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Five Years Integrated BA LLB (H) / BBA LLB (H), Batch: 20211-26
Odd Semester Mid-Term Examination 2021, Semester: I
Subject: Law of Contract-I (Code: LC 102)
Time: 1 Hour Maximum Marks: 20

Answer ALL Questions

(Figures at the Right Hand Margin Indicate Marks)
Q1. (5 Marks)

Discuss the legality of the Standard Form of Contract.


“Acceptance is to Offer what a lighted match is to a Train of Gunpowder”. Discuss the statement with

regards to the provisions enshrined under the Indian Contract Act, 1872.

Q2. (5 Marks)

“Agreement without Consideration is Void”. Discuss the principles and its exceptions as enshrined under

the Indian Contract Act, 1872.


“No person is competent to Contract who is not attained the age of majority.” Comment the statement by

citing the leading case laws decided by the Court of Law.

Q3. (Very Short Type Answer) (2x5 Marks)

(a) Distinguish between Void Agreement & Illegal Agreement

(b) Define Executed Contract & Executory Contract

(c) Doctrine of Restitution

(d) Privity of Contract

(e) Invitation to Offer


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