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Pulmonary Sarcoidosis: Diagnosis and Treatment

Eva M. Carmona, MD, PhD; Sanjay Kalra, MD; and Jay H. Ryu, MD

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Sarcoidosis is a chronic granulomatous disease of unknown cause that is seen worldwide and occurs
mainly in patients between the ages of 20 and 60 years. It can be difficult to diagnose because it can
mimic many other diseases including lymphoproliferative disorders and granulomatous infections and
because there is no specific test for diagnosis, which depends on correlation of clinicoradiologic and
histopathologic features. This review will focus on recent discoveries regarding the pathogenesis of
sarcoidosis, common clinical presentations, diagnostic evaluation, and indications for treatment. This
review is aimed largely at general practitioners and emphasizes the importance of differentiating
pulmonary sarcoidosis from its common imitators.
ª 2016 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research n Mayo Clin Proc. 2016;91(7):946-954

arcoidosis is a multisystem disease that cough or dyspnea and not uncommonly
predominantly affects individuals be- also encountered incidentally during routine
From the Division of tween the ages of 20 and 60 years. evaluations. Because its cause is unknown
Pulmonary and Critical Care
Medicine, Mayo Clinic,
The incidence is about 10 per 100,000 in a and there is no standard test for its diagnosis,
Rochester, MN. predominantly white population but up to 3 sarcoidosis remains a diagnosis of exclusion.
to 4 times higher in African Americans. It can mimic many illnesses and therefore is
Sarcoidosis is frequently encountered first included in the differential diagnosis of
by primary care physicians when evaluating many pulmonary and systemic processes.
patients with nonspecific symptoms such as Skilled clinical reasoning is required to

946 Mayo Clin Proc. n July 2016;91(7):946-954 n n ª 2016 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research

ensure that the correct diagnosis is made in a Nevertheless, given the pathologic resemblance
cost-effective and timely manner. of sarcoidosis to granulomatous infections,
The etiology of sarcoidosis remains unknown some of the most investigated environmental
despite decades of effort, including notably the factors have been infectious agents. Among
ACCESS (A Case-Control Etiologic Sarcoidosis these factors, antigens from typical and atypical
Study) project, a case-control study of over 700 mycobacteria, Propionibacterium, viruses, and
matched case and control pairs. This study inves- various fungi have been hypothesized as initial
tigated occupational and environmental factors triggers of the granulomatous reaction.3 Some
as well as infection and genetic associations, but of these microbial antigens, also known as
a plausible cause could not be identified.1 Despite pathogen-associated molecular patterns, are
the absence of a definitive cause, it is widely held likely triggers of the innate immune response,
that the pathogenesis of sarcoidosis involves leading to granuloma formation in the suscep-
exposure to an environmental or nonenviron- tible host.4 Therefore, the absence of increased
mental agent(s) in a genetically susceptible indi- positive culture results in patients compared
vidual. This combination triggers the activation with controls does not completely exclude
of components of the immune system and the infectious organisms or associated antigens as
formation of nonnecrotizing granulomas, the potential triggers because it could be the expo-
hallmark lesions of sarcoidosis. Depending on sure, and not necessarily the infection, that
unknown genetic aberrations or immune system elicits the sarcoid reaction in the predisposed
defects, the granulomatous reaction either re- patient. Similarly, other pathogen-associated
solves or persists as chronic inflammation leading molecular patterns derived from toxins and
ultimately to fibrosis. Different combinations of chemical compounds as well as damage-
exposures and host defects likely determine the associated molecular patterns such as human
multiple phenotypes seen in sarcoidosis. heat shock proteins could potentially trigger
This review summarizes the recent discov- granuloma formation in the susceptible host.5
eries regarding the pathogenesis of sarcoidosis, Chen et al4 also suggested that the acute phase
most common clinical presentations, diagnosis, response agent, serum amyloid A, triggered by
and indications for treatment of pulmonary mycobacterial infection can form insoluble
sarcoidosis. This review is mainly aimed at gen- aggregates with some of the mycobacterial anti-
eral practitioners and emphasizes the importance gens, which can then activate the immune
of differentiating pulmonary sarcoidosis from its response via toll-like receptors contributing to
common imitators, particularly when treatment the granuloma formation.
fails. Once the innate immune response has
been activated, antigen-presenting cells pro-
PATHOGENESIS cess the antigen and present the peptide to
The pathogenesis of sarcoidosis still remains an HLA class II molecules, which can then be
enigma despite the first documented cases be- recognized by specific T-cell receptors. It is
ing described in the late 1800s by Hutchinson known that certain HLA alleles are associated
and Boeck. One of the largest efforts to identify with disease severity. For instance, patients
a common causative agent was the ACCESS with HLA-DRB1*03 experience higher rates
study, and although no unifying exposure of disease resolution within 2 years than those
was clearly identified, this study has been key without HLA-DRB1*03, while those with
in recognizing some occupations (raising birds, HLA-DRB1*14 and HLA-DRB1*15 tend to
automobile manufacturing, teaching school, have a more chronic course.6 Some HLAs
cotton ginning, and work involving radiation, may also predict disease pattern as illustrated
organic dust, gardening, and building material by the association of HLA-DRB1*0401 with
exposure) and certain exposures (insecticides, eye involvement or HLA-DPB1*0101 with
molds and mildew, central air conditioning, abnormal calcium metabolism.7 Furthermore,
and birds) that are more frequently associated patients with sarcoidosis who have HLA-
with the development of sarcoidosis.2 Interest- DRB1*0301 and HLA-DRB3*0101 have an
ingly, when infectious agents were sought, pos- accumulation of T cells expressing a specific
itive blood culture results and serologic test T-cell receptor clone (AV2S3þ), suggesting a
rates were similar in patients and controls. clonal expansion of CD4þ T cells to a particular

