Language Goals and Data Grades 1-2

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Stepping Stones to Language Proficiency

Language Goals
Descriptors for Each
Domain & Level

Student Progress
Monitoring Graphs
Data Trackers
Table of Contents
pg. 3 - Language Goals Overview
pg. 4 - How To Use
pg. 5 - Goal Setting in Action
pgs. 6 - 9 - Option 1 - Student Notebook Language Goals for each individual domain
pg. 10 - Option 2 - Student Notebook Language Goals for two domains
pg. 11 - Option 3 - Student Notebook Language Goals for all 4 Domains
pgs. 12 - 16 - Listening Descriptors
pgs. 17 - 21 - Reading Descriptors
pgs. 22 - 26 - Speaking Descriptors
pgs. 27 - 31 - Writing Descriptors
pgs. 32 - 36 - Student Listening Goal Graphs
pgs. 37 - 41 - Student Reading Goal Graphs
pgs. 42 - 46 - Student Speaking Goal Graphs
pgs. 47 - 51 - Student Writing Goal Graphs
pgs. 52 - 55 - Grade 1 - Data Tracking Sheets for EACH Domain
pg. 56 - Grade 1 - OPTION 2 - Single Data Tracking Sheet for ANY domain
pg. 57 - Grade 1 - Current and Previous Scores data sheet
pgs. 58 - 61 - Grade 2 - Data Tracking Sheets for Each Domain
pg. 62 - Grade 2 - OPTION 2 - Single Data Tracking Sheet for ANY domain
pg. 63 - Grade 2 - Current and Previous Scores data sheet
pg. 64 - MULTI Grade - Data Tracking Sheet for ANY domain
pg. 65 - MULTI Grade - Current and Previous Scores
pg. 66 - Goals “At a Glance” - jot down which students have goals in each
domain for quick reference
pgs. 67 - 70 Goal Planning Sheets for each domain - or Group Goal Display
pgs. 71 - 74 - Goals “Student Lists”
pgs. 75 - 86 - Binder Cover Options - 12 cover choices, watercolor designs
pgs. 87 - 89 - Goals, Data and Domain Descriptors Divider Pages
pg. 90 - Back Cover page for your Language Goals binder
pg. 91 - Action Photos
pg. 92 - Terms of Use
Resources used for the domain descriptors:
WIDA Performance Definitions
WIDA Speaking and Writing Interpretive Rubrics
WIDA CAN DO Descriptors
WIDA CAN DO Descriptors Name Charts
WIDA Can Do Descriptors by Domain, Proficiency level, and Key Use of language 2019 © Kristen Vibas

Language Goals Overview
Setting language goals with English learners allow students to become active
participants in their language acquisition progress. When students know where they
are academically, and where they need to be by a given time, the goals and the
progress needed become clearer. They know what they are working towards, and
what they can do to get there.
It is recommended to set goals with students individually at the beginning of the year.
Initially, you’ll analyze their WIDA ACCESS score reports. This is the language
acquisition assessment English Learners take once a year in the majority of the United
States. If your state does not participate in the WIDA ACCESS assessments, then you’d
use your own state/district assessments. It is good practice to provide your own
informal assessments at the beginning of the school year, such as a quick writing
prompt, reading assessment, oral interview and a listening skills activity. Once you
have a good idea of where your students are currently, and what they CAN DO, the
next step is to determine where they need to be by the end of the school year. My
state determines what is “adequate progress.” It is not always one whole level up.
You may want to check what your state considers to be “adequate progress.” I
typically set goals to improve one whole level up. That is truly where I want my
students to be.
I usually set two goals with my students. For example, if a student is progressing at an
appropriate rate in reading and listening, but is weaker in writing and speaking, my
focus with that student will be to create a writing and speaking goal for the year. Of
course we will still be working on reading and listening skills, but the goal is to
measurably increase the weaker skills by the end of the school year. If they are
progressing in all areas but one, then they’ll have just one language goal for the year.
I recommend providing some sort of formative assessments for the particular domains
at incremental stages throughout the year, such as at the beginning, middle and end
of the year. After these assessments you’ll want to make time to meet individually with
students to conference on their progress. This is when you may revisit the steps
needed to reach their goal(s). It’s also at this time that students chart their progress.
Charting their own progress provides a great visual and is highly motivating for
Keep in mind that when setting goals with your students, you’ll want to make the
goals challenging, yet attainable. Support students as needed when writing their
goals. For primary students, you may need to write the goal for them. Perhaps you’ll
make a whole group language goal, if you have a group with similar needs.
Your students will love seeing their progression from the beginning of the year (BOY) to
the end of the year (EOY). Making students’ language progress visual provides a
concrete road map for getting students where they need to be.
This resource has many pieces. The intent is to allow you to customize in order to fit the
needs of you and your students. 2019 © Kristen Vibas
How To Use
1. Analyze score reports or assessments at the beginning of the year in order to know your
students’ current proficiency levels. Then, determine the domains you want your students to set
their goals in.
Use the Domain Descriptors pages that coincide with the level of your students and the domain
goals you’ve determined. For example, a student needs to set a writing goal and he/she is
currently a level 3. Use the Writing Descriptors sheet for levels 3/4. Go over the different
descriptors listed in level 4 and choose one or two that are challenging, yet attainable.

