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Evaluation of the pelvis is best achieved by using the criteria set by Caldwell and

Moloy, which are predicated upon 4 basic types of pelves: (1) the gynecoid type;(2)

the android type;(3) the anthropoid type; and(4) the platypelloid type.

2. Feedback regulation of ovarian function

The cells of the theca intema provide androgens to the granulosa cells, and the thecal

cells produce the circulating estrogens, which inhibit the secretion of LH, GnRH, and

FSH. Inhibin B from thegranulosa cells also inhibits FSH secretion. LH regulates

thecal cells, whereas the granulosa cells are regulated by both LH and FSH.

3. Functions of the Maternal Placental-Fetal Unit

The placenta is a complex organ of internal secretion, releasing numerous hormones

and enzymes into the maternal bloodstream. In addition, it serves as the organ of

transport for all fetal nutrients and metabolic products as well as for the exchange of

oxygen and CO2.

4. the common types of spontaneous abortion

1. Threatened Abortion ; 2. Inevitable Abortion ; 3. Incomplete Abortion ; 4.

Complete Abortion; 5. Missed Abortion

5. recent complications of abortion

uterine perforation, abortion syndrome, incomplete aspiration of the uterus, leakage of

suction, intraoperative bleeding, postoperative infection, embolism.

6.The factors affects delivery.

The powers; the passage; the fetus; psychological factors.

7. the methods of contraception.

Hormonal contraception; intrauterine device; condom; natural family planning;

others(vaginal spermicides)

8. Concerned with pathogenesis, the following diseases are connected with estrogen

Endometrial carcinoma, endometriosis, uterine myoma, dysfunctional uterine


9. the etiology of the postpartum hemorrhage

Uterus atony; retained placental tissue; obstetric laceration; coagulation defect.

10. The complications of plancetal abruption.

1. DIC; 2. Hemorrhagic shock; 3. Amniotic fluid embolism; 4. Acute renal

failure5.Intrauterine fetal death

11. The kinds of degeneration of uterine myoma.

1.Hyaline degeneration; 2.Cystic degeneration; 3.Red degeneration; 4.Sarcomatous

change; 5.Degeneration with calcification.

12. The manifestation of endometriosis.

1. Dysmenorrhea and chronic pelvic pain; 2. Dyspareunia; 3. Abnomal

menstruation;4. Infertility. 5. Acute abdominal pain.

13. describe the abruption of placenta.

1. palace body becomes hard to become globose, 2. theumbilical cord that the vagina

exposes is lengthened by oneself,3. small amount vagina bleeds, 4. use the palm to

press the lower part of the uterus, the body of the uterus rises and theumbilical cord

that shows is not retracted.

14. abnormal delivery

influence childbirth, have productivity, birth canal, fetal, mental state 4 factors, any
one or more above factors happen unusual, or cannot be adapted to each other, make

progress of childbirth hinder, say abnormal childbirth. Abnormal delivery includes

abnormal labor fonce, abnormal birth canal and abnormal fetus.

15. clinical manifestation of cervical cancer.

vaginal bleeding (early contact, late bleeding), drainage, pain and bad

metamorphism; cervical exogenous/endogenous/ endocervical /ulcer type; pelvic


16. complications and drawbacks of IVF-ET

(1) Multiple gestations-transferring more embryosdo not necessarily lead to a greater

IVF success rates. (2) Ectopic and heterotopic pregnancies-A sig-nificant risk to

mothers. (3) Cost-Currently only 12 states allow healthinsurance to cover infertility

treatment,which leavesmany couples with tremendous expenses. (4) Pulmonary

embolus-A result of superovula-tion that increases coagulability. (5) Preterm birth and

low birthweight infants. (6) Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.

17. major histopathologic categories of ovarian cancer

epithelial;gem cell;sex cord and stromal;neoplasms metastatic to the ovarian

18. the concept of menstrual cycle.

The average length of the menstrual cycle is 28 days from the start of one menstrual

period to the start of the next.

19. the concept of corpus luteum.

The ruptured follicle is converted into corpus luteum, and begin secreting

20. COMPLICATIONS of uterine prolapse

Leukorrhea, abnormal uterine bleeding, and abortion may result from infection or

from disordered uterine or ovarian circulation in prolapse. Chronic decubitus

ulceration of the vaginal epithelium may develop in procidentia. Urinary tract

infection may occur with prolapse because of cystocele; and partial ureteral

obstruction with hydronephrosis may occur in procidentia. Hemorrhoids result from

straining to overcome constipation. Small bowel obstruction from a deep enterocele is


21. Clinical grading of uterine prolapse

1. first-degree: cervix palpable as a firm mass in the lower third of the vagina.

2. second-degree: cervix visibleand projecting into or through the vaginal introitus.

3. third-degree: the cervix and entire uterus project through the introitus and the

vagina is totally inverted.

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