MAPEH Reviewer

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MAPEH Reviewer • Italian composer of the post-Romantic period

and came from a lineage of the church

L1: Romantic Opera Composers • He is primarily known as an opera composer
who wrote some of the best loved operas of all
Franz Schubert — “Master of the Song Cycle”
time, also composed chorale, orchestral and
• January 31, 1797 chamber music
• Alsergrund, Vienna, Austria • Regarded as the successor to the great Verdi
• November 19, 1828 Compositions:
• Vienna Austria 1. Le villi – 1884
• C : Winterreise, Impromptus, Die schöne 2. Edgar – 1889
Müllerin, more 3. Manon Lescaut – 1893
• Viennese composer who was a gifted 4. La Boheme – 1896
songwriter who wrote more than 600 lieders 5. Tosca – 1890 (most loved opera)
and several famous song cycle. 6. Madame Butterfly – 1904
• Had his musical training under his father who 7. La fanciulla del West (The Girl of the
taught him how to play violin, piano and viola Golden West) – 1907
8. Turandot – unfinished, completed by
• He wrote hundreds of musical pieces, some of
Franco Alfano in 1926
his well-known works are “Serenade”, “Ave
Maria”, “Who is Sylvia?”, “C Major Symphony”, Richard Wagner
“Unfinished Symphony”, “Die schone Mullerin”,
“Winterreise”, “Death and the Maiden”, “Die • May 22, 1813, Leipzig - February 13, 1883,
Forelle”, and “The ErlKing”. Venice
• C: Der Ring des
Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi • Nibelungen, Parsifal
• October 10, 1813 • Chorus master, composer, opera conductor,
• Le Roncole writer, librettist, critic, and skilled debater
• January 27, 1901, Milan • Mid-teens – he became interested in music and
• C: La Traviata, Rigoletto, took secret lessons from a Leipzig teacher
• Aida, Nabucco, Requiem, more • He was 30 when his grand opera “Reinzi”
became a huge success. This made him
• Able to study privately in Milan with the help of
conductor to the King of Saxony
Antonio Barezzi (father of his wife)
• He choose subjects from German epics,
• Famous for themes of freedom, heroism, love,
displayed a profound feeling for nature,
and liberty
employed supernatural as an element of the
• Wrote Italian grand operas, marches,
people, and glorified Germany and its people
symphonies, church music and secular music
• Wagner’s later years saw the creations of such
• Popularized the bel canto style of writing for
masterful works such as the “Ring Cycle”
opera singers
and“Tristan and Isolde”
• He actually didn’t composed any good music at
• In 1883, Wagner died from heart attack in
all. For 16 years Verdi wrote no operas
• Prouced his 2 great works “Othello” (73y/o) and
“Falstaff” (80)
• Highly expressive Italian composer of 19th
• Composer of operas, music director, librettist, L1: Biking and Orienteering
senator, highly-revered musician, rich but
charitable artist, “a peasant from Roncole”. Biking — Use bicycle for transport, recreation exercise
or sport. Is one physical activity that creates very little
Giacomo Puccini train on the body and is a great form of physical activity.
• Giacomo Antonio Domenico Michele Secondo Bicycle — where introduce in 19th century and have
Maria Puccini become the principal means of transportation in many
• December 22, 1858, Lucca - November 29, parts of the world.
1924, Brussels
Health Benefits of Cycling Exercises:
• C: Turandot, Madame Butterfly, Tosca, La
Boheme 1. Reduce stress
• Movies: La Boheme 2. Strengthens your heart
3. Improve blood pressure 6. Personal Clothing – the early competitors use
4. Improve cardiovascular standard athletic clothing, short and an athletic
5. Builds strength and muscle tone vest which provided little protection for racing
6. Makes you feel more energetic through undergrowth.
7. Builds stamina 7. Personal Equipment – the basic equipment
8. Eats up calories required for orientation is usually limited as a
9. Helps you manage your weight compass and appropriate outdoor clothing. The
10. Helps you sleep better whistle must be carried for safety in case of
2 Types of Injuries from Cycling:
L2: Camping and Hiking
1. PHYSICAL TRAUMA (Extrinsic)
➢ includes injuries to the head and Camping – is an outdoor recreational activity where
extremities resulting from falls and collision. participants leave developed areas to spend the
