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Check your students' progress at

every level of New Headway with

these quick-to-mark review tests
Check your students' progress
and save yourself time with
New Headway Quick Tick Tests,
a set of easy-to-mark review tests
for aU levels of New Headway.
With two tes ts per level, you can check students' progress ha lfway through
the course and then at the end of the course.
The questions cover grammar and vocabulary, and aU questions are
multiple choice. Answer ca rds are provided in the pocket on the inside
front cover (sec opposite) so yo u can mark the lests q uickly.

Mark a test in
under a minute
To create the answer cards:
• Separate tht: shee t of card (opposite) into three answer ,,,rds.
There are answers for two levels per card - one level 011 each si Jc.
• Use the pocket opposite to keep th e CMds sa fe.

To mark a test:
• Select the level of answe r card you want, e.g. Beginner.
• Turn it so th e ans've rs yo u Ile~u arc on the right -hand edge of the card -
e.g. Units 1-7.
• Place th e answer ca rd on the lest page next to yo ur student 's answers and see
at a glance which ones are co rrec t. You can nuw mark them quickly illld easily.

Beginner Review Test Units 1-7

Na ", ,, Fr-II !'\-CO M r-l !'\-L

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." RevlI?w Test Units \ 7
I b
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," j b llil
II $.lIldwich q zz 4 • ~ .x
\m Engl.tnd. II Her , IZ ; , ~
~1 ~ t {\Jrill.

I H is

test page

--- -+
answer card
6 , llil
New Headway Beginner Review Test Units I 7

Choos.t the torNCt -.en..

Hello. I __ John. , b, b am c j~
2 ~'Iy name __ Clara. ,b< b 'm < "
3 Hi. Ella. How __ you?
• is b arc < 0
4 _ name's Alice. She's from England. a Her b His < She 0
, Juan is Spanish. _ _ from Madrid. a His b H, c '·k 's 0
• Chris lind Ralph _ _ fmm Australia.
• is b lx C arc 0
7 nob __ u businl'SSman. Hc's a police
• not b isn't c 'm not
, 'Is Nina from Canada?"No. I she isn't b she is ( she not 0
, milrrit1i. • isn't b ' m not < aren't 0
10 _ _ Erik lind Kir~lcn frum? • What 3rt' b What's < Where are 0
I'm II student - I hi.~ is __ 0011('11(', , my b tlwiT < hi~ 0
Oan and Lily arc marrk'tl. HI.'ll'I1;1 :l1U1
Alc:.x. urc ,hilun'n.
i hi.~ b their c her 0
JJ \ ),111 is hll~nd. • Lily's b l.ily c Lill's' 0
14 I _ II good job. iI hus b hJ\'C <om 0
I ~, I_ ~win1l11in~ hut 1 don't like tenni,.
• 100.'
b .11111', like < do 0
If, 'T>o )'OU IIkt skiing?" No, I 1.111 b dllll" < I don't 0
17 fUI,II.I,ln ynl11ikd • Whcre b What e How man)' 0
" yuu (/11m JlI l';lII~ • £)0 I come b Arc I com~' e Whl"re I rome 0
l' Ikn __ It S<,'\'cn o'duck. a gl't lip b is get up e gets up 0
:w Whcl1 __ Soz)' __ llIm.lI? • do / ha~ b dUl.'S I how ( dnrs I ha~
21 Mike _ _ il1lh~' ('\·l'lIing. • doe.~n't go out b dU\..'SII't gl)l'S out e don't go out 0
22 This is Ill)' wife, 110\'(' _ _ .
• us
b she c her 0
2J 'What'.~
)'Ilur __ , plC'4SI.'?' '14 GI"I.,(,II • 3ddr~~ b name < phon~ num~r
24 'Who's Mario?"Hc's m)' __ : • sister b mother c hmtht'r 0
15 1 listcn to __ in the C\'ening. • music b TV < b«, 0

New Headway Beginner Review Test Units 8-14

ChooM tM coned answers.