2. Conference with each student. This should probably take place 2-3 weeks into the year so
that you are able get to know your students better first. You may cluster a small group to
conference if they have similar goals, but most likely you’ll conference individually.
The domain descriptor pages can be used to talk about what your students are currently able
to do. At the beginning of the year, check off the skills they can do from the left side of the
page. This sheet should be kept with your record keeping, but you could make a copy for
students to keep in their folders or notebooks. I also recommend checking off the descriptors in
different colors throughout the year so that you can easily distinguish the progress being made.
For example, BOY, use a yellow highlighter, MOY use an orange highlighter, EOY use a green
highlighter. This allows you to see when the descriptor skills were acquired.

3. Give each student the half page Language Goal sheet. Then from the right side of the
descriptors page, agree on a couple of the skills needed from the next level up. Create an
appropriate goal using kid friendly terms. Help your students create an “I will be able to…”
sentence. Remember to make it challenging, yet attainable. You may choose one descriptor,
or more than one to include in this goal setting sentence. Students will be referring back to this
statement during future conferences.
Next, include two steps students can actively take to help them reach their goal. For example: a
language goal is in writing, going from a level 3 to 4 might have a goal statement that reads, “I
will be able to explain a process using details and transition words.” The steps towards reaching
the goal may be, 1- “I can use the pictures of a process to write about each step. I can answer
Wh- questions to add details.” 2- “I can use a word wall to help me spell transition words. Each
time I write about a new step in the process, I will add a transition word.” This Goal page gets
glued into notebooks or placed into student folders.
The filling out of the Language Goals page should be supported as needed for primary students
and newcomers. You may choose, depending on your students, that the Graphing Chart is all
that you want your students to keep up with. You could create a whole group goal, again if the
needs are similar, but it’s going to depend on the needs of you particular students. You can
keep track of their progress on the Descriptors page for your own personal data. Do what works
best for you and your students.

5. Give students the Goal Graph for their domain goal. Depending on how many goals your
students have, more than one graph may be needed. Students glue the goal graph into their
notebooks next to their Language Goal page. With a colored pencil they graph their current
proficiency level. In a few months, when you conference again, they’ll review the descriptors
page with you. You’ll check off the new skills they are able to do and then they’ll shade in the
next column of their graph(s), charting the progress they’ve made so far.
You’ll conference one last time at the end of the year to go over the descriptors, their charted
graph and discuss their success with meeting their language goals. 2019 © Kristen Vibas

Goal Setting
#1 - Choose a domain to set a goal.
Example: My student’s current reading level is 2.5, according to their WIDA ACCESS
score report. This student did not make adequate progress in this domain, so I want to
set a reading goal of 3.5 for this student.

#2 - Use the Reading descriptors checklist to determine what skills the student CAN DO currently, and what
skills they’ll need to be able to do in order to reach the next level. Choose one or two descriptors
from the next level to help create the goal.
#3 – Create a goal for your student. Conference about 2.5
what steps he/she can take to help reach the goal. 3.5


Make text to self connections, and match

phrases and sentences to pictures

When I finish a book, I will practice thinking

about what the story reminded me of.
I can use clues from the words and pictures
to help me match correctly. Maria

#5 – Tell the student

#4 – Use the descriptors where to color/highlight
checklist throughout the on their graph. Share
year to track progress. with them the new skills
Highlight in a different they’ve learned. If a
color for the beginning, student is not making
middle and end of the progress, revisit the goal
year to show when skills and/or steps towards
have been acquired reaching the goal. 2019 © Kristen Vibas

Language Goal

Listening I will be able to …

Steps To Reach My Goal:



Language Goal
Listening I will be able to …

Steps To Reach My Goal:


2. 2019 © Kristen Vibas

Language Goal

Reading I will be able to …

Steps To Reach My Goal:



Language Goal
Reading I will be able to …

Steps To Reach My Goal:


2. 2019 © Kristen Vibas

Language Goal

Speaking I will be able to …

Steps To Reach My Goal:



Language Goal
Speaking I will be able to …

Steps To Reach My Goal:


2. 2019 © Kristen Vibas

Language Goal

Writing I will be able to …

Steps To Reach My Goal:



Language Goal
Writing I will be able to …

Steps To Reach My Goal:


2. 2019 © Kristen Vibas

Language Goals
Circle One I will be able to …

Steps Towards Reaching My Goal:


Circle One I will be able to …

Steps Towards Reaching My Goal:



Language Goals
Circle One I will be able to …

Steps Towards Reaching My Goal:


Circle One I will be able to …

Steps Towards Reaching My Goal:


