Midterms - Theories-of-Personality - Answer Key

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(Theories of Personality)
Second Semester A.Y. 2022-2023
VISION: A dynamic and proactive university in Asia dedicated to excellence in providing learner-centered
education, research, and sustainable community service towards the attainment of a better quality of life.

MISSION: To revolutionize education by purposively linking quality education, training, and research with
community service in pursuing the holistic development of individuals through innovative programs and
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St. Dominic College of Asia aims to:
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2. Actively promote research and the utilization of new technology for the enhancement of individual
3. Assume leadership role in addressing the concerns of the academic community towards improving
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St. Dominic College of Asia performs its various roles toward the achievement of its Vision-Mission-Goals
as it anchors itself on a four-point set of core values:
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Name: Date:
Instructor: Ms. Karmela Dawn F. Banlaygas

Instructions: On this Multiple-Choice Examination, each item is followed by a series of possible answers.
Encircle the letter of the best answer.


1. Horney believed that personality was typified by

a. a balance use of the neurotic trends in a neurotic personality.
b. a lack of struggle in the use of the neurotic trends in a healthy individual.
c. a balance between the idealized self-image and real self
d. a consistency in the organismic self and the ideal self

2. Unlike his siblings, Timmy is lax when it comes to her studies. He would normally be absent or
when he comes to school he is usually late or drunk. Everyone was surprise to see his studying
and preparing for the board exams. He had proved them wrong when he aced the board exam
and now a well- known psychologist. What theory can explain the change in Timmy’s behavior?
a. Horney
b. Fromm
c. Sullivan
d. Adler

3. _______________ theory maximized the role of the unconscious in shaping a person’s

a. Trait
b. Humanistic
c. Psychoanalytic
d. Behaviorist
4. The need to arise above ones passive accident is called ________________.
a. Individualization
b. Self-actualization
c. Transcendence
d. Style of Life

5. “To pamper a child is the same as to neglect the need of a child.” This statement is given by which
a. Erich Fromm
b. Harry Sullivan
c. Alfred Adler
d. Melanie Klein

6. Safeguarding tendencies present exaggerated feelings of superiority against ________________.

a. Anxiety
b. Guilt
c. Public Disgrace
d. Fear

7. Horney believed that cultural conditions are largely responsible for the development of
a. Basic trust
b. Basic Mistrust
c. Basic Anxiety
d. Basic Hostility

8. The Psychoanalytic Social Theory postulates that a competitive and hostile society encourages
a. Hatred
b. Love
c. Isolation
d. Success

9. Erich Fromm views anxiety as __________________________.

a. result of repressed sexuality
b. part of the human condition
c. neurotic symptom that needs to be cured
d. result of faulty learning

10. Horney regarded the idealized self- image and self-hatred as ____________________.
a. interpersonal conflicts
b. psychosexual conflicts
c. basic conflicts
d. intrapsychic conflicts

11. Which of the following is an example of a circular thinking commonly manifested among the
psychoanalytic psychologist.
a. Men are basically for they are made in the image and likeness of God
b. Men and women’s behavior both exhibit behaviors that was influenced from biological,
social and cultural factors.
c. Behaviors that are unlearned leads to primary thought process when unlearned leads to
secondary thought process.
d. Stella is a leader where people listen to her. When people listen to her she demonstrates

12. Vince experiences headaches every time he is asked to turn in his projects. What Adlerian concept
explainshis Vince’s behavior?
a. Style of Life
b. Final Fictionalism
c. Organ Dialect
d. Physical deficiency

13. According to Adler, the creative power _______________________________________________.

a. Usually leads to outstanding accomplishments and being successful in the long run.
b. Shapes one’s style of life.
c. Is a deterministic and optimistic concept.
d. Is a secondary to heredity and environment in shaping personality.

14. Noelle is usually reserved and believes that she needs to do her best all the time so she could gain
approval from the people in their community. She operates on the belief that “If I give in, I won’t
get hurt”. What neurotic trend is Noelle using?
a. Moving away
b. Moving Toward
c. Moving Against
d. Being stagnant

15. Sheldon has very few friends. When he is with his colleagues, he acts high and mighty like them;
when he is around his childhood friends he gets geeky and plays online games with them and
when he is at home appears very dependent to his mother the way that his mom is dependent to
his granny. Sheldon’s personality according to Fromm is _________________________.
a. Hoarding
b. Biophilous
c. Marketing
d. Necrophilous

16. Karina, being the oldest daughter of her parents is pressured at a young age to achieve more than
the average kid in their neighborhood. Despite the fact that she is constantly nagged by her mom
and dad to be the next leader of the community, it didn’t get in her head. She continued to strive
harder in her studies and provided assistance to their neighbors. It was in her heart to serve the
people and when she grew older she was elected as the town leader. She mentioned that it was
not because of her parent’s will but instead she wanted to be a role model for her sister and to
continue serving the people who have always believed in her. What Psychoanalytic concept did
Karina used as a guiding principle in her life?
a. The need to assert dominance
b. Sophisticated style of life
c. Instincts
d. Striving for success or superiority

