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Classic Studies Summer Exam David Frame:

Colosseum and Circus Maximus experience:

What audience at the Colosseum and Circus Maximus would have experienced when seeing an
event there would have include the following bellow:

When they arrived at the circus maximus they would have been shown to their seating and would sit
in many rows reserved for the rich, poor, slaves and politicians. The rich would have been shown to
their boxes by people and they were reserved only for them.

Then afterwards, they would watch a parade of chariots, priests and the racers as well as sponsors of
the game before it started. Many of the spectators would waive the colours of white, green, blue
and yellow as support for the racers in tradition.

The experiences that the audience had from the environment was amaze due to how beautiful it
looked with statues and architecture and seating. The seating experience they would have been also
amazing for them due to having lots of luxurious seating and directing's to where their seating was
located. There were also refreshments such as wine served as well.

Then first would be the chariot races which whoever was the winner of them would win lots of
money that they have bet on. However if something wrong happened, they wore armour and if they
were out of control, they would cut the reins to free themselves from crashing painfully. Some
racers had four horses while others had two horses, the four horse racers were called the
Quadrigada, while the two horse racers were called the Bigada.

Then was the gladiator fights which were many people fighting to the death for the entertainment of
the people attending it. Many fought with tridents and nets. Some also fought animals and killed
them. And some were even slaves captured and forced to fight for the entertainment of the people
watching. With that entertainment, the politicians would stay in power for appeasing their citizens.

Finally was the execution for the enemies of the state. Many executions include by animals, many
were killed by swords and many were killed during gladiotorial fights as well.

The experiences of watching these events at the Circus Maximus were surprising for some, but
exciting for others.

The features of the Circus Maximus were a round track for racing divided by the Spina in the middle.
Some areas of the track gave racers an advantage to win.

The Colosseum was like the Circus Maximus with executions, racing and gladiator fights but many of
the events began to become more elaborate. With an example of these elaborate being sometimes
they would have flooded the colosseum for naval battles and, they would even have battles inside
the arena itself.

The Colosseum was larger than the circus maximus but had less spectators inside of it. It was also
like what the Circus Maximus had except it was rounder and had dungeons inside of it for the
gladiators and wild animals to reside in.

Like the Circus Maximus, it was made to appease the citizens of Rome to maintain control over

Like the Circus Maximus, it also had parades happening before the events as well
Many people like the Circus Maximus had mixed experiences of excitement and surprise from
witnessing the games featured in it.

The Colosseum also amazed the audience like the Circus Maximus due to the seating and
environment that it had statues, luxurious seating, parades, refreshments, etc.


What the Dionysia was would be explained below:

The Dionysia was about celebrating the god of Dionysus, who was a important figure in religion for
Greek culture and how he was victourious in a battle and how they celebrated his glory was true
festivals which would have turned out important

The significance of the dionysia was that it allowed many people to be able to speak for the interests
of other people in political ways. With this problems that eroded throughout the city were resolved
by the victors of this festival theatrical contest.

Many people from other lands would have come to see this event due to it being very popular to
those people as well.

On the they of the events parades would happen with many citizens wearing masks in honour of
Dionysus himself. Before these parades would be the decorating of the citizens houses before they
would be allowed to parade.

Then the competition of theatrical experiences would begin. It was financed by the leader of Athens,
the Choragus, the performers in these plays were called the chorus, the judge was the leader of the
city, the archon, and it would be directed by a man.

There were three tribes in Athens that were the contestants in the competition and would have
been selected by the leaders of the tribes.

Then after the competition, the winner would have not been selected only by the Archon, but by the
council of the city as well, which the archon had to appease them to stay as a member of it.

When the winner was selected, his demands that his people had given him would have been made
and it would have turned out well.

Also, a closing ceremony was held on the last day of the festival. and afterwards the people visiting
left to go back to their lands and would return next year for it.

This was a special way for the people of Athens to be able to challenge the leadership that it was
under by entertaining those people and being rewarded for their efforts of doing so.

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