2. 2019 © Kristen Vibas
Language Goals

I will be able to …

I will be able to …

I will be able to …

I will be able to …

Language Goals
I will be able to …

I will be able to …

I will be able to …

I will be able to … 2019 © Kristen Vibas

I can… I can…

Match key words to Match oral reading of

illustrations stories with illustrations

Point to content related Point to objects, places

objects or illustrations or characters from

Identify everyday objects Locate described objects

Evaluate options for

Recognize familiar words
personal choices from
in conversations
simple sentences

Follow two or three step

Follow one step directions

Sequence information
Show agreement or
using real objects or

Answer questions about Sort facts and opinions

likes and preferences

Gesture from given Act out statements

statements (e.g., This is using real life
my head.) objects 2019 © Kristen Vibas

I can… I can…

Match oral reading of Match people with jobs or

stories with illustrations objects

Point to objects, places Connect spoken ideas with

or characters from own experiences

Locate described objects Identify illustrated cycles

Evaluate options for

Find, select and order
personal choices from
simple sentences

Follow two or three step Follow multi-step oral

directions directions

Sequence information Sequence pictures of read

using real objects or aloud stories from
pictures beginning, middle and end

Sort facts and opinions Classify objects according

to descriptions

Act out statements using Classify pros and

real life objects cons of issues 2019 © Kristen Vibas

I can… I can…

Identify characters, plot

Match people with jobs or
and settings from stories
read aloud

Connect spoken ideas with Compare/contrast objects’

own experiences physical attributes based
on descriptions
Find details in illustrated,
Identify illustrated cycles narrative or expository
text read aloud

Find, select and order Identify illustrated

information activities from descriptions

Follow illustrated content-

Follow multi-step oral
related procedures shared
Sequence pictures of read Locate objects, people and
aloud stories from places based on detailed
beginning, middle and end descriptions

Classify objects according Organize real-life objects

to descriptions based on oral comparisons

Apply key
Classify pros and cons of
information about
processes 2019 © Kristen Vibas

I can… I can…

Identify characters, plot Identify examples and

and settings from stories reasons that support an
read aloud opinion
Compare/contrast objects’ Use context clues to gain
physical attributes based meaning from grade level
on descriptions text read aloud
Find details in illustrated, Recall key information and
narrative or expository details about concepts
text read aloud discussed orally
Follow multi-step
Identify illustrated
directions during content
activities from descriptions
related activities
Follow illustrated content- Interpret information from
related procedures shared oral reading of narrative or
orally expository text
Locate objects, people and Construct models based on
places based on detailed extended instructions
Identify ideas/concepts
Organize real-life objects expressed with grade level
based on oral comparisons content specific language

Apply key information Apply ideas from

about processes discussions to
new situations 2019 © Kristen Vibas

I can… I can…

Identify examples and Match relevant details to

reasons that support an main ideas presented in
opinion discussions
Use context clues to gain
meaning from grade level Identify different genres
text read aloud from multiple read aloud

Recall key information and

Synthesize information
details about concepts
from multiple speakers
discussed orally
Follow multi-step Recognize language that
directions during content conveys information with
related activities precision and accuracy
Interpret information from
Identify reasons authors
oral reading of narrative or
give to support points
expository text
Create models or visuals
Construct models based on
to represent detailed
extended instructions information presented orally

Identify ideas/concepts Identify strengths and

expressed with grade level weaknesses from different
content specific language points of view

Apply ideas from Distinguish between

discussions to new opinions and reasons
situations in oral discourse 2019 © Kristen Vibas

I can… I can…

Search for pictures

Identify symbols in
associated with word
environmental print

Connect print to visuals Identify repetitive words

and phrases in text

Match real life objects

Match voice to print
with labels

Match vocabulary to
Identify main ideas
illustrated stories

Follow directions using Sequence pictures, events

pictures or diagrams and steps in processes

Understand short text with Identify characters and

illustrations and simple and events in simple texts with
familiar language pictures

Sort objects according to Identify information

their use based on labeled related to events from
illustrations graphics (calendar, job chart,

Categorize labeled Sort words into

pictures or photographs word families 2019 © Kristen Vibas

I can… I can…

Search for pictures

Make text to self
associated with word
connections with prompting

Identify Wh- words in

Identify repetitive words
and phrases in text (who, what, when, where)

Match phrases and

Match voice to print
sentences to pictures

Identify main information that

Identify main ideas tells who, what, when or where
something happened

Sequence pictures, events Identify steps in written

and steps in processes processes or procedures

Identify characters and

events in simple texts with Select titles to match a
pictures series of pictures

Identify information
related to events from Identify persuasive words
(must, have to, should)
graphics (calendar, job chart,
Sort illustrated
Sort words into content words
word families into categories 2019 © Kristen Vibas

I can… I can…

Make text to self Make connections between

connections with prompting a variety of texts

Identify Wh- words in

questions Identify main topics
(who, what, when, where)

Identify main idea and

Match phrases and
details of fictional and
sentences to pictures
nonfictional texts
Identify main information that Identify basic elements
tells who, what, when or where
of fictional stories
something happened