Mayo Clin Proc. n July 2016;91(7):946-954 n 947

antigen.8 Although these antigens are still fever are commonly seen alone or in association
unknown, vimentin-derived peptides have with respiratory symptoms. A classic and acute
recently been suggested to be presented by form of presentation is Lofgren syndrome, char-
HLA-DRB1*03 to T cells expressing Va2.3/ acterized by the presence of erythema nodosum,
Vb22 receptors in patients with sarcoidosis.9 polyarthralgia, and bilateral hilar adenopathy. It
Whereas the exact role of vimentin-derived usually has a good prognosis with complete
peptides needs further investigation, it is possible resolution within 2 years of presentation.
that they can act as potential autoantigens that In about 30% to 50% of cases, patients may
trigger granuloma formation in some patients. also have extrapulmonary manifestations.11,12
HLA is also important in other granulomatous Cutaneous involvement is the most frequently
diseases such as berylliosis, and individuals encountered (15%-25%), followed by hepatic
with HLA-DP2 are a higher risk for develop- or gastrointestinal (11%-18%), ocular (12%),
ment of the disease. In these patients, beryl- renal (1%-5%), neurologic (5%), cardiac (2%),
lium becomes associated with a self major and musculoskeletal (1%) involvement.11,12
histocompatibility-peptide complex binding Therefore, every patient should be assessed for
internally within the peptide binding groove extrapulmonary involvement (Table). Cardiac
of DP2. Beryllium in the presence of the sarcoidosis is a cause of serious morbidity and
sodium cation causes structural and bio- can be fatal because of severe arrhythmias or pro-
physical changes of the self peptideemajor gressive cardiomyopathy. Unexplained syncope,
histocompatibility complex creating a “new presyncope, or palpitations should be considered
antigen” that is now recognized by specific T highly suspicious for cardiac involvement and
cells.10 This new and fascinating mechanism of prompt further diagnostic evaluation.13 Neuro-
granulomatous reaction may also apply to other sarcoidosis can be similarly complex and present
yet unknown antigens. In addition to sarcoidosis as seizures or stroke-like events or with neuro-
susceptibility based on HLA alleles, recent psychiatric manifestations.
genome-wide association studies have identified Because sarcoidosis is the great imitator
non-HLAerelated genes (BTNL2, ANXA11, and there is no specific standard test for its
RAB23, and Notch4) that are also associated diagnosis, a detailed history is needed not
with sarcoidosis predisposition. only to investigate extrapulmonary involve-
It is therefore plausible that sarcoidosis is ment but also to rule out alternative diagno-
expressed in its multiple forms depending on ses such as infections (mycobacterial and
the type of trigger(s) and immunologic alter- fungal), lymphoproliferative disorders, or
ation(s). As we more fully understand these is- more rare conditions such as common
sues, we will likely be able to differentiate the variable immunodeficiency syndrome, which
disease into different immunologic subtypes may be accompanied by sarcoid-like lung dis-
based on underlying mechanisms and perhaps ease (“granulomatous lymphocytic interstitial
offer more specific and individualized treatments lung disease”). It is also important to ascertain
rather than treatment based on clinical occupational exposures, especially long-term
phenotypes. beryllium exposure, because berylliosis can
be indistinguishable from sarcoidosis in
Sarcoidosis is often encountered incidentally on On physical examination, evidence of lymph
chest radiography that may reveal intrathoracic node enlargement and skin, eye, and joint
lymphadenopathy and/or pulmonary infiltrates involvement should be routinely sought. Lung
(Figure, A). Intrathoracic involvement, especially examination often underestimates parenchymal
mediastinal adenopathy, is present in up to involvement because most patients have a
97% of patients with sarcoidosis, but less than paucity of physical signs, sometimes even in
half of them present with respiratory symptoms. the presence of extensive parenchymal disease.
Among those who do have symptoms, the most Inspiratory crackles are generally absent unless
common are cough, dyspnea, and wheezing. advanced fibrosis has occurred. Occasionally,
Less commonly, some may have chest pain or wheezing or squeaky sounds may be detected
discomfort, and hemoptysis is rare. General on auscultation. The presence of clubbing is
fatigue, malaise, weight loss, arthralgias, and rare and suggests an alternative diagnosis.
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948 Mayo Clin Proc. July 2016;91(7):946-954

