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Honorable Chairs and Fellow Delegates,

Representing India in this esteemed Security Council, India hopes to find lasting solutions to the
pressing issues of the Tigray War and the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict through a collaborative
approach. India hopes to promote peace, stability, and security around the world.

India has always stood for non-violence and non-interference and believes in a diplomatic and
dialogue approach to end conflicts and spread peace. The UN is a vital body to promote security
and peace and India is honored to be a member of this esteemed organization. India recognizes
the importance to respect the sovereign and territorial integrity of all nations.

Regarding the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict, India firmly believes that the conflict benefits no party
nor the international community as a whole and urges the countries involved in this conflict to
resolve matters peacefully and through diplomacy and work towards a resolution that benefits
all parties.

Moving to the Tigray War, India is deeply concerned about the humanitarian crisis unfolding in
the region and supports efforts to provide financial aid and humanitarian aid and bring justice
to the victims against the victims of war crimes, and looks forward to a resolution that stops all
hostilities in the region.

In conclusion, India hopes for long-lasting and peaceful resolutions regarding the Russian-
Ukrainian Conflict and Tigray War. India hopes to work with all members of the council to
spread security and peace around the world.

Thank you.
-Why are you buying Russian Oil?
Ans-India is neutral and wishes to maintain relations with
both Russia and Ukraine. India has hosted representatives
from both countries and stresses the importance of
diplomacy. Furthermore, Not only India but countries
from the EU like Slovenia and Bulgaria also buy Russian
oil, India is buying Russian oil as it is the cheapest on the
- India is committed to diplomacy and dialogue.

India has taken a non-aligned approach to the war as it looks to maintain good
diplomatic ties with both the West and Russia. India believes that this conflict does not
serve the interests of anybody, neither the participants nor indeed of the international
community. Our priority is to see the situation resolved peacefully and for stability to be
restored in the region.

India has enjoyed a close relationship and close defense ties with Russia for decades.
Moscow is India’s largest weapons supplier and a major trade partner. However, we
believe that our relationship with Russia does not influence our position on the conflict.
Our focus remains on supporting peace and stability in the region.

In conclusion, India remains committed to peace and stability in the region. We believe that
dialogue and negotiation are the best way to resolve the conflict and we call on all parties
involved to engage in meaningful discussions toward a peaceful solution. Thank you.

-India has maintained its neutrality. India calls for a peaceful resolution of the conflict
through dialogue and negotiation. India has also expressed concern over the escalation
of violence and the impact it has on the civilian population.

-India has taken a non-aligned approach to the war as it looks to maintain good
diplomatic ties with both the West and Russia.

-India has enjoyed a close relationship and close defense ties with Russia for decades.
Moscow is India’s largest weapons supplier and a major trade partner.
India believes that this conflict does not serve the interests of anybody. Neither the
participants nor indeed of the international community.

India has "unequivocally condemned" killings in Ukraine's Bucha and supported calls for
an independent investigation into the "deeply disturbing reports".

The Russia-Ukraine war has crippled the global supply chain, triggering a global food

The war between Russia and Ukraine has led to disruption in these trade rotations due
to increased tariff rates and sanctions, leading to higher prices and diminished
availability of these commodities in India.

 How has this crisis affected each country and what impact did it have on different levels?
 The Russia-Ukraine war has crippled the global supply chain, triggering a global
food shortage.
 The war between Russia and Ukraine has led to disruption in these trade
rotations due to increased tariff rates and sanctions, leading to higher prices and
diminished availability of these commodities in India.

 How can similar conflict help us understand the Russo-Ukrainian crisis, in the context
of war crimes and crimes against humanity and in terms of measures to contribute to
the end of the war by different organizations and UN bodies? How can these previous
conflicts influence current events moving forward?
Similar conflicts like the Russian-Georgian conflict and the Kosovo Conflict show the world
that every war brings with it human rights violations and war crimes from all sides of the
conflict, along with the impact on the civilian population and the destruction of religious sites
and use of indiscriminate weapons are things to be observed from previous conflicts. The UN
and its bodies can do multiple things to contribute to the end of war such as the Security Council
calling for an immediate cession of hostilities and the International Criminal Court can try
individuals that commit alleged war crimes

 How firm is your country’s stance? Has it imposed sanctions on

Russia and affiliated members?
India’s stance is neutral and India has not imposed any sanctions on either the West,
Ukraine or Russia or their respective allies due to this conflict. India hopes to
maintain relations with all parties in the conflict and has hosted representatives from
both Ukraine and Russia.