Th~re _ _ a table in the kitchen.
• is
b arc c any 0
2 there CDs? • Are / an)' b Is /- e Is I any 0
3 The magoujne is __ the 800r. I under b in , on
4 'When Anna born?")n 1990:
"'" b were ( was 0
5 ' __ yo ur grandfather and grandmother
born in 1945?"No. they _ _ :
• Was I were b Is I isn't ( Were I weren't 0
• Steffi __ tennis yesterday. • play b plays ( plarcd 0
7 _ _ 'h<')' __ al home }'~le rda}'? • Did I stay b Do I stayed ( Did I stared 0
8 Robert __ to bed C'.:trly yesterday. • didn't wenl b didn't goes c didn't go 0
• J __ a good film last weekend.
"",d b saw ( sawed 0
10 Adam well. I coin draws b cans draw ( can draw 0
'Can you speak French?' 'No, , __ speak
it, butl __ read it.'
• can I can', b can't I can't ( can't / can 0
12 run fas t? I Uo you can b Can you ( You ooean 0
13 ' _ _ you like a cup of coff~?' 'Yes,
• Wam b When c Would 0
14 1 __ a &andwich, plc-asc. I 'd like b 'd want ( 'mlike 0
15 'Where would rou ~ 10 go on holida),?' • Yes, pleaS{' b I WRnt go til c I'd lih' In Sil In n
I. lake __ a shower, • is ha\'C
b is having
care baving 0
17 On my birthday. I usoally __ a meal in
a restaurant. "" b am ellting c is eating 0
18 j\'l.dthan is getting married today and he
black trousers and a white shirt,
• wears b is wearing c :1rI~ wearing 0
I' __ ),ou __ on Sunda)'l • What I doing b What ar~' 1 doing c Whal un: I du 0
20 We __ on holiday in October, • 're going b 's going c isn't going 0
21 Julia __ 10 Thailand on Saturday. • is fl)' b isn't flying ( a~ flying 0
22 :Art you g~ing swimming on Tuesday?' • am.guing b I am ( guing 0
y", - - "
2J I'd like to see a fi lm. Is there a __ near
• post office b cinema c (hemist 0
24 11eople usually go skiing __ " • in summer b last year ( in winter 0
25 Do you __ to your friends on the
• chat b pIa), c book 0

New Headway Elementary ReView Test Units 1 7

ChocM the cornd amwws.

Hi! I'm Jue and , _ _ from Nl'W York. a are b b. "m 0
2 My namt' __ Heit.'na. um b is ,- 0
, lsahellt.' and Ian from Austm1ia. • 1>0 b ,re , ;, 0
, ' __ ht.' British?' 'No, hI.' _ _ :
• [s I isn't b Be I aren't ( Are / i~
5 We marrioo. a aren't b isn't , 1>0 0
6 __ French, Eng[ish, and Italian. a ~'Iaria siSI~r i~ ~pc.'llk b Maria.~ siSler speak ( Maria's sister speaks 0
7 Where Ben a docs / live b doc.'S / li\,l'5 ( do 1 11\'e.\ 0
R ' 1)0($ Clairt.' luve her job?' 'Yes. _ _ .' a she loves b she do ( ~he does 0
9 I _ _ on Saturday or Sundar a doesn't work b not work ( don't work 0
10 'Where __ ),OU _ _ t 'In a bank: a are I work b do / wurk ( docs I work 0
\\'e __ 'IV ,.(ter ~Iillllt' r. a wakll b do watch ( wl\lchC'5 0
12 __ plants in the kitchen. a TheTC is somt' b Tht're arc some ( Af'l'lhercany 0
13 '__ there a m~r in the living roomt
'No, there
• J\II..' / IlWIl' 1 b I.s I isn't ( Aren't / is
14 Tht"rt' __ pictures in the hOllst. a i.~ n 't any b flut ally ( :lren', (InY
!'lease pUI __ vlatl'S the cuvward. • tilis I 1,111 b thoSe." / in c that I hy 0
1(. ~hl"
__ swim quill.' "''ell, hut ~he _ • cans / can't b can', 1 1..'8.11 ( 1..1111 f can't 0
17 __ Don __ the pianll?
• Can I phn's b Co1n I play ( Cans I pIa)· 0
IN \-"here __ yu ur I11lllher hurn?
• were b is ( wa~
19 I _ _ school in 1996, a dun't Slart b didn't started c didn't start 0
2. He to the USA in 2006. • went b gn~'<1 ( "'~nts
21 _ _ th.". _ _ a new car [;lSI week? a Did / buy b Oo / bu)' , Did I buught 0
22 This camtr:J is £2,OOO! It's __ ' a cxpensh'l,' b difficult ( young 0
l3 _ _ works in a hospital. a An actor b A nurse ( A model
24 I go to Ihl' swimming _ _ on Sunday
• pool
b park ( room 0
-,,- I don't like a reads b r'e'.ld ( reading 0

New Headway Elementary Review Test Units 8- 14
Narnc: ______________________________________