Identify steps in written Find details in illustrated

processes or procedures informational texts

Select titles to match a Determine the author’s

series of pictures point of view

Identify persuasive words Recognize diverse

(must, have to, should) perspectives

Sort illustrated Distinguish view

content words points described
into categories in texts 2019 © Kristen Vibas

I can… I can…

Make connections between Compare ideas across a

a variety of texts variety of texts

Identify main topics Summarize information on

a variety of topics

Identify main idea and

details of fictional and Identify cause and effect
nonfictional texts events

Identify basic elements Begin to use non-fiction

of fictional stories text features to aid with

Find details in illustrated Identify steps of content

informational texts related processes

Use learning strategies

Determine the author’s (ex., context clues, infer,
point of view use background knowledge)

Recognize diverse Order content related events

according to information in
illustrated texts
Match figurative
Distinguish view points
language to
described in texts
illustrations 2019 © Kristen Vibas

I can… I can…

Compare ideas across a Compare and contrast two

variety of texts texts on the same topic

Summarize information on Distinguish between various

a variety of topics processes based on details

Identify who is telling the

Identify cause and effect story at various points in
events a text
Begin to use non-fiction Identify words and
text features to aid with phrases related to cause
comprehension and effect

Identify steps of content Identify reasons for

related processes actions in stories and poems

Use learning strategies Predict meaning of words

(ex., context clues, infer, based on clues from
use background knowledge) sentence level context

Order content related events Evaluate written

according to information in information from various
illustrated texts sources

Match figurative language Conduct research

to illustrations and synthesize
information 2019 © Kristen Vibas

I can… I can…

Use everyday words and

Repeat words and phrases

Respond with a yes or no, Respond with a short

or gestures sentence

Respond with a single State a fact

word or short phrase

Ask a simple question Share ideas or events

that have happened

Describe characters and

Answer a simple question
settings in books

Use some social language Use general language to

explain a cycle

Identify some basic Compare 2 things

vocabulary (objects, people,

Express a personal
Express opinions
preference - for example,
I like pizza. I do not like hot dogs. 2019 © Kristen Vibas

I can… I can…

Use everyday words and Use several connected

phrases short sentences

Respond with a short Use simple and compound

sentence sentences

Participate in short
State a fact conversations on familiar

Share ideas or events Share ideas and include

that have happened details

Describe characters and Retell simple stories

settings in books

Use general language to Use some specific content

explain a cycle language

Compare 2 things Describe a process or

(objects, people, events) procedure

Express opinions Give opinions

with reasons 2019 © Kristen Vibas

I can… I can…

Use several connected Use some longer, more

short sentences expanded sentences

Use simple and compound Use compound and short

sentences complex sentences

Participate in short Participate in longer

conversations on familiar conversations on specific
topics subjects

Share ideas and include Recall information and

details include some details

Retell simple stories Compare stories or


Share ideas from content

Use some specific content areas; use specific
language content language

Describe a process or Summarize information


Express opinions,
Give opinions with reasons and provide
detailed reasons 2019 © Kristen Vibas

I can… I can…

Use some longer, more Use expressions with

expanded sentences correct meaning

Use compound and short

Use complex sentences
complex sentences

Participate in longer
conversations on specific Explain ideas

Recall information and Discuss the causes of

include some details events

Compare stories or Compare ideas across

concepts texts

Share ideas from content Use technical and content

areas; use specific language
content language

Summarize and report

Summarize information

Express opinions, and Express and defend

provide detailed reasons opinions with
reasons and
examples 2019 © Kristen Vibas

I can… I can…

Use expressions with Respond to multiple

correct meaning points of view

Clarify how or why

Use complex sentences
something happened

Use appropriate word

Explain ideas choice appropriate
for the task and situation

Discuss the causes of Explain how or why

events something happens

Compare ideas across Compare and contrast

texts ideas across texts

Use technical and content Fluently use academic

language language with precision

Summarize and report Present on researched

information information

Express and defend Persuade using

opinions with reasons opinions, reasons
and examples and examples 2019 © Kristen Vibas

I can… I can…

Produce simple sentences

Copy words about likes, wants and

Copy phrases Add information to

graphic organizers

Answer WH- questions Answer WH- questions

with a single word with a short phrase

Use a variety of strategies Provide facts about a topic

to write a word

Communicate using Describe pictures using

illustrations or symbols phrases or short sentences

Share personal experiences State simple steps in a

through drawings process

Label steps in a process

Express an opinion about
using illustrations and
a topic
word walls/bank
Label visuals and
Express ideas through graphics in
simple text content areas 2019 © Kristen Vibas

I can… I can…

Produce simple sentences Develop prewriting

about likes, wants and strategies (e.g., graphic
needs organizers)

