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Here’s the longer version of my post about how treating parasites (most likely

pinworms) cured my sleep Bruxism (sleep teeth grinding). I will also post some research
on the topic from CDC & more.
These are Quick & dirty notes in some cases with my own modifications so please don’t
take these too seriously. These are for research purposes only, not medical advice. I have
no relationship with any of these products & companies. I recommend if anyone is
dealing with health issues to see their licensed medical practitioner and consult the
great Practitioner of above as well.
Parasites are a special type of infection because they can carry other infections and
reinfect you even after treating a bacterial infection such as Lyme. It’s probably a good
idea to ask your Dr. about treating parasites early so this doesn’t happen.
Extra note on parasite testing. Parasite testing is oftentimes unreliable because there are
so many parasites and not all are tested for, they may not come out during the test, and
even then the tests may not be that effective. When it comes to these, some practitioners
implement a “treat it as if you have it” approach. How you respond to treatment can give
more clues as well as treatment can be a challenge test of sorts.
Bruxism, nighttime teeth grinding, has been linked to parasitic infections.
"Our findings suggest that pathogenic parasites may serve as the cause of initiation of
bruxism habits among children."
The most common clinical manifestation of a pinworm infection...Often the patient will
complain of teeth grinding…
Health researcher Dr. Andreas Kalcker said you have a very high chance of pinworms if
you have teeth grinding.
“if somebody's grinding teeth it's a 99.9% pinworm bedwetting droning when sleeping
sleep disorders and awakenings during the night this is a sleep disorder caused by
parasites growth problems we know that too -Dr. Andreas Kalcker at AutismOne 2017
Successful Treatment of Autism (timestamped)
I personally believe that parasites can cause too many symptoms to list.
On a side note, drooling on your sleeping pillow is a sign of parasites. I do still have this
but not as often.
I believe I did all these treatments separately. Treating infections can be hard on your
body so you might not want to overdo it. If you do, they may not be as effective and you
may wear yourself out. Additionally, doing too much at once may complicate things to
the point where you don’t know which is working. So take it easy and be patient...
Alinia (drug) cleared me of blastocystis hominis and an Hpylori infection at the same
time (according to the lab)
I’ve heard you can treat pinworms with drugs even over the counter drugs for animals…
Pyrantel Pamoate is over the counter and for pinworms affecting humans the one I got
from Amazon was Pyrantel Pamoate Suspension, 50mg / mL, 16 ounce Brand: Apexa
I have taken some of this but it was after I was already symptom free of bruxism.
The straw that broke the camel’s back for curing my bruxism was an herbal product
called InternalCleanse but other stuff may have helped before that. Link for the
The salt / C protocol. This is an antiparasitic treatment involving high doses of salt &
vitamin C. This got 2 kinds of classic liver flukes out on the very first dose! (tomato
skin & cotton ball with black legs kinds [do a google image search]) They left but
sometimes came back. After 2 or 3 weeks of consistent dosing, I had gray seed like pods
come out that smelled funny (they were clearly parasites). To this day I don’t know
what these are, if anyone has ideas please let me know.
(non graphic pics
(the following spoon is OVERsized by the way
(Sidenote: This is a brightfield microscope picture of my blood. The lemon shaped cells
are supposedly infected w a parasite
(see how to do this protocol below)
Salt C protocol directions...!AqZHtz6M8kPKcoGghec-O1i-upA?e=HNIfOX (Dr. Dietrich
Klinghardt (Klinghardt academy) salt c variation
-!AqZHtz6M8kPKcyntSgLDLnrynmc?e=HmdpGq (salt c variation
I prefer HealthForce Truly Natural Vitamin C, & real salt (which I don’t like eating
because it has too much grit which is bad for your teeth), I like to add baking soda (just a
dash or whatever) I’ve heard this makes it easier on your pancreas and baking soda has
other health benefits, Apple Cider Vinegar (Bragg), 1tsp Food Grade Diatomaceous earth
(antiparasitic & great source of selenium, be careful not to inhale)
Here’s how I do the salt c protocol (longer version)…
Vitamin C (HealthForce Truly Natural Vitamin C or Buffered C Powder from Thorne),
salt (real salt but don’t use it on food because there is too much grit which is bad for
your teeth)
ALL THE REST IS OPTIONAL … baking soda (dash, use your biofeedback), Apple Cider
Vinegar (ACV some say this is antiparasitic & you can use this for liver flush (gallbladder
flush) preparation to soften the “soapstones'' [emulsified oil is more likely]) [research
The Amazing Liver Gallbladder Flush by Andreas Mortiz especially the files section of
liver flush facebook groups], small parasite blessed herbs tincture, large parasite blessed
herbs tincture, grapefruit seed extract (2 or 3 drops [use your biofeedback (listen to the
body), 1 tsp diatomaceous earth antiparasitic and great source of selenium [do not
inhale & only use FOOD GRADE]), uva ursi stonebreaker, turpentine (NOT
conventional but this is a natural byproduct of trees [lookup diamond G turpentine]
antiparasitic…research Dr. Jennifer Daniels), flowers of Sulphur sulfur (Ray Peat has
mentioned for parasites [I don’t really use this anymore]), borax (dash) [may have many
health benefits], stevia (but it makes it taste even worse so this is very optional), gallium
nitrate (another optional ingredient, some say this element works well on Bartonella, it
is used for many things on horses including arthritis and it is said to starve certain iron
dependent infectious bacteria),
I prefer to measure out the vitamin C powder in whatever appropriate measuring cup
which will vary depending on your body weight and how often you dose. If you don’t do
this you will have to take so much time dispensing tablespoons each time.
Add half the water in a all jar or something big enough and SLOWLY add the
ingredients some of them will make other REALLY bubble (Especially if you use baking
soda, not sure if other ingredients bubble much) you’ll know what I mean) you don’t
want this to bubble over and waste a bunch then have to clean it up.
This isn’t necessarily following the directions but I do the total amounts divided into 3
doses not 4 because making the potion 4 times is too much of a hassle.
I said before that this protocol got 2 types of liver flukes out on the very first dose
(cotton ball & tomato skin kinds). These flukes sometimes return so I do the protocol
ever so often. After about 2 intensive weeks of doing it I got some large seed-like
gray/white pods out that smelled funny & were clearly parasites. They could’ve been
tapeworm proglottids but IDK
High doses of vitamin C have also been said to kill Hpylori. It can be a hassle though.
It can cause high blood pressure in some so be careful. I've also been told it can make
you acidic because of high dose salt (& maybe some other stuff), and lastly huge doses of
vitamin C may cause excess free radicals in the intestine (Ray Peat). This is NOT a long-
term thing in my opinion anyhow. In any case, discuss with your licensed medical