Kale and Andrew _ _ 10 th e cinema last

Saturday. • didn't Wl'n! b doo', go c didn'lgo o
2 I had breakfust _ _ 3g0. • this morning b Ihr ...... hou rs c 7.303.111. o
3 When __ you last __ tennis? • did I play b do I play c did I played o
4 _ _ you like __ coffe.:? • Do I any b Ar... 1 some c Would I w rne
5 There i$o'I _ _ milk in the fridge. • many b much o
6 Have you got _ _ brothers? • some b any C thl.' o
7 The buildings in Venice arC' __ th'
buildings in Hong Kon g.
• older Ihan b more older Ihan ( much old than o
S Vien na is _ _ city in Austria. • Ihe mm l beautiful b the bcaulifullest c more beautiful than o
9 This restaurant i5 \'cry. vcry good. It's
restaurant in London.
• the better b the good c the best o
10 , __ 3 jumper and a jacket bc<nuse it's
cold today.
• wear b 's wearing ( 'm w('aring o
" __ Jim __ toda)'? • Do I I\vrk b Is I working c Don I works o
12'svcry doudy. lt _ _ . • '$ going 10 rain b min)' ( raining o
IJ When _ _ Polly __ with hl" (riend in
M adrid?
a does I glling til
b ·/ is guing 10
( is I going In Sill)' o
14 I'm going In f.gYPI __ the pyramids. b tn sec c going 10 see o
15 '_ _ did you buy }'uur jacket?' '/\1 a shop
in lown:
a Wh~n b Why c When: o
III ' How '!'uch did yo u pay (or your bookt a £8.50 b I"ltwitt~ Ilook.~hnp c 'Jil read sume
17 __ yo u eve r ~'Iexican food? • Have I l'ill b Hal·... ' .. h.' ( HU I"C~' I calen D
18 O livia to Rome. .. has never hun b has e\'er httn c hasn't nCI"cr been o
19 ' \\-c met Itubbic Williams: 'When _ _ " .. hal'(: yo u md b did you met him c did you meet him o
20 Raquel and /ameli ha\'c _ _ had a b<lby.
• ret b jllSl c ever o
21 Has Nigel cooked t.iinncT __ ,
• rei b ever c j ust D
22 's the welllher like in ~'Iex ico City? • How b Whal c Which o
23 My grandmother slaried work _ _ 1960.
• in b h~' C Otl
24 It's snov.'Y- plC'3sc drivc _ a carefuUy b easily c ca~ful
25 Let's go for u _ _ swim. • quick b hadly ( wcll D

New Headway Pre-Intermediate Rev iew Test Units 1-6

ChoOM dtt corrtCt IftIWIrI,

Domink _ _ lo C.1nada last yea r. I goes b went c iii going 0
1 At the moment I __ with my family. • didn't live b don'llh'ing e 'm nOI living 0
J __ you __ French C\'Cry day? • Did I spoke b Do I speak c Are I speaking 0
4 Why __ they __ at 5 a.m. tomornlw
• an: / Ieaving b do I k'avc e ha\'(' l Ien 0
; __ you hear the news yesterdayf • Did b Were e 0
6 '00 you havc II pet?' •__: • Yes, haw b Yl'S, I havc c Yes, I do 0
7 IV, II motorbike or II car, I don', h3ve gol b dun', got c luwcn', got 0
, P1C'ol.w he quid! I __ on the phone. I speak b 'm speaking c spoke 0
'J What time _ _
)'011 _ _ y~crday • did I wake up It did I WAked Ill' e did I woke up 0
10 I &1W tin: :IIxi\11:111 m. ' _ _ ' lIIllle. • all! driving b wall driving e have driven 0
11 Ynll llnn'\ nl't.'ti __ rke iu.~1 250
• muny b snmc c much 0
II 111t'!'t' HI't' I1" _ _ 1:'88" ill']," LI'l'i1(mnl. • MI llie b I1I1U;\' c any 0
13 rd like __ milk in my coffe(. please. • II little b a few c tIIu{'h 0
14 l 1u:n' un' 1~'IUlis ~uurts ill purk. • • b the e, 0
15 W~ willlt __ Mount EvtrtSt. • climbing b 10 climb (' climb 0
16 A~ ynu rhinking __ marrit'd? • of gttting b g~"ing e to get 0
17 :\'•.'oul~ you Ji~ to come to my party?'
-_. • YCN. 1do b YL'S, would c YI:S, I wuuld 0
18 'What's )'Our fath~'r like?' ' _ _ : • He's tall b Ploying football c I le:~ very wdl 0
" My desk is thc __ from the door.
• f.u
b further C' furthest 0
20 Copenhagen isn't __ LOndon. • as big thon b as big as c big as 0
__ you evcr _ _ a poem? • HavC' I write b Have I wrolt." C' Havt." I wriut."n 0
22 Ritchie has li\'~'d hen: 2005. • for b from C' since 0
lJ Please make _ _ . • your homework b a 5how~r c a cup of coffee 0
24 You'w made a mess in tht." kitchen - ii's
vcry __ tidy.
• im- b un- e in- 0
25 'I'm fed up with this filrn."yes. I'm __
• interested b awful c hored 0

New........, hi .. _•• 0..... -the tWnI ...... CI Oxford Uniwrsity Prtu PHQTOCOP IAilH
New Headway Pre-Intermediate Review Test Units 7 12

CbooM the comet Imwtn.

