Types
Deploy and Maintain Email Server Anti-Malware Protections
Disable Autorun and Autoplay for Removable Media
Configure Automatic Anti-Malware Scanning of Removable Media

Enable Anti-Exploitation Features

Centrally Manage Anti-Malware Software
Use Behavior-Based Anti-Malware Software

Establish and Maintain an Isolated Instance of Recovery Data 

Ensure Network Infrastructure is Up-to-Date

Securely Manage Network Infrastructure

Use of Secure Network Management and Communication Protocols 
Perform Traffic Filtering Between Network Segments

Deploy Port-Level Access Control

Tune Security Event Alerting Thresholds

Establish and Maintain a Security Awareness Program

Train Workforce Members to Recognize Social Engineering Attacks
Train Workforce Members on Authentication Best Practices

Train Workforce on Data Handling Best Practices

Train Workforce Members on Causes of Unintentional Data Exposure

Train Workforce Members on Recognizing and Reporting Security Incidents

Train Workforce on How to Identify and Report if Their Enterprise Assets are Missing Security Updates

Train Workforce on the Dangers of Connecting to and Transmitting Enterprise Data Over Insecure Networks

Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Service Providers

Establish and Maintain a Service Provider Management Policy

Classify Service Providers

Ensure Service Provider Contracts Include Security Requirements

Assess Service Providers

Monitor Service Providers

Securely Decommission Service Providers

Perform Root Cause Analysis on Security Vulnerabilities

Use Up-to-Date and Trusted Third-Party Software Components

Separate Production and Non-Production Systems

Conduct Application Penetration Testing

Assign Key Roles and Responsibilities

Ensure that a process exists to address unauthorized assets on a weekly basis. The enterprise may choose to remo
from connecting remotely to the network, or quarantine the asset.
Utilize an active discovery tool to identify assets connected to the enterprise’s network. Configure the active discove
Use DHCP logging on all DHCP servers or Internet Protocol (IP) address management tools to update the enterpris
update the enterprise’s asset inventory weekly, or more frequently.
Ensure that only currently supported software is designated as authorized in the software inventory for enterprise as
necessary for the fulfillment of the enterprise’s mission, document an exception detailing mitigating controls and resi
software without an exception documentation, designate as unauthorized. Review the software list to verify software
Ensure that unauthorized software is either removed from use on enterprise assets or receives a documented excep
Retain data
Securely according
dispose to the
of data enterprise’s
as outlined data
in the management
enterprise’s data process. Data process.
management retentionEnsure
must include both minimum
the disposal process and
Encrypt data on end-user devices containing sensitive data. Example implementations can include: Windows BitLoc
Document data flows. Data flow documentation includes service provider data flows and should be based on the ent
and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard.
Encrypt data on removable media.
Configure automatic session locking on enterprise assets after a defined period of inactivity. For general purpose op
15 minutes. For mobile end-user devices, the period must not exceed 2 minutes.
Implement and manage a host-based firewall or port-filtering tool on end-user devices, with a default-deny rule that
ports that are explicitly allowed.
Securely manage enterprise assets and software. Example implementations include managing configuration through
and accessing administrative interfaces over secure network protocols, such as Secure Shell (SSH) and Hypertext T
insecure management protocols, such as Telnet (Teletype Network) and HTTP, unless operationally essential.
Manage default accounts on enterprise assets and software, such as root, administrator, and other pre-configured v
can include: disabling default accounts or making them unusable.
Enforce automatic device lockout following a predetermined threshold of local failed authentication attempts on porta
laptops, do not allow more than 20 failed authentication attempts; for tablets and smartphones, no more than 10 faile
implementations include Microsoft® InTune Device Lock and Apple® Configuration Profile maxFailedAttempts.
Remotely wipe enterprise data from enterprise-owned portable end-user devices when deemed appropriate such as
no longer supports the enterprise.
Ensure separate enterprise workspaces are used on mobile end-user devices, where supported. Example implemen
Profile or Android™ Work Profile to separate enterprise applications and data from personal applications and data.
Use unique passwords for all enterprise assets. Best practice implementation includes, at a minimum, an 8-characte
character password for accounts not using MFA.
Establish and maintain an inventory of the enterprise’s authentication and authorization systems, including those ho
Review and update the inventory, at a minimum, annually, or more frequently.
Collect command-line audit logs. Example implementations include collecting audit logs from PowerShell®, BASH™
Ensure only fully supported browsers and email clients are allowed to execute in the enterprise, only using the latest
provided through the vendor.
Enforce and update network-based URL filters to limit an enterprise asset from connecting to potentially malicious o
implementations include category-based filtering, reputation-based filtering, or through the use of block lists. Enforce
Restrict, either through uninstalling or disabling, any unauthorized or unnecessary browser or email client plugins, ex
To lower the chance of spoofed or modified emails from valid domains, implement DMARC policy and verification, s
Framework (SPF) and the DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) standards.
