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Capstone Title - Classification of news articles.

Domain - Data Science

Problem statement: The better India is the world's largest positive and solution
based content driven impact platform. They use their website to share the contents
around the world in the form of articles and other forms of media. The problem we are
facing is to segregate or automate the process of classification of these articles into
separate categories using AI for better reach to the right audience. We are using deep
learning for this purpose.

Learning objectives:
● Learners will be able to understand word embedding vectorisation and its
● Learners will have an understanding of main NLP libraries and techniques used.
● Learners will be able to understand the usage of deep learning architectures.

Business Objectives:
Automating categorization of online news articles using AI to improve user engagement
and improved website traffic.

Company Introduction:

The Better India is the world’s largest impact-driven, positive stories platform. We
reach over 250 million readers each month, across languages - English, Hindi, Gujarati
and Malayalam. Our solutions-oriented reporting features stories of change makers and
innovators, with a highlight on small enterprises, grassroots innovations, sustainability
initiatives, and more. Inspired by our protagonists, thousands of readers have made
positive changes to the community around them, each year.

In addition, The Better India has partnered with social impact organizations, corporates,
NGOs, the government and citizens to organize and highlight initiatives delivering real
impact. We have helped raise relief money, bring about economic independence to the
needy and revive degraded environments and lakes, amongst other activities.

Dataset Link:
Dataset Description:

The columns/features in the given dataset are as follows:

● Article category - Type of news article (Target variable)

● News Headline - Headline of the news article
● Author - Author of the news article
● Short_description - Brief about what the headline is about
● Date - Date of publishing of article

Task 4: Hyper Parameter Tuning, Optimizing Deep Learning Model and

Validating Performance

Background Description
The process of setting the hyper-parameters requires expertise and extensive trial and
error. There are no simple and easy ways to set hyper-parameters — specifically,
learning rate, batch size, momentum, and weight decay. These hyper-parameters act as
knobs which can be tweaked during the training of the model. For our model to provide
the best result, we need to find the optimal value of these hyper-parameters.

Task Instructions
Find the best parameter for the Deep learning RNN model which gives the best
Validate the performance using confusion matrix, precision recall and f1 score and note
down your conclusions.

Submission Format - Share the .ipynb file with all the details and insights.

Resources - Hyper-parameter Tuning Techniques in Deep Learning

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