Do you __ work on Sundays? I ha\'t' to b must ( should 0
2 1 don', think you _ _ stay o ut [ate. I mO$! b should c shouldn't 0
3 You __ bring anything special 10 the
I don't ha\'l' to b must c should 0
4 Naomi will sci in touch _ _ she hears • as soon as b while , until 0
any news.
5 Please look aflt'r the children _ _ I get
home from work.
I until b if c while 0
6 If I _ _ some mo ney. I'll go on holiday • ' 11 53\'1.' b 5a\'cd , 53\'1.'
next year.
7 'Will yo ur parents buy roo a l.U if yo u
finish uni\'crsity?" __.'
• No, won't b No, they dO/l" c No. Ihe}' woo' t 0
8 Before I go o ut to night, I _ _ finish this I 'm going to b going 10 , ,m 0
9 Do you wa nt to go _ _ ? • d ~mci ng b to dance , dance 0
I. Is CUlTl't.' __ in Kenya? • grew b grown c grow 0
II Since 201H, all Skoda C3r'li _
_ hy • were produced b a~ produced c ha \T been
12 :15 a I~T of p,1llCt waSTed in your officer • y~ il was b Yes. it ill c Yes, it hall 0
--' ---
13 If 1 _ _ a famous person, I wilulun'\
know what to say,
a /l1I.."\:1 b didl1't mut c met 0
14 'Ib e)' __ more money if th ('~'
lilllt' en'r r momh.
~ \led II a would ha\'e b will have 0( would had 0
15 If you __ Ille. what wlluld )'OU do? 1 m b like c: wt" r\.'
16 Emma is ytery busy!:O IIht __ rome to I mustn't b shouldn't , mighl nOI 0
the pari)" She hasn't decided yet.
17 Ed is tired hecaust' hl' __ all nigh t. a hasn't worked b Ita) 1",....·11 workj.n~ , is working 0
You\'(' sot /I 101 ()rbag.~. __ }no _ _ ? • 1>0 / go shopping? b Ha\'e / bttn
c 1-1:1\'(' /,,11(11'1'('(11 0
19 nail was taKen to hnspilld
__ his J~'8.
1l(""(:>lIl~ he • brC1lk.~ b has broken c: had broken 0
211 ' Han they met Knl h)' before the partyf • she had b thcy had , the)' did 0
'YIo'5, __ :
21 ('..fluId )'"ou _ _ me a favour and look • mnke b get , do 0
after the child ren after school, please?
22 Naples i~ __ an exciting cily. "0 b such , very 0
2J Lily gave __ her job and tra\'elled a over b aWllr , up 0
round the world.

John d(WSn't __ much money as;)
a w in b lake c: t'a tn
25 Can you __ a photo or us. please? • make b take· , do

PHOrO(OPIABl[ 1251
New Headway Intermediate Review Telt Uilits 1-6

a.oo. the cot'I'tCt ........

Where __ Penelope Cruz come from?
• is b d"" , do 0
2 Which count ries __ signtd the Kyoto
• isn't b ha\'en', [ didn't
.1 Whcn _ _ the first man land on the
• was b had c did 0
4 I _ _ Ihc latest Jnmcs Bond fi lm is great. • am thinking b didn't thought , think 0
5 I can't answt r my mobile phone nnw,
• am driving b can Jrivt' c drive 0
,• 0
_ _ rna.ny (on-jen Cll~ _ _ in Britain? • Are / selling b Bc J~1l ( Are I sold

1\1)' boS$ was IInnny«llwcaufoC I __ !h.

work on Lim~.
I had ..' t do b halln'lllonc c haven't done 0
• Had you met Pete ~fon: , _ _ you? • intmlluC'C'd b was introducilll! c had int..oouced 0
9 Mrs Pilrktr's credit card _ _ ill Ult:
• fonnd b was found c was being fOllnt1 0
10 on The phone whell the post __ ' • "":IS fa/king I arrh't.-d b lalktd I was arriving , IlJ1l talking I had 0
a rriv~-d

