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Let me introduce myself

My name is Rut Tax, I am 23 years old, and I was born in Guatemala City. I have
one brother on my mother’s side and three siblings on my father’s side, I live with my
lovely mother Erika, my wonderful stepfather Oscar and my little brother Fredy. When I
was 15 years old, I started working in my mother’s small company selling house painting
but without a salary just helping her with the business, I graduated with honors from high
school in marketing and publicity in 2016. I wanted to study in college, but we were unable
to afford it, but I really love learning new things, so I took some free courses such as art, e-
marketing, math, and English.
In 2019, I started to work at a telecommunications company, I was making money to afford
college, but the company’s working hours did not allow me to study, and finding another
job was not an option. So, I continue working and I met a lot of beautiful people one of
them, Edgar (I am going to talk about him later). In 2020, I really wanted to continue
studying so I began cooking courses, at the end of that year I was promoted at work, and I
thought I could start college, so I did it but just for one semester because I couldn’t afford
it for more time.
In 2021, after all those years of practicing English, I could find another job with a better
salary. My stepfather has lived in the USA since he was 16 years old, you can imagine that
my mom and Oscar was having a long-distance relationship, it was hard for them, so we
decided to apply for permanent residency and move to the USA at the beginning of 2022,
now we live here with my mom, little brother, and Oscar.
In May 2022, I found a job in this new country, I thought that was enough for me, but I
was always thinking about my dream of studying in college but that I was too old to
continue with that dream and I shared these thoughts with Edgar. Edgar is a fighter, even
in hard situations, he finds a way to succeed. He studies, works, takes care of his whole
family and is my best friend, I admire him. Some months later, Edgar told me that he
found that I could apply for financial aid from the government, and he encouraged me, he
helped me with the process and now I am here.
I remember when I was a kid, I wanted to be a doctor because I enjoy helping others, I
dream to be a nurse now, and I continue learning every day, I have started French courses
and I can’t wait to return something of everything that has helped me to those people that
made it happen.

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