FIGURE. Characteristic chest radiographic and high-resolution computed tomographic (HRCT) findings of
sarcoidosis. A, Chest radiograph showing bilateral hilar adenopathy. B, On HRCT of the chest, bilateral
pulmonary nodules distributed along the fissures and bronchovascular bundles are evident. Some of the
nodules form masslike lesions (yellow star). Calcified mediastinal lymph nodes can also be seen (black
arrow). C, Chronic fibrotic changes with upper lobe predominance is seen on HRCT. Traction bron-
chiectasis (yellow star) and honeycombing (black arrow) are present. D, Left lower lobe mycetoma seen
on HRCT. Fungus ball can be appreciated inside a cavitary lesion (black arrow).

DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION protein electrophoresis, tests for inflammatory

Initial evaluation of patients with suspected markers (eg, C-reactive protein and erythrocyte
sarcoidosis should include blood cell counts, sedimentation rate), and measurement of lactate
serum chemistry that includes creatinine, cal- dehydrogenase, vitamin D, and immunoglob-
cium, liver enzymes, and alkaline phosphatase ulin levels should be tailored to the patient’s
levels, and urinalysis. Depending on the patient’s history and clinical presentation and, in our
background, geographic location, and travel his- opinion, should not be routinely ordered.
tory, tuberculosis testing or fungal serologies Measurement of serum angiotensin-converting
may be indicated. Other testing such as serum enzyme (ACE) level remains widely used, but

Mayo Clin Proc. n July 2016;91(7):946-954 n 949

Complete pulmonary function tests (PFTs)