'DiJ rou 11Ikr the children In Ihc park.?' • YC'S, I do b Yes, l um c Yes. I JiJ 0
, ,
12 Our !IOn __ do his hOIDe'\vork ht-fort' he
wulch tdl"Vi~ion,
• hlL~ lo / can b i! allowl.'f.! tu I
has to
c ! hould I must 0
13 You _ _ take )'our paS,l;fIOn :lnd lickl.1s
Wilh yuu.. You _ _ wit hout
• have to / ",-on't he
allowed 10
b 0111 1 can't c ought to / mustn't 0
,. Thol suitcase looks 'Try hellVY - f __ I Jm going to hell' b 'Uhelp , 'III helping 0
yuu carry it.
15 _ _ the F.iITd 'Iilwer whtn you're in Paris
n{'xt wl'Ck7
I Are rou going lip b Do you go up c An: you guing to
go up
I. I dUlI't knul\' what we'~ going to do thi5
weekend. We _ _ a IiIm.
I an: seeing b might see c 'II S4.'C 0
J7 WheR.' __ thcy __ on Saturday night? • a~/doing b do /go C 111'1.' / going 0
18 My grandfather enjoyed _ _ in an
international company.
• worked b working c towork 0
19 Jane stopped _ _ 10 Danny when she
AAW him in the supermarket.
• to talk b talking c her to talk 0
20 Thank you _ _ so kind and helpful, • to be b being c for being 0
21 'What __ Martin __ ?' ' He's slim and
he's got short grey hair:
• dOtS I like doing b is / look liu c dot'S I look like 0
21 ut's gn __ fur lunch nat Sunday! a down b off e together 0
23 Do you want to __ swimming or __
tennis this afternoon?
a do /go b go I play c pia), I do 0
24 Ben couldn't rat the sandwich b«ause it I disgusting b ta5tdl'S.~ c d i,..gI L~led
-, Tomorrow's temperature will be IS"C and
• ;<y b stormy c sunny 0
the weather will be __ with strong
winds and heavy rain.

New Headway Intermediate Rev iew Test Units 7 12

Choose tM COIftCt.....,.
the Star Wars films. I ha\'~ nevC'r s«n b ha\'t" ever secn t ha\'(' ne\'er saw 0
1 They __ for C.oogl~ __ 2004. • worked I ror It \ 'c worked I since c 're working I since 0
3 _ _ Neil _ _ that he didn't get the joh? • Did I tell b Have/ lold c Has I been lold 0
, If yuu __ that cxpensh't" car. )'tlU _ _ I buy I wo n't haw b bought I
don't have
c don't buy I 0
enough moncy 10 go on holiday. won't have
5 What _ _ if you __ a mobile phone? • will you do I haven', b ....,ould you did I had c would
)'OU do I didn't 0
6 Alison hali worked for a month without a
day off - she __ be exhausted.
• might b must c can't 0
7 I know he speaks French, German and
Italian 50 he be Swis.~.
• can't b could c should 0
8 Hundreds of tr~ were blown over in the
night so the ....·iud _ _ ha\'c ~n wry
• can', b could c must 0
9 ' I'm not vcry sociablc."_ _ : • I don', b So:un1 c Ndlhaam I
10 'Sorry I'm la[L'. _ _ for a IUlig time?' • 113'~ you waited II Arc you w'oIitilig ( HllW yuu
" l.eo'~ fren ch isn't v~ry guod. He __ i.
for vcry long.
• has bun
II hasn't m'Cn
( husn't kUn1~.u U
11 Elle:n __ that
n erci.'iC'.
sh~ n«<is to do mor~ • has IX'C1l
b 4 rC'&cd , h3s ~ali7.t'd 0
!3 Henry worked for fh,' bank __ 21101 and • hctwccn
II while ( ulllil 0
I. C..ould you tell me where _ ? • th( lihrary i1 b is the lihrary , if tm llurury 0
15 [)Q rou know _ _ fhil train
~UC::'i '0 • doc.'S II if chow 0
•• It's a lovely day, _ _ 1 • is it II don it c 11n't it
------ 0
17 100 __ your school, .....osn" h~ I was at b went to , w;uu't loll
I8 The interviewer asked _ _ drive, I clIn J b if J (0I,1c1 c i flwa~
J9 The dentist _
to make another • told b said mC' e: told me 0
10 The: po lice "meer _ _ the robbtr to put • onlcrcd II ndvised c reminded 0
down his gUll and put his hands "bun: his
2I Yuu'll n"d to
;111 a n ~wcr to this • get on with b run out of C (Ollie up with 0
22 I walll 10 w·.ah,:h UII: ldC"isiou m·ws. Could • lno!.: il up
YO" __ , plf:'"dse?
II rum it on c look for it 0
23 You must try that restaurant. The food is a "ery delicious II :absolutely
c absolutt.'ly lasty 0
24 We all hated the mm - it was really _ _ . • hilarious b superb c awful 0
15 The kids _ _ over the garden wall to gd
the-ir football hack.
• climbed b hugged c chewed 0

New Headway Upper-Intermediate Review Test Units 1-6

Choose tile UIfNd ..,..,.