➢ Most cyclist’s death result from a collision outdoors in more natural ones pursuit of activities
with a car or heavy goods vehicle with both providing them enjoyment.
motorist and cyclist having been found
• is the key part of many youth organization
being responsible for collision.
around the world such as scouting.
2. OVERUSE (Intrinsic)
➢ Cyclists suffer from overuse injuries to the Hiking – is a walking for a long distance, specially across
knees affecting cyclist at all levels caused by long field, towns or country, or in the woods.
many factors.
• It is an outdoor area activity which consist of
Factors that AFFECT overuse injuries: walking in nature environments, often in
1. incorrect bicycle fit or adjustment. mountainous or other scenic terrain.
2. Incorrect adjustment of clipless pedals. Forms of Camping:
3. to many hills, or too many miles, too early in
the training season ▪ Adventure Camping
4. poor training preparation for long touring rides. ▪ Dry Camping
5. selecting too high gear. A lower gear for uphill ▪ Backpacking
climbs protects the knees, even though muscles ▪ Canoe Camping
maybe well able to handle a high gear. ▪ Bicycle Camping
▪ Glamping
Orienteering — is a family sports that requires ▪ Reenactment Camping
navigational skills using a map and compass to navigate 1. Adventure Camping – is a form of camping by
from point to point in diverse and usually unfamiliar people who take part in race (adventure racing or
terrain and normally moving at speed. mountain biking) during the day, and camp in
Orienteering sport — combine significant navigation minimalist way at night.
with a specific method of travel because the method of • They might use the basic items of camping
travel determine the needed equipment and tactics. equipment such as micro camping stove,
sleeping bag and bivouac bag.
Basic Tools: 2. Dry Camping – is the camping at a site without a
reliable water source.
1. Map – orienteering competition use specially
• Campers must carry their own water in and out
prepared orienting maps. They are topographic
of camp.
maps although much more detailed than
general purpose maps. • It requires much more preparation and is very
2. Courses – orienteering events offer a range of commonly preferred in desert areas due to the
courses of varying physical and technical risk of flash floods.
difficulty to meet the needs of competitors. 3. Backpacking – it affords a maximum wilderness
3. Control Card Punching – each competitor is experience. A specialized gear allows enthusiasts to
required to carry an electronic or paper control both enjoy popular local recreational spots and
card and to present it at the start and hand it in access the most remote locations.
at the finished. • It involves riding or being accompanied by pack
4. Results – the winner is normally the competitor animals such as horses, mules, and Ilama.
with the fastest time. 4. Canoe Camping – it is similar to backpacking, but
5. Safety – each competitor is responsible for his requires waterproof bags and fishing gear as
or her own safety. There are no rules but there common gear.
are guidelines, which should be followed.
5. Bicycle Camping – it combines camping with 3. Bring plenty of water – never drink untreated
cycling, both in developed and natural areas. water.
6. Glamping (glamorous camping) – it is a growing 4. Don’t over exert yourself – if you need a break,
global phenomenon that combines camping with take it.
the luxury and amenities of a home or hotel. 5. Leave local plants and animals alone - Don’t eat
7. Reenactment Camping – it employs the methods leaves even if they look familiar. Never attempt
and equipments appropriate to a specific historic to feed wild animals.
era for personal enjoyment and other purpose such 6. Dress appropriately – use the right hiking shoes.
as instruction and entertainment. 7. Bring a first aid kit along
8. Know how to start fire
Equipment – it depends on the length of the hike, but
9. Don’t leave trash behind – it might invite wild
day hikers generally carry at least water, food, map and
animals to approach the trail.
rain proof gear.
10. Know where to get help.
• Hikers usually wear sturdy hiking boots for
mountain walking and backpacking as
protection for rough terrain, as well as
providing increased stability. L1: Injury Prevention Safety. and First Aid (Intentional)