17. According to Melanie Klein, an overly strict harsh superego will cause ____________________.
a. increasing levels of libido
b. an anti-social personality
c. extreme sense of terror
d. intolerable guilt and fear
18. Sakura was physically and emotionally abused by her parents at age 3. Growing up, she became
weary of the people she meets. She always believe that everyone will harm her so never trust
anyone other than herself. What dynamism is Sakura exhibiting?
a. Hostility
b. Self-system
c. Malevolence
d. Independence

19. According to Sullivan, an infant who cries to sleep after not being able to satisfy his need for
nutrition is exhibiting __________________.
a. Tantrums
b. Apathy
c. Somnolent Detachment
d. Anxiety

20. Mika has always been tired between school and his part-time job that often times he just fell
asleep whenever he gets home. One morning, he wakes up all sweaty from his dream and he can’t
explain why his body feels heavy. He lives independently and he tried telling his colleague at work
about what had happened. However, his colleague did not understood him so he just stopped
trying to explain and went on with his day. This particular event that had happened to Mika is best
explained by Sullivan through this level of cognition?
a. Prototaxic
b. Parataxic
c. Syntaxic
d. Eidetic

21. According to Adler, people strive toward superiority through one of two paths; one is the route
of social interest and the other is the road of ___________________.
a. Success
b. Individuation
c. Exaggerated personal gain
d. Submission

22. A person’s final goal is best describe as __________________________________________.

a. Acquired at age 18.
b. Inhibiting the creative power
c. Early childhood experiences
d. Pampered style of life

23. The core of maladjustment to Adler is __________________ as it is __________________ to

a. innate physical deficiencies; womb envy
b. lack of social interest, fixation on one neurotic trend
c. a pampered style of life; compliant personality
d. a neglected style of life; detached personality

24. According to Sullivan, this stage of development is the most crucial part in shaping one’s
a. Infancy
b. Preadolescence
c. Juvenile Era
d. Adulthood
25. Safeguarding tendencies are ____________________________________________________.
a. Partly conscious and unconscious
b. Completely unconscious
c. Completely conscious
d. Used only by neurotics

26. According to Heinz Kohut, the need to exhibit the grandiose self and the idealized parent image
are called __________________________.
a. masochistic needs
b. sadistic needs
c. self-esteem needs
d. narcissistic needs

27. Bowlby’s object relations theory postulates that ______________________________________.

a. psychologically healthy infants have emotionally detached mothers.
b. infants who are loved too much by their mother will have difficulty forming adult
c. the mother-child bonding becomes a model for the child's future friendships.
d. internalized object relationships affect the development of a child.

28. According to the object relations theory, _________________________ is the key to

understanding adult personality.
a. Birth order
b. Inherited traits
c. The early mother-child relationship
d. Early recollections

29. According to Karen Horney, people are ruled by ___________ and _______________.
a. conscious; unconscious
b. eros; thanathos
c. needs; anxiety
d. safety; satisfaction

30. Each neurotic trend has a normal healthy analogue. Friendly people have successfully solved the
trend of moving ________________________________.
a. Against others
b. Toward others
c. With others
d. Away from others

31. Shenhe feels alienated from her femininity and wishes that she was a man. Horney would say that
Shenhe’s desires stem from _____________________________.
a. her experiences with cultural privileges for men.
b. penis envy.
c. Oedipal strivings.
d. lack of a close relationship with her mother.

32. Horney believed that a competitive and hostile society encourages _____________________.
a. Self-hatred
b. Malevolence
c. Isolation
d. Personal superiority
33. Ajax was raised by his parents to constantly strive to be at his best behavior so he can achieve to
be on top. By doing so, he felt that his parents are treating him as a robot more than his feelings.
Whenever he did something mediocre, his parents get furious with him and disregards the efforts
he made. After graduating college, he moved out of their house and lived his life independently.
He never looked back and felt that he had become a whole new person leaving the shadow of his
family. According to Karen Horney, what personality type did Ajax inhibited?
a. Getting
b. Compliant
c. Detached
d. Avoiding

34. _________________ is a basic assumption that people have been torn away from a union with
nature, and lacking adequate animal instincts, they must rely on reason in order to survive.
a. Rational imperative
b. Human dilemma
c. Manifestation of destiny
d. Rootedness

35. According to Fromm, what are the two (2) forms of Authoritarianism?
a. Power and Destruction
b. Sadism and Masochism
c. Narcissism and Self-hatred
d. Effective and Ineffective

36. Donghyuck is a people-pleaser. He always want to gain people’s affection by doing what other
people wants. In his work, he submits to everything his colleagues asks of him. In his circle of
friends, he parties and drinks with them even though he has a low tolerance for alcohol. At home,
he is domineering towards his siblings as his parents are domineering towards him. According to
Fromm, what type of non-productive character type does Donghyuck have?
a. Hoarding
b. Marketing
c. Exploitative
d. Receptive

