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Median for Ungrouped Data Median for Grouped Data

A data set has n number of observations

median = L + n -cf h ( (
If n is odd , 2 f

( n+1
2 (
median = term Where
L = Lower limit of median class
If n is even , n = Total frequency
cf = Cumulative frequency of the class preceeding
term + n+2
( n2 ( ( (
2 the median class
median = f = Frequency of the median class
h= Class width
When the data is arranged either in ascending or descending order

Mode is the value which occurs most frequently in a set of observations

Mode for Ungrouped Data
i.e. number with highest frequency

Mode for Grouped Data Where f2 = frequency of class succeeding

L = Lower limit of modal class modal class
mode = L +
( fm- f1
( fm= Frequency of modal class
f1 = frequency of class preceeding modal class
f = Frequency of the median class
h= Width of modal class

Measures of Dispersion Measures of Dispersion or variation provides an idea of how observations are
spread out or scattered throughout the data

Different Measures of Dispersion

(1) Range (2) Mean deviation (3) Quartile deviation (4) Standard deviation (5) Variance (6) Coefficient of Variance

Range The difference between the largest value and the smallest value is called Range.

Range = L - S Coefficient of Range = L - S L = Largest value
S = Smallest value

Mean Deviation For a given data with n observations x1, x2, x3..., xn , the deviation from mean x is given by,
Σ |xi- x|
Mean Deviation = n

Variance The mean of the square of deviations from mean is called variance, denoted by σ2.
Σ (xi- x)2
σ =

Standard deviation
The positive square root of variance is called as standard deviation, Σ (xi- x)2
denoted by σ σ = n

Standard deviation for Ungrouped Data Standard deviation for Grouped Data

(1) Direct method (2) Mean method

n Where
Σ fidi2
i=1 di= (xi- x)
[ ]
n n 2 n Where
Σ x2i Σ di2
Σ xi Σ fi
σ= i=1 - i=1 σ = i=1
di= (xi- x) i=1 fi= Frequency value of the
n n n corresponding data points xi

Coefficient of It is the ratio of standard deviation to the mean of data. It is expressed σ

C.V.= x 100%
variation in percentage and used to compare two or more data sets. x

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