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Proposal Report

Traffic Aware Data Gathering Protocol for VANETs (

Traffice Collision Avoidence )
NCS 601

Submitted By
Harikesh Maurya (2008390100025)
Anand Rajvanshi (2008390100010)

Supervisor Name
Mr. Abhishek Bajpai
Assistant Professor

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Rajkiya Engineering College, Kannauj
Uttar Pradesh-209732
1. Abstract

2. Introduction

3. Literature Review

4. Methodology

• Initialization of Data

• Selection And Join the Area

• Transmission Of Data

• Extraction Of Data

5. Algorithms Implementation

6. Result

7. Conclusion

8. Reference

1 Abstract
Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs) are a challenging yet active research area. It offers
a wide range of applications, including Intelligent Transport System (ITS), effective road
traffic monitoring, efficient traffic flow and road safety applications. During real-time data
gathering for emergency scenarios, the fixed silent segments cause a problem for smooth
communication. Moreover, the critical ITS operations may be delayed due to this problem

The primary objective is to reduce network and data communication overhead to incorporate
real-time data collection time constraints. TDG implements a data aggregation scheme for
data analysis to fetch information based on location, speed, vehicle id and neighbour count.

This paper proposes a Real-Time Traffic-Aware Data Gathering Protocol (TDG) where the
dynamic segmentation switching is adopted to handle the communication limitations. TDG
is lightweight and dynamically designed for collecting and forwarding data packets based on
current and rapid evolving traffic conditions.

2 Introduction
Traffic collision avoidance through Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) takes traffic safety
to a new level by leveraging vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I)
communication. VANETs enable real-time information sharing between vehicles and infras-
tructure, allowing for advanced collision avoidance strategies.

VANETs are known for their high mobility patterns, dynamic topology, links disruption
and rapid connection failures. VANETs enable cost-effective data communication among
vehicle-to-vehicles (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) in a realistic way. From The
associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication
was Xiaolong Li . infrastructure, data can easily pass through backbone nodes or the internet.
Several research efforts are being conducted globally to address issues about road safety and
vehicular communications with respect to data gathering.

VANETs facilitate direct communication between vehicles in close proximity. Each vehicle
can broadcast its location, speed, acceleration, and other relevant information to nearby

vehicles. This exchange of data enables the detection of potential collision risks and supports
collaborative decision-making to avoid accidents.

3 Literature Review
• In VANETs, data gathering protocols are meant to collect information to support nu-
merous safety and non-safety applications [39]. ITS deals with monitoring traffic, road
density, congestion avoidance, and to deal with emergency scenarios like accidental sit-
uations and disasters management [40]. Researchers for VANETs [40] propose various
clustering-based Data gathering protocols.

• ECDGP [41] is a data-gathering protocol for real-time and delay-tolerant applications

for efficient data collection. It implements a new space division multiple access tech-
niques called dynamic space division multiple access and a retransmissions mechanism
in case of errors. ECDGP works on four phases including initiation, collection area
segmentation, data collection and data delivery.

• DCMPTB is the Best Effort Data Collection mechanism for smart grids by using public
transport buses. In DCMPTB, data flows from smart meters through public transport
buses through infrastructure to Vehicle (I2V) communication, and then data flows from
the bus to bus stop through Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) communication

• ”Image Inpainting via Texture Synthesis” by Li-Yi Wei and Marc Levoy (2000) - This
paper introduced an approach to image inpainting based on texture synthesis. It
utilizes a non-parametric texture model to generate plausible textures in the missing

• COL [43] is random access based data collection protocol for a delay-tolerant urban
environment. In COL, the Vehicle initiates a collection process by sending a beacon
message containing targeted data and the maximal duration of the collection process.
After completion of pre-defined data collection time, collected data is sent to the ini-
tiator vehicle. In COL, the high mobility pattern of vehicles is poorly considered

4 Methodology

Traffic collision avoidance methodologies encompass a range of strategies and tech-

niques aimed at preventing or minimizing collisions on roads and highways. These
methodologies utilize various technologies, approaches, and best practices to enhance
road safety. Here are some commonly employed methodologies in traffic collision avoid-

4.1 Initializtion Of data

Before deploying any collision avoidance system, it is essential to calibrate the sensors
used for data collection. Calibration ensures that the sensors accurately measure dis-
tances, speeds, and other relevant parameters. By calibrating the sensors, systematic
errors can be minimized, leading to more precise data for collision detection.

