03 The Drawbridge Dilemma

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The Drawbridge Dilemma

Adam was the bridge tender of a railroad drawbridge. His job was to ensure that boats and
trains passed safely on the bridge.
One day, he took his eight-year-old son with him to work.
At the bridge, Adam goes into the engine room and tells his son to stay at the edge of the
nearby lake.
A ship is coming, so Adam lifts the bridge.
Though supposed to arrive an hour later, a train filled with passengers also happens to
Adam’s son sees this and tries to warn his father.
But Adam wasn’t paying attention and is unaware of the oncoming train.
Just as the oncoming train approaches, his son tries to lower the bridge, but falls into the
drawbridge gear works, leaving Adam with a horrific choice: (A) to save the train by
lowering the bridge but crush his son; or (B) to save his son by leaving the bridge open, and
allowing the train to crash.
What should Adam do?

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