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Midterm Examination International Political System


1. There are two (2) sets of Essay Questions entitled “Age of Colonialism and European Wars of
Religion (1517-1712) to Bankocracy Neo-Colonialism and Neo-Mercantilism.
2. The Set 1 Age of Colonialism has sub-questions from “A to F” and therefore consisting of six (6) and
Set 2 has sub-questions of A to H, consisting of seven (7) questions.
3. Explain your answer in full details. Every sub-questions of six (6) in Set 1 and eight (8) in
Set 2 should be fully discussed with extensive breadth and depth .
4. Write your answers in short bond paper or any white paper.
5. Answers must be strictly
handwriting only. Printed papers and digital
responses shall be marked as ‘Zero’ (seriously) . The handwriting is an assurance
for the authentic learning and internalization of the insights and foresights of the course lessons as
‘culminating’ learning process.
6. The use of your Module 1 and Module 2 posted in your Moodle account is highly encouraged
including internet related searches.
7. Provide a back-up submission of the JPG photo of your handwriting responses in your Moodle
account as surety of compliance.
8. The basis of score will be the breadth and depth of your responses, including authentic learning with
your handwriting.
9. The score of Set 1 is 30 points while the Set 2 is 70 points.
10. The due date submission: May 2, 2023.

PART 1: Age of Colonialism and Mercantilism as the

International Political System
(a) Explain by examining the chart showing the Stages of the Development of the Society have
evolved with the class struggles and antagonism between the Haves and Haves-Not according to
Karl Marx? In between Feudalism and Capitalism in the analysis of the International Political System
in our class is the Age of Discovery and Exploration alongside Colonialism and Mercantilism.
(b) How will you analyze and discuss the anarchic and unilateral selfish political and economic
powers with the colonial and imperial expansion in the International Political System with the cases
of the nine (9) colonial powers cited below in their colonialism and mercantilism politics and
economic nationalism. (c) How did the economic system and economic nationalism of
‘Mercantilism’ apply and imposed by the nine (9) cited colonial and imperial countries with their
colonized poor and weaker countries? (d) How did the Dutch (Netherlands) and Belgium rise into
colonialist and mercantilist countries in comparison with the other seven (7) colonial powers? (e)
Compare and contrast how the dissolution of these nine (9) empires have happened with the
independence, sovereignty and the decolonization of their former colonies particularly during the
Post-World War 2 of 1945 and the Cold War Era of 1947. (f) Name their former colonies and the
dates they earned their independence from each of the nine (9) colonial masters.

a. Mongolian Empire (1206-1502)

b. Roman Empire (27 BC-1453)
c. Ottoman Empire (1299-1924)
d. Portuguese Empire (1415-1910)
e. Spanish Empire (1492-1976)
f. French Empire
g. Austro-Hungarian Empire (1867-1918)
h. Dutch Colonial Empire
i. Belgian Empire (1908-1962)
PART 2: European Wars of Religion (1517-1712) to
Bankocracy of Neo-Colonialism and Neo-Mercantilism
a.) What is the difference between the Social Contract Theory, Divine Theory and Force Theory
of the State? (b) Explain the religious situation in the Holy Roman Empire at the Outbreak of Thirty
Years of War in 1618. (c) Compare and contrast the religious divisions among the European
Catholics, Lutheran, Calvinist, Anglican, Anabaptist, Eastern Orthodox Christian and the
Islamic Umayyad and the Ottoman Empire. (d) What was the meaning of ‘Cuius regio, eius
religio’? (e) What is the relationship of ‘Cuius regio, eius religio’ to the 1555 Peace of Augsburg
and 1648 Treaty of Westphalia relative to ‘political concept of sovereignty as the fourth element of
the State’ and to the ‘Secularism or Secular” and ‘Constitutionalism’ of the Western Democracy and
its important connection on the 1933 Montevideo Convention, 1823 Monroe Doctrine, 1947 Truman
Doctrine and Balfour Declaration of 1917? (f) What significant insights and foresights can we learn
from a political system of balance and harmony between Divine Theory of the State and Social
Contract Theory of the State with the lessons of the ‘failures’ of the 1789-1799, the American
Revolution of 1765-1791 and the 1861-1865 American Civil War relative the importance of World
Trade (Free Market Economy) with the American Insular Government in the Philippines on the
aftermath of the Spanish-USA Treaty of Paris 1898 and impacts of the Schurman Commission
1899 and Taft Commission of 1901 and subsequently on the aftermath of World War 1 of
1914-1918 and the World War 2 of 1938-1945 and the creation of the Bretton Woods System of
1944, and the two (2) International Financial Institutions (IFIs) the US Dollar and creation the
World Bank and International Monetary Fund and transitioning of from the Pegged/Fixed
Foreign Exchange Rates to Free/Floating Foreign Exchange Rates in relations to the shifting
from the Morgenthau Plan of 1944 to the Marshall Aid Plan 1947 and, the 1948 Tito-Stalin Split
the Sino-Soviet Split 1961-1989 and the Sino-Vietnamese War of 1979 and relative to the
Treaty of General Relations and Protocol (Treaty of Manila) of 1946, Bell-Trade Act 1946 and
the Parity Rights (Philippine Trade Act of 1946), Laurel-Langely Agreement 1955. (g) What is
the important connection with the birth of the Bretton Woods System and the IMF/WB, USDollar
and the Gold Reserves, the Foreign Exchange Markets and Central Bank and its “Currency”
Reserves and the Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments in International Trade to the
shifting of the International Political System from the Divine Theory of the State and Social Contract
Theory to the ‘Sovereignty of the State in the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia; to the Age of Colonialism
and Mercantilism; to the Decolonization on the aftermath of World War 2 and the Cold War of
1947; to the downfall of the Soviet Union in 1991 end of the Cold War and China’s Mix Market
Socialism with Mcdonaldization and the triumph of GATT of 1947, Uruguay Round of 1986
and World Trade Organization of 1995 into the emergence of ‘the Bankocracy of Neo-
Colonialism and Neo-Mercantilism’. (h)How important is the Philippine affairs relative to the 195
countries of the world with its Free Market and Free Trade Economy, Localism with its Hulo
Poblacion, Munisipyo and Pueblo Economy and its Thalassocracy Barangays, and its
emulation or modeling of the Anglo-American ‘Secularism and Liberalism’, Bankocracy
(Bank Balance Sheet) and Monetarism and Western Democracy.

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