TABLE. Most Common Extrapulmonary Manifes-
including diffusing capacity should be obtained
tations of Sarcoidosis
in patients who have respiratory symptoms or
Site Manifestation lung parenchymal abnormalities on imaging
Skin Lupus pernio studies. Pulmonary function tests may yield
Subcutaneous nodules or plaques restrictive abnormalities, particularly in the
Erythema nodosum
fibrotic stages, as well as varying degrees of
Inflammatory papules within a scar or
airflow obstruction, often pointing to airway
Liver Hepatomegaly
involvement that might otherwise be over-
Hepatic nodules looked. At times, PFT results may appear
Ocular Uveitis normal. A disproportionate reduction in the
Optic neuritis diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide could
Mutton-fat keratic precipitates signal the presence of pulmonary hypertension,
Iris nodules a rare but frequently missed complication.16
“Candle wax drippings” Baseline chest radiography (CXR) is indicated
Retinitis particularly if there are any respiratory symptoms
or PFT abnormalities. The classic staging of CXR
Renal Hypercalcemia
abnormalities was proposed by Scadding,17 who
Nephrolithiasis distinguished 4 disease stages with implied prog-
Neurologic Cranial mononeuropathy nostic implications: stage 0, normal; stage I, hilar
Neuroendocrine dysfunction lymphadenopathy; stage II, hilar lymphadenopa-
Seizures, encephalopathy, or thy and parenchymal involvement; stage III,
vasculopathy parenchymal lung disease; and stage IV, fibrosis.
Myelopathy or radiculopathy Patients with stage I disease have an excellent
prognosis with spontaneous resolution expected
Peripheral neuropathy
to occur in 60% to 90% within 5 years compared
Small fiber neuropathy
Cardiac Mobitz type II or third-degree heart
with 10% to 20% of patients at stage III.18
block If CXR reveals abnormalities and the patient
Ventricular arrhythmias has respiratory symptoms or abnormal PFT
Cardiomyopathy results, high-resolution computed tomography
Sudden cardiac death (HRCT) of the chest is usually obtained.
Musculoskeletal Polyarthritis Although HRCT may not be necessary if patients
Diffuse granulomatous myositis
are asymptomatic and have classic findings on
Bone lesions
CXR, it can be very useful in determining the
Generalized Fatigue
pattern and severity of parenchymal involve-
ment, particularly in the presence of atypical
a normal value does not exclude the diagnosis of radiographic findings. Additionally, HRCT may
sarcoidosis because of its poor sensitivity and help identify supraclavicular, hilar, and medias-
insufficient specificity.14 Its utility is further tinal adenopathy that could be potential targets
compromised by the fact that serum ACE for tissue sampling. The most common paren-
levels vary depending on the different ACE chymal finding is the presence of nodules in a
genotypes (DD, DI, II) and by the use of ACE lymphatic and peribronchovascular distribution,
inhibitors.15 Therefore, we do not recommend usually bilateral and with an upper or mid lung
its routine use. distribution. The nodules can coalesce and form
Some of the most frequently encountered focal consolidative masses with mid zone pre-
laboratory abnormalities in patients with dominance. Often, there is also bilateral hilar
sarcoidosis are leukopenia with lymphopenia, and mediastinal lymphadenopathy that may
hypercalcemia, and abnormal liver enzymes or calcify with time (Figure, B). Some patients
abnormal liver function test. With the excep- may have airway involvement that can be asso-
tion of hypercalcemia, which can cause renal ciated with bronchial stenosis, atelectasis, and
failure, these conditions usually tend to resolve mosaic attenuation (due to air trapping). In
as the sarcoidosis improves and only rarely the fibrotic stages, classic HRCT findings are
represent major complications. reticular opacities, volume loss, traction
n n
950 Mayo Clin Proc. July 2016;91(7):946-954