Add information to
Use expanding sentences
graphic organizers

Answer WH- questions Create a story with a

with a short phrase beginning, middle and end

Provide multiple facts,

Provide facts about a topic
or ideas, about a topic

Describe pictures using Describe personal

phrases or short sentences experiences

Describe processes or
State simple steps in a
procedures with some

Express an opinion about Give opinions with reasons

a topic (a few short sentences)

Label visuals and graphics Use content area

in content areas vocabulary 2019 © Kristen Vibas

I can… I can…

Develop prewriting Use appropriate mechanics

strategies (e.g., graphic and grammatical structures
organizers) often

Use expanding and

Use expanding sentences
complex sentences

Create a story with a Create stories with details

beginning, middle and end of characters and events

Provide multiple facts, Produce a series of related

or ideas, about a topic sentences using transition
words (first, next, then, finally)

Describe personal Describe first hand

experiences observations

Describe processes or Explain a process or

procedures with some procedure with details
details or examples

Give opinions with reasons Give opinions with detailed

(a few short sentences) reasons

Use content area Use specific

vocabulary content area
vocabulary 2019 © Kristen Vibas

I can… I can…

Use appropriate mechanics Use appropriate mechanics

and grammatical structures and grammatical structures
often most of the time

Use expanding and Write a paragraph with

complex sentences cohesive supporting details

Create stories with

Create stories with details
sequential or transition
of characters and events

Produce a series of related Edit stories using a rubric

sentences using transition or checklist
words (first, next, then, finally)

Describe first hand Describe causes and

observations effects of actions

Explain a process or Explain processes or

procedure with details procedures using a series
or examples of connected sentences

Give opinions with detailed Give opinions with reasons,

reasons examples or evidence

Use specific content Create content

area vocabulary related sentences 2019 © Kristen Vibas

I can… I can…

Use appropriate mechanics Consistent use of

and grammatical structures appropriate mechanics and
most of the time grammatical structures
Write a paragraph with
Write a paragraph with
a topic and supporting
cohesive supporting details
Create stories with Create stories with
sequential or transition sequential events

Edit stories using a rubric Edit and revise stories

or checklist using a rubric or checklist

Describe causes and Predict how stories or

effects of actions events might end

Explain processes or Write narrative sequences

procedures using a series from timelines or labeled
of connected sentences illustrations

Give opinions with reasons, Use persuasive language in

examples or evidence a variety of sentences

Write about
Create content related content related
sentences topics that
includes facts 2019 © Kristen Vibas

My current level in listening is ________. My Listening Goal
1 2
My goal for this school year is ________.
I can do everything
in level 2
I can do most things
in level 2
I can do many things
in level 2
I can do some things
in level 2
I can do everything
in level 1
I can do most things
in level 1
I can do many things
in level 1
I can do some things
in level 1


My current level in listening is ________. My Listening Goal

My goal for this school year is ________.
1 2
I can do everything
in level 2
I can do most things
in level 2
I can do many things
in level 2
I can do some things
in level 2
I can do everything
in level 1
I can do most things
in level 1
I can do many things
in level 1
I can do some things
in level 1

BOY MOY EOY 2019 © Kristen Vibas

My current level in listening is ________. My Listening Goal
2 3
My goal for this school year is ________.
I can do everything
in level 3
I can do most things
in level 3
I can do many things
in level 3
I can do some things
in level 3
I can do everything
in level 2
I can do most things
in level 2
I can do many things
in level 2
I can do some things
in level 2


My current level in listening is ________. My Listening Goal

My goal for this school year is ________.
2 3
I can do everything
in level 3
I can do most things
in level 3
I can do many things
in level 3
I can do some things
in level 3
I can do everything
in level 2
I can do most things
in level 2
I can do many things
in level 2
I can do some things
in level 2

BOY MOY EOY 2019 © Kristen Vibas

My current level in listening is ________. My Listening Goal
3 4
My goal for this school year is ________.
I can do everything
in level 4
I can do most things
in level 4
I can do many things
in level 4
I can do some things
in level 4
I can do everything
in level 3
I can do most things
in level 3
I can do many things
in level 3
I can do some things
in level 3


My current level in listening is ________. My Listening Goal

My goal for this school year is ________.
3 4
I can do everything
in level 4
I can do most things
in level 4
I can do many things
in level 4
I can do some things
in level 4
I can do everything
in level 3
I can do most things
in level 3
I can do many things
in level 3
I can do some things
in level 3

BOY MOY EOY 2019 © Kristen Vibas

My current level in listening is ________. My Listening Goal
4 5
My goal for this school year is ________.
I can do everything
in level 5
I can do most things
in level 5
I can do many things
in level 5
I can do some things
in level 5
I can do everything
in level 4
I can do most things
in level 4
I can do many things
in level 4
I can do some things
in level 4


My current level in listening is ________. My Listening Goal

My goal for this school year is ________.
4 5
I can do everything
in level 5
I can do most things
in level 5
I can do many things
in level 5
I can do some things
in level 5
I can do everything
in level 4
I can do most things
in level 4
I can do many things
in level 4
I can do some things
in level 4