37. According to the Humanistic Psychoanalysis theory, a person who devalue things that belongs to
other people while overvaluing things in which they believe they possess is suffering from
a. Moral Hypochondriasis
b. Incestuous Symbiosis
c. Malignant Narcissism
d. Syndrome of Decay

38. According to Sullivan, these type of needs originate from a particular part of the body.
a. General needs
b. Erogenous zones
c. Zonal needs
d. Body dynamisms

39. The infant experiences hunger and his mom readily feeds her baby. After a couple of minutes, her
well-fed baby was noticed to be in a deep slumber. According to the Interpersonal theory, the
baby is experiencing _______________.
a. Empathy
b. Euphoria
c. Lust
d. Good dream
40. This statement, “Once upon a time, everything was lovely, but that was before I had to deal with
people.”, is an expression of _____________________.
a. Malevolence
b. Intimacy
c. Dissociation
d. Selective Inattention

41. Amber is an easy-going person. She is friends with almost everyone in her town. However, she is
mostly seen with her friend, Eula. They spent most of their free time together and these girls seem
inseparable. Amber interacts with her other friends on a regular basis but whenever Eula calls on
to her, she would immediately choose her and excuse herself from her other friends. Above all,
she prioritizes spending time with Eula. According to Sullivan, what stage of development is
Amber currently at?
a. Adulthood
b. Juvenile Era
c. Preadolescence
d. Early Adolescence

42. Intimacy is restricted to tender feelings one has for __________________________________.

a. Caregivers
b. Authority figures outside the family
c. Therapist during countertransference
d. Other people of an equal status

43. Melanie Klein believed that the infant’s relationship to the ______________ served as a prototype
model for later object relationships.
a. Nipples
b. Breast
c. Mother
d. Mouth

44. When Howard is a little boy, he wanted to gain his father’s affection by constantly following him
around and imitating all of his actions. On top of that, Howard also imitated his mom’s actions
towards his dad so he can be loved equally by him too. He was constantly doing this routine that
he eventually got his father’s affection and he was overjoyed about it. According to Melanie Klein,
this behavior that Howard is showing is marked by the ______________________during the
Oedipus complex.
a. Harsh superego
b. Feminine position
c. Identification with his father
d. Projection towards his mother

45. Alex grew up emotionally mature compared to her sister, Hailey. At a young age, she can make
independent decisions and she have excelled in almost everything. She may seem perfect but it’s
just on the surface. She often feels alone because her parents are not checking-up on her that
much because of the strong persona she has built. On her recognition day, her parents was not
able to make it since her mom accompanied her sister to the therapist and her dad went with his
brother for soccer practice. Luckily, her grandparents came to the rescue. However, she felt
neglected by her parents. She isolated herself and did not speak to them unless it is necessary.
According to Mahler, what type of attachment style does Alex have?
a. Protest
b. Secured
c. Anxious-resistant
d. Anxious-avoidant
46. Erich Fromm used Adolf Hitler as an example of a person inhibiting all of the personality disorders
in his theory. He described Hitler as an epitome of a person suffering from Necrophilia, Malignant
Narcissism and Incestuous Symbiosis. Therefore, Hitler is believed to have a
a. Negative Freedom
b. Biophilia
c. Syndrome of Growth
d. Syndrome of Decay

47. In Sullivan’s Interpersonal theory, the most crucial stage of development is

___________________, because mistakes made during earlier stages can be corrected at this
time, but interpersonal difficulties during this stage may have a lasting effect on later personality
a. Juvenile
b. Preadolescence
c. Adulthood
d. Late Adolescence

48. Karen Horney believed that modern culture overvalues _________________ and undervalues
a. conscious; unconscious
b. needs; anxiety
c. competition; cooperation
d. inferiority feelings; physical deficiencies

49. Nana has been hurt so many times that he has built her walls too high. Since he was a child, he
has been maltreated by his family. From the time he move out of their house, he continued
experiencing emotional abuse from his previous partners. He believed that he doesn’t deserve to
be loved and shuts down every single person who comes close to him. He have become
comfortable with the idea that if he’s alone, no other person would be able to hurt him. Nana is
inhibiting the neurotic trend of moving away by resolving his basic conflict of ______________
through detaching himself from everyone.
a. Compliance
b. Conformity
c. Isolation
d. Self-hatred

50. Ligaya always believe in the idea of pursuing happiness in the smallest of things. Growing up, she
always say that having a comfortable life is what happiness meant for her. As she grows older, she
came to realize that happiness is only sustainable for a short period of time. She began to question
herself if she truly deserves to happy because of the misfortunes she experienced and started to
doubt herself. She overthink a lot and came to a conclusion that she should just stop trying
because no matter what she does, she would never be happy. It is evident that Monica is
struggling with self-hatred, what form of self-hatred is she inhibiting?
a. Self-torment
b. Self-contempt
c. Relentless demands on the self
d. Self-destructive action

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