4.2 Selection Of Area

Identifying high-risk areas is a crucial step in traffic collision avoidance methodology.

These areas typically have a higher incidence of accidents, such as intersections with
a history of collisions, areas with heavy pedestrian traffic, or sections of road known
for hazardous conditions. Prioritizing these high-risk zones for the implementation of
collision avoidance systems can have a significant impact on overall road safety.

4.3 transmission Of Data

V2V communication allows vehicles to share real-time information about their position,
speed, acceleration, and intentions. This data exchange enables cooperative awareness
and facilitates collaborative collision avoidance strategies among vehicles in close prox-
imity. V2V communication typically utilizes wireless technologies such as Dedicated
Short-Range Communications (DSRC) or Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything (C-V2X) to
transmit data securely and quickly.

4.4 Extraction Of data

Data extraction may involve retrieving information exchanged through vehicle-to-

vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication. This includes data
on the position, speed, acceleration, and intentions of nearby vehicles, as well as traffic
conditions and road hazards transmitted by infrastructure elements. Extracting com-
munication data enables a collaborative awareness and enhances collision detection and
avoidance capabilities.

5 Algorithm Implementation

Traffic collision avoidance algorithms play a critical role in analyzing sensor data,
making decisions, and triggering appropriate actions to prevent collisions. These al-
gorithms use various techniques and approaches to detect potential collision risks and
enable effective avoidance strategies.

• Sensor Data Processing: Traffic collision avoidance algorithms process data from vari-
ous sensors, such as radar, lidar, cameras, and ultrasonic sensors. This involves filter-
ing, fusion, and preprocessing techniques to extract relevant information and create a
comprehensive situational awareness of the surrounding environment.

• Object Detection and Tracking: Algorithms use computer vision and sensor fusion
techniques to detect and track objects, including vehicles, pedestrians, and obstacles.
Object detection algorithms classify objects and estimate their positions, velocities,
and trajectories based on sensor data. Tracking algorithms update the object’s state
over time to maintain accurate situational awareness.

Figure 1: Implementation Of Algorithm

6 Result

To implement this methodology , VANETs enable vehicles to exchange real-time in-

formation about their position, speed, and heading, as well as data related to road
conditions, traffic congestion, and potential hazards. This exchange of information en-
hances situational awareness, allowing vehicles to anticipate and respond to potential
collision risks proactively.

Figure 2: Result UnderStanding through Graph

7 Conclusion

• Primarily considering dynamic real-time traffic conditions, a TDG Protocol for data
gathering is presented. First, we proposed a dynamic segmentation switching (DSS)
mechanism that allows alternate communication for vehicles in road segments, in-
cluding communicating and silent segments. Next, we have proposed a real-time CH
election (R-CHE) algorithm to dynamically select the best suitable CH that can col-
lect data from neighbouring vehicles and share aggregated data with Sink. It’s time
complexity is linear. Realtime data aggregation (RDA) mechanism is proposed for the
Sink to extract the data from the aggregated message received from CH.

• . Results proved that TDG outperforms base approaches in terms of efficiency and
effectiveness, average residual energy, end-to-end delay and vehicle density. The lim-
itation of this work is that during the silent segment no interrupts are managed to
handle the extremely urgent scenarios. In future, we shall work for the priority based
mechanism to manage the communication for extremely urgent cases during SS. More-
over, the issues of massive storage handling and duplication will be resolved.

8 Reference

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