HW Active To Passive Voice Convertion Questions

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Section A:

1. The patient was prescribed five paracetamol tablets. \ Five paracetamol tablets were
prescribed to the patient.
2. We would be discharging the patient tomorrow.\
3. The nurse had administer the patient with oral fluids.
4. We would be increasing the dosage after discharge.
5. Somebody had admitted the patient on Monday.
6. The doctor has advised the patient to continue breathing exercises.
7. We would be requiring five bottles of blood for his operation.
8. That ointment has healed his wound.
9. We had treated the patient for two weeks.
10. The boy has been suffering from chronic asthma.
11. Her finger has bled profusely.
12. The nurse has given the patient IV twice a day.
13. The child was vomiting heavily last night.
14. We would have bandaged the wound before sending the patient.
15. The specialist had to transplant the organ within two hours.
16. The patient has been coughing persistently.
17. A toy has swollen by the child last night.
18. We have taken his pulse on arrival.
19. He had sprained his leg while walking.
20. He was having a fever.
21. The patient's temperature had risen to 38 degrees.
22. The patient's right has been broken.
23. We would be rehabilitating the patient in six weeks.
24. The patient would be recuperating soon.
25. We will do an X-ray of the patient before arriving at the diagnosis.

Section B:

1. We are discharging the patient.

2. The doctor would be increasing the dosage after discharge.
3. The nurse is washing the wound with spirit.
4. Somebody admits the boy to the hospital before the doctor arrives.
5. The doctor has examined the patient before he went out.
6. The child was treated for three weeks by us.
7. Her finger was bleeding heavily.
8. The boy has suffered from severe asthma.
9. We would have delivered the drugs after the two weeks
10. The patient had just slept.
11. She had swallowed ten sleeping pills.
12. We would be taking the patient for the major check-up next week.
13. The patient was just fallen while walking along the verandah.
14. Overdosage will be worsening the condition of the patient.
15. The physiotherapist has trained her on how to stretch her arm.
16. The patient will be recuperated by the end of the month.
17. He was in the ICU since last Monday.
18. Scientists had confirmed the adverse effect of such vaccines.
19. We are noticing a color change in the urine.
20. The government had improved the public health system in the country.
21. Globalization had changed our diet patterns.
22. The patient had experienced three cardiac arrests so far.
23. We will be moving the mother and the baby to the general ward.
24. W.H.O. had launched a mission to improve children’s health in Africa.

Section C:

1. We would be discharging the patient today.

2. She has been suffering from back pain.
3. The doctor has been trying an experimental treatment on the patient.
4. The has analyzed the reports.
5. I had been taking his pulse.
6. The patient had been sweating profusely.
7. The patient would be feeling some discomfort.
8. The wound was still bleeding.
9. The patient had been breathing heavily.
10. We will be referring the patient to the city hospital
11. We would be removing the stitches next week.
12. The nurses were putting his broken arm in a cast.
13. We had been operating on the cancer when we found it.
14. The patient's condition has improved.
15. We will be injecting steroids to quicken the recovery.
16. The injury has swollen.
17. The doctor has been performing an operation on the patient.
18. We would be informing the patient of the future treatment plans shortly.
19. He had been taking painkillers for the past month.
20. We were working on the care plan for the patient.
21. She had been improving under treatment.
22. The doctor has been speaking to the patient.
23. The surgeon has inserted some stents to improve the flow.
24. We will be considering other options.
25. The patient will be leaving the hospital today.

1. The doctor prescribed five paracetamol

Simple past tense
Ans -The patient has prescribed five paracetamol tablets. \ Five paracetamol tablets
were prescribed to the patient.

2. we will discharge the patient.

3. The nurse administered the patient's oral fluids

Simple past tense

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