Block unnecessary file types attempting to enter the enterprise’s email gateway.
Deploy and maintain email server anti-malware protections, such as attachment scanning and/or sandboxing.
Disable autorun and autoplay auto-execute functionality for removable media.
Configure anti-malware software to automatically scan removable media.
Enable anti-exploitation features on enterprise assets and software, where possible, such as Microsoft® Data Execu
Exploit Guard (WDEG), or Apple® System Integrity Protection (SIP) and Gatekeeper™.
Centrally manage anti-malware software.
Use behavior-based anti-malware software.
Establish and maintain an isolated instance of recovery data. Example implementations include, version controlling b
off-site systems or services.
Ensure network infrastructure is kept up-to-date. Example implementations include running the latest stable release
network-as-a-service (NaaS) offerings. Review software versions monthly, or more frequently, to verify software sup
Securely manage network infrastructure. Example implementations include version-controlled-infrastructure-as-code
such as SSH and HTTPS.
Use secure network management and communication protocols (e.g., 802.1X, Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) En
Perform traffic filtering between network segments, where appropriate.
Deploy port-level access control. Port-level access control utilizes 802.1x, or similar network access control protocol
user and/or device authentication.
Tune security event alerting thresholds monthly, or more frequently.
Establish and maintain a security awareness program. The purpose of a security awareness program is to educate t
with enterprise assets and data in a secure manner. Conduct training at hire and, at a minimum, annually. Review a
significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard.
Train workforce members to recognize social engineering attacks, such as phishing, pre-texting, and tailgating. 
Train workforce members on authentication best practices. Example topics include MFA, password composition, and
Train workforce members on how to identify and properly store, transfer, archive, and destroy sensitive data. This al
clear screen and desk best practices, such as locking their screen when they step away from their enterprise asset,
the end of meetings, and storing data and assets securely.
Train workforce members to be aware of causes for unintentional data exposure. Example topics include mis-deliver
device, or publishing data to unintended audiences.
Train workforce members to be able to recognize a potential incident and be able to report such an incident. 
Train workforce to understand how to verify and report out-of-date software patches or any failures in automated pro
include notifying IT personnel of any failures in automated processes and tools.
Train workforce members on the dangers of connecting to, and transmitting data over, insecure networks for enterpr
workers, training must include guidance to ensure that all users securely configure their home network infrastructure
Establish and maintain an inventory of service providers. The inventory is to list all known service providers, include
contact for each service provider. Review and update the inventory annually, or when significant enterprise changes
Establish and maintain a service provider management policy. Ensure the policy addresses the classification, invent
decommissioning of service providers. Review and update the policy annually, or when significant enterprise change
Classify service providers. Classification consideration may include one or more characteristics, such as data sensit
applicable regulations, inherent risk, and mitigated risk. Update and review classifications annually, or when significa
this Safeguard.
Ensure service provider contracts include security requirements. Example requirements may include minimum secu
and/or data breach notification and response, data encryption requirements, and data disposal commitments. These
with the enterprise’s service provider management policy. Review service provider contracts annually to ensure con
Assess service providers consistent with the enterprise’s service provider management policy. Assessment scope m
include review of standardized assessment reports, such as Service Organization Control 2 (SOC 2) and Payment C
(AoC), customized questionnaires, or other appropriately rigorous processes. Reassess service providers annually,
Monitor service providers consistent with the enterprise’s service provider management policy. Monitoring may inclu
compliance, monitoring service provider release notes, and dark web monitoring.
Securely decommission service providers. Example considerations include user and service account deactivation, te
of enterprise data within service provider systems.
Perform root cause analysis on security vulnerabilities. When reviewing vulnerabilities, root cause analysis is the tas
vulnerabilities in code, and allows development teams to move beyond just fixing individual vulnerabilities as they ar
Use up-to-date and trusted third-party software components. When possible, choose established and proven framew
security. Acquire these components from trusted sources or evaluate the software for vulnerabilities before use.
Maintain separate environments for production and non-production systems.
Conduct application penetration testing. For critical applications, authenticated penetration testing is better suited to
code scanning and automated security testing. Penetration testing relies on the skill of the tester to manually manipu
unauthenticated user. 
Assign key roles and responsibilities for incident response, including staff from legal, IT, information security, facilitie
responders, and analysts, as applicable. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could im

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