BOY MOY EOY 2019 © Kristen Vibas

My current level in listening is ________. My Listening Goal
5 6
My goal for this school year is ________.
I can do everything
in level 6
I can do most things
in level 6
I can do many things
in level 6
I can do some things
in level 6
I can do everything
in level 5
I can do most things
in level 5
I can do many things
in level 5
I can do some things
in level 5


My current level in listening is ________. My Listening Goal

My goal for this school year is ________.
5 6
I can do everything
in level 6
I can do most things
in level 6
I can do many things
in level 6
I can do some things
in level 6
I can do everything
in level 5
I can do most things
in level 5
I can do many things
in level 5
I can do some things
in level 5

BOY MOY EOY 2019 © Kristen Vibas

My current level in reading is ________. My Reading Goal
1 2
My goal for this school year is ________.
I can do everything
in level 2
I can do most things
in level 2
I can do many things
in level 2
I can do some things
in level 2
I can do everything
in level 1
I can do most things
in level 1
I can do many things
in level 1
I can do some things
in level 1


My current level in reading is ________. My Reading Goal

My goal for this school year is ________.
1 2
I can do everything
in level 2
I can do most things
in level 2
I can do many things
in level 2
I can do some things
in level 2
I can do everything
in level 1
I can do most things
in level 1
I can do many things
in level 1
I can do some things
in level 1

BOY MOY EOY 2019 © Kristen Vibas

My current level in reading is ________. My Reading Goal
2 3
My goal for this school year is ________.
I can do everything
in level 3
I can do most things
in level 3
I can do many things
in level 3
I can do some things
in level 3
I can do everything
in level 2
I can do most things
in level 2
I can do many things
in level 2
I can do some things
in level 2


My current level in reading is ________. My Reading Goal

My goal for this school year is ________.
2 3
I can do everything
in level 3
I can do most things
in level 3
I can do many things
in level 3
I can do some things
in level 3
I can do everything
in level 2
I can do most things
in level 2
I can do many things
in level 2
I can do some things
in level 2

BOY MOY EOY 2019 © Kristen Vibas

My current level in reading is ________. My Reading Goal
3 4
My goal for this school year is ________.
I can do everything
in level 4
I can do most things
in level 4
I can do many things
in level 4
I can do some things
in level 4
I can do everything
in level 3
I can do most things
in level 3
I can do many things
in level 3
I can do some things
in level 3


My current level in reading is ________. My Reading Goal

My goal for this school year is ________.
3 4
I can do everything
in level 4
I can do most things
in level 4
I can do many things
in level 4
I can do some things
in level 4
I can do everything
in level 3
I can do most things
in level 3
I can do many things
in level 3
I can do some things
in level 3

BOY MOY EOY 2019 © Kristen Vibas

My current level in reading is ________. My Reading Goal
4 5
My goal for this school year is ________.
I can do everything
in level 5
I can do most things
in level 5
I can do many things
in level 5
I can do some things
in level 5
I can do everything
in level 4
I can do most things
in level 4
I can do many things
in level 4
I can do some things
in level 4


My current level in reading is ________. My Reading Goal

My goal for this school year is ________.
4 5
I can do everything
in level 5
I can do most things
in level 5
I can do many things
in level 5
I can do some things
in level 5
I can do everything
in level 4
I can do most things
in level 4
I can do many things
in level 4
I can do some things
in level 4

BOY MOY EOY 2019 © Kristen Vibas

My current level in reading is ________. My Reading Goal
5 6
My goal for this school year is ________.
I can do everything
in level 6
I can do most things
in level 6
I can do many things
in level 6
I can do some things
in level 6
I can do everything
in level 5
I can do most things
in level 5
I can do many things
in level 5
I can do some things
in level 5


My current level in reading is ________. My Reading Goal

My goal for this school year is ________.
5 6
I can do everything
in level 6
I can do most things
in level 6
I can do many things
in level 6
I can do some things
in level 6
I can do everything
in level 5
I can do most things
in level 5
I can do many things
in level 5
I can do some things
in level 5

BOY MOY EOY 2019 © Kristen Vibas

My current level in speaking is ________. My Speaking Goal
1 2
My goal for this school year is ________.
I can do everything
in level 2
I can do most things
in level 2
I can do many things
in level 2
I can do some things
in level 2
I can do everything
in level 1
I can do most things
in level 1
I can do many things
in level 1
I can do some things
in level 1


My current level in speaking is ________. My Speaking Goal

My goal for this school year is ________.
1 2
I can do everything
in level 2
I can do most things
in level 2
I can do many things
in level 2
I can do some things
in level 2
I can do everything
in level 1
I can do most things
in level 1
I can do many things
in level 1
I can do some things
in level 1

BOY MOY EOY 2019 © Kristen Vibas

My current level in speaking is ________. My Speaking Goal
2 3
My goal for this school year is ________.
I can do everything
in level 3
I can do most things
in level 3
I can do many things
in level 3
I can do some things
in level 3
I can do everything
in level 2
I can do most things
in level 2
I can do many things
in level 2
I can do some things
in level 2