bronchiectasis, fibrotic masses, and even honey- lymph nodes.20,21 The diagnostic yield of
combing (Figure, C).19 Mycetomas can also be EBUS-TBNA for patients with suspected
seen, and although rare, they should be sarcoidosis and mediastinal adenopathy ranges
monitored closely because of the risk of from 80% to 90%.22,23 Transbronchial biopsies
bleeding (Figure, D). Spleen and liver granu- of lung parenchyma can also be performed and
lomas may also be identified on HRCT. High- have a diagnostic yield of 50% to 75% but are
resolution computed tomography is not associated with a higher risk of pneumothorax
needed for standard follow-up assessments, and bleeding when compared with EBUS-
which can generally be performed with clin- TBNA. The use of rapid on-site evaluation (often
ical evaluation, CXR, and PFT in patients called ROSE) of cytological specimens can
with pulmonary sarcoidosis. Reserving the increase the yield of EBUS-TBNA by helping
use of repeated HRCT for specific indications, the bronchoscopist determine the diagnostic
eg, unexplained new findings on CXR, mini- adequacy of obtained samples and reducing
mizes both cumulative radiation exposure to the performance of redundant biopsies.24
patients and costs. Bronchoscopy may provide additional in-
Baseline electrocardiography should be ob- formation during the airway inspection, such
tained in all newly diagnosed patients. If find- as the presence of mucosal cobblestoning
ings are abnormal or if there are any cardiac (often seen in sarcoidosis), airway distortion,
symptoms, further evaluation with echocardi- and findings that may suggest an alternative
ography, Holter monitoring, or cardiac imaging diagnosis. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid
studies such as cardiac positron emission (BALF) may be obtained to assess for infec-
tomography or magnetic resonance imaging tions and malignant cells. Total and differen-
should be considered. In such cases, referral tial cell counts on BALF can provide further
to a cardiac sarcoidosis specialist is recommen- supportive data for the diagnosis of sarcoid-
ded. We do not recommend routine echocardi- osis, particularly in challenging cases. A
ography as a screening test, although this BALF CD4þ/CD8þ lymphocyte ratio greater
remains a controversial issue.13 If pulmonary than 3.5 has a specificity of 94% and a sensi-
hypertension is suspected, echocardiography tivity of 53% for diagnosis of sarcoidosis, and
or right-sided heart catheterization should a lymphocyte differential count of more than
be considered. Other imaging studies such 15% has a sensitivity as high as 90%.25 If lym-
as fludeoxyglucose F 18epositron emission phoma is suspected, BALF flow cytometry can
tomography have been used to identify extra- be also performed. Although bronchoscopy
thoracic involvement and identify targets for can be very helpful, it should not be used as
biopsy, especially in cases in which conven- a routine diagnostic procedure and instead
tional evaluation has not yielded a clear diag- be individualized depending on clinical
nosis. Additionally, all patients with a presentation.
confirmed diagnosis of sarcoidosis should Additional diagnostic testing may be indi-
undergo ophthalmologic evaluation to assess cated depending on the clinical presentation,
eye involvement.3 laboratory data, and results from the afore-
After the initial evaluation, most cases mentioned tests. If clinical symptoms and im-
require tissue confirmation of the presence of aging findings are compatible, biopsy has
nonnecrotizing granulomas, especially if treat- identified nonnecrotizing granulomas, and
ment of sarcoidosis is contemplated. Exceptions other potential causes have been reasonably
may be those with Lofgren syndrome, typical excluded, the diagnosis of sarcoidosis can be
chest imaging patterns, or high risk for biopsy established.
complications or those who prefer not to un- In most cases, patients with sarcoidosis are
dergo tissue confirmation. To obtain tissue, the encountered by primary care physicians who
most safe and accessible site is always favored. initiate the diagnostic evaluation. Referral to
If skin biopsy is not an option, bronchoscopy a pulmonologist should be considered when
with endobronchial ultrasound-guided trans- biopsy confirmation is needed to establish
bronchial needle aspiration biopsy (EBUS- the diagnosis, when patients are symptomatic
TBNA) is a minimally invasive method to obtain and may require treatment, when complex
tissue samples from enlarged intrathoracic multiorgan features or progressive disease is

