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Capstone Title - Face detection and recognition

Domain - Data Science

Problem statement: Interviewer.AI thoroughly analyzes your candidates’ résumés,

putting their skills into assessment tests and pre-screening video interviews. As an
outcome, you get bias-free insights and highlights of the best talent suited for your
company. It allows you to reduce the time spent on pre-interviews and increase your
hiring efficiency and productivity. They want a system where the system detects the
face ID based on the database.

Learning Objectives:
● Demonstrate the ability to make use of openCV library and Haar cascade module
● Demonstrate the ability to implement Image processing techniques techniques

Business Objective:
Integrating a facial recognition attendance system together with a payroll system is a
relatively simple exercise. These systems are modular and highly customisable, which
means that the time-in, time-out, and date formats can be customized to work with
many different systems used in your business, and this allows you to organize data
much easier.

Company Introduction: is an AI-powered video recruitment platform that helps companies

pre-screen candidates at the top of the funnel by grading uploaded resumes, small skill
assessment tests, and recording short video interview responses before scheduling
them for face-to-face interviews. It helps companies to reimagine every stage of the
talent acquisition process - from Screening, to Interviewing and Shortlisting candidates -
digitally and at scale. creates a boundless bridge between employees and employers to match
the best quality professionals with relevant opportunities worldwide.

Project Task 1: Finding the face in the given image

Background Description:

Object Detection using Haar feature-based cascade classifiers is an effective object

detection method. It is a machine learning based approach where a cascade function is
trained from a lot of positive and negative images. It is then used to detect objects in
other images.

Task Instructions:

Implement a face detection algorithm for detection of multiple faces in a given image.
You can either use deep learning methods or machine learning methods such as
Histogram of Oriented Gradients or Harr Cascade Classifiers for this.

Note: You can create your own data set by uploading different face images.

Submission Format: Share the .ipynb file with all the details and insights.

Resources: OpenCV: Cascade Classifier

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