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Content objective: 

SWABT to identify and differentiate three basic shapes.

Language objective: SWABT identify and name three basic shapes like circle, triangle
and square

Lesson plan :  Students will be asked questions to understand their previous knowledge
on concept ( think-pair-share)

Teacher will show some shape objects such as wheels on the bus, pizza slice, waffles to
ask students to share with their partner the shape that they can see. After calling upon
some students ;

1. Students will be introduced to the content objective and language objective for today's

lesson by writing them on the easel. Teacher will stress the key vocabulary words

such as circle, square and triangle and will also sketch each shape on the easel.

2. Teacher will show pictures on the promethean board of their belongings such as a

picture of their snack box or them playing with a ball at home to connect it to real life

experiences. Students will get the chance to think aloud and name the shape they see

in the pictures. Teacher will use popsicle sticks to call out the name to check their

background knowledge.

3. The concept will be then reinforced by reading a book on mouse shapes. Students’

understanding of the concept will be questioned on each page by asking if they can

recognize the shape. Students will be asked questions for critical thinking based on

the pictures in the book.

 Can you count the number of mice?

 What word do we use when we have more than one mouse?

 What object do you see when the mouse connected the triangle to the

 What do you call the hairs on the cat’s cheeks.

 What is the cheese made up of ?

4. Students will be invited to play some games with each other using a ball. They will sit

facing each other and play the game of passing the ball. Teachers will also sit with

one student and ask the students to tell their partner what shape they think ball is.

After reinforcing the key vocabulary words (circle), teachers will show the kids how

to roll the ball to each other. Teachers will sing a song while passing the ball to a

student facing her. “Circle is like ball, round and round , it never stops, a circle like a

ball.” Students will be encouraged to sing the song while passing the ball to each


5. Students will then be invited to play on the kids slide on the carpet. Teachers will

model using a baby and sing a song about tringles. “Triangle has 3 sides, up the

mountain , down and back, triangle has 3 sides.”

6. Students will be invited to take turns on the slide and sing along to the triangle song.

7. After some students have a turn , they will be introduced to the shape of the square.

The shape will be explained using a box.

8. Teachers will then ask students to walk around the classroom and find squares. They

will be called back by ringing a bell.

9. Students will then be asked to share their objects with their partners.  Once time has

been given to share their object, Teachers will model the song for the square by

singing a song on the square “ Square is like a box, a square is like a box, it has four

sides, they are the same. Square is like a box.”

10. Teachers will then invite students to form different objects just like those mice in the

book using foam blocks. Teacher will make intentional groups and students will be
invited to work with their partner. Teachers will scaffold by visiting each group and

observing their ideas.

11. Students will be given an opportunity to share their group work with other classmates

and teacher by inviting groups one by one.

12. To review the lesson, teachers will draw some objects on the easel and call upon

individual students to come forward and name the shapes that make that object.

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