Mr Chan __ (rom Shanghai today and
he'll be arriving at 6 p.m.
• com('S II is mming c had come 0
2 Andrew _ to Wales this morning. He'll
arri,'c in tim{' for lunch.
• 's driving II drove c has driven 0
3 I don't like il here - it's _ _ horing. • !iCCms b kind of c: because 0
4 Tanya only started this job on Monda)' 59
,h, __ h~ for long.
• hasn', been
b don't work c: didn't work 0
; __ ynll __ my pa~'ipor l? , left it on
the table.
• Hove I been
II Haw I mo\'td c Are I moving 0
• Martin dinner when T • i.\ cooking I
II cooked I
am arriviny,
c: was luoking I
7 The TV nt'W.~ 1I~'(1 phOlngrHphs thot nne
of thc wilno.'INI __ with her phnoe.
I hod Ix-cn token II had taken C WWI takillg 0
8 Whal _ _ ,"" at the Wttkcncl? I
tried to ring you several times.
• were I doing II bad I bcrn doin~ ( hove I done 0
• hut itI1IwcI
apllt"oIrnl ill F.urope in 2006.
iI in Ihe USA.
yeilf t""drlicr
• has published b had been
c was publishing 0
10 of Iht"M' h;nok~ i~ thl' hl'st1 I What b Which , Who 0
_ _ ),ou COIn ;)fford 3 nl'W cOIr? I thought
you didn't haVl' ~y monty.
I HOlVcome b Actually
, ''"'"' 0
12 'Could you Imd me MIme moncy?' 'What
• rrom b ror "0 0
1.1 Of course )'ou'rt cold! __ 1 tell you
bring yow OOII.l?
to I f)on't b HaYen't c Didn't 0
I4 The' last bus into town __ :11 11.00 p.m. • will il-avc b lcaves ( is l(';lving 0
I; You look tl'l'ribll'! __ you __ sick? • WillI be b Are I going 10 be ( Are I being 0
,. frank __ tomorrow h«aUst he __
his girlfriend 10 the' airport.
• isn't going 10
work I 'Il driw
b does n't wurk I
( isn't working I
's driving
17 SuX)' loo.-s workil1~ a' night OCcausc there
isn't noise where she Jivts.
• much b arew c enough 0
18 I'll manage with __ help from you. I nol many b a bit of ( sn-eral 0
I. Has be got __ enthusiasm for thc·job? • enough b many c not much 0
20 Jane' d idn't make __ the first time she
met her boyfriend's parents.
• a good imprts$ion b her best c them 11 fuvour 0
21 Most conspiracy theories are completely
_ _ belitvable.
• dis- b im- ( un- O
22 "think Jim is a bit __ .", agree. He's
not the brightest pcTSQn I know.'
• silly b thick ( funny 0
23 Please don', __ offmce, I was onl)'
• take b make ( PUI 0
24 Sam and Cdia __ 100 much pressure
• do b,"" ( pUI 0
on their childre'n.
H I can't come to the party because I've got
work finish
• so many b millions or c masses of 0

New Headway Upper-Intermediate Rev iew Tes t Uilits 7 12

Choose tM canwct ........

You __ worry so much, you'll n1ake
yourself ill.
• must It shouldn', ( can', 0
2 I"" _ _ think. ur a guoU cXCUSI.'. (or being
• ~houldn't It mustn't c couldn't 0
3 Stella's __ be promoted bc<aust' she
works hard.
• alltl ....-ed 10 b bound ttl c: manage 10
4 M~' mother__ is in Argentina this • , who trnvcls It lot. b who lra\'d s a lot c who Irnvet~ a lot. 0
S They're going 10 stay with their cnuliins
_ _ live on a Ooal. - It where c who 0
• Wht~ are the nowcrs I sent you? • whe~ It whose ,- 0
7 Leo and Rose kft the cinema b«ause the
'film ",,.5 _ _ "
• bored It lxlrWorn c boring 0
• My grandmother __ livin8 alone 50 she
finds the house very quiet.
• didn't use to It used to c isn't u~ 10
9 My bos.~ ffillly annoys me because she
me 10 work allhe wl't'kcndll.
• is always asking It WQuid ask c asked 0
10 Maria's got a tcmblc ,vice bUI shc _ _ "
an)' opportunity.
• is sin)/lins b 'w ould sing c has sung 0
11 Du )~IU remember ",-hen Mum and Dad
__ t3ke us camping and it __ always
• ., used [0 b are used 10' wiU C USI.-d to/ would 0