“Leave no trace” – it refers to a set of outdoor Concept of Intentional Injuries:

promoting conservation in the outdoors.
• Self-harm
It is built on seven principles: • Self-injury
• Self-poisoning
1. Plan ahead and prepare
2. Travel and camp in durable surfaces Self-harm is a symptom of borderline personality
3. Dispose of waste properly disorder
4. Leave what you find
5. Minimize campfire impact Common Form of Self-harm
6. Respect wildlife ▪ Burning, scratching, banging or hitting body
7. Be considerate of other visitors. parts
Health Benefits of Hiking This may include those who have:
➢ Anxiety Disorder
1. It is an excellent way to get your heart ➢ Schizophrenia
2. pumping. ➢ Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
3. It is an aerobic act that burns calories ➢ Substance Abuse
4. and builds strong leg muscles. ➢ Depression
5. It reduces stress. ▪ Other people use self-harm as a coping
6. It helps reduce weight. mechanism
7. It decreases hypertension. ▪ Often associated with trauma and abuse;
8. Thirty minutes of hiking burns about 240 including emotional and sexual abuse.
calories. ▪ 80% of self-harm includes stabbing or cutting
the skin with sharp objects.
Health and Safety Checklist
▪ Other ways include: burning, self-poisoning,
1. Personal medications (plus extra) alcohol abuse, and other forms related to
2. First Aid Kit anorexia and bulimia.
3. Sun Cream
Signs of Planned Self-harm
4. Anti-bacterial handwash
5. Insect Repellant ❖ Saying “I wish I was dead”
6. Extra Batteries ❖ Thinking about killing oneself
7. Pocket Knife ❖ Feelings of Hopelessness
8. Toilet Roll ❖ Previous suicide attempts
❖ Sudden change in behavior
10 Safety Rules for Hiking
❖ Withdrawal from friends and activities
1. Play it smart – hiking alone is not a good idea ❖ Increased use of alcohol and other drugs
specially on unfamiliar remotes train, going into ❖ Mood swings
a hike is need preparation. ❖ Emotional outbursts
2. Know exactly where you are going – do not go ❖ High level of irritability or aggression
when there is a bad weather report.
L2: Types of Intentional Injuries
Intentional Injuries • It is one of the top causes of death in young
adults. It is a significant problem outnumbering
- Injuries that are inflicted on purpose.
the common cause of unintentional injury. Risk
- Also the use of force or power-threatened or
factors include:
actual-against oneself, another person or
• Psychiatric disease
against a group or community
• Levels of economic status
- It can also occur as a result of a willful act
• Cultural change
meant to cause harm.
A. Kidnapping and Abduction • Degree of social support
E. Bullying
• This is taking away a person against his/her will
for ransom or for vengeance, dispute, or crime- • It is the use of force, threat, or coercion to
related. abuse, intimidate, or aggressively dominate
others. The behavior is often repeated and
• Usually it is a child who is the victim.
Reasons for kidnapping
Types of Bullying:
• Gain a ransom or reward
1. Physical – This involves physically hurting the
• Facilitate a commission of a felony or fight
victim like hitting, punching, or kicking
• Terrorize or inflict bodily injury
2. Verbal – The use of name-calling or taunting
• Interfere with government or political function
3. Relational – This pertains to destroying peer
B. Domestic Violence
acceptance and friendships.
• Occurs at home or within the family. It is a
4. Cyber-bullying – This pertains to the use of
pattern of abusive behaviors by one partner
electronic means like cellphones, instant
against another in an intimate relationship such
messaging, email, chat rooms or social media to
as marriage, dating, family, or cohabitation.
harass, threaten, or intimidate someone.
Forms of Domestic Violence: F. Extortion
• This is a criminal offense that involves obtaining
• Physical aggression or assault such as hitting, money, property or services from a person,
kicking, shoving, slapping, and other related entity, individual, or situation through coercion.
moves • Sometimes referred to as “protection racket”
• Threats G. Stalking
• Sexual abuse • This is the unwanted obsessive attention by an
• Emotional abuse individual or group towards another person.
• Intimidation • Includes following the victim and monitoring
• Stalking them from afar.
• Harassment H. Acts of Terror
• Spousal abuse • These are calculated uses of violence or threats
• Intimate partner violence of violence against civilians in order to attain
• Battering goals that are political, religious, or ideological
• Abusive relationship in nature through intimidation, coercion or
instilling fear.
Signs of an Abusive Relationship
I. Illegal Fraternity-Related Violence
• Fear of partner • Fraternities are social organization of men in
• When a partner belittles you or tries to control different colleges and universities having one
you purpose, interest and activities.
• Feeling of self-loathing J. Gang and Youth Violence
• Helplessness • Typically involves persons between the ages of
• Desperation 10-24
C. Homicide • Defined as the intentional use of physical force
• It is the killing of a human being by another or power, threatened or actual, against another
whether by murder or manslaughter. This person or a group or community that results to
usually happens when there is robbery, injury, death, psychological harm,
vengeance, dispute, or conflict. maldevelopment, or deprivation

D. Suicide
• It is the act of taking one’s own life voluntarily
and intentionally.

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