Mayo Clin Proc. n July 2016;91(7):946-954 n 951

present, and other situations in which the Patients with severe symptoms or end-organ
diagnosis remains uncertain or the physician damage affecting the heart, eyes, or central
believes that specialized evaluation and man- nervous system will need treatment. However,
agement are needed. many patients with pulmonary disease (the
main focus of this review) can be monitored
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS over a period of time because spontaneous
Although the presence of nonnecrotizing resolution or stability without treatment may
granulomas is a hallmark of sarcoidosis, it is occur. Studies have found that up to half of
not pathognomonic and can also occur in the patients with pulmonary sarcoidosis have
other diseases including malignant neo- spontaneous improvement within the first 6
plasms (“sarcoid-like reaction”), infections months.29-31
(fungal, tuberculosis and atypical mycobacteria), Once initiation of treatment is decided, the
common variable immunodeficiency syndrome, recommended drug of choice is an oral cortico-
inhalational exposureerelated diseases (eg, steroid unless there are specific contraindica-
berylliosis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis), drug- tions.3 For patients with mainly pulmonary
induced lung diseases, and vasculitis. It is there- disease, studies have revealed that between
fore important to exclude these identifiable 50% and 90% have a favorable response to corti-
causes of granulomatous inflammation in estab- costeroids, although sarcoidosis tends to relapse
lishing a diagnosis of sarcoidosis.3 Although after discontinuation of treatment in about 20%
necrotizing granulomas have been described in to 74% of the cases.30 For patients with severe
sarcoidosis, they are unusual in sarcoidosis and end-organ damage, a corticosteroid-sparing
should lead to careful consideration of an alterna- agent may have to be initiated simultaneously
tive diagnosis. Data from our institution revealed because of the likelihood of prolonged duration
that the most common causes of necrotizing of treatment (treatment recommendations for
granulomas were histoplasmosis, nontubercu- these patients will not be reviewed in this article
lous mycobacterial infections, rheumatoid nod- because our focus is pulmonary disease).
ules, and granulomatosis with polyangiitis There is no standard protocol for cortico-
(Wegener granulomatosis).26 In particular, histo- steroid dose or duration of treatment. How-
plasmosis can present with bilateral adenopathy ever, a 6-phase treatment regimen has been
and pulmonary infiltrates along with nonnecro- proposed by some experts in the fielddinitial
tizing and necrotizing granulomas in the tissues. dosing, taper to maintenance dose, maintenance
Tuberculosis also should be considered in dosing, taper off corticosteroids, monitor off
patients who live in or have traveled to endemic treatment, and treatment of relapse.32,33 The
regions. recommended initial dose of corticosteroid
Lymphoproliferative disorders can be varies between 20 and 40 mg/d of prednisone
misdiagnosed as sarcoidosis. Sarcoidosis is or equivalent for 2 to 6 weeks. This initial
highly likely in certain clinical settings, treatment has also included alternate-day
such as in patients with asymptomatic bilat- administration.34 For patients whose disease
eral hilar adenopathy and normal physical responds to the initial dose, taper to a mainte-
examination findings.27 However, if suspi- nance dose should be achieved between 6
cion for lymphoma is high, an excisional weeks and 6 months after initiation of treat-
rather than an aspiration lymph node biopsy ment.35 The recommended maintenance dose
may be needed to ensure a correct diagnosis. is generally between 5 and 15 mg/d but should
The presence of prominent constitutional be tailored to the individual patient’s response
symptoms should raise suspicion for alterna- to therapy and treatment goals. Achieving a
tive diagnoses, especially lymphoprolifera- dose of 10 mg/d or less is ideal to minimize
tive disorders or infections. adverse effects from corticosteroid therapy,
although this goal is not always possible. In gen-
TREATMENT eral, patients require treatment for about 5 to 9
The decision to treat should be based on the months before tapering off the corticosteroids,
presence of specific symptoms and disease which can then take between 1 and 6 additional
progression evidenced by worsening func- months. If taper is achieved, monitoring is neces-
tional status and imaging abnormalities.28 sary to identify relapses promptly.
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952 Mayo Clin Proc. July 2016;91(7):946-954

When corticosteroids cannot be tapered to recommended to avoid both undertreatment

10 mg/d or less, use of a corticosteroid-sparing and overtreatment.
agent should be considered. Most experts
recommend once-weekly methotrexate as the Abbreviations and Acronyms: ACE = angiotensin-
first choice unless contraindicated.35 Other converting enzyme; BALF = bronchoalveolar lavage fluid;
second-line agents, with limited supporting CXR = chest radiography; EBUS-TBNA = endobronchial
ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration bi-
data, are azathioprine and leflunomide. If
opsy; HRCT = high-resolution computed tomography;
these agents do not produce a response, then PFT = pulmonary function test
other drugs such as infliximab, mycopheno-
late mofetil, rituximab, cyclophosphamide, or Potential Competing Interests: Dr Carmona is a coinves-
tigator in a RESAPH study, a registry for patients with
corticotropin can be considered. Antimalarial
sarcoidosis and pulmonary hypertension.
agents, such as chloroquine and hydroxy-
chloroquine, have also been used, particularly Correspondence: Address to Eva M. Carmona, MD, PhD,
for patients with skin disease and hypercalce- Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Mayo
Clinic, 200 First St SW, Rochester, MN 55905 (carmona.
mia. For patients receiving prolonged courses
of corticosteroids (more than 20 mg/d of pred-
nisone or equivalent for more than 4 weeks or
additional immunosuppressive therapy), we REFERENCES
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