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Micro 4 ECONOMICS o Tew 25-March -23 a [——— 1GNME O41 NAGBELL_NAFEES (O22 - 111231 - 124) 66A- 16 - Buestion : of | Anwer Of Paak A | he graph belos \\lustrates the morket for | Sogt dchrinks bekore amd after she degeribed changes : fe | Reseé 0 @, Qj Quatre th q Quansrzr OUTtome : OL OUTCOME + 02. O, ©, Quantzty OUTCOME = 93 [Rrra a Scanned with CamScanner Me tntal Ea uilibrinn 6 veprewented by the iAleection® of MY dernadalaind SUgply NV?” ak gst A where price is et anc the Guantity iS At Pinswex Of Past: B The graph below ‘flustrates the monket for oodles before anick Piptes se described charges 5 (ee a. 2, | _ #; 2 @ ©, Quarry the inital tuiliovime i yYepresented by the interjection of the demand CUNes and Supply Curvie at oink A, where prize i$ F4 amd the Bouin is AtLyomd ak point @, where free is Band Guantity js Ar: : Bulesbon = 02 1, ett below ‘Mustates the demand These : aad sugely _vwes ‘for sodch#: — lickeks+ Cont: : RA hy | WResrnden : Scanned with CamScanner ™ Quantry tw Tousan/os. The Sopyiy Cone Te _unusval becaure reas: Mextical Vine at. a apambity OF 8000 and Be dexnomd clone 6) A doumwand = isoping ne, Fawer Of fort : B The eauitibivn pant is usheve “he: Quantity dornanded % caual As the quantity Sopptied . Herne, the eayurlibrime ayrantity is 8000 tickets ) and the equilibrimr price Is RE. 3,000- Anowev OF Pant: Cc In ao Surplus Condition, -the ajuamtity Supplied exceeds the _oyantity derngnded 2. “TAHAIS Cone y any price above KS, 3,000 would vesdlh in w~ susplus - The prices ano ayuantities 19 surplus Condition are + ; Kice of RC. 4 000 § Quantity demarded is 000. amd. quantity supplied is €,000. theve is (a lus of 2,000 tickets. [Rrra é Scanned with CamScanner Suyp Date: | Price og Ks. 5,000 * Buda titty demanded 41000, and _quamtitty Supplied $000. There is'& Surplus 2b U,000 tickets - rice of 8, 6,000 : O@uuanatity demand is 2,000 and atantity Supplied is _§,000 Shere fs a Surplus’ ob 6,000. tickets - Gulestion # 03 Shove Austins: Armwers 1 eg Change mn Bian tity aos refers 10 a Imovement along Ahe demand Ube in’ Yesponse to a chomae in price, while a Change in demand refers #0 a Chift in the entire demand avve dule 0 Change in factors. Answer : 2 The dernand cunie aenenally Slopes. elocon- wend becaure as the price of a good or sewer inneases , consumers ane willin and able +0 purchase less of it, while, as the Price decreases, they ate pang eae able 112 purchase Amnare o it- Answer <3 No, the market 1s nob ra eq, il brite “fetailine. dhexe if . excess demoamd (more consumexs | willing to unchase the produch than, therequarewevailavie eekly) This will Ukelg f Rad €0 an merease in frice Scanned with CamScanner = Pinko #04 [__ the total market Supply % Full= course dlinnew ata price of £20 it 20 (ld rveutranks y £0 dinner each) x — Ree ( Scanned with CamScanner

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