 How can the international community reach a consensus when

presented with two very different, conflicting narratives on both
The answer to this is ‘compromise’; nations must immediately stop hostilities and go
through diplomatic channels. And compromise on certain things to reach a
consensus, this war is beneficial to no party nor the international community and
must be ended with dialogue and diplomacy.
 What are the true, underlying reasons behind Russia’s grip over
To make sure Ukraine doesn’t join NATO as it has a huge border with Russia, this
should’ve been sorted through diplomacy rather than violence, however.
 Should Ukraine and the West give up on certain things to reach a
consensus with Russia?
Yes, both parties must resolve this immediately, to do that both parties should give
up certain things like land, money, etc, to reach a peaceful resolution, if this is not
done the results will be disastrous for both Russia and Ukraine, and the war will likely
go on for decades causing many deaths.

 What are war crimes and what is the responsibility of the United
Nations and the International Community to prevent them?

War crimes are serious violations of international humanitarian law that are committed
during armed conflicts. The UN has the responsibility to detect, stop and prevent war
crimes from happening and to try the individual accused of war crimes in court, this is
the duty of the international community and the UN as a whole and must be enforced
by conducting independent and unbiased investigations.
India’s relationship with Ethiopia was forged in the 1 st century BC, and diplomatic ties
were formed just after India’s independence, there is a sizeable Indian Diaspora in
Ethiopia and Indian companies have invested 5 billion dollars into the country. India
considers Ethiopia a true ally and hopes that it recovers. India calls for other countries to
invest and provide financial and humanitarian aid to Ethiopia to help the country
recover and prospered vows to provide financial aid and continue its technical support
to the people of Ethiopia. India would also like to work with other countries And NGOs
like the Norwegian Refugee Council to open Refugee centers in Ethiopia. Furthermore,
India is concerned by the involvement of Eritrean forces in the conflict and the various
war crimes committed by its forces. India also notes that even after the peace accords
signed between the Ethiopian forces and the TPLF, Eritrean attacks have continued and
are damaging the territorial integrity of Ethiopia.

Thank you.

Deliberating on the Presence of Eritrea in Ethiopia - India believes foreign shouldn't

have joined the conflict as it was an internal conflict within Ethiopia and is concerned
about why Eritrea was not a part of the peace deal and what were its intentions to join
the war in Tigray. Eritrea has performed many war crimes like the massacre of civilians
and sexual slavery in the Tigray region, and is still attacking the Tigray region, India
would like to see Eritrea tried for these war crimes.

Discussing peacekeeping in Ethiopia- India supports peacekeeping missions on the

Eritrean border as Eritrean forces are still attacking the Tigray region after the peace
accords were signed. This is concerning and is threatening peace in the region. India will
participate in a peacekeeping mission, with the condition that Ethiopia must approve of
this peacekeeping mission.
Discussing the alleged war crimes-India is concerned about the war crimes occurring
in the region and urges all parties that if this conflict ever continues international law
like the Geneva convention must be followed.

In the case of a continuation of this conflict, how can the further suffering of
civilians be prevented? - Following international law like the Geneva convention and
no foreign forces to be involved

Role of the International community in the redevelopment process – The

International community should provide humanitarian and financial aid to the conflict-
affected areas and should immediately stop ALL cessation of hostilities, to not disturb
the newfound peace of the region.

Discussing how to effectively provide aid to areas affected by conflict.

Through Refugee centers to connect people with their family and homes once Eritrea
retreats all troops. Along with a big financial boost to lower inflation to the battered
Ethiopian economy,

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