ARM Sample

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SAMPLE - For Reference Only ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SA 105M ARINNO, MRU-ARW-0589-0, Revo Date Rovision Details Pr red by_| Reviewed by wea by TraavTo Fist issue Rea irs a iS St. No, Parameter Reference CodelValueiRequirement For Lar Roterence| A |General Requirements [NozzteYorg ngs are wiendod tobe used 1 prose essa) a1 [intended use ln pero refinery 2 fiteteria Spociteatinr [SA-105M of ASME Soc I, Par A, Ex. 2017 : R3_[Inseston by [CovosmUveWioNY 4 [Coriieaton EN 10204 2008 - Type 3.2 ° 5 |ReoainWelang Not poemitec Lar a6 peciieaton [Certain requroments oF ths document aon addon Ta JASME requremonts Supplier to ensure basic ASME |ecuirerents. in case of any confct betwaen ASME code Jane this document, supplier shal apart the seme before procescing for manufactur, Bear waning Bt fetoer mang Pro Etectic Arc Fumace or Basic Oxygen furnace route 82 [rreatmont Steet shal be Normalised, Fully Kiled Seal ane trea loraines as per para 8 of SA-20, C__[ehemistry Basic Chemistry © IRoquirement [Basie Chemisty [Basic Compostion as per material spaced in lause AP Procucr Anais 5 ar materiel specication Telacim GaSe AZ C17 |Compasition [above lAdaitional Chemistry 0.23% (Max) on heat an praduct analysis cz [Aadional ch Jo =0.23 % (Max) on neat and product analy Lar aa [AS per materia epocTeation Inlad WORSE AE ICouron D [Heat veatment Dt |Meat treatment of Forgings |- - Dit [Type or Heat Treatment [Normalized - pe eat Tratmentottest a an rovgng . 103 |simutation neat treatment 03.1 [Loading Temp (Max) 00 deg c 232 rote of heating Mex) [20.089 cine 033 [Soaking temo ls00- 620 degc 03.4 |Soaking ume (animum) lets SAMPLE - For Reference Only 035 [Ree ot Gooing Waximin) [p0deu Cre 026 |eetnodo cooing in Fumace 027 untossing temp tx) [sco den ¢ [As Suppedcorditon ASME ©: [Hardness Test PA Sulton Nox PHT (spor D3) Eis |peceptenco vaio a0 HN an) [As Sipe’ cordon £2 frensie test Awe iz Ater Smulation Max PWHT sper D3) €21 [Specimen numeers) [as porratora specication £22 [oromaion& Location |as por mater specication - E23 [Test Tenporaire [As per raters speateaton 322 _pecesanco vac IAs per ater spectoaton 1. As Supplies coeion| £2 impact test (Charpy V test ur 2. ter Smulation Max. WHT (As por O 3) [Gro ctf vce spacimans Fam ach pate as-0HeH 6 py £31 [Soecmen(vambos) (Oras £52 [ovionton & Locsin [As por SA20N 229 [fest Temperature joaaese zi 64 _[pecentance value > pane vate a) £241 lrortiveosoecmeny PY - coan |etwsvat vaio oan) Tre : fforany single soecmen) F wor FI__|r tone conducted on [As supped condor 100% fu Preseae IAs por SR 38aM wih Gontnuous scanning GverTOO%E forging sures. me Js pers 200 a 68 £2 Jer Testto be conducted forPermittes ony en area whore MT not feasible - 721 [Proceaure Jaspers 1907 ro F22_[pecopance Jaspers 197A ream 5 [ar Fest robe or fnal machining - es BAT Testo be Entre surtaceo fring at fal machining 731 [Procedure [as ber St0 SA Toate 732 econaneo [Roped € oF ASHE See VII D7 ei S_Packaging Forgigs sal be Saab packed ara my CaTaGE 61 packaging tarng rons - HW [eerieaton SAMPLE - For Reference Only 1 |h3) prior tauspaten of consignment, Ma lype 32. TC sna ain 2 east the folowing [23 5218 of ongina Wi TC and release notes shal be daly endorsed bythe Wepeaton [er test ceticates shal conform to EN 10208 usr Hit [Host anaiyss results. Predvalanalyes results (i applicable) HiL2 _[Resuits of mechanical esis as par material specification, hath cotaied rocarts Hig [Pelas/Resuts of A NDE stating the reference of the acceptance slandardicnlone ane HI [Cerificate of compliance with te materal speaTcaion [all be state inne report. 11 [Fer mechanical properties, sumbor of test pieces, location, diacion and spoomven €ue 111.8 — [Ceriicat of compliance with SA05M lnts sna be plaved in bracket. $1 unts shall govern. Haz _ [Onl Stunts sal be folowed boi Stand US customary unts we mod US Cision ara 19 of SA- 961M shal also be eporion 111.8 _ [Ary requirement not specied in tis Gocumont. but required as por para @ of STOO E 11.9 [Flange gasket fave nish shall be serrated fish 125 AARH 1 Timportant insiractions Hi L&T the Cient reserve the ightto spec witness te Haleval eatng MTS [F8eh forgng shal be stencifed with marafactunng name fade mark mateial [rspection agency’s stars 12 [bpecifeatin, grade, size, neat number coreatng wit test cetfcates& when applicable, frclude the requirements of pars 13 of SA-TOEM & para 17 of SA THEM! 13 [SWNT Shel bs done using Yow soar ound nosed hard do Samos: Marking aT Seong Ti came Caste "ts se

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