My current level in speaking is ________. My Speaking Goal

My goal for this school year is ________.
2 3
I can do everything
in level 3
I can do most things
in level 3
I can do many things
in level 3
I can do some things
in level 3
I can do everything
in level 2
I can do most things
in level 2
I can do many things
in level 2
I can do some things
in level 2

BOY MOY EOY 2019 © Kristen Vibas

My current level in speaking is ________. My Speaking Goal
3 4
My goal for this school year is ________.
I can do everything
in level 4
I can do most things
in level 4
I can do many things
in level 4
I can do some things
in level 4
I can do everything
in level 3
I can do most things
in level 3
I can do many things
in level 3
I can do some things
in level 3


My current level in speaking is ________. My Speaking Goal

My goal for this school year is ________.
3 4
I can do everything
in level 4
I can do most things
in level 4
I can do many things
in level 4
I can do some things
in level 4
I can do everything
in level 3
I can do most things
in level 3
I can do many things
in level 3
I can do some things
in level 3

BOY MOY EOY 2019 © Kristen Vibas

My current level in speaking is ________. My Speaking Goal
4 5
My goal for this school year is ________.
I can do everything
in level 5
I can do most things
in level 5
I can do many things
in level 5
I can do some things
in level 5
I can do everything
in level 4
I can do most things
in level 4
I can do many things
in level 4
I can do some things
in level 4


My current level in speaking is ________. My Speaking Goal

My goal for this school year is ________.
4 5
I can do everything
in level 5
I can do most things
in level 5
I can do many things
in level 5
I can do some things
in level 5
I can do everything
in level 4
I can do most things
in level 4
I can do many things
in level 4
I can do some things
in level 4

BOY MOY EOY 2019 © Kristen Vibas

My current level in speaking is ________. My Speaking Goal
5 6
My goal for this school year is ________.
I can do everything
in level 6
I can do most things
in level 6
I can do many things
in level 6
I can do some things
in level 6
I can do everything
in level 5
I can do most things
in level 5
I can do many things
in level 5
I can do some things
in level 5


My current level in speaking is ________. My Speaking Goal

My goal for this school year is ________.
5 6
I can do everything
in level 6
I can do most things
in level 6
I can do many things
in level 6
I can do some things
in level 6
I can do everything
in level 5
I can do most things
in level 5
I can do many things
in level 5
I can do some things
in level 5

BOY MOY EOY 2019 © Kristen Vibas

My current level in writing is ________. My Writing Goal
1 2
My goal for this school year is ________.
I can do everything
in level 2
I can do most things
in level 2
I can do many things
in level 2
I can do some things
in level 2
I can do everything
in level 1
I can do most things
in level 1
I can do many things
in level 1
I can do some things
in level 1


My current level in writing is ________. My Writing Goal

My goal for this school year is ________.
1 2
I can do everything
in level 2
I can do most things
in level 2
I can do many things
in level 2
I can do some things
in level 2
I can do everything
in level 1
I can do most things
in level 1
I can do many things
in level 1
I can do some things
in level 1

BOY MOY EOY 2019 © Kristen Vibas

My current level in writing is ________. My Writing Goal
2 3
My goal for this school year is ________.
I can do everything
in level 3
I can do most things
in level 3
I can do many things
in level 3
I can do some things
in level 3
I can do everything
in level 2
I can do most things
in level 2
I can do many things
in level 2
I can do some things
in level 2


My current level in writing is ________. My Writing Goal

My goal for this school year is ________.
2 3
I can do everything
in level 3
I can do most things
in level 3
I can do many things
in level 3
I can do some things
in level 3
I can do everything
in level 2
I can do most things
in level 2
I can do many things
in level 2
I can do some things
in level 2

BOY MOY EOY 2019 © Kristen Vibas

My current level in writing is ________. My Writing Goal
3 4
My goal for this school year is ________.
I can do everything
in level 4
I can do most things
in level 4
I can do many things
in level 4
I can do some things
in level 4
I can do everything
in level 3
I can do most things
in level 3
I can do many things
in level 3
I can do some things
in level 3


My current level in writing is ________. My Writing Goal

My goal for this school year is ________.
3 4
I can do everything
in level 4
I can do most things
in level 4
I can do many things
in level 4
I can do some things
in level 4
I can do everything
in level 3
I can do most things
in level 3
I can do many things
in level 3
I can do some things
in level 3

BOY MOY EOY 2019 © Kristen Vibas

My current level in writing is ________. My Writing Goal
4 5
My goal for this school year is ________.
I can do everything
in level 5
I can do most things
in level 5
I can do many things
in level 5
I can do some things
in level 5
I can do everything
in level 4
I can do most things
in level 4
I can do many things
in level 4
I can do some things
in level 4


My current level in writing is ________. My Writing Goal

My goal for this school year is ________.
4 5
I can do everything
in level 5
I can do most things
in level 5
I can do many things
in level 5
I can do some things
in level 5
I can do everything
in level 4
I can do most things
in level 4
I can do many things
in level 4
I can do some things
in level 4