12 Al wa~ only in Awtralia for a week so he • shouldn', haVl!' b couldn't hqw , mighl haVl!' 0
~na l ol.

13' Although it was kind, they __ hought • ml1ldn', havc b mightn'l ha\'c , nl't.'Cln't have 0-
us a hou~rming present.
14 If only I _ _ schunl when I was lirll'Cll. • haun't left I b don'IIC',,\'e J , Id\ I 'd C'MU 0
1 _ _ a lrit more money. 'dcam won'leam
1; 1£1 __ a lot of money. I'd retin:.
• win b wlln , hnd Wflll
,. Sometim~ they both wish they _ _
mOTTied so young.
• didn't get b don't gel c hadn't gut 0
17 I)on't you wish we __ len yeal'li ago?
• mel b had met < IIU.oct
18 You can'l huy _ _ happin«s.
- •• e the 0
19 Could you gd _ _ drinks when )'Vu go
10 tht- ~hor5, rlcll~? - b. < th, n
2. It was __ I!Ji'U1 filmlhul we )IIW it
• whot a b her only c such a 0
21 'Ioo)" s daughter has his red hair hut _ _
uf his ~m look like him.
• both
b each c neither 0
22 Sorry, but I don't know whal you arc
gettinil _ _ "

23 ('.ome in from the roin - you're __

• on

• quilt,
b \'Cry
c owr

c absoh,lIcly
24 lohn spcnd5 all his rime complaining. I
wi~ h he'd just _ _ "
• find a life b gct :I. life c change the life 0
-> I.u ..:y _ _ wt'll with her brother. e\'Cn • gets O\'Cr b gets up c gel' on 0
thnugh he's much )'oung~r than her.

PKOTO(OP[ABt£ 1251
New Headway Advanced Review T('st Units 1 6

Choose the comet ~

We went to the new Spanish restaurant
1a.~1 wt:\!k. but we wish we _ _ . The: food
• didn't b weren't c hadn't 0
was terrible.
2 'Hal'c you cleaned the: kitchen?' 'No.
bUI I __ .'
I 'm going to b didn't rtmem~r
( 1'1111 to 0
, never __ .
Frnnk doesn't know how to drive. He • km..-w 10 b did to c learnt to 0
4 'bu Ivok wry wdl - _ _ 1)0 holiday? • ha~ you gone b were you going ( have you been 0
5 Nick won't be in the offit"t' lumomlW
t)t't:au~ he _ a (USlomer in London.
• merlJi b will meet ( is meeting 0
• h wasn', Wltil l triw \0 buy I ti.::ket tlut I
rtalised 1 __ my mnner At home.
• ",'as leaving b hod lr.tT ( left 0
7 Sally and KidlilOJ __ in a renl~ flat
when their Iir~1 bahy ....'IIS helm.
• ...."eTC' living b lived c h;ld livro 0
" We were surprised t(J
!",upp}' _ _ lItlt~ide
Ji~uvt'r that a
our front door.
• was being left b has ix't'n left c had !>ten left 0
9 The children will be
UIkc them lu lb.e: ~.Kh.
happ}'if~ • se\'~rel y b ",nealy ( highl y 0
10 Why do you always stllrt things too _ _ , • latc b lateness ( laldy 0
YOII lonk
ranla.~li , in that tln'Si! It's _ _
• I~ b just ( only 0
12 I knuw yo u ha\'eu't met your'!
fami ly yet, but _ _ you will bd"ore the
• all in all b no doubt e quite honesLly 0
13 'Gloria Estnan has rtttlnl~'tI some gn'llt
songs: 'Yes, she hns, __ "
• hadn't shc b didn't she ( hasn't she 0
14 So, this is your new car, _ _ , • is it b it is ( isn't it 0
I; What I rtally 10\'c _ _ .
• isdandng b to dmct ( dancing 0
I'll never forget __ him for the first
• to see him b s«ing "'w 0
17 _ _ to be li\'ing in a hotel. • She is said b It appears that ( They say she 0
18 _ _ will complete the work within six
• It is hoped that they b It ~ms that they ( It is hoped to 0
t9 The decision a mislak~.
• appears b appears 10 be ( appears that 0
20 She's always_ -I've never known her
to be rude or unpleasant to anyun ....
• patronizing b overbearing ( courteous 0
21 The company's overheads _ _ when they • fcll slightly
employed an cxtra fifty people.
b rose substantially c went down
22 It was impossible ror me to know if the
painting was a fake Picasso or _ _ .
• familia r b deliberate ( genuine 0
somewh~re to stay, we'll
23 !( yo u can't find
__ you _ _ for the night.
• putlout b put / up (' put I down 0
24 Phil looks really tired. \\'hat did he _ _
last night?
• get on with b gd duwn to (' get up 10 0
25 Aft~r three years at home with the
children, Hollywood's favourite actor is
• comeback b drawback c backlash 0
makinga _ _ .