You might also research the Dietrich Klinghardt parasite protocol though I’ve only done
some of it. It’s mostly drugs. I’ve heard that he more recently recommends Simon Yu
protocols but not sure about this or where to find these. (I found this one but no idea if
it’s up to date or still recommended)…
Ivermectin is mentioned, which is a controversial treatment & claimed preventor of
Covid (CoronaVirus). Myself & many others (ie on Lyme groups) have taken the horse
version (available without prescription)
A. Klinghardt Rx Parasite Protocol adapted from Dr Simon Yu
The following drugs are used for a year in rotation to kill the full range of parasites—
from protozoa to tapeworm . In my experience, all but Alinia kill roundworm but
Albendazole is the primary one for it. Please note that these are generic
recommendations. Most Klinghardt practitioners energetically test each one to
personalize the dose and whether all need to be taken. Here is the order to take them,
one after another:
1. Biltricide 600 mg – twice daily, every 12 hours for two days. Absorption increases
most when taken with a high carb meal. A high fat meal increases it almost as much.
2. Ivermectin. 12 mg four times per day for fourteen days on an EMPTY stomach. Can
cause visual side effects. When my eyes blurred I was advised to stop. Some doctors
prefer a much lower dose: 3 mg 4x a day.
Pyrantel pamoate— take at same time as ivermectin — 4 liquid teaspoons (1000 mg) per
day at bedtime for fourteen days. Or use compounded capsules
3. Albenza 400 mg – Two 200 mg tablets twice per day every 12 hrs for 14 days. Take
with food and FAT like a few shots of olive oil.
4. Alinia 1000 mg – Two 500 mg tablets twice per day (every 12 hrs) for 14 days.
Klinghardt says they need to have the yellow dye to be effective.
5. Biopure Mimosa Pudica – ½ teaspoon 2x/day for fourteen days mixed in water or
6. Biopure Arteminisin 200mgs 2x/day for fourteen days. Optional: Take with 4 oz. of
grapefruit juice 30 minutes before meals to potentiate
*Ivermectin needs to always be taken on an empty stomach.
*Albenza with a fatty meal or a few shots of olive oil, at a minimum.
*Billtricide best with carbs and fat.
Key Pharmacy can compound all of these and will be cheaper for some esp albendazole.
All Day Chemist is an offshore pharmacy that is also cheaper and does not require Rx.
Check out the free GoodRx card for substantial savings on Rx medications.

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