BOY MOY EOY 2019 © Kristen Vibas

My current level in writing is ________. My Writing Goal
5 6
My goal for this school year is ________.
I can do everything
in level 6
I can do most things
in level 6
I can do many things
in level 6
I can do some things
in level 6
I can do everything
in level 5
I can do most things
in level 5
I can do many things
in level 5
I can do some things
in level 5


My current level in writing is ________. My Writing Goal

My goal for this school year is ________.
5 6
I can do everything
in level 6
I can do most things
in level 6
I can do many things
in level 6
I can do some things
in level 6
I can do everything
in level 5
I can do most things
in level 5
I can do many things
in level 5
I can do some things
in level 5

BOY MOY EOY 2019 © Kristen Vibas

Listening Goals Grade 1
Data Tracker
Student BOY MOY EOY Met Goal Note 2019 © Kristen Vibas

Reading Goals Grade 1
Data Tracker
Student BOY MOY EOY Met Goal Note 2019 © Kristen Vibas

Speaking Goals Grade 1
Data Tracker
Student BOY MOY EOY Met Goal Note 2019 © Kristen Vibas

Writing Goals Grade 1
Data Tracker
Student BOY MOY EOY Met Goal Note 2019 © Kristen Vibas

Grade 1 Language Goals Data
Listening Reading Speaking Writing
Student Domain Goal BOY MOY EOY Met Goal 2019 © Kristen Vibas

Grade 1 - Student Scores current and Previous
Student Year Listening Reading Speaking Writing Note





















Previous 2019 © Kristen Vibas

Listening Goals Grade 2
Data Tracker
Student BOY MOY EOY Met Goal Note 2019 © Kristen Vibas

Grade 2
Reading Goals Data Tracker
Student BOY MOY EOY Met Goal Note 2019 © Kristen Vibas

Speaking Goals Grade 2
Data Tracker
Student BOY MOY EOY Met Goal Note 2019 © Kristen Vibas

Writing Goals Grade 2
Data Tracker
Student BOY MOY EOY Met Goal Note 2019 © Kristen Vibas

Grade 2 Language Goals Data
Listening Reading Speaking Writing
Student Domain Goal BOY MOY EOY Met Goal 2019 © Kristen Vibas

Grade 2 - Student Scores current and Previous
Student Year Listening Reading Speaking Writing Note





















Previous 2019 © Kristen Vibas

Language Goals Data
Listening Reading Speaking Writing
Student Grade Domain Goal BOY MOY EOY Met Goal 2019 © Kristen Vibas

Student Scores current and Previous
Student Grade Year Listening Reading Speaking Writing Note





















Previous 2019 © Kristen Vibas


Listening Reading

Speaking Writing 2019 © Kristen Vibas

GOALS 2019 © Kristen Vibas

GOALS 2019 © Kristen Vibas

GOALS 2019 © Kristen Vibas

GOALS 2019 © Kristen Vibas

Listening Goals Student list
Student Current Level Goal Note 2019 © Kristen Vibas

Reading Goals Student list
Student Current Level Goal Note 2019 © Kristen Vibas

Speaking Goals Student list
Student Current Level Goal Note 2019 © Kristen Vibas

Writing Goals Student list
Student Current Level Goal Note 2019 © Kristen Vibas

Goals 2019 © Kristen Vibas

Goals 2019 © Kristen Vibas

Goals 2019 © Kristen Vibas

Goals 2019 © Kristen Vibas

Goals 2019 © Kristen Vibas
Goals & 2019 © Kristen Vibas

Goals 2019 © Kristen Vibas
Goals 2019 © Kristen Vibas
Goals 2019 © Kristen Vibas

Goals 2019 © Kristen Vibas

Goals 2019 © Kristen Vibas

Goals 2019 © Kristen Vibas

GOALS 2019 © Kristen Vibas

DATA 2019 © Kristen Vibas

Grades 1-2 2019 © Kristen Vibas 2019 © Kristen Vibas
Photos in Action 2019 © Kristen Vibas

Terms of Use: Purchasing a license for this product provides permission for
the purchaser to use with his/her students. Redistributing to others, a whole school or
a school district, is not allowable. (Additional licenses for individual, schools and
districts are available.) Posting any portion of this resource on the internet without
permission from the author, Kristen Vibas, is strictly forbidden and is a violation of
the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). This includes, but is not limited to, down-
loading to a school or classroom website, or a shared school server.

copyright©2019 Kristen Vibas All rights reserved by author.

Permission to copy and use is for the purchaser only.

Thank you for your support! I truly hope that you find this resource
to be helpful, and that your students find it to be motivating.
If you have any questions or comments about this resource,
please contact me at .

Let’s Stay Connected!

Graphics By: 2019 © Kristen Vibas

Resources that Support English Learners

12 month bundle available 2019 © Kristen Vibas

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