--_."" "-"'" PH010(OPIAA ll 1251

New Headway Advanced Review Test Units 7-12

Choose ttw comd....".

Although it was J a.m., Henry _ _
persuade his girlfriend to k'llvt' the party
• wouldn't b couldn', c needn't
0 she \\'as ha\'ing so much fun .
2 Gerry _ _ be cxh;msloo bccau~ he's
boeen entertaining six. childrtn all day.
• must b may c could 0
3 It's bccn a warm, sunny day so , _ _
brought my coal.
I should have b couldn', ha\'c c: Il!""edn', have 0
4 If only 1_ _ a better job. I can get b ha\"e gol c could gCI 0
5 Thq __ if 1_ thc:m. II will meet I
hm'e introducro
b wouldn't htlVe mcl l
hadn't imroduccd
c: would meet I
had introduced
6 I hadn', been SO rud!"', • if only b wished c am wishing 0
7 \\'hen I was II child I dream o r
• will
b would ,- 0
hewming an astronaut.

S I'w nevcr agreed _ _ anything she sa}'s~ • that b by c: with 0

9 Thcy art' thinking of _ _ Spain. • m on~ to b about moving to c moving to 0
10 (iina _ lo rnl,.'l.'l you. I i!> keen b is ]()()k.illS forward c doesn't feel like 0
" Palll promi~ _ _ me mo\'t some hC".Ivy
furnitu re.
• help b to hdp (' helping 0
12 Shl.' __ hdie\1!5 they will win th~ • ~i n c~rdy b pcrfl'Clly , entirely 0
13 Do you _ _ IiU raw fi sh? • Ihnwughl y b slmngl)'
c really D
14 It is _ _ crucial lhat YUIl dn c)(ul1 ly whlll
J 53y.
• absolutely b '"try C rather 0
\5. Ht met a Chintst' woman _ _ English
was pcrfi.-ct.
• whu b whbsc (' l'oohich
I. After a fou r-day journey, _ the)! I which WJS wry b which W J S '"tn' e: which. wa.~ vcry 0
arrin'd in Ulan Balor. uncnmfilrlahlc I incolllforlllhl~. unculilfortabk
17 Ilere'5 your p.15.~port __ ;n
• which you left it b thOlt you left (' you leon if 0
I. This is the fluent English speaker _ _ .
• (told ),ou about b which luld you
c whll I lold you
about h~r
' 19 Thl' shOt'S _ _ hy most of the class ....'tre • wear b wC'.lring c worn
unsuitable for hill w.lik.iug.

'0 __ II table for Q Valentine's OU)' dillllcr I Huuk b Uooking , IlooW 0

is a good idea.
21 ( queued all day __ gct th.e best scats for it so as b in unier to C lfJ not
the concerl.
22 I had some _ _ ro\\'S with my parents • sparking b glowing , blazing 0
when I WI1S a tttllagef.

" The climbers all felt enonnous

satisfuction as they stood em the
• snllwdrift b snowstonn c snow.capped 0
mountain lop.
24 Rcix",(.'iI and Chris ate b«llUSC
Ihcy'V!.' just hlld another bohr.
• under thC' storm b mw Ihe moon c in Ihc sky 0
25 The rcpurt wasn't fai r. It Wd,~ _ _ ;n
favuur of builJing the new road.
• essential b hiascd c vital 0

·COI!i .110M !CHMnI" B·" "
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Now you can check your students' progress quickly

and easily with these photocopiable review tests,
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• Two review tests for every level of New Headway
• Multiple-choice questions on grammar and
• Quick-mark answer cards - see inside for details

~ Oxford Univenity Press 2007. Great Clarendon Street. Oxford OX} 60P
These tests may be photocopied freely for classroom use. They may not be adapted.
printed. or sold without the permission of Oxford l.Intmsity Pm.s.
Questions written by Iildsay White.

Teachers' Club

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Upper-Intermediate Pre-Intermediate Beginner
the third edition Unrts 7-12 the third edition Units 7- 12 Units 8-14
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