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K I Souution 9 KI Soludion.

7 taxe 3eff KI >dee in m

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&m C &4 LF auebs andaianin phadd cittic atetd

2)SiuCA Resgent-1 2 75jmsAmmondunm Molybdale t9000eDM allr +Si

add 88 cCent H2 S9> Volume maKe p to 1000
lita Reajent-2 107, TMtwue aeid + SodiUm propionate aphio 1g»sCadded tor
PIcaenvAhn)> Vouuma maKe up to 1600 G
-Amino 2napAthol4-S»lphenic 0cid t 35 Sodium SPhi6
stuca keajent-32 11m
41mw Sodium mctabislhta, mil Nell in_martnvokwma mke Te }560
Phcsphale Regent2 28 s Ammontummolyhdalz qtoeie pMNalar + Slevy acdeds
295 Ce (ome SutPhuric Atiel Dlue.make he to-600 CC
Puffee sorHwldnc&S 56O NMOH 0:83 F EDTA +0'5 M MgS%

s ) EDTA SOlutim2 385q EDTA +0:5 s0dkinmprohonale (adfhg p* ób7

Ertme Liopnel Blue (ETE)Indkcatoe O4ns eT6 frder b tkn ing

Mined nditahor @ 05m Mtiylornge.t0if Kylenesynal t 12S

absolnke alerhel Ds0 alor, OR

Otho utdine > 135 0T dihydeochlontde 5t0 e ior

1 5 0 c fHcl t 350 (

wed ansl tinded Hell

Phendlhhaletn ndtCatar 2 5hro Phenalththalein in BOd ML zksoln
atatal. or iopapi! alcosol> VewmcnaKep to ote s
Handnekb/ EBT Indiester ) Solution la Pesmad by addiym (0
EST +120 & methanal t 2 d1ops Cme Helr
Mix prepau k proPoz miluing st0-5 { EBT Ö 10 Ps nydrou

Acid Molybdate Solution: Dissolve 75
grams of reagent grade ammonium
I(NH,)6Mo,024.41H0| in 800ml of silica- free
Exactly 88 ml of conc. Reagent grade sulfuric distilled
water. Add w constant
ith stirring
Solution in acid. When cool, dilute to 1 liter.
polyethylene bottle. Store the

Tartaric Acid Solution Dissolve 10 of

o.lgram reagent grade sodium grams reagent grade crystalline tartaric acid
Solution to 100ml. Store propionate in 80ml silica-free water and dilute
reagent in a polyethylene bottle.
Amino Solution: Dissolve 3.4grams of anhydrous
sodium sulfite in 100 ml of water and
Add 1.85 grams of
solution a 1-amino-2-naphthol-4-sulfonic
solution of 90 grams of sodium acid. When this is dissolved, addto the
liter. bisulfite in800 ml. of water and dilute to 1

Photometer Molybdate Solution : Dissolve 28

grams of reagent grade ammonium
molybdate [(NHA)6Mo7024-4H20 in 700 ml of distilled water. Add slowly with constant
stirring 225 ml of conc. reagent grade sulfuric acid( sp.
cool, After gr. 1.84). the solution is
dilute to 1 liter.

Standard Phosphate Solution: dissolve in distilled water 0.1433

gram of reagent grade
mono-potassium phosphate (KH2P0,) which has been dried in an oven at 105°C.Dilute
1 liter. One ml of this solution is
equivalent to 0.1 mg P0, or 0.107 mg NaPO3.*

Nessler Reagent : Dissolve 160 grams of reagent grade sodium hydroxide in a liter
Containing 500 ml of distilled water. Cool solution to room temperature . In another
beaker containing 250 ml of distilled water ,dissolve 100
grams of reagent grade
Iodide (Hgl2) and 70 grams of reagent grade potassium iodide (K). Add the iodide
solution to the hydroxide solution slowly with constant stirring. Dilute mixture exactly
to one liter with distilled ater. Store reagent in a lightproof polyethylene bottle.


Ferric Solution : dissolve 5.0grams of reagent grade ferrous ammonium sulfate
(SO)2.6H,0] in about 25ml of water. Add 40ml of conc.HNO, to the solution and boil
The dense fumes of nitrogen are completely expelled. Cool solution to room
temperature and dilute it to 100ml with Chloride-free water.
Mercuric Thiocyanate Solution: Dissolve 0.30gram of powdered mercuric thiocyanate
Hg(CNS)2] in 100mi of reagent grade absolute methanol (CH,OH). Store solution in an
amber bottle. Allow the solution to stand for at least 24 hours before using. Use only
in the test.
decanted solution


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