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Audit risk Audit response

1. Scarlet co, is the new audit client for The orange co should assign more sutaibly
orange & co. experience people in the audit team in order to
The audit team may not be familiar with understand the business nature of new client to
the scarlet co accounting policies, determine the risk associated with it.
transaction and balances which increases more time should be assign to team member to
the detection risk be assure in scarlet co accounting policies,
The audit team are not assure in the transaction and balances.
opening balances of scarlet co as last Copy of last year audit report should be obtained
year audit was not performed by them. to review the accuracy of opening balance of
scarlet co.
2. The yearend financial statement need to The audit team should obtain an book of account
be finalized quickly as the company is to access the journal entries and should
looking finance through a bank. determine whether any abjustment is missed to
Some accounting adjustment may be adjust in financial statement.
missed or overlooked in rush of Review of all journal entries are not possible so
preparing financial statement as quick as sample method should be used in such a way
possible that represent all the journal entries.
Here, the risk of being some item of
financial statement being misstated
3. The training cost have been capitalized as The auditor should discuss with the management
part of the cost of the asset. the correct accounting treatment of training cost
Training cost does not meet the basis of being and should ask management to reclassify the
capitalize as noncurrent asset and is not treatment of training cost in administrative
permitted by conceptual framework instead it expenses and remove the training cost from
should be classify as administrated expenses noncurrent asset.
The risk of noncurrent asset being overstated and
administrative cost being understated increases.
4. The receivable collection period has The auditor should obtain a list of credit
increased from 38 to 52 days. Some customer form finance department and conform
customer are currently taking longer the receivable amount by contracting with
period to pay. individual credit customer and should ask the
Irrecoverable debt should debited to increase the management to extend the receivable allowance
receivable allowance for the year if not than risk if needed.
of being receivables overstated and irrecoverable The audit team should perform more analytical
debt expenses being understated increases procedures of ratio of payable days and inventory
holding days to review the credit cycle of the
5. Termination cost associated with The auditor should obtain an break down of
redundancy of four staff has been provision recognized in financial statement and
calculated and will be paid in post year review whether provision related to redundancy
end. cost has been recognized or not and should ask
As per IAS 37 provision , congitent asset and management to remove the redundancy
libility there should be an present obligation in provision if have been recognized
order to recognized provision in financial Also an accuracy of redundancy cost should be
statement assure by reviewing supporting documentation or
As the paying obligation is in post year the by comparing with past redundancy cost of same
provision related to redundancy cost should not nature if any have made.
be recognized in yearend 31may x5 otherwise the
risk of being provision and expenses in profit and
loss overstated increases
6. Local legislation required separate The auditor should discuss with the management
disclosure of director’s bonuses in the the local legislation requirement related to
financial statement. disclosure of director bonuses and should review
The local legislation is more comprehensive than to determine whether the disclosure made is
any other standard and it is likely that complete and satisfy the requirement of local
requirement of local legislation should be legislation
fulfilled. And should ask to management to disclose
there is an risk of disclosure being incomplete in further information related to director bonuses
accordance with local legislation. consistent with local legislation if required.
7. A credit note is yet to be issued to the The auditor discuss with the management the
customer and chemical have been reason of not issuing the credit note and should
written down to their scrap value within ask the management to issue it as soon as
inventory. practicable and should also remove the credit
The credit customer should be removed from the customer from list of receivables if not have
list of receivables as credit not is issued and removed.
according to IAS 2 inventory should be valued at the auditor should ask the management to
lower of cost or NRV. calculate the NRV of the chemical and compare
As credit note has not been issued yet the risk of with cost as to whichever is lower that amount to
being receivables overstated increases value as closing inventory.
And also the risk of being inventory misstated
increases as it is written down to scrap value
which is not permitted by IAS 2
8. The payment run is shown as an
unpresented item on the year end bank
reconciliation in order to show consistent
result with the prior year.
This is possible evidence of window dressing